No Act of Kindness, no matter how small, is every wasted. Aesop.
Focus on our School Values of Care, Dignity and Respect as well as our School Motto of ‘Ever Higher and Beyond’ brings the culture of kindness into our classrooms and break times every day. We know that it is important to nurture kindness from a young age so the next generation of young people show compassion, empathy and are service orientated.
Research has shown that we need to teach our young people what kindness means. This is in response to a focus on achievements or happiness rather than on being kind human beings.
One way is to model kindness as our children notice how we treat others, how we talk to others, how we react to situations. Talking through situations with our children is also important as well as letting them know that showing kindness is not always easy.
Another way to encourage kind habits is by volunteering, giving, comforting and supporting others. At St Peters one of the ways we do this is to take part in Community Focus days – where we see a part of our community in need and show kindness by supporting with monetary or physical donations.
Our Community Focus Day on Thursday was supporting Baby Give Back. At Baby Give Back they help families in crisis because they believe every baby deserves an equal start. One of our founding staff members, Mrs Carly Lovell, is involved in this organisation and has spoken to many of our students about how our act of kindness means so much to others.
On Wednesday 16 March we will be celebrating Harmony Day which promotes kindness and inclusiveness to all regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. Information about this day will be sent to families by our PC teachers.
Another of our focus days at St Peters to promote kindness is National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. It is on 18 March but our Primary school will focus on this day the following week. The theme for 2022 is Kindness Culture. By building Kindness Culture together we can promote inclusion, respect, and community belonging for all students across Australia. Our staff will focus on Understanding Bullying, Responding to Bullying and Preventing Bullying. This builds on the Safety Internet day that we held early in Term 1 to promote kindness online as well.
Genuine kindness is important to learn so we are kind not just because we get a reward for it. It is by observing and experiencing the satisfaction of offering kindness to others that helps us learn it is more than being nice. It is an intentional action to make a difference to someone else.
‘To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.’ Dr Seuss
Kind regards
Debbie West-McInnes Head of Primary
16 March Harmony Day – Information to be sent via PC teachers 18 March Primary School Disco P&F flyer attached in this newsletter 21-15 March Focus on National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence 21-31 March Parent Teacher Interviews
What's On
Monday 14 March - Friday 18 March
Monday 14 March
Academic Honours Assembly Year 3 Excursion to Robelle Domain
Wednesday 16 March
Harmony Day QGSSSA Swimming Championships - Chandler Twilight Group Tour
Thursday 17 March
Gregg Dreise Incursion
Friday 18 March
Principal and staff Installation Primary Discos
Arise Lutheran Community Church
Arise is a Lutheran community that meets at St Peters, Springfield. It’s a place where you can come to know God’s love through Jesus, and find light and hope for your life, and connect with other families from St Peters and the wider community.
In our service you will hear God’s word, sing, pray and share in Holy Communion if you want to. There’s a message for the kids too.
As I am about to leave the St Peters community, I thought about this ‘place in between’, from where one looks back and knows about a future that still feels unreal and hasn’t been lived – yet.
As expected, there are mixed feelings - sadness about leaving the familiar place behind with the many people I have connected with over these many years but, also being grateful for the memories I have made every day with many students, boarders and staff; memories that I will take with me.
And I wonder, if many in our community find themselves in a similar space: grieving the many opportunities that COVID has denied them over such a long time, and, more recently, grieving the losses that the flood might have caused; grieving losses in your own lives that can be of so different shades and in so different ways
Or, thinking of the war that has been unleashed on Ukraine – so many grieving the losses: of their homes, the despair about the violence and threat to family and country, the fear what the day and yet the tomorrow brings; so many lives lost, mothers with their children displaced, having had to leave their husbands, fathers and brothers behind to fight, not knowing if they would see each other ever again.
KYRIE ELEISON – Lord, have mercy!
Is the cry of the anguished people, that call out to the one, who promised to never abandon his people. The prayer goes out: Lord, have mercy – on those affected by the floods, who have to rebuild their homes and lives; on those afflicted by the war, who are fearful, on those anxious, who don’t know what tomorrow brings.
