This week, I am delighted to share some of the key events and initiatives that are enlivening our learning community. Each of these initiatives is united by a strong sense of community connection, preparing our students for a life of purpose.
First, let us take a moment to celebrate the outstanding Academic achievements of our graduating class of 2024. Impressively, 47% of Year 12 students received their first course preference for university, and 41% received early offers for tertiary study. Health remains the primary field of study chosen by St Peters Springfield graduates, followed by Science, Management, and Architecture. At our Opening Ceremony this week, our College community proudly acknowledged the brilliant accomplishments of our College Dux, Nishanth Rakesh, and joint Proxime Accessits, Brianna Trinh and Jacob Frandsen. It is truly inspiring to see our St Peters Old Scholars walk through our gates, prepared for a purposeful life shaped by our unique values.
The 2025 school year has begun, as always, with our cherished tradition of partnering with parents to support and celebrate every student’s unique pathway. Primary Years teachers and teacher assistants have warmly welcomed families to the College at information evenings, designed to forge strong relationships that help our students flourish. Similarly, Secondary Years will host information evenings and Senior Conferences to build on the already strong relationships that characterise our Secondary Years community.
Excellence in Christian co-education continues to be a hallmark of our commitment to student growth. Our Primary Years staff are working towards International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) authorisation, having achieved candidature in this world-renowned program in 2024. The Secondary Years’ extensive elective subject suite continues to expand, with exciting additions such as Year 10 Science Amplified, Year 11 Economics, Year 11 Health, and Year 11 Diploma of Business. Furthermore, our dedication to going the extra mile to support each student is exemplified by our Year 12 Academic Coaching initiative, launching next week.
As always, our Term 1 Academic program is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with students, parents, and the wider community, renewing our commitment to learning at St Peters Lutheran College Springfield. I am honoured to start this year as the inaugural Head of Learning and Innovation at St Peters Springfield.
Ms Sarah Gunn-Glazebrook Head of Learning and Innovation
What's On
What's on Term 1
6 February – Secondary Years Swimming Carnival
7 February – Upper Primary Swimming Carnival
10 February – Years 11-12 Visual Arts GOMA Excursion
12 February – Upper Primary Swimming
12 February – Junior High Information Evening
Symposium 1 – Growing up Online | Monday 24 March (NEW DATE)
In today’s digital world, young people are more connected than ever—but with this connectivity comes risks. To help parents navigate the challenges of raising children in the online age, St Peters is proud to present Symposium 1: Growing Up Online, featuring Australia’s leading cyber safety expert, Susan McLean.
Event Details: Monday 24 March, 6:45pm – 8:15pm Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre Tickets: $5.00 per person (Proceeds donated to charity)
Susan, a former police officer and Australia’s foremost authority on cyber safety, will share expert insights on online risks, including cyberbullying, grooming, sextortion, problematic gaming, and exposure to harmful content. She will also provide practical strategies to help parents manage digital devices and keep their children safe online.
This adults-only session is a must for all parents and caregivers.
Do not let your hearts be troubled...My Father’s house has many rooms; … And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:1-3
Over the holidays, I experienced the death of my aged mother. She was 95 and a half years old. My siblings and I hoped she would reach 100 years of age. But this was not to be. She lived a long life and she lived it well. My siblings and extended family were able to farewell her with joy and thank God for all she did for us and who she was, a person of faith and love. In her last days, she chose this reading from John’s gospel to be read at her funeral. These special words from Jesus have been used by Christians countless times over the generations to comfort people as they approach the end of their lives.
These words are special because they can help bring hope to people who are facing the uncertainty of life’s great unknown—death. These words of Jesus can help bring comfort to family members who are grieving their loved ones' loss. And these words can help broaden our vision of God’s kingdom being large and welcoming enough to accept all people, including us. In these words, Jesus describes heaven as God’s house which has many rooms. Also, it is a place in which Jesus has gone before us to prepare a place for us.
