A very warm welcome to the 2025 school year. For those families new to St Peters I hope that your child settles in well, and that they (and you) feel part of our community very quickly.
It is wonderful to have students back on campus this week. Schools are very different places when our students are present. Our students bring a life, energy and sense of hope and joy to St Peters. It has been terrific to witness the smiles on their faces and the excitement in their voices each day this week.
It is important that our students make a positive start to the year and lay strong foundations for the year ahead in order to set themselves up for success. Establishing good habits around homework and study, demonstrating a positive attitude towards classwork, being organised, managing time effectively, setting goals and challenging oneself are important elements of laying the foundations for success. Part of laying the foundations is the expectation that our students hold high expectations of themselves and pursue their personal best in all that they do. Holding high expectations of ourselves is reflected in getting the seemingly small things right– like uniform, hair, punctuality, good manners, and work ethic. I encourage all our students to get these ‘small things’ right. If they do this, it will help to set them up for success in the ‘big things’.
One of the distinguishing features of a St Peters Education is the breadth of opportunities available in and out of the classroom. Over the December-January break students had the opportunity to be part of a Chorale Tour to the UK and Germany; a Year 11 Service Learning Trip to Cambodia; a student exchange to Germany; Cricket Tours to New Zealand and North Queensland; an adventurous Journey as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Program; take part in the National Volleyball Titles on the Gold Coast and the All Schools Track & Field championships; and Robotic Championships in Sydney. St Peters really is a world of opportunities that helps to create a rich and diverse student experience. These diverse experiences enable our young people to grow, develop their character and learn more about the person they are becoming. I encourage our students to engage in what St Peters offers, and discover passions that perhaps they don’t even know they have yet.
I wish all in our community a wonderful 2025 and look forward to seeing people around campus as the year unfolds. Plus Ultra!
Tim Kotzur Head of College
Important Notices
2026 Scholarship Reminder
Applications for Academic Scholarships for students entering Year 7 or Year 10 in 2026 will shortly close.
All eligible students applying for the Academic Scholarship will be required to sit the Edutest examination in person at the St Peters Indooroopilly campus on Saturday 15 February 2025. Registrations for the Edutest exam will close on Wednesday 5 February 2025.
Please note, any student seeking consideration for the Year 7 2026 Bonhoeffer Program must also sit the Edutest exam. For further information regarding the Bonhoeffer Program at St Peters, please click here.
Additionally, applications for Excellence in Music Scholarships for 2026, including receipt of all supporting performance links and documentation will close on Wednesday 5 February 2025.
Please click here for further scholarship information.
Cafe 45 Online Ordering
Brisbane City Council has received an increase in the number of reports of illegal parking around our school. As a result, our school has been added to Council’s Safer Schools Program this term.
What does this mean?
Brisbane City Council’s Parking Compliance Officers will be actively patrolling the streets surrounding our school over the coming term to encourage safer parking behaviours. These patrols will be conducted on foot and in highly visible Community Safety and Regulation vehicles that can identify alleged offences using Automatic Number Plate Recognition and GPS software. Please be kind – they have a job to do.
We understand the back-to-school traffic and parking challenges that many of our families face. Our foremost priority is YOUR CHILD'S SAFETY.
These areas are marked with a solid yellow line. There is NO stopping or parking in these areas at any time except in the case of an emergency. Yellow lines are marked to allow for vehicles to safely pass, turn in and out of the college, and aid with road visibility. Parking in the area with marked with a yellow line is illegal and creates a extreme safety risk for students and obstructs traffic movement.
Stopping on the road beside cars in the pick up zone is highly dangerous for your child and the safety of all our children as they enter the road to get into the car. This should not be done at any time. It also blocks any traffic, including school buses from flowing through, creating bottle necks and build ups.
Brisbane City Council prohibits parking on a footpath or nature strip. This issue is prevalent on Harts Road where the road splits creating a much narrower section of the road. Cars parked in this section means there is less than the minimum 3 metres to the dividing line in the road required to allow cars and buses to pass safely. Pulling up on the curb to create room, while considerate, is illegal and also creates a significant safety issue for students walking down the footpath. Do not park on the footpath.
