“So often we think that joy makes us grateful, when in reality it’s gratitude that brings joy.” – Brene Brown
Over the weekend, our community experienced significant weather events, including a cyclone and periods of heavy rainfall. We are pleased and grateful to report that our campus stood strong, thanks to the preparedness of our dedicated staff and the resilience shown by our community members.
Moments like these remind us of the strength, connection, and care that define our College community. While events such as these can be challenging, they also offer valuable opportunities for conversations with our young people about resilience, safety, and community spirit.
Finding Strength in Our Wellbeing Model
These unexpected disruptions provide us with a perfect moment to reflect on our Secondary Years Pastoral Care model and its three core principles: Gratitude, Empathy, and Mindfulness. In particular, practicing gratitude during challenging times can transform how we experience these events.
As we return to our regular routines, we invite everyone to embrace a perspective of gratitude. We can be thankful for our intact facilities, for the safety of our community members, and for the swift responses that kept everyone protected. This practice of gratitude isn't merely about positive thinking—it is about recognising the gifts in our lives even amid difficulty.
The Power of Gratitude
Renowned author/researcher/presenter Brené Brown reminds us that "Joy comes to us in moments—ordinary moments. We risk missing out on joy when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary." She discovered in her research that joy and gratitude are inextricably connected: those who actively practice gratitude experience more joy, not because their lives are better, but because they allow themselves to recognise and appreciate what they have.
As we process this weather event together, let's encourage our students to notice the small moments of connection that emerged—perhaps family time during the College closure, neighbours helping one another, or simply the beauty of seeing our community rally together in response to adversity.
Resources for Families
To support you in these discussions, we encourage you to explore our excellent resource, SchoolTV. It offers expert advice and practical tools to help guide conversations on a range of important issues affecting our students, including how to manage feelings around significant events.
As always, we look forward with optimism and remain committed to supporting every member of our community through whatever challenges come our way. Thank you for your continued trust, care, and partnership.
Mr Dominic Piacun Head of Secondary Years
What's On
What's on Week 7
13 March – NAPLAN Reading (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9)
14 March – Bible Presentation (Prep)
14 March – NAPLAN Conventions of Language (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9)
17 March – NAPLAN Numeracy (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9)
17 March – Strings Lunchtime Concert
18 March – NAPLAN Catch Up Session 1 (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9)
19 March – Senior Leaders Coffee Catch-Up with Head of Primary Years, Mrs Lia Sabri
19 March – NAPLAN Catch Up Session 2 (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9)
20 March – NAPLAN Catch Up Session 3 (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9)
21 March – NAPLAN Catch Up Session 4 (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9)
21 March – Primary Years Harmony Day
21 March – AIC Swimming Championships
21 March – Primary Years Disco
Senior Leaders Coffee Catch-Ups – Wednesday 19 March
Our Senior Leaders Coffee Catch-Ups take place every Wednesday from 7:45am-8:15am at The Hearts Cafe Coffee Nook.
Each week, a member of our Senior Leadership Team will be available to chat with parents and students over coffee. Whether you have specific matters to discuss or simply wish to connect with our Leadership Team, our Leaders are eager to engage with you.
Next Wednesday 19 March, Head of Primary Years, Mrs Lia Sabri, will be hosting the session. She looks forward to connecting with parents and community members in these meaningful conversations.
We warmly invite you to drop by and join us!
Mr Craig Brown Head of Springfield
Primary Years Disco – Friday 21 March
The St Peters Springfield P&F Committee is excited to invite our Primary Years students to the Term 1 Primary Years Disco. Students will enjoy an evening filled with fun, music and dancing. We can’t wait for them to showcase their dance moves!
WHEN: Friday 21 March
WHERE: Junior High Precinct
TIMES: Prep, Years 1–2 | 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Years 3-6 | 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Our Primary Years Discos are presented by the St Peters Springfield P&F Committee. If you would like to volunteer to help on the night, please email pf.springfield@stpeters.qld.edu.au.
St Peters Springfield P&F Committee
Symposium 1 – Growing up Online | Monday 24 March (NEW DATE)
In today’s digital world, young people are more connected than ever—but with this connectivity comes risks. To help parents navigate the challenges of raising children in the online age, St Peters is proud to present Symposium 1: Growing Up Online, featuring Australia’s leading cyber safety expert, Susan McLean.