Lord, have mercy and grant us
the assurance of your aboding presence – also through those who come to aid the afflicted;
grant shelter and food, support and care for the many displaced – in our country and abroad;
grant healing and restoration of trust, move the Leaders to compassion, that their decisions bring wellbeing and peace to all.
Grant all of us a future, gracious God, and show us the way, how each one of us can be involved, to build peace and a more hopeful future for all!
The Lord bless and keep you, The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious on you, The Lord look upon you with favour and grant you peace!!
Pastor Silke Indooroopilly Campus
Important Notices
Prep to Year 6 Parent/Teacher Interviews: Term 1 2022
Parent/Teacher Interviews for Prep to Year 6 students will be held across Weeks 9-10 of Term 1, which provide a range of times to suit families. Prep interviews are 20 minutes in duration. Years 1-6 interviews are in 15-minute blocks.
If you have more than one child in Prep to Year 6, we ask families to leave a time slot between each interview, so you are able to meet each committed time. If families are not able to attend any of the times available, they are asked to contact their PC teacher/s for alternative dates and times that are mutually acceptable. Interviews are with Pastoral Care teachers only. The interviews will be held in your child’s Pastoral Care room, adhering to COVID-safe protocols, using hand sanitiser upon entry, and practising social distancing. Alternatively, please advise the Pastoral Care teacher if you would prefer to meet via Teams. If you wish to speak to specialist teachers, please email them separately to make an appointment.
Parent/Teacher Interviews are an important part of our reporting process so teachers can discuss the progress of students so far and then make decisions about ways to support or extend in Term 2. Students are also most welcome to attend the interviews so goals can be discussed as well.
The booking of Parent/Teacher Interviews will be online using the link below. Using this system, you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any internet-connected computer. If you have any problems in organising a booking, please contact your child’s Pastoral Care teacher.
The booking system will be open from Monday 7 March until Wednesday 16 March.
To organise a booking, please follow the following steps:
Enter your Parent Portal ID number and password
Select ‘Community Portal’
Click the ‘Interview’ tab at the top of the page.
Choose an available time (by clicking “avail” for the teacher you wish to meet with).
If you have more than one child in Primary, please choose a different child on the top right hand of the screen and repeat steps.
Once you have finished, print your appointment times and close.
If you need any further information about Parent/Teacher interviews for Prep to Year 6 students, please contact Mrs Kate Hofstee ( or your child’s Pastoral Care teacher.
NAPLAN Online 2022
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students will be conducted between Tuesday 10 May – Friday 20 May 2022. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. National Testing provides information on how students are developing in the specified areas in relation to national benchmarks. The tests also provide useful information which assists in improving teaching and learning.
NAPLAN is aligned to the Australian Curriculum: English and Mathematics. Questions are multiple choice or require a short written response. Conventions of Language includes spelling, grammar and punctuation. Numeracy includes number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and chance and data. The Writing task will require students to write either a narrative or a persuasive text. This will be evident from the stimulus they are given and we will not know what it is until the day of the Writing test. Year 3 students will complete the Writing test on paper.
In 2022, students will undertake NAPLAN using the online platform. NAPLAN Online delivers numerous benefits including:
a tailored test design that adapts to correct and incorrect student responses, providing a more precise understanding of student achievement
innovative use of technology, including a more engaging test design and a wider range of item types
the extension of the test window to two weeks, allowing schools greater opportunity to schedule the tests at times that suit them best and increasing student participation
Technical Requirements
Students in Year 3 will complete NAPLAN using the Year 3 iPads, which are owned and managed by St Peters and has the locked down browser installed.
Students in Year 5 will be using their BYOD iPad. The NAP locked down browser app must be downloaded (at no cost) from the app store.
v1.8.3 Updated 7 October 2021
Students in Years 7 and 9 will use their BYOD laptop. The NAP locked down browser must be installed. Please click the links below to download the appropriate browser to install on the computer desktop.
All previously installed NAP locked down browsers must be deleted and replaced with the updated versions. We ask that the locked down browser is installed on all devices at the earliest convenience.