If you are able to please consider arriving later. Waiting 10, 15, 20 minutes to pick up can make a huge difference to the transit pick up area and to the traffic flow and to student safety.
Are parents permitted to drop off and pick up students on College grounds?
Not between the hours of 7:00am – 8:15am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm.
There is a high volume of pedestrian traffic on campus at these times. To keep students and staff safe, these restrictions have been put in place.
Are student L plate and P plate drivers permitted on College grounds?
No. Student Learner drivers and student P plate drivers are not permitted to drive or park on College grounds at any time.
Remind your children about mindfully and safely crossing all roads around the College. This also includes the roads on the way down Harts Road to the train station including Graham Street, Dennis Street, Kew Street and Webster Road.
Council and Police continue to undertake frequent monitoring throughout the school year. Penalties and fines can be issued by both Council and the Police. Although traffic and parking outside the College grounds is under the jurisdiction of the Brisbane City Council and QLD Police for traffic and parking infringements, the College works closely with our local Councillor and local police to continue to explore options for road safety and keeping our students and families safe and ensuring the safety of all our students.
Please find below the Community Engagement events planned for 2025. Keep an eye out for information in The Rock and by email prior to each event.
We look forward to seeing you at these events in 2025
New Parents Welcome – Friday 7 February
Founders' Day – Thursday 20 February
Eighty years ago, on 20 February 1945, St Peters Lutheran College opened its doors amidst a time of global adversity. This remarkable achievement was the result of nine months of intense deliberation, tireless fundraising, and the hard work of countless volunteers who shared the vision of St Peters Founder and Pastor Gerhard Dohler. With just 56 pioneering boarders—28 girls and 28 boys—the College embarked on a journey of growth, excellence in co-education, and a strong sense of community. As we commemorate this milestone, we invite you to join us in celebrating 80 years of shaping the future and inspiring future generations. The program for the morning is as follows:
St Peters Founders’ Day: Thursday 20 February
8:05am – 8:50am: Assembly | Chapel Forecourt 9:00am – 9:30am: Visit to Ross Roy 10:00am – 12:00pm: Morning tea | P&F Centre
For catering purposes, we ask that you please RSVP by Tuesday 18 February to confirm your attendance.
SPOSA Wine and Cheese Evening – Friday 21 February
2025 marks a special milestone—80 years of St Peters! As both an Old Scholar and a current parent, you are part of a unique legacy, and we’d love you to join us for a Wine & Cheese evening hosted by SPOSA.
Date: Friday 21 February Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Venue: SPOSA Café, Centre for Learning & Innovation
Connect with fellow Old Scholars who, like you, now have children at St Peters. Enjoy an evening of great conversation, delicious wine and canapes, and a chance to hear from our Head of College, Tim Kotzur, and SPOSA President, Llewellyn Jones. This is more than just a social event—it’s a celebration of our shared history and the incredible community that makes St Peters so special.
Please click the link below to register your attendance help us plan catering requirements.
The St Peters community will be taking part in the Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run again in 2025 to raise money for breast cancer treatment and research. The Fun Run is on Sunday 9 March and you can participate in the official event in the city or register for 5k Your Way and run with our local community at Robertson Park, Indooroopilly on the day.
Registrations are open and we’d love to have our biggest St Peters team yet! Register early to ensure you don’t miss out on your event t-shirt and other offers. Remember to join the St Peters Lutheran College team as you enter. If you have already registered and want your registration moved across to the St Peters team, please email s.treschman@stpeters.qld.edu.au.
Thank you in advance for supporting this community event, and we hope to see you on the day!
Symposium 1 – Growing up Online | Monday 24 March (NEW DATE)
In today’s digital world, young people are more connected than ever—but with this connectivity comes risks. To help parents navigate the challenges of raising children in the online age, St Peters is proud to present Symposium 1: Growing Up Online, featuring Australia’s leading cyber safety expert, Susan McLean.
