Welcome to the 2022 School Year
A very warm welcome to the 2022 school year to each and every one of you, whether you are a long time College family, or new to our community. For those that are new to St Peters I hope that you settle in well, and feel part of our community very quickly.
Obviously, this is not the start to the year we were all hoping for. We are living through a new phase of the pandemic and a change in approach to managing it by the government. Even with the roll out of a vaccine it means that life, both at College and in the wider community will continue to be different in the immediate future. I am grateful to the St Peters community for your cooperation in helping to manage the challenges of it. All of us need to continue to do the right thing and play our part in keeping our community safe. I would ask for your support and cooperation in adhering to the COVID Safe Guidelines (titled ‘Caring for our Community’) that will be sent to families in the near future. These will be updated from time to time as requirements change.
In the face of the pandemic the College continues to focus on the important work of developing and improving St Peters through the implementation of our Strategic Intent Plus Ultra 2025 https://www.stpeters.qld.edu.au/indooroopilly/about/our-vision
Some of the Key Strategic Actions that the College will be taking in 2022 include -
- Implementing our new Teaching & Learning Framework in the secondary years
- A focus on data to inform Teaching Practice to improve Student Learning outcomes
- Exploring ways to enhance Student Agency in relation to their learning
- Further embedding Positive Education within the College to proactively develop Student Well-being
- Developing a coherent Student Leadership Program for Prep to Year 12
- An enhanced and revitalised Professional Learning Program for Staff
- Continuing to enhance and refine our co-curricular program through appropriate developmental pathways and high-quality instruction
- Initiatives around Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking
- Rolling out four Projects funded by the College’s Innovation Fund. (I will write in more detail about these at a later time).
- Completing the Centre for Learning and Innovation and Campus Heart Project
Even though we are starting the year in an unusual way it is important that our students make a positive start to the year and lay strong foundations for the year ahead in order to set themselves up for success. Establishing good habits around homework and study, demonstrating a positive attitude towards classwork, being organised, managing time effectively, setting goals and challenging oneself are important elements of laying the foundations for success. Part of laying the foundations is the expectation that our students hold high expectations of themselves and pursue their personal best in all that they do. Holding high expectations of ourselves is reflected in the ‘big things’, but perhaps more so in the ‘little things’ – like uniform, punctuality, good manners, attention to detail. I encourage all our students to get the ‘little things’ right, and this will help to set them up for success in the ‘big things’.
I wish all in our community every blessing for 2022 and look forward to seeing people around campus in the not too distant future.
Tim Kotzur
Head of College