It’s a special feeling when a place in which we stay has been ‘prepared’ for us. When we have a place to rest our heads for the night and someone has gone to the trouble to make it special, welcoming and homelike. For example, a hotel room or bed and breakfast accommodation where someone might have put some chocolates on the pillow, some cold water, milk or even a bottle of wine in the fridge. Or simply opening the windows or turning on the air conditioning during a hot summer’s day. These small gestures of preparation can make all the difference in making the guest feel welcomed and at home in that place.
In these words from John’s gospel, Jesus promises us such a place that he prepares for us. A place where we are welcomed and belong. A place where there is no trouble in our hearts. A place where God dwells with us and gives everlasting life. This vision of God’s house of many rooms is big enough to include you and me. Just as I have hope that my mother is in God’s house, in a place that has been prepared for her. My faith in Jesus trusts this image of God’s kingdom. The kingdom that Jesus came to give his life for.
As we roll through another school year and our lives continue to journey with all its inevitable joys and sorrows. May we take moments of stillness to be comforted by the promises of God. Promises, such as these words of Jesus, which can comfort, sustain and engender hope in us, in all circumstances.
Tim Jarick College Pastor
Important Notices
Update on the College Bus Route S73
We’re aware that some families have experienced longer travel times on the S73 afternoon route. While recent adjustments aimed to support more students, traffic conditions have made the current schedule less efficient.
We’re working with Southern Cross Transit to explore improvements, including reviewing traffic patterns and stop usage, with the view to revise the schedule to improve serviceability if need be.
Thank you for your patience – we’ll keep you updated as we work towards the best outcome for our community.
Mr Tim Green Operations Manager
Safety in the College Carpark and Surrounding Streets
At St Peters Lutheran College Springfield, student safety is our highest priority, including in and around our College carparks and surrounding streets. We remind all families to adhere to the 40kph School Zone speed limits on surrounding streets during designated times. In the carparks, we ask all drivers to follow 10kph Shared Zone speed limit, follow the directional signage, use the designated Kiss’N’Go zone appropriately and remain vigilant for pedestrians, especially during peak times. A reminder too to please note that the Staff Carpark should not be used for school pickup and drop-off.
We also encourage all members of our community to use designated pedestrian crossings when crossing roads to ensure safety for both pedestrians and drivers, this applies both within the College carparks and also in surrounding streets.
We will be following-up this notice with pastoral conversations with our students over the coming weeks, where we will discuss road safety and doing the right thing.
This issue is very important to us and by applying our College values of Care, Dignity and Respect we can all work together for a safer environment.
Craig Brown Head of St Peters Springfield
Primary Years
Year 6 Students Embrace Leadership and Reflect on Their Legacy
In Week 1, our Year 6 students took part in thoughtful discussions about the lasting impact they want to leave as they prepare to graduate from the Primary Years in November. They explored the importance of teamwork and how a sense of connectedness is vital for achieving leadership goals. A highlight of the week was a meaningful string exercise, where students tossed a ball of string to a classmate while sharing a personal connection. The resulting web symbolised the strength of their bonds and the power of collaboration, offering a valuable opportunity for reflection on how their relationships and actions can positively shape the College community.
Students have enthusiastically embraced their new leadership responsibilities, marking an exciting milestone in their final year of the Primary Years. Their roles include raising and lowering the flags, assisting with Chapel preparations, helping to run Assemblies, Library helpers, and assisting Prep and Year 1 students during lunchtime. These responsibilities provide authentic opportunities to develop skills in responsibility, teamwork, and confidence.
We look forward to witnessing a year filled with growth, achievements, and inspiring leadership from this exceptional group of young leaders.
Ms Susan Levitt 6S Pastoral Care Teacher
Secondary Years
Years 11–12 | 3-in-1 Conferences
In Week 6 of Term 1, Tuesday 4 March, Years 11–12 3-in-1 Conferences will be held from 1:40pm – 5:40pm. Accordingly, Years 7–12 students will be dismissed at lunchtime on this date. General supervision will be provided in The Hub during Lesson 5 for any students requiring it.