Additional equipment required by all students:
Headphones, earphones or earbuds
Physical keyboard (wired or wireless) is required for laptops
Physical keyboard (wired or wireless) is optional, although highly recommended, for use with iPads
Pencil for working on scrap paper
Teachers will expose students to similar test formats and question types through an integrated approach in the lead-up to national testing. In addition, schools are required to undertake practise tests prior to the conclusion of Term Two. This schedule is included for your reference:
Year 3
Year 5
Year 7
Tuesday 22 March
Wednesday 23 March
Thursday 24 March
Year 3 will complete the Omnibus, which is an amalgamation of Numeracy, Conventions of Language and Reading test questions. As the Writing test is conducted on paper, practises for this domain will be within English lessons. Years 5 and 7 will complete practise sessions in both Writing and the Omnibus test. As Year 9 will be at Ironbark during the test window, teachers will expose them to each of the domains using the demonstration tests on the NAP locked down browser.
Through both the practise tests and exposure to other practise materials during classroom lessons, students will become familiar with the instructions, procedures and technology used in NAPLAN Online, including:
Navigating through test questions
Playing audio in order to listen to spelling sentences, Maths questions and writing stimulus
Manipulating test tools e.g. rulers, protractors
Parents, guardians and caregivers can support their children by making them feel comfortable about the purpose and nature of the tests and encouraging them to do their best. They can also assure students that the tests will give them an opportunity to show the knowledge and skills learned in class.
All students are encouraged to participate in NAPLAN tests. Students with a disability may qualify for adjustments that reflect the support normally provided in the classroom. Mrs Stephanie Wise, the Exceptional Learners teacher, will contact you if your child is eligible for special provisions for the tests.
A formal exemption may be granted for a student with a significant intellectual disability and/or significant coexisting conditions, or for a student who has recently arrived in Australia and has a non-English speaking background. Parents or carers may withdraw their child from the tests to address issues such as religious beliefs and philosophical objections to testing.
For further information regarding NAPLAN or the processes for adjustments, exemption and withdrawal, please contact:
Years 3 and 5
Ms Susan Levitt (Prep-Year 6 Curriculum Leader: Assessment and Reporting) Mrs Kate Hofstee (Prep-Year 6 Contemporary Learning Leader)
Years 7 and 9
Dr Michelle Thygesen (Secondary Academic Administrator)
Susan Levitt Prep-Year 6 Curriculum Leader: Assessment and Reporting
Primary Years
Primary Disco
Our P&F is excited to be holding the Semester 1 Disco for our students on March 18. There are three different times to suit the different age groups. Prep is from 3.30 – 4.00 pm, Yr 1-3 from 4.30 – 5.30 pm and Years 4-6 from 6.00 – 7.00 pm. It is a great night of dancing and fun. Parents are asked to drop students to the PAB area where students will enter the Disco. Students are supervised going to the bathroom and getting a drink.
There is a coffee van set up for the afternoon so parents are able to have a complimentary coffee while they wait for their children. Any parents who do stay need to ensure they follow the COVID safe practices sent out by the College this week. There will also be a QR code to sign in at this event.
Our PC teachers will send out a reminder in their weekly blogs.
Around the College
Staffing Update
I write to advise parents and caregivers of some staffing changes that will occur over the coming weeks and months. Decisions have been made with careful consideration, in light of growing enrolments here at the College and optimising student outcomes and wellbeing.
Firstly, we will soon be advertising two Leadership positions for St Peters Springfield that will begin during Term 2, 2022.
Mrs Sue Grotherr will finish up her time onsite as Head of Secondary on Friday 13 May. The College therefore requires the Head of Secondary role to be filled. I wish to thank Sue for her years of service at the College, for her calm, thoughtful manner and dedication to the role. I know that she will be dearly missed by staff and students alike. We will celebrate Sue’s time and efforts at our school in Term 2. Sue will do a thorough handover with the new Head of Secondary Years.
With the growth of our school and in light of our strategic directions to drive excellence in teaching and learning, we will also advertise a new Secondary Leadership position: Director of Studies and Pedagogy, Years 7-12. This role will support teachers in maximising student learning across Years 7-12. The director will be responsible for providing leadership in curriculum content and continuity of learning experiences and effective teaching and learning for our secondary students.
Wellbeing on Wellness Way
Weekly Wellbeing
I hope that our families are travelling ok. It has certainly been a bit of a ride this term. Earlier in the year, the staff decided our wellbeing mantra for this year would be ‘Bouncing Through ‘22’, and haven’t we had to learn the skills of ‘the bounce’ very quickly.
