Saints Make a Splash
2022 has been a spectacular year for Swimming at St Peters and we'd like to once again congratulate the St Peters Boys AIC and Girls QGSSSA Swimming teams for their incredible success at this year's AIC and QGSSSA Swimming Championships. Their achievements were very much the result of dedication and hard work by both the swimmers and the coaching team and the St Peters Swimming community should be very proud. Read on for a season wrap up and highlights from the AIC and QGSSSA Championships...
School Spirit in their Sights
Earlier this year, the St Peters Indooroopilly College Captains were invited by Quest News to share their leadership vision for 2022 as part of a feature on southeast Queensland's school leaders. Read on to find out what they said...
2021 Academic Results
St Peters Lutheran College congratulates its class of 2021 on their exceptional academic results.
St Peters’ Ironbark Program
St Peters Lutheran College’s iconic Ironbark program has been covered widely since its installation as a permanent program in the 1970s, and it’s one that deserves all the publicity. For 45 years, the Ironbark outdoor education program has been a rite of passage for St Peters students—it’s offered the chance to get back to basics, with students jumping at the opportunity to experience rural life for five weeks. Recently, the R.M. Williams OUTBACK Magazine ran a feature on the program. If you missed it, read on for the highlights.
Learning Underground
In the September School Holidays, a group of four St Peters Year 10 students joined 11 other South East Queensland students to venture out to Ernest Henry Mining, 38 kilometres outside of Cloncurry. There, they learnt all about copper and gold mining and one student even got to go underground!
St Peters Teachers are EPIC
St Peters Indooroopilly Year 5 teacher, Mrs Miriam Bryan, is one of the participants in the collaborative, ground-breaking research project, EPIC (Engaging Parents in Inquiry Curriculum), by Griffith University, Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) and QIS Parent Network. The project’s final report is due for release at the end of this month, but we’re sharing some key findings with you now!
Year 7 Attend 'Something School'
On Thursday 21 October, seven Year 7 students ventured into the city to attend ‘Something School’—an event delivered by Something Digital and BOP Industries. The students spent the day listening to industry leaders in the areas of digital technologies and were inspired to explore how they might be able to make a difference in their communities by using digital solutions.
Holiday Screen Time
The impacts of screen time have been discussed for years, but, in the wake of recent COVID-19 Lockdowns (and a subsequent move to online learning), we wanted to know whether opinions have changed at all. In this blog post, we look at the findings from a recent University of Queensland-led study. The verdict? Perhaps it’s time to encourage your children to ditch the holiday screen time and head outside!
St Peters Community Hub
The St Peters Community Hub meets in the P&F Centre every Thursday during Term time. Run by a group of tireless volunteers, it’s a place of outreach, support and connection. If you’ve ever wanted to join our 'Hubsters', or you’d just like to find out what it is that they do, this is the article for you!