We believe that student academic success is founded on strong relationships and clear communication between students, teachers and families. As such, we very much look forward to welcoming our Years 11–12 students alongside their parents at 3-in-1 Conferences.
At 3-in-1 Conferences, Year 12 students and parents can expect to discuss Unit 3 learning progress, with a focus on IA1 and IA2. Meanwhile, Year 11 students and parents will discuss Unit 1 learning progress, with a focus on FIA1.
A booking link and further details regarding Years 11–12 3-in-1 Conferences will be released to families shortly via email.
Ms Sarah Gunn-Glazebrook Head of Learning and Innovation
Secondary Years Elective Subject Changes
The elective subject change window for students in Years 8–11 is open from now until 3:00pm on Friday 7 February. Students wishing to apply to change elective subjects should visit Head of Learning and Innovation, Ms Sarah Gunn-Glazebrook, at Curnow House. Please note that some elective subjects are at full enrolment capacity.
Ms Sarah Gunn-Glazebrook Head of Learning and Innovation
2025 Business and Economics Competitions
We are excited to be kicking off the 2025 Business and Economics Competitions in partnership with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and The University of Queensland (UQ). There are some amazing prizes, including scholarships up for grabs. The upcoming BlueShift competition, with QUT, is open to students in Years 10-12. Students do not need to be studying Business – we are seeking innovative thinkers and creative problem-solvers.
If your child wishes to participate, please submit your expression of interest to Miss Banks ( by the end of Week 2.
Miss Natasha Banks Secondary Years Teacher
Years 7-12 | 2025 Assessment Calendars
Years 7-12 Assessment Calendars have been posted on the PC Firefly page of each year level group. Assessment calendars provide an overview of final assessment tasks (exams and assignments) due each week.
Often, teachers will ‘chunk’ assessment tasks (particularly assignments) into smaller tasks to support students to manage their time well and develop self-regulation skills. For example, teachers may outline two-three checkpoints (including a rough draft) before final submissions are due. Checkpoints allow teachers to monitor student progress and provide timely feedback. Accordingly, students should meet all the assessment deadlines outlined by teachers.
Ms Sarah Gunn-Glazebrook Head of Innovation and Learning
Year 7 Camp 2025
On Wednesday of Week 1, 84 Year 7 students and six staff members travelled to the Sunshine Coast Recreational Centre at Currimundi for an exciting three-day camp. The students used this time to develop connections with each other and establish strong foundations for the year ahead.
Across the three days, the students rotated through four different activities that aligned with the camp’s focus of ‘demonstrating resilience’, Mr Johns organised a fantastic Trivia Night that tested the students’ knowledge of our College and pop culture, and Ratatouille was the overwhelmingly popular film of choice for the Movie Night.
Across all activities, the level of participation and support of one another was truly inspiring. There were moments of wonder and awe as the students explored Currimundi Lake and tried their hand at fishing with hand reels and pumping yabbies. Joy and excitement were evident for all as students mastered new skills like Archery and Body Boarding. Finally, students pushed themselves to past fears, and with the support of their peers, completed challenging tasks like the Low Ropes, the Giant Swing, and the Catapult.
The feedback from staff at the centre was overwhelmingly positive with our students demonstrating gratitude and politeness to all members of the camp team. This cohort is already embodying our St Peters’ values of Care, Dignity, and Respect, and we couldn’t be prouder of the strong foundations set by these students for the year.
Thank you to Ms Ross, Mr Johns, Mrs Hunter, Mrs Wise, and Mr Gustafson for their attendance and support of our students.
Mrs Eldene Johnston Year 7 Coordinator
Performing Arts
Performing Arts News
Be on time, Be prepared, Be a leader, Believe!
