School will commence on Monday 24 January, 2022.
In Lower Primary, staff are on duty from 8.00 – 8.15am and from 3.00 – 3.30pm.
In Upper Primary, our duty is from 7.45am - 8.05 and from 3.10 – 3.30pm.
Prep – Year 4
School commences: 8.15am
Morning tea: 10.15 - 10.45am
Lunch: 12.45 - 1.30pm
School concludes: 3.00pm
Years 5 & 6
School commences: 8.05am
Morning tea: 9.45 - 10.10am
Lunch: 12.40- 1.30pm
School concludes: 3.10pm
A letter will be emailed in the week prior to the commencement of the school year. This will outline, to the students, their new class and teacher for 2022.
Families new to our community in 2022 will be invited to attend a Meet and Greet afternoon where there will be an opportunity to meet with staff, view classrooms and familiarise yourselves with our environment. This will take place on Friday, 21 January from 1.00pm – 2.00pm (for Lower Primary) and from 1.30pm – 2.30pm (for Upper Primary).
Directly following this, all new and current students in Years 3 – 6 are invited to drop off book packs to their classrooms. This is a chance to off load these resources so that the first formal day of school can be a little less stressful for everyone.
Years 3 and 4 – all non-consumable items are to be clearly marked with your child’s name. Consumables (not named) will be shared throughout the year. Years 5 and 6 – please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name on them. Classrooms will be open from 2.00pm – 3.30pm.
While this is a great time to meet your child’s teacher, it is not designed to discuss their needs for the coming year. There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss your child in the first few weeks of Term 1.
Lower Primary
Prep students will proceed to their classrooms on arrival at school from 8.00am.
Students in Years 1-4 are to either utilise the Kiss and Go facility or the Pedestrian Kiss and Go Facility outside the Grey umbrellas from 8.00am where they will be directed to their classrooms. Their 2022 classroom teachers will be on hand to welcome them. Parents are asked to say goodbye quickly to ensure a smooth start for everyone.
Upper Primary
Students in Years 5 and 6 can proceed directly to their classrooms. Parents should not be on site.
For Lower Primary, Chapel will take place on Wednesdays, and for Upper Primary students, Chapel will take place on Tuesdays. Formal Uniform (Years 1 – 6) is required to be worn on these days.
Assemblies will take place at the following times:
- Prep – Year 4 students: 8.30am fortnightly on a Friday in Belfield Hall; and
- Years 5 and 6 students: 2.20pm fortnightly on a Thursday in the Dron Auditorium.
Tips for parents of Year 1 students for a successful first week
The teacher on duty will meet the children at the Grey Umbrella area between 8.00 – 8.10am. Students will say goodbye and line up in their class line at this time.
Children can be picked up either from the Grey Umbrellas or Kiss and Go from 3.05pm. Parents should collect their child from one of these two locations. If your child attends OSHC, they will make their way to Belfield Hall immediately after school concludes.
Parent involvement in the Primary Years activities is most welcome and information about these opportunities will be detailed by class teachers. Teachers are available to meet with parents before and after school, however, an appointment is essential to ensure adequate time can be given. Parent/Teacher interviews are held at the end of Term 1. Three Way Conferences will occur at the end of Term 3. Written reports on students’ academic progress are available on at the end of each semester.
Student diaries are used for written communication between teachers and parents. This is the preferred form of communication between home and school. Students will be given their diary on the first day at school. All members of staff have email and parents are welcome to use this, however, bear in mind that our teachers’ priority is actively teaching children so emails may not be checked within a school day.
Weekly news is incorporated into the College newsletter, The Rock. Other news will regularly be updated on the College’s Learning Management System, Firefly. Please b e sure to check the class/year level blog of your child. Important, relevant information is written here.
Supplementary information will be sent home at other times throughout the year. Individual year levels often prepare their own notices to parents pertinent to upcoming events to that year level.
Primary Years Information Evenings
Parent information evenings, featuring classroom and specialist teachers, will be held in the second and third weeks of Term 1.
Prep - 4 Information Evening | 8 February
- Tuesday 8 February, 5.45pm - Prep | 6.30pm - Years 1-4
- Prep Centre, Lower Primary Classrooms and Belfield Hall
Years 5 & 6 Information Evenings | 10 February
- Thursday 10 February, 6.30pm – 8pm
- Chapel
These extremely important gatherings help to develop a strong connection between parents, form class and specialist teachers. Please mark them in your diary.
Lower Primary students wear sports uniform on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and formal uniform on Wednesdays. Prep students wear the sports uniform five days a week.
Students in Upper Primary will wear their formal uniform Tuesdays and Thursdays. Their sports uniform is worn on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Students must be neatly dressed each day in clean, well-fitting uniforms. Black leather lace-up shoes are required for the formal uniform while predominantly white sports shoes are the prescribed footwear for all other times. Please name all items of clothing. Please refer to the parent handbook on mystpeters under the ‘Primary Years ‘school tab for further details and clarification.
St Peters is an official SunSmart school and a regulation is that the appropriate hat is always worn outdoors. Rash shirts must be worn during swimming lessons. Sunscreen is also a requirement when going outdoors.