Event Details: Monday 24 March, 6:45pm – 8:15pm Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre Tickets: $5.00 per person (Proceeds donated to charity)
Susan, a former police officer and Australia’s foremost authority on cyber safety, will share expert insights on online risks, including cyberbullying, grooming, sextortion, problematic gaming, and exposure to harmful content. She will also provide practical strategies to help parents manage digital devices and keep their children safe online.
This adults-only session is a must for all parents and caregivers.
St Peters Springfield has partnered with Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ) to give our whole community the opportunity to attend an engaging three-part webinar series with Madonna King. With her extensive experience and having authored multiple books around the topics of modern parenting, Madonna will offer valuable insights into raising emotionally healthy, resilient children and teens. These sessions will be informative, but are also aimed at equipping parents with practical tools and strategies.
The regular cost of these webinars is set at $45.00 per attendee, or $135.00 total for the series. However, due to the partnership with St Peters and LEQ, these webinars are able to be provided to our community at no cost.
Please register your attendance using the links provided, being sure to scroll to the bottom of the Humantix page to gain access to the St Peters School Pass tickets/access.
Mr Craig Brown Head of St Peters Springfield
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
As I write this article on Friday, we await Cyclone Alfred to cross the coast tomorrow morning. We live very close to the waterfront, and the predictions say it will be five to ten kilometres north of us. To be honest, we are a little anxious, yet we trust God to look after us. He has always been faithful to us.
On Friday night we experienced high winds and rain. This was only the opening act for Saturday night. It was very intense. We had relentless 100km winds and near horizontal rain.
Many Christian songs include reference to storms, and this is used metaphorically to depict the trials and tribulations people face. The hymn 'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God' by Martin Luther is a powerful declaration of God's protection. It does not explicitly mention storms, however, some of its verses can be applied to the theme of facing life's storms with faith. Here are a few relevant lines: "A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing." Luther speaks of God as a strong refuge, protecting His people even in life’s overwhelming circumstances.
Scripture frequently portrays people encountering storms while in boats, emphasising both the power of nature and God's deliverance.
The prophet Jonah (1:4) experienced a tempest: "Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up."
Additionally, the apostle Paul endured a dramatic shipwreck. In Acts (27:13–28:10), he faced “a wind of hurricane force, called the Northeaster” near Crete. In 2 Corinthians (11:25), he also recounts, “Three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea.”
Similarly, Jesus' disciples encountered a ferocious storm on the Lake of Galilee, fearing for their lives. Yet, Jesus came to them walking on the water and calmed the storm with a word Mark (6:45–52). This moment echoes the Old Testament book of Job, drawing a connection between Yahweh’s power over creation and Jesus’ divine authority and deity.
I am also reminded of the story of John Wesley crossing the Atlantic on board a sailing ship bound for America. On 25 January 1736, he observed a striking contrast between two groups of passengers during a fierce storm. As the violent squall tore through the ship, the English passengers cried out in fear, while a group of German Protestant Moravians remained calm, singing hymns with unwavering faith. Wesley was deeply moved by their humility and trust in God. When he asked if they were afraid, one replied, “No; our women and children are not afraid to die.” This experience profoundly impacted Wesley. It challenged his own trust in God.
On Friday and Saturday, I unconsciously sang these lyrics from Reuben Morgan's song “Still.” They were very comforting words as the storm approached:
When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father, You are King over the flood I will be still, know You are God
In life's severest storms, we are reminded that God is our stronghold and strength. Just as He calmed the seas for the disciples and delivered His people through tempests, He remains sovereign over every trial we face. He is our true and faithful shelter in every storm.
Grace and Peace.
Peter Schmidhauser Junior High Chaplain
Prep Bible Presentation
This Friday Prep students will receive a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible as a gift from Arise Lutheran Church. This gift acknowledges the beginning of our Prep students’ journey through school. Our hope is that as our students learn to read, they will learn to read and love God’s word. Parents are welcome at all Primary Chapel Services, but we especially welcome Prep parents to this special event. Junior Primary Chapel is at 8:30am tomorrow and will be followed by some light refreshments and a visit to the Prep Classrooms.