Last week our Woodwind Teacher, Ms Kathleen Kalkaus resigned with her last day to be Thursday 13 February. Kathleen has been part of our College for the past two years. We are sorry to see Ms Kalkaus leave and thank her for all her work with our Woodwind students, Concert Bands and Chamber Ensemble. We wish her well in her new adventure. Parents will be notified once a replacement has been finalised.
Year 3 MES and Year 5 MEB
The Year 3 Strings and Year 5 Band Programs have commenced for 2025. These programs are offered on a Semester rotational basis in conjunction with Classroom Music. This program incurs no additional fees or charges and by the end of Week 2, hire forms for parents to sign and acknowledge instrument care and responsibilities will be sent home from Mrs Sarah Schmeider. Thanks to Mrs Sarah Schmeider, Ms Celine Crellin and Mr Max Slater for leading these worthwhile instrumental experience programs.
Private Tuition Sign-in
A reminder that all Secondary Years students undertaking Private Tuition lessons are required to sign in and out of lessons. (Instrumental, Singing and Drama). Students attending the PAB Building will have access to a sign in terminal in PAB5 (monitored by the Instrumental Teachers) and students attending lessons in Curnow House can sign in and out at Student Services.
Private Tuition
The Private Tuition offers all students from Kindergarten to Year 12 the opportunity to learn a musical instrument or undertake Speech and Drama lessons during the school day with our highly qualified Instrumental Staff. There is still availability for Speech and Drama and Guitar/Ukelele lessons together with Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Trumpet, Trombone, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone and Percussion. Please refer to the Handbook found on Firefly for further details or email Ms Yasmin Powell further information
Cocurricular Activities
Week 2 saw several Performing Arts Cocurricular activities commence rehearsals for the year. Opportunities exist in a variety of Music, Dance and Drama Ensembles. Please refer to the Cocurricular Handbook located on Firefly/Secondary Springfield/The Arts/Instrumental Music and Ensemble Handbooks. Enrolment forms are located at the back of Handbooks and once completed should be emailed to
Present Participation Numbers – Snapshot of Performing Arts within the St Peters Springfield community:
135 individual tuition lessons
150 students involved in Cocurricular Ensembles
18 Performing Arts Cocurricular Groups – Dance, Drama, Music
New Ensembles for 2025 – Percussion and Guitar Ensembles, Rock Band Most Ensembles (except Strings) will commence next week – please refer to the schedule in Cornerstone for times and locations.
Growth Benefits of participating in the above activities:
Builds self-reliance and self-directive meaningful learning
Embraces challenges and learning from mistakes
Develops audience communication skills
Teaches from the inside out
Harnesses collective intelligence for shared success and mutual growth
Fosters an internal drive directing choices
Explores and defines a meaningful life purpose beyond the classroom
Australian Girls Choir Open Day
Look no further than the Australian Girls Choir (AGC) who encourage, challenge and inspire girls as they learn to sing, dance and perform. School aged girls are invited to come along to the Open Day to be held on Saturday 22 February to try fun and inclusive classes and learn more about being part of the AGC! Please visit the AGC website to register to attend the free Open Day: //
Upcoming Events:
Thursday 6 March – Lunchtime Concert Years 7-12
Monday 17 March - Strings Lunchtime Concert
Mrs Geraldine Campbell Performing Arts Coordinator
Old Scholars vs Opens Football Match – Monday 17 February
Springfield Sport
Sports Bus Bookings
Students participating in AIC, QGSSSA, and SPW Sports at Indooroopilly must book a seat on the Term 1 Sports Bus via the 2025 SFD Sport Bus Manifest on Teams. This must be done through the student’s account. For assistance, please contact
Inter-House Swimming Carnival
The Inter-House Swimming Carnival for Upper Primary Years and Secondary Years students takes place this week at Waterworx. Please engage with both Upper Primary Years and Secondary Years programs that were sent out last week. This is a compulsory day with students transported to and from the College.