Event Details: Monday 24 March, 6:45pm – 8:15pm Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre Tickets: $5.00 per person (Proceeds donated to charity)
Susan, a former police officer and Australia’s foremost authority on cyber safety, will share expert insights on online risks, including cyberbullying, grooming, sextortion, problematic gaming, and exposure to harmful content. She will also provide practical strategies to help parents manage digital devices and keep their children safe online.
This adults-only session is a must for all parents and caregivers.
The Langer Library supports Years 7–12 students and is open from:
Monday–Thursday 7:45am–8:30pm
Friday 7:45am–4:00pm
Please note that there may be some minor changes to the opening hours - especially in the first and last weeks of terms. Notification of any changes will appear in this newsletter and on the Langer Library webpage.
After school
Day Scholars and Boarders in Years 7–12 are most welcome to make use of the Langer Library’s extended hours.
Theile House Study Centre
Monday–Thursday 7:45am–5:00pm
Friday 7.45am–3:15pm
Upper Primary students
Years 5–6 - are asked to refer to the Upper Primary Administration for information regarding their after-school facilities.
In Term 1, the Langer Library will be hosting many exciting celebrations and activities involving reading and research. We start our first celebration in Week 3: Queensland School Library Week and Library Lovers Week. Lots of fun activities are planned!
The Student Book Club will commence on the 13 February. It is held fortnightly on Thursday Week A during lunchtime.
For more information about the Langer Library services and resources refer to our webpage
Please be advised that the following applies to tutoring on campus.
Tutors who are employed by St Peters Lutheran College and have completed onboarding with People and Culture:
On arrival on campus, these tutors are requested to sign in/out at the Langer Library, Theile House Study Centre or Boarding Receptions.
Tutors who are not employees or formally registered directly with St Peters Lutheran
Due to workplace health and safety, child protection, and insurance restrictions, our College is unable to support (permit) access to facilities for private tutoring arrangements made between parents and external tutors.
Jan Lewis Langer Librarian
Primary Years
Welcome back, Primary Years
Welcome Parents and Caregivers to the start of the Primary Years school year!
The overall feeling in the Primary Years on Tuesday was one of excitement, perhaps a little trepidation and a reconnection with friends and teachers! We especially welcome our new families to the Primary Years and our youngest students as they commenced their first year of school in Prep.
We encourage you to stay informed and involved in your child's education by regularly checking Primary Years page on Firefly (you can find this page here), attending parent-teacher evenings, reading class blogs and volunteering in the Primary Years.
I also want to remind you of the importance of regular attendance and punctuality. Consistency in attendance and punctuality is essential for academic success, as it allows students to build and maintain positive relationships with their classmates and teachers. It also allows them to begin their day in a calm and settled manner.
We understand that the beginning of the school year can be a worrying time for both parents and children. We want to assure you that we are here to support you and your child throughout the year. We encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher if you have any concerns or questions.
This year we welcome several new staff to the Primary Years. These new teachers come to us with a breadth of experience both in primary schooling and in the PYP, and I know they will enhance their teams and the St Peters community. Welcome to Ms Amy Jenkins and Miss Lara Nicholls who round out our Year 1 teaching team while Ms Chrstine Ivanov joins the team of Early Years Teacher Assistants. Ms Jacinda Pickering joins our Year 2 team, and we welcome Mrs Katharine Malone, Ms Mary Pretorius and Mrs Georgie Felix into the Year 5 team. Mr Ryan Wilkinson joins the Year 6 team in Upper Primary. Welcome Mr Keiran Noonan to the PE Department and Ms Rose Hoger into the Upper Primary Library working with Mrs Louise Andrews.
We warmly welcome these new staff members and trust that they will become an integral part of St Peters into the future. I know that you will join me in welcoming both our new families and new staff members.
We are thrilled to have the students back in the classroom and are looking forward to a successful year.