Pastor Matthew Wilksch
Wellbeing on Wellness Way
Building Emotional Resilience in Children
Emotional resilience helps children navigate life’s ups and downs with confidence. But resilience isn’t something children are simply born with – it can be nurtured. Simple daily practices can lay a strong foundation for emotional intelligence and long-term wellbeing. Try these evidence-based strategies:
Encourage problem solving: guide children to think through challenges rather than fixing everything for them.
Model healthy emotional expression: show them how to talk about feelings openly and constructively.
Validate their emotions: acknowledging feelings (even difficult ones) teaches kids that their emotions are normal and manageable.
Promote a growth mindset: help children reframe setbacks as learning opportunities.
By fostering these habits, you equip children with the tools to face difficulties with resilience and self-assurance.
Mrs Sarah Johnson Counselling and Pathways Leader
Primary Years
The Power of Play: Building Strong Foundations for Learning
In the early years of education, play is not just a break from learning—it is the learning. A play-based curriculum provides young learners with the essential skills they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Research consistently shows that children learn best through hands-on experiences that encourage curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving.
"Play is the highest form of research," Albert Einstein once said, and in our Prep and Year 1 classrooms, we see this in action every day. Through play, children explore concepts in literacy and numeracy, develop fine and gross motor skills, and build the confidence to take risks in their learning.
A play-based curriculum fosters essential social skills that set the foundation for lifelong learning. “Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play, children learn how to learn,” said educator O. Fred Donaldson. Whether negotiating roles in imaginative play, collaborating on a building project, or engaging in problem-solving games, students develop resilience, communication skills, and the ability to think critically, key attributes for success in the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and beyond.
Teachers also see the powerful impact of play-based learning in action. “When children engage in purposeful play, they are not just having fun; they are developing the skills needed for reading, writing, and mathematical thinking,” explains a Prep teacher. “It’s about creating rich learning environments where every child feels encouraged to explore and discover.”
At our College, play is intentionally woven into the curriculum to support inquiry-based learning. From storytelling corners that nurture a love of reading, to outdoor play spaces that encourage problem-solving and teamwork, every experience is designed to inspire curiosity. "Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning," noted educator Fred Rogers, and we see this daily as students make sense of the world around them through hands-on experiences.
By embracing a play-based approach in the early years, we are ensuring that our youngest learners develop the foundational skills, confidence, and love of learning they need to flourish. Through play, they are not only preparing for the next stage of their education but also for a lifetime of inquiry, creativity, and collaboration.
Mrs Lia Sabri Head of Primary Years
Secondary Years
Calling the Bright SPARQs of the Future
SPARQ-ed pronounce [spark-ed] is a unique biomedical educational program for school students, delivered through a collaboration between the Department of Education and the Translational Research Institute (TRI).
Students are provided with a practical introduction to biomedical research at our cutting-edge facility featuring a fully equipped Physical Containment (PC2) teaching laboratory and learning centre, located at the TRI in Brisbane.
The Senior Immersion program:
Working in a team on a real biomedical research project, students will use the latest technology to examine, test and analyse results, then discuss findings with world renowned researchers based at the TRI. Parents are invited to attend the final day presentation delivered by students in the program, followed by light refreshments and opportunity for question time with the lead researcher and SPARQ-ed staff. Students also have an opportunity to apply for a Bonus ATAR adjustment factor for entry into relevant courses at The University of Queensland.
Students must be in Years 10, 11 or 12 in 2025 to apply.
Cost: $440.00 (Includes tuition, lab materials, learning resources and catering for five days)
Group 1: - Session 1: 31 March – 4 April 2025 - Session 2: 7 – 11 April 2025
Group 2: - Session 3: 23 – 27 June 2025 - Session 4: 30 June – 4 July 2025
Group 3: - Session 5: 15 - 19 September 2025 - Session 6: 22 – 26 September 2025
The Junior Research program:
A two-day opportunity to explore hands-on introductory biomedical research using the latest equipment and technology in the PC2 Lab. Just like the Senior students, students in Years 8 - 10 can work alongside SPARQ-ed teachers and scientists from the Translational Research Institute.
Students must be in Year 8 or Year 9 in 2025 to apply.
Cost: $170.00 (Includes tuition, lab materials, learning resources and catering for two days)
Program dates for 2025:
Group 2 - Session 3: 29 – 30 May 2025 - Session 4: 18 – 19 August 2025
Group 3 - Session 5: 1 – 2 December 2025 - Session 6: 4 – 5 December 2025
Contact Dr Michelle Thygesen if you have any questions or concerns.