Due to allergies, each child is responsible for bringing their own personal supply of sunscreen. A roll-on stick clearly marked with the child’s name is preferable.
Swimming lessons are held weekly during Term 1 (beginning in Week 2) and Term 4 as part of the Physical Education Program. These classes are conducted in the 25m pool. Students are required to bring their swim-wear, towels, sunscreen, goggles and swim caps for each lesson. Students in Years 3 - 6 are required to provide their own flippers. Class teachers will notify the children of their timetabled HPE day.
Children are expected to bring healthy lunches from home each day. Sweets, chocolates and other high fat / sugar foods are strongly discouraged. We ask that you also do not bring any product containing nuts.
Students in the Lower Primary setting have access to the facilities of Café 45 with a pre-ordered Tuckshop facility. The service is offered Monday – Friday for lunch – with a small menu for students in Prep – 4. The format will require parents to order online and the food will be delivered to the Lower Primary classrooms just prior to lunchtime. Parent volunteers help pack the lunches.
Students in Upper Primary may access the Tuckshop each day; however, they must always remember to bring their ID card with them. Please ensure adequate money is available on your child’s card if you intend for them to access food at the Tuckshop.
Our Primary Years Parent Support Group organise special lunch days from time to time throughout the year. More specific details will be communicated to parents at these times.
To reduce the risk of allergic reactions children are not permitted to share lunches. Whilst we do not have a policy, we have several children with allergies in the Primary Years and ask that nuts be excluded from your child’s lunchbox.
Outside School Hours Care
St Peters operates Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) from Belfield Hall in Lower Primary. We cater for Prep-Year 12 students before school (7:00-8:15am), after school (2:45-6:00pm) and, vacation care and pupil free days (7:00am - 6:00pm).
More information, including enrolment forms and fees, are available on the St Peters website.
The car parks at the entrance to the school and on internal roads are reserved for staff only. For safety reasons, under no circumstances are these areas to be used for dropping off or picking up of children between 7:00am and 3.30pm.
There are two green 2-minute set down zones either side of Lambert Road near Lower Primary for parents dropping off children. Parents are not permitted to drive into the school grounds to drop off or pick up their children unless using Kiss and Go. Parents are encouraged to use the Kiss and Go Zone, which operates between 7:55am – 8:10am and 3:05pm – 3:30pm in the Stolz Oval car park. This service has been provided to ease congestion along Lambert Road and to ensure our children are safe. Students from Years 1 – 6 can utilise this service.
The drop off area for Upper Primary students is on Harts Road. This can also be congested at times, so care must be taken at peak times around this area.
Before School – Lower Primary
Children should arrive no earlier than 8.00am and should depart immediately after school finishes, unless attending Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) or a supervised after-school activity. Although supervision is provided for a short period before and after school, to ensure the safety of children arriving and departing, it is not intended that this should be an extended play time. Please note that, for safety reasons, children should not be at school unaccompanied by an adult before 8.00am, as this is when playground supervision begins.
Children who arrive unaccompanied before 8:00am or who do not depart promptly after school, or immediately after an after-school activity, will be taken into Outside School Hours Care and the usual fee will be charged.
Before School – Upper Primary
Duty commences from 7.45am. Students arriving prior to this should also be in an authorised before school activity or Outside School Hours Care.
During School
Students in Prep - Year 6 will receive an ID card early in the school year. Students in Years 5 and 6 are required to sign in and out with this card at the Upper Primary Administration area. Parent of students from Prep – Year 4 are required to accompany their child with their ID card to the appropriate administration area if their child is arriving late or departing early. This is a mandatory procedure as it serves as a record of attendance for students throughout the College.
After School
Students should make their way promptly to the designated pick up areas as soon as school has finished unless attending supervised after-school activities. They may not play on College grounds en-route to and from school. To prevent any misunderstandings or concern for your child’s safety, please ensure that the school is advised of any changes in travelling arrangements.
In the event your child is unable to attend school because of illness, medical appointments etc., it is the responsibility of parents to contact the College before 8.00am.
Students in Prep – Year 4: Please advise of the intended absence by emailing A phone call to the Lower Primary absentee line for Prep – Year 4 on (07) 3377 6565 can be an alternative.
Students in Years 5 and 6: Please advise of the intended absence by emailing A phone call to the Upper Primary absentee line for students in Years 5 and 6 on (07) 3377 6123 can be an alternative.
An SMS message will be sent to your mobile if absences are unexplained. If you receive an SMS, please reply to this notification of your child’s whereabouts as a matter of urgency.
Primary Years Parent Support Groups
The Primary Years Parent Support Group provide further opportunities for parents to become involved in the College and new members are always most welcome. These groups meet on a regular basis (once per term) and dates for meeting times can be found in the school calendar.
It is a requirement of the College that any parent, volunteer or individual visiting the College campus sign in at the designated administration areas. Upon signing in, visitors will receive a visitor badge. This applies to all volunteers (parents, family members, visitors etc.) helping in classrooms as well as anyone who is on the College grounds. The safety of our children is paramount.
A warm welcome is extended to you all for your journey in Primary Years in 2022.