Lisa Challenor Head of Primary Years
Upper Primary Choirs 2025
All students in Years 5–6 are invited to come and sing in either Bella Voce (girls) or Forte Voce (boys) choir. There is no audition – just arrive at rehearsal and start singing.
Both choirs sing a wide range of music including classics, contemporary songs, negro spirituals, multicultural music and much more. Forte Voce and Bella Voce have many great musical opportunities to look forward to this year including concerts and a combined schools choral festival.
Both choirs rehearse on Tuesday mornings from 7:00am – 7:50am in the PAC Theatrette (Bella Voce) or the Red Room (Forte Voce).
Forte Voce will commence rehearsal in Week 2 on Tuesday 4 February.
Bella Voce will commence rehearsal in Week 3 on Tuesday 11 February (Mrs Taylor currently has laryngitis)
There is no need to sign up for choir, but it does help us to plan for the first rehearsal if you add your name to the list on the PAC Noticeboard. If you do not get a chance to do this, please just arrive at rehearsal and we will add your name to the roll.
Come and join us! If you are not certain, come and sing for 3 weeks. If it is not for you, then just politely let me know – but give it a try first.
I look forward to a wonderful year of choir music together!
Mrs Christine Taylor Head of Choirs
Junior High
Welcome Back, Junior High
Welcome to the 2025 school year for Junior High! It has been a pleasure to meet the approximately 200 new students who joined us in Junior High on Tuesday. We are equally delighted to welcome back returning students and look forward to working in partnership with both our new and returning families. Although the start of the school year can bring about nerves and excitement, we hope every student (and family) is settling in well. We extend a warm welcome to you all and look forward to working with you throughout the year.
A New Challenge
Beginning high school can be a daunting change for many students. We work hard to ensure every student feels welcome, comfortable and confident in Junior High. Drawing on Psychologist Andrew Fuller’s advice, we also remind families that starting high school can be an exciting opportunity to learn new skills, make new friends, and build resilience.
What can you do at home to help?
Assist with Organisation - Work together with your student on managing their diary, keeping notebooks in order, and regularly checking emails and Firefly.
Talk About Their Day - Ask open-ended questions about what they learned, who they spent time with and any challenges they might be facing.
Get in Touch - If concerns arise, reach out early to the Form Class Teacher or Year Level Coordinator for guidance and support.
Encourage a Growth Mindset - Remind your student that mistakes are part of learning, and each new challenge can be an opportunity to grow in confidence and capability.
On Thursday 30 January, our Year 9 students participated in yLead, a full-day series of facilitated leadership development sessions. yLead is a cumulation of our broader leadership development approach, designed to equip Year 9s with the skills and knowledge to lead our sub-school effectively. We emphasise that students do not need to hold a formal leadership position to make a positive impact and that every individual can demonstrate leadership qualities in the way they interact with peers, contribute to group work, and support the wider school community.
Upcoming Events
We have a busy and exciting start to the year ahead, and we encourage you to join us at the following events to stay connected with our community and engage with your child’s Junior High experience:
Years 7–9 Parent Information Evening | Tuesday 11 February
We invite you to our Parent Information Evening, where we will share key details about our Junior High programs and introduce key members of staff. The evening will begin with a whole Junior High presentation, followed by concurrent, year-level specific sessions in separate locations. More information will follow.
Junior High Academic and Ironbark Awards Ceremony – Tuesday 18 February
Invitations and information will be sent shortly to celebrate the achievements of our students from 2024. This promises to be a wonderful occasion to recognise academic excellence and outstanding contributions to the Ironbark program.
Junior High Parent Engagement Group – Wednesday 19 February
We encourage all Junior High parents to attend this session, which provides an opportunity to connect with fellow parents and engage with Junior High leadership. We will discuss relevant issues impacting our students and explore ways we can continue to support them.
I look forward to working with you as we embark on another exciting year of Junior High.
Max Forbes Head of Junior High
Junior High Songmakers
Do you love to sing??
Everyone in Years 7–8 are welcome to sing in Junior High Songmakers