Head of Primary - Week 9, Term 1
Our St Peters Kindergarten
In the brightly coloured building, in the middle of College grounds, is our St Peters Lutheran College Kindergarten. Each day there is an energetic buzz as the students enjoy the spacious indoor and outdoor environment.
Mrs Carmen Evans, our Kindergarten Director, and Ms Casey Olver, our Kindergarten teacher, work together with their experienced team of educators to provide a high-quality early childhood education program. They also place importance on creating links with the College and the local community. A high percentage of our Kindergarten students move into our Prep so it is important to make these connections and develop relationships.
Year 4 Buddies
Each Friday, Year 4 visit our Kindergarten as part of our buddy program. They spend 45 minutes interacting with the Kindergarten students – playing, reading stories, completing puzzles, working on craft projects, having conversations. It is a wonderful way for our Year 4 students to be a positive role model for our younger students.
Prep and Kindergarten Chapel
Our Kindergarten and Prep classes join together each term in our Hub to have a combined Chapel Service. Pastor Matt, who is well known to the Kindergarten students for his weekly devotion visits, leads the Chapel service. It is a special time where the story and songs have an early childhood focus for this age group. We recently met on Monday 18 March.
Year 11 Work Experience
At present, we also have two Year 11 students completing Community Service in the Kindergarten, as part of their Senior commitment. They support the Kindergarten staff in any way they can – it could be interacting with the students, helping with preparation or organisation. There is always so much to be done.
We are blessed to have this excellent service attached to our school. Mrs Evans and myself meet on a regular basis to share information as well as create connections where ever we can.
Blessings to all our Community
Debbie West-McInnes
Head of Primary