Resilience is what we mean by bouncing, and through these weekly updates I’ll bring you some research and insights into how you can grow your own and your young people’s ‘bounciness’.
For now though, I’d like to introduce you to our yearly parenting subscription to ‘Happy Families’. Bought for you by the P & F, Happy Families is a program developed by Justin Coulson that helps you pick up some helpful parenting strategies. There is a weekly newsletter – which I think are great, personally – and also webinars and Q and A’s in terms of parenting milestones, eg. Parenting Teenage Girls… The Happy Families Membership is a great product and offers life-changing content for families.
To access this free subscription – thank you P & F – this is the link you’ll need to sign up.
We will also feature links to these on our Facebook page and engage with you about other initiatives Happy Families offer throughout the year.
Please reach out if you need any wellbeing support and take care.
ALFRED – Compassion Child
Since 2017 St Peters Springfield has been supporting a sponsor child, Alfred. Alfred lives in the Philippines with his father and mother. Here are a few facts about Alfred.
Birthday is 30 May 2010
Lives in Philippines
Lives with his father and mother. His father is sometimes employed as a day labourer. There are no other children living in the household.
Helps with the following duties at home:
Carrying water
Kitchen chores
Making the beds
Favourite activities and interest include:
Group Games
Sunday school/Church
Attends school
Alfred is in the school equivalent of year 6.
Alfred’s favourite subject is Physical Education.
Managing COVID at St Peters
As mentioned in previous communications, St Peters is using a range of COVID-19 prevention and health measures to limit the risk of transmission.
As announced by the State Government, the College has been provided with an allocation of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).
If your child develops COVID-19 symptoms during the day while at school, they will be able to access a free RAT provided by the Government from the College, through the First Aid Room. You will be issued with a RAT as you collect your child from the College. As per the Queensland Government Guidelines, parents/carers will need to collect their child and administer the test at home.
If your child(ren) is unwell, in quarantine or will be absent from the College, please follow normal processes to report your child’s absence by emailing or by phoning 3470 3850.
As previously advertised, for an update on Positive COVID Cases at Springfield. Click on the link below.
Please read the Caring for the St Peters Community document (link below) which outlines what you can do and what St Peters is doing as a part of our COVID-19 Planning Framework.
Click here for the latest Australian Lutheran World Services News.
From the SPOSA Office
SPOSA (St Peters Old Scholars Association)
Do you know an Old Scholar of St Peters Springfield?
We are looking to build up our database of St Peters Springfield Old Scholars so that we can stay connected over the years. If you know a previous student of St Peters Springfield, please let them know to contact the SPOSA Office at Indooroopilly on 07 3377 6592 or
Class of 2012 Reunion
St Peters Springfield is planning to hold a 10 Year Reunion later this year for the Class of 2012. This was Mrs Houston’s Year 8 class from 2008, the founding Year 8 class that remained the ‘Seniors’ of the school for 5 years! Mrs Houston and all our staff would love to see these Old Scholars again.
If you know an Old Scholar from this year level, please ask them to contact the SPOSA office on 07 3377 6592 or to register their details. We are especially looking for one or two Old Scholars who would like to help organise this reunion.
SPOSA Tennis Tournament
Dust off your racquet, find some of your old St Peters Springfield school mates and come along to the SPOSA tennis tournament for a fun afternoon with family and friends on Sunday 13 March. Whether you played last week or haven’t picked up a racquet for a few years, there is a place for you. There are two playing categories to cater for those a little more competitive than the rest of us.
“Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope” Martin Luther King Jr.
With no St Peters Sport on last weekend, it provided me and my family with the opportunity to help others in need. It really was heart breaking to see the devastation around our suburbs but also heart-warming to see the wonderful support in our community. We continue to keep all our St Peters families affected by the flooding in our thoughts & prayers.
It has been a challenging start for our Basketball, Football & Touch seasons but our girls are showing great resilience.
With the impact of flooding on facilities and equipment at many of our QGSSSA member schools, please see below for the decision made by the principals to regard to the start of the season.
Basketball - Fixtures do not change – proceed as scheduled, starting Fri 11 March.