SunSafe Student Ambassador Program
The SunSafe Student Ambassador Program is seeking to recruit students in Years 8 - 10 who are passionate about promoting health and wellbeing. As a College we can nominate three to five students and a teacher to participate in a free workshop, held in September, which will empower students to support sun safety practices at St Peters Springfield and change attitudes towards tanning.
The workshop trains representative students in the importance of sun safety and how to deliver an engaging presentation. The students return to their schools and, using the skills they have learned, deliver a sun-safe pitch to their peers. The program also helps students to support sun safety practices in their school beyond the presentation.
Students must apply in writing to Dr Michelle Thygesen by the 21 March.
Dr Michelle Thygesen Curriculum Leader - Science and HPE
Performing Arts
Arts News
Be on time, Be prepared, Be a leader, Believe!
Strings Lunchtime Concert
Looking forward to the Strings lunchtime Concert next Monday. This may also include students who were not able to perform at the Lunchtime Concert scheduled for 6 March. Communication has been sent to parents and Tutors.
Instrument Hire Charging
There are several students who are hiring College instruments and the charge of $60 per Term will appear on the College account at the end of the Term. Students are encouraged after one year of hiring to purchase their own instruments, so that there are available instruments for new students. Please consult your child’s Instrumental Tutor for instrument purchase details. There are no guitars or keyboards available for hire.
PA Showcase Concert Change***
Due to an increase in cocurricular Ensembles in 2025 that reflects growth within Performing Arts, the decision has been made to split the Performing Arts Showcase Concerts going forward. Wednesday 28 May Performing Arts Showcase commencing at 4:30pm (please note the earlier time due to younger Year Levels involved) will include performances by Strings, Dance Troupe and Choirs, Mrs Scott‘s S&C and then Thursday 29 May Performing Arts Showcase at 6:00pm will include performances by the Bands, Percussion/Guitar Ensembles and Mrs Wilson’s S&C.
Staffing Update
We are excited to announce that auditions for the Rock Band will be held next Wednesday at first break in PA1. Students are required to have their instruments that day and prepare a piece to perform. Interested students are to complete their details on the sign-up form with Ms Powell in The Hub.
Concert Bands
Kats-Chernin Wind Ensemble, Edwards Chamber Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble are consolidated into the Grainger Concert Band. The first rehearsal for this Ensemble will be held next Wednesday 19 March in PA1 from 2:45pm-3:45pm with Mr Max Slater. A Microsoft form has been emailed to parents so that students can indicate their availability due to the change of rehearsal time.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 17 March - Strings Lunchtime Concert (Concourse)
Mrs Geraldine Campbell Performing Arts Coordinator
Springfield Sport
GBC Swimming Carnival
All families will have now received a selection email inviting students to represent St Peters Springfield in the upcoming GBC Swimming Championships. This is a significant milestone for our College as it marks the first time St Peters Springfield will compete as a team at a Swimming Championship. Students from Years 3 to 12 will compete against seven other schools from the Brisbane, Ipswich, and Redlands regions. We encourage you to complete the permission link as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.
Central Comets and Met West Trial changes
Please note there have been a number of trial changes due to recent weather events. All families of students who have nominated have been notified.
AIC Swimming
Best of luck to Rumi L, Ethan S and Lachlan S who will represent the College at the AIC Swimming Championships next Friday at Chandler.
Mr Kale Reed Head of Sport
Boys Sport
Due to ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, the AIC Swimming Championships have been rescheduled to Friday 21 March, with a revised evening schedule of 3:30pm–7:30pm.
Training will continue this Friday afternoon and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons next week to prepare for the event. The AIC Team list can be found outside Sports House.
AIC Swimming competitors and reserves are to meet at the 50m Pool on Friday at 1:00pm for a team meeting before a 2:00pm departure to the Brisbane Aquatic Centre for a 3:30pm warm up.
It is expected that all students attend these final training sessions and the AIC Swimming Championships wearing the correct St Peters uniform. This includes:
Sports uniform with the new St Peters grey training shirt (if you have purchased this shirt already and have not received it, please collect it from Sports House next week. If you have not yet purchased the training shirt, please do so through the St Peters Portal)
Sports shoes and white St Peters socks
No slides/crocs or other casual shorts/shirts
Australian rules
With a washout last week and limited training this week it is vital that students communicate with their coaches today and tomorrow if they are unable to attend their match. Our Senior Australian Rules team has a Bye, while all AIC Primary fixtures have been cancelled. However, our Years 7, 8, and 9 teams will play Ambrose Treacy College at Kenmore.