Central District Sport Trials
Parents and guardians should refer to the 2025 Central Comets Trial Calendar for all upcoming trial dates. Nominations due to Mr Reed
Term 1 Tennis Participation Program – Tuesday Afternoons
Students aged 5-11 interested in Tennis, baseline Tennis Coaching is running sessions from Tuesday 4 February.
Where: Springfield Central Sports Complex 1/44 Sportstar Drive, Springfield Central
Cost: Fees $22.00/60min, pay by Term.
When: Term 1 From Tuesday 4 February to Tuesday 25 March 2025 for eight weeks
Our Year 7 and Years 9–10* (Born in 2010) team is still looking for numbers so if you are interested in joining CLICK HERE
Years 7, 8, and 9 teams will be playing St Patricks College Saturday morning. Senior boys will be playing Padua 2nd XVIII on Friday night. All teams will be playing at South Pine Sporting Complex, 620 South Pine Rd, Brendale.
Please note this season our teams will be competing in the following competitions:
Senior Boys – 2nd XVIII
Year 9 – 9A competition
Year 8 – 8A competition
Year 7 – 7A competition
For our Senior boys playing Friday night, a bus will transport all players from school to South Pine and back to school post-game.
For Years 7, 8, and 9 teams please ensure all players are at the correct ground no later than 60 minutes prior to the start of their game ready to warm up.
As it is AIC Round 1 proper can all players also ensure they have the correct game day uniform. Years 7, 8, and 9 teams must purchase game day shorts (please see below). These can be purchased from Shop 45 at Indooroopilly campus.
Senior boys will be provided game day shorts.
All players will be provided a jersey on game day.
A reminder that players are to wear closed-in shoes before and after games and are not to wear Crocs, thongs or sandals.
Last Saturday, trial games were played for all AIC Cricket trials vs ATC and SEC. There are many highlights from Saturday with strong wins in 1st XI, 10A, 10B, 7A, 5A the standouts, with our 9A also securing a rare cricket draw, holding off St Edmunds College in the final over. This weekend will feature our Seniors away and Juniors at home, with our first Senior home game against Iona College in Round 3 and Pink Stumps vs Marist College Ashgrove next weekend!
Cross Country Training has started and sign-up links have been sent out! For any students in Years 7–12 interested in signing up for Cross Country in 2025 please see below the messages from Mrs Schreiber, Cross Country Coordinator, to support your participation in Cross Country, as well as your weekend AIC sport i.e. Chess, Football and/or Rugby. The training schedule can be found on the St Peters app with Wednesday afternoons being the priority session for team training. There are sessions offered every day to balance your Term 1 sporting schedule. Please prioritise your current Term 1 sporting commitments.
Meets/Championship (CLICK HERE for Calendar) Meets are on Wednesday afternoons and begin in mid-Term 2, meaning it will not clash with your AIC fixtures – you can do both!
With Term 2 sport just around the corner, I invite you to complete the following sign-up process to help finalise our numbers for your respective sport.
Please complete by end of week 4, Friday 1 February.
Season information including training schedules for Chess, Cross Country and Rugby can be found on the St Peters app, with more information to be sent out from respective coordinators shortly.
Athletic Development
The St Peter's Athletic Development Program supports students' physical growth and athletic performance, with sessions available before and after school in the Weights Room at the Indooroopilly Campus. Juniors (Grades 7-9) focus on mastering fundamental movement patterns, while Seniors (Grades 10-12) build on these skills with tailored programs for all levels. Regardless of gym experience, we cater for all levels and encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Girls are encouraged to attend Athletic Development
To help St Peters celebrate the sporting achievements of students who have competed in a State or National teams please complete the Microsoft forms – CLICK HERE
With hundreds of athletes competing in dozens of sports, this will help us ensure your students achievements are not left unnoticed and can be considered for College celebrations.
this week in sport
AIC Australian Rules, Cricket, Volleyball and Swimming are the current IN-SEASON BOYS AIC SPORTS this term and training is currently well underway.