Football & Touch
Round 1 is an abandoned round (teams share points)
Rounds 2-9 proceeds as scheduled
Competition remains pennant eligible
Good luck to our Basketball girls for Round 1 and IGGS have agreed to play trial games for our Touch teams. Unfortunately, with Football fields impacted across Brisbane including our new home ground Toowong Football Club, fields were not able to be secured for Football trial games. It is our hope that these trial game will be scheduled at some stage throughout the season.
To follow on from a tradition we introduced to Girls Sport in 2021, Mr Kotzur and Mrs Delaney joined us to present the Open uniforms to our 2022 QGSSSA Open Basketball, Open Touch & Open Football teams. It was great to have parents attend the presentation as we celebrate the great achievement for the girls, and an opportunity to come together before the season begins.
When presenting the girls their uniforms, Mr Kotzur and Mrs Delaney spoke about the honour of representing St Peters at the highest level and the role models they are to our younger students. They also spoke about our motto, 'Plus Ultra’ and striving for ever higher to give their all to inspire others in their respective sports.
We thank Mr Kotzur and Mrs Delaney for joining us and inspiring our girls.
Daisee L, Toby S, Sophie B, Sophie D, Gabi N, Charlotte B, Sonia McG, Kayla G & Aldora T
Congratulations to our Basketball Captains: Charlotte B & Sonia McG and Vice-Captains: Toby S & Aldora T
Lauren S, Lila F, Julianna G, Hayley M, Sophie M, Sienna O, Isla M, Sophie K, Natalia M, Savannah N, Gabbie E, Mimi B, Gabby S, Thalia S, Ellie S-S & Cassie H
Congratulations to our Football Captain: Lauren S and Vice-Captains: Annie W & Julianna G
Sophie T, Steph B, Renee C, Shaniqua E, Jess T, Tayden T, Jess H, Zara L-R, Charlize D, Lauren G, Jazelle D & Ella Jaye H-L
Congratulations to our Touch Captains: Steph B & Sophie T and Vice-Captains: Jess H & Madi vdM
Please note the Open Swim Team & Captains will be announced next week.
With further rain on the forecast, please keep an eye on the St Peters App for cancellations. We will endeavour to do this by 1.30pm for afternoon training sessions and 5.30am for morning training sessions. Updates for game days will also be provided, students will also receive an email.
Please CLICK HERE for details of the trial games v IGGS this Friday afternoon – The draw can also be found on the St Peters App. DRAW ATTACHED TO EMAIL PLEASE CASS
2022 QGSSSA Swimming Championships – WEDNESDAY 16 MARCH
Please see below for details of the next week as we prepare for the rescheduled QGSSSA Swimming Championships.
All girls, including reserves, are expected to attend the below, IF GIRLS HAVE A CLASH WITH FRIDAY AFTERNOON BASKETBALL OR TOUCH FIXTURES, please pop into Sports House to discuss with Mr Nodwell.
Friday Afternoon 11 March – COMPULSORY INTERNAL SWIM MEET @ the 50m pool, 3.30pm – 5.00pm
Next Monday 14 March – School Training @ the 50m pool, 6.15am – 7.30am
All members and parents of the Swim team will be emailed further information very soon.
Fantastic news, we are now able to have student spectators to the event, students have been emailed a link to sign on.
The fourth and final Gala Day is scheduled for this Saturday 12 March. After an amazing start to QGSSSA Australian Rules which was followed by two weeks of washouts, all schools will come together at Metricon Stadium on the Gold Coast to finish the inaugural season with a bang! Please CLICK HERE for this week’s draw.
To say the second half of the season has been challenging is an understatement.
A big shout out to our Water Polo families who were affected by the recent flooding. We have heard so many stories from the girls about how high the water came into their homes, streets having no power and the horrible clean up. The resilience shown by our girls in these tough times is a reflection on the support they have received from their families and everybody in the St Peters community.
For many of our teams Round 13 will be the last game of the 2021/2022 season. We have several teams U13C, U14B, U14C, U15C, and Opens who pending on this weekend’s results will decide whether they get into finals.