Cricket games are currently being reviewed, with a decision to be made regarding field suitability on Thursday. We anticipate several fields being unsuitable for play, meaning some teams may have cancellations due to player safety. Please keep an eye out for an email from Mr Munday and check the St Peters App for the draw.
Volleyball fixtures will go ahead for games this weekend, with Juniors at St Edmund’s College and our Seniors hosting.
The St Peters Volleyball teams are painting their home courts ORANGE for their games against St Laurence’s College on Saturday 22 March from 7:30am. This is a special day for our Volleyball community where we show support and raise awareness for blood cancer. ORANGE is the colour of awareness for Leukaemia.
The Volleyball Support Group (VSG) will be running a BBQ and bake sale. All proceeds will be donated to the Leukaemia Foundation, sending a powerful message of hope and direct support to those facing blood cancer. The VSG will accept baked goods donations on Saturday morning if you would like to contribute.
Supporters are encouraged to show their support by wearing ORANGE, and students can wear a 'touch' of ORANGE with their formal uniform.
Please show your support by joining the Volleyball community on this special day.
The 2025 Football season is officially underway, with trials for all boys teams (Years 4–12) resuming next week when Mayer, Stolz and Harts Road Ovals are all deemed safe for training to resume.
Players should check the training schedule below and on the St Peters App to ensure they are prepared for their sessions. We encourage all students to bring their best effort as we look to form competitive teams across all year levels.
We are excited to announce the annual Opens vs Old Scholars Match, scheduled for Thursday 27 March 2025, at 4:15 pm on Harts Road Oval. This highly anticipated fixture is a great opportunity for our current players to take on past students in a competitive and spirited match. We encourage the school community to come along and support what is always a fantastic display of Football and sportsmanship.
Stay tuned for more updates as the season progresses, and best of luck to all players in trials next week!
Training this week has been limited with students training in the gym. A decision will be made later in the week regarding Sunday’s Confidence in Contact sessions with an email to be sent out by Mr Barker.
Chess training kicks off in Week 7 on Wednesday 12 March. Students who have signed up will receive more information via email next week. We look forward to another great season of strategic gameplay and skill development. Stay tuned for updates.
Cross Country
We are calling for registrations for our upcoming QGSSSA and AIC Cross Country Camp!!! The camp is open to all 2025 Years 7 to 12 students who are interested in representing the College at the QGSSSA or AIC Cross Country Championships.
Date: Friday 4 April to Sunday 6 April
Venue: Alexandra Park Conference Centre, Alexandra Headland
Cross Country training has begun, and sign-up links have been sent out! If you're in Years 7–12 and interested in joining the 2025 Cross Country team, please read the below from Cross Country Coordinator Mrs Schreiber. The program is designed to support your participation in both Cross Country and your weekend AIC sport (e.g. Chess, Football, or Rugby).
Training Schedule: The full schedule is available on the St Peters app. Wednesday afternoons are the priority team training session, but sessions run daily to help balance your Term 1 sporting commitments. Please ensure you prioritise your current Term 1 Sports.Meets & Championships: Meets take place on Wednesday afternoons from mid-Term 2, meaning they won’t clash with your AIC fixtures—you can do both!Meets/Championship (CALENDAR)
The St Peters Athletic Development Program supports students' physical growth and athletic performance, with sessions available before and after school in the weights room at the Indooroopilly campus. Juniors (Years 7–9) focus on mastering fundamental movement patterns, while Seniors (Years 10–12) build on these skills with tailored programs for all levels. Regardless of gym/weights experience, we cater for all levels and encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Boys are encouraged to attend Athletic Development.
We want to celebrate our students' sporting achievements throughout the year. If your son has competed at a national or international level, please click here to share his accomplishments with us.