For details of times and venues for this weekend’s Round 1 vs St Patrick’s College please check the information on the St Peters App.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App. for both venue details and time of games for the Trial Round of St Peters AIC Boys Sport.
Please CLICK HERE for AUSTRALIAN RULES game day schedule
Please CLICK HERE for VOLLEYBALL game day schedule
For our St Peters sporting programs to positively develop and grow, it is paramount that our students attend training sessions for their chosen sport, so they can improve and refine sport-specific skills and build cohesion amongst their team-mates.
If students are unable to attend some training sessions, it is vital that their absence is communicated to their coaches firstly, and also the respective coordinator/s.
Please also CLICK HERE to access the AIC Sporting Calendar for 2025.
Matchday expectations
A reminder that all St Peters boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and at AIC games. All uniforms can be purchased from Shop45 or via School locker, please refer to website for opening hours. For matchdays enclosed footwear must be worn to games, no slides or crocs are to be worn at St Peters or associated AIC schools. They are not part of the school uniform and are a risk for Workplace health and safety.
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements
At Training – All St Peters AIC volleyballers are to wear their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training
At Games – All St Peters AIC volleyballers must be wearing:
St Peters numbered Volleyball shirt (NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games)
St Peters maroon PE/Sports Shorts
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their training session
At Games – All St Peters cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing:
St Peters ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Cricket Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Australian Rules
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC Australian Rules footballers must wear their PE Uniform to training (Year 7 and Year 9) and Seniors can wear their black opens warm up shirt. Students are to be wearing boots and have a mouth guard
At Games – Students must have mouth guards
Joggers MUST be worn at all times before/after games – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they are dressed in St Peters Formal Uniform. Should a student not be wearing the correct attire when attending a sporting event/game, they may be asked to leave the venue.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Daniel Fraser Boys Sport Coordinator
Girls Sport
This week is special in the history of girls Sport at St Peters, as it was the first time that our girls competed in the QGSSSA Cricket competition. We hope that the 2025 QGSSSA Cricket teams (Open and Div 1) enjoy the season and pave the way for future generations of girl’s cricketers at St Peters. Best of luck for the season girls!
Please come and support our girls on Mayer Oval and Stolz Oval on the 12 March (Week 7) for our Focus Round and Pink Stumps fundraiser.
Congratulations to the following girls on their selection in the inaugural St Peters Open Girls Cricket Team.
2025 QGSSSA Open Cricket Team
Charlotte A (Year 12) – Captain
Heather G (Year 12)
Lily D (Year 10)
Chloe R (Year 9)
Josi M (Year 9)
Peggy G (Year 9)
Hannah J (Year 8)
Kiara M (Year 8)
Millie H (Year 8)
Elizabeth B (Year 7)
Sabine G (Year 7)
2025 Girls Sport Captain, Sophie S (Year 12) and 2025 Girls Sport Spirit Captain, Lucy A (Year 12)
We hope you're all excited for another fun year of Sport, and a big welcome to any new students joining us this year. As your 2025 Sport and Spirit Captains, we’re thrilled for the year ahead and can’t wait to get to know you all both on and off the field. Don’t miss the chance to sign up for Term 1 Sports—we’ll be there to cheer you on and support you every step of the way! We’re looking forward to seeing you all get involved, whether you’re trying something new or continuing with your favourite Sport.
Training has started – Sign on closes Friday Week 2:
Congratulations to Laura M (Year 10) who has been selected in the 16&U Girls National Age Group Program squad for 2025. The NAGP program supports and develops athletes in preparation for the relevant international age group events and prepares athletes for future selection in Senior National Teams.
Track & Field
In December, our Senior Girls Team won the 2024 National Schools Challenge Final for the second consecutive year! Our Intermediate girls also placed an impressive fourth in their division.