At the end of the first half of the season we had two teams in first place - U13C and the U16C. The 16C team was put up in the 16B competition. The girls are playing really tough games the level of polo from C to B divisions is a huge step up. We have been really proud of this team and the way they are toughing out the harder games. Our U13C team was undefeated and has lost one game in the second half and lost points for the forfeit last weekend.
Last Tuesday we finally got the Tube Polo competition, which was stormed out last year for our U12, U13 and U15 teams. Shouts of laughter were heard far and wide as our teams battled it out. Some girls came with huge luxury tubes others with tiny kiddy ones. The general theory is the bigger the tube the harder it is. Looking over the photographs of the night you can’t help but smile as you can see the fun that was had.
A big shout out to Mrs Champion for sticking to her promise and allowing us to reschedule the Tube Polo and for ordering the pizzas and for all her hard work. Thanks also to our coaches that got involved and joined in the fun. Special thanks to our Water Polo Captains Milly and Zoe for helping out and suppling the skittles for the winning teams.
Good luck for Round 13!
Date Claimer: Water Polo Break-Up – Details including the date will be advised very soon.
Cross Country pre-season training continues this week, there are many training sessions to choose from – all details are on the St Peters App. Do your best to attend as many of these sessions as you can, with Wednesday sessions being a priority.
Community Run Club is off & running also - Join our Running Community on Friday mornings - meet at 6.30am at the St Peters Bus Stop.
BSHS Invitation Meet: Tuesday 22 March
St Aidan’s Invitation Meet: Wednesday 30 March
St Peters Cross Country Camp: Friday 1 April – Sunday 3 April
QGSSSA Cross Country Championships: Saturday 14 May
AIC Boys Sport
Luke Donatini | Boys Sport Coordinator 3377 6234 |
‘6 In A Row’
The St Peters 2022 Boys AIC Swimming Team can proudly and confidently hold their heads high after once again performing amazingly at this year’s AIC Swimming Championships.
Setting the platform from the first event of the day, our swimmers all dug deep right until the very last event the day, the Open 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay, who were also victorious champions.
St Peters won the day aggregately 49.25 points ahead of second place Marist College, Ashgrove.
AIC Swimming Top 4 Places
St Peters Lutheran College 650 Points
Marist College Ashgrove 600.75 Points
Iona College 458.25 Points
Villanova College 440 Points
This 2022 win makes it six consecutive years in a row for St Peters Boys Swimming, a magnificent feat and a real credit to all involved in the swimming program.
I would like to acknowledge all the hard work, guidance and expertise that takes place each day, each week and each month in the lead up to these such events. It would like to make special mention and acknowledgment of our St Peters Swimming Coaches, Dean Boxall, Maxine Seear, Scott Crawford, Richard Sleight, Andrey Piana Dos Santos and Jacob Hansford, who guided our team to victory.
Likewise, a massive thank you to our Swimming Coordinator, Peter Dawson, who worked tirelessly in organising, cross checking, comforting, motivating and communicating with every swimmer before, during and after the day of the swimming championship. Equally as important were the roles played by both Shaun Nodwell and Jeromy Lohe. Over the years, their knowledge of every swimmer, times swum, and their constant communication of this knowledge to all involved within St Peters swimming made a significant influence in St Peters 2022 success. All of this is the dedication of this well constructed St Peters swimming fraternity.
Six consecutive St Peters AIC Swimming victories is an acknowledgement and celebration of a successful and a growing Swimming Program which has developed by a proud and enthusiastic swimming community. On behalf of St Peters Boys Sport, I thank each and everyone involved, your College is extremely proud of you!