This week in sport
AIC Australian Rules, Cricket, Volleyball and Swimming are the current in-season Boys AIC Sports this term.Please check the information on the St Peters App for details of times and venues for this weekend’s Round 6 fixtures vs St Edmund’s.Please CLICK HERE for Australian Rules game day schedulePlease CLICK HERE for Volleyball game day scheduleCRICKET TBA
For our St Peters sporting programs to positively develop and grow, it is paramount that our students attend training sessions for their chosen sport so they can improve and refine sport-specific skills and build cohesion amongst their team-mates.
If students are unable to attend a training session, it is vital that they communicate their absence to their coach and the respective coordinator/s.
Please also CLICK HERE to access the AIC Sporting Calendar for 2025.
Matchday expectations
A reminder that all St Peters boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and at AIC games. All uniforms can be purchased from Shop45 or via School locker, please refer to website for opening hours. For matchdays enclosed footwear must be worn to games, no slides or crocs are to be worn at St Peters or associated AIC schools. They are not part of the school uniform and are a risk for Workplace health and safety.
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements
At Training – All St Peters AIC volleyballers are to wear their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training
At Games – All St Peters AIC volleyballers must be wearing:
St Peters numbered Volleyball shirt (NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games)
St Peters maroon PE/Sports Shorts
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their training session
At Games – All St Peters cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing:
St Peters ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Cricket Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Australian Rules
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC Australian Rules footballers must wear their PE Uniform to training (Year 7 and Year 9) and Seniors can wear their black opens warm up shirt. Students are to be wearing boots and have a mouth guard
At Games – Students must have mouth guards
Joggers MUST be worn at all times before/after games – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they are dressed in St Peters Formal Uniform. Should a student not be wearing the correct attire when attending a sporting event/game, they may be asked to leave the venue.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Daniel Fraser Boys Sport Coordinator
Girls Sport
I hope you and your families stayed safe and dry last weekend. I want to thank everyone in our community for their patience and understanding through all the disruptions to Sport that have occurred in the past week and commend the girls on their resilience through trying times.
12 in a row | St Peters has done it again! Last night, our girls claimed their 12th consecutive QGSSSA Swimming Championship title, finishing first with 559.50 points. It was a tight contest, with St Margaret’s (2nd) and Somerville House (3rd) pushing us all the way, but our swimmers rose to the challenge!
A huge congratulations to all our girls, with a special shoutout to our 13 Years, 16 Years, and 17 & Over teams for taking out their age group pennants.
Thank you to our incredible coaches for their expertise and encouragement, and to every St Peters supporter who cheered from the stands—you made all the difference!
Final Points: 12 & Under – 5th place, 70 points 13 Years – 1st place, 101 points 14 Years – 5th place, 67 points 15 Years – 4th place, 67 points 16 Years – 1st place, 108.50 points 17 & Over – 1st place, 107 points
QGSSSA Cricket Round 6 has been declared an abandoned round, with all teams sharing competition points. This means that our scheduled game for Monday 17 March will no longer proceed, and we will be awarded a draw with St Aidan’s in both Open and Div 1 teams.
Our Pink Stumps and Focus Round will occur on Wednesday 19 March, when we play BGGS at home.
Please see the St Peters App for the updated season calendar.
The remaining Rounds (8 and 9) of the QGSSSA Senior Australian Rules Football season have been declared abandoned, with all teams sharing competition points.
Though this is an unfortunate end to the season, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our Open and Senior A teams for winning back-to-back QGSSSA premierships.
In lieu of training, we will spend Thursday afternoon celebrating the season outside the Performng Arts Centre.
Football and Touch Football fixtures scheduled for Round 1 vs BSHS will be postponed to the wet weather round on Friday 6 June. Round 1 Basketball vs BSHS will proceed as scheduled this Friday 14 March.
Note: The 7B, 8B and 9B games will also be postponed to the wet weather round on Friday 6 June.
Please see the St Peters App for the Round 1 Basketball draw.
Cross Country
We are calling for registrations for our upcoming QGSSSA and AIC Cross Country Camp!!! The camp is open to all 2025 Years 7 to 12 students who are interested in representing the College at the QGSSSA or AIC Cross Country Championships.
Date: Friday 4 April to Sunday 6 April
Venue: Alexandra Park Conference Centre, Alexandra Headland
We are yet to confirm whether fixtures will proceed on Thursday 13 March. Please refer to the St Peters App for the latest information.
Student Achievements
We want to celebrate our students' sporting achievements throughout the year. If your daughter has competed at a national or international level, please click here to share her accomplishments with us.