Senior Team - Gold
Milla Roberts (2024)
Zoe Chester (2024)
Allira T (Year 12)
Amaya M (Year 12)
Sophie S (Year 12)
Ava K (Year 11)
Bronte G (Year 11)
Addison F (Year 10)
Diva E (Year 9)
Many of our students also achieved individual success at the All Schools National Athletics Championships:
U18 Women 800m – Milla Roberts (2024) Gold
U18 Women Pole Vault – Sophie S (Year 12) Bronze
U18 Women Shot Put – Allira T (Year 12) Gold
U18 Women Discus – Allira T (Year 12) Bronze
U17 Women 200m – Amaya M (Year 12) Gold *Meet record
U17 100m – Amaya M (Year 12) Silver
U16 Womens Discus – Jenali B (Year 11) Silver
U16 200m Hurdles – Addison F (Year 10) Silver
U15 Womens Pole Vault – Sadie D (Year 9) Gold and Lilja J (Year 9) Silver
U14 Womens High Jump - Diva E (Year 9) Gold
Congratulations must also go to Charlotte B (Year 12) who at the recent Queensland Combined Event Championships was crowned the Women’s U18 Queensland State Champion for Heptathlon.
Congratulations to Olivia G (Year 9) who won the 15 Years 5Km Open Water, and Macy B (Year 12) who placed 3rd in the Girls 18 Years 10km Open Water events at the 2025 Australian Open Water Championships in Busselton, WA.
Over the holidays, many of our students competed on behalf of SPW at the Queensland Championships, where St Peters Western won were awarded club champions, winning the Hancock Prospecting Premier Club Trophy and Presidents Trophy. Well done to all students who competed and contributed to achieving this outstanding club award.
Pictured: Indi C (Year 12), Coach Cameron Gledhill and Kai G (Year 12)
In December, four St Peters girls’ teams competed in the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup hosted on the Gold Coast. Congratulations must go to our Year 10 team who placed third in Division 1. A special mention must also go to our Open team that placed sixth in the Open Honours division, which is the top division in the tournament.St Peters Year 10 (2024) Volleyball Schools Cup team – third place
Bronte G
Romi V
Sophia B
Shanti G
Tilly B
Stella S
Demi D
Nyssa R
Congratulations to Willow P (Year 11) and Tia M (Year 12) who have both been selected in Queensland State Netball Teams. Willow (17&U) and Tia (19&U) will compete at the National Netball Championships in Sydney in April.
Tia has also been selected in the First Nations national squad – The Black Swans. The Black swans will compete t the 2025 PacificAus Sports Netball Series this month at Nissan Arena.
Well done to Stephanie P (Year 11) who won Gold in Women’s Championship U17 2000m Single Scull at the recent Queensland State Championship Regatta.
Share your achievements
We would like to acknowledge student sporting achievements throughout the year. If your daughter has competed at a national or international level, please click here to share the details with us.
Katie Veitch Girls Sport Coordinator
Parent and Friends (P&F) – Expressions of Interest
The St Peters P&F at Springfield is excited to support key College initiatives and run engaging events to strengthen our College community in 2025! We have two fantastic opportunities for our St Peters Springfield family and friends to get involved.
Volunteer Opportunity – Uniform Shop
We are seeking volunteers to help run the Second-Hand Uniform Shop on Tuesdays from 7:30am - 8:30am. This can be on a roster basis, and any assistance would be greatly appreciated to keep this valuable service running smoothly.
Join the P&F Committee – 3 Positions Available
The P&F Committee meets monthly, and we are looking for enthusiastic individuals who are passionate about enhancing our wonderful College community. If you are interested, we warmly invite you to our next meeting:
Tuesday 11 March - 6:30pm The Hub (College Library)
If you would like to assist with the Uniform Shop, join the P&F Committee, or register your interest in volunteering at events, please reach out to us at