AIC Swimming ‘New Records’ Achieved by St Peters Swimmers :
Boys 15 & Under 200 Metre Medley Relay Div 1 - 1:53.44
Boys 12 & Under 200 Metre Medley Relay Div 1 - 2:19.97
Boys Open 200 Metre Freestyle Relay Div 2 – 1:38.63
Boys Open 200 Meter IM Div 1 – 2:06.03 Josh S
Boys 12 & Under 50 Metre Breaststroke Div 2 – 40.51 Marcus R
Boys 12 & Under 50 Metre Freestyle Div 2 – 30.41 Luke A
Boys 12 & Under 50 Metre Backstroke Div 2 – 36.25 Luke A
Boys 12 & Under 50 Metre Butterfly Div 2 – 32.81 Luke A
Boys 15 & Under 50 Metre Butterfly Div 2 – 27.51 Tom D
Age Group Placings:
St Peters Senior AIC Team: 12 Years – 1st, 13 Years – 1st, 14 Years – 2nd, 15 Years – 2nd, 16 Years – 2nd, Opens – 1st. Overall – 1st
St Peters Junior AIC Team: Year 5 & Year 6 – Overall 3rd
This Week in Sport
We move towards Round 6 this weekend. St Peters will compete against Marist College in Australian Rules, and Cricket and Volleyball on Saturday. Most of our Senior teams, Years 10 to 12, will be competing home at St Peters, whilst most of our Junior teams, Years 7 to 9, will be away at Marist College venues.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App. for both venue details and time of games.
2022 Queensland Athletics Championships
St Peters were well represented last weekend at the Queensland Athletics Championships. Congratulations to the following St Peters boys on their performances.
Under 20 800m Ethan F(Year 12) 3rd (Bronze)
Under 18 400m Max K (Year 11) 7th
Under 17 400m Lachlan K (Year 10) 1st (Gold)
Under 17 Triple Jump Lachlain R (Year 11) 1st (Gold)
Under 17 Long Jump Lachlain R (Year 11) 4th
Under 17 100m Zachary Sc (Year 11) 6th
Under 15 High Jump Tristan B (Year 8) 2nd (Silver)
Under 14 Javelin Thomas S (Year 7) 2nd (Silver)
2022 AIC Cross Country & Runners Club
A reminder that training has commenced for all our boys who are wishing to be part of the St Peters Cross Country program. Not only are we wanting boys to compete competitively for St Peters in Cross Country but we are wanting all Years 7 to 12 boys who will be playing in Term 2 Sports (Rugby & Football) to strongly consider attending at least one (1) Cross Country session or Runners Club so to enhance their overall fitness level as they start to prepare for Term 2 Sports.
Cross Country at St Peters has traditionally been well received and very competitive at both AIC and QGSSSA. Let’s work hard in 2022 to maintain this high standard and consolidate on past years participation and performances. Training times for Cross Country can be found on the St Peters App. Boys can also find more details about Cross Country from the weekly sport email sent to them.
Term 2 AIC Sports – Sign On (Chess, Rugby and Football)
Over the past weeks several emails were sent to ALL boys in Years 7 to 12 regarding ‘Signing On’ for the Term 2 sports of Chess, Rugby and Football.
We strongly encourage all boys who are intending on participating in a Term 2 sport to please check their emails and sign on via the links within the Sign On email.
Wet Weather and Cancellations
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Dress Standards at St Peters AIC Sporting Training and Games
A reminder that all our boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and games.
AIC Volleyball | Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – All St Peters AIC Volleyballers are to be where their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training.
At Games – All St Peters AIC Volleyballers must be wearing their numbered volleyball shirt and maroon PE/Sports Shorts.
NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games. WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games.
AIC Cricket | Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their first training session of the week. The second training session you are to wear your ‘Sports Uniform’.
At Games – All St Peters Cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing their ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play.
St Peters Student Spectators on Game days
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal college hours, it is expected that they be dressed in St Peters apparel whilst attending these events.
Term 1 & 2 AIC Coordinators Contacts
If the sport specific information you are looking for cannot be found on the St Peters App, please contact the below sport specific coordinators directly,
Information regarding the St Peters Lutheran College Springfield Sport program will be communicated through a range of modes including email, St Peters App and Cornerstone. Students and parents will primarily receive information from the Head of Sport at Springfield but at times may also receive information from the Girls and Boys Sport Coordinators or individual Sport Coordinators. Parents and students are encouraged to download and use the St Peters App for information regarding the Sport program.
St Peters APP
Please download the St Peters ‘app’ today!!
All information regarding the St Peters Lutheran College Sport program including sport training times and venues, draws, coordinator details and wet weather arrangements can be found on the St Peters App.
*Please ensure that you update your preferences in the Settings> Subscriptions section of the app so that you only receive information from your appointed Campus or area of interest that are relevant to your family e.g. Springfield or Sports.
The app can be downloaded free through iTunes or Google Play, please search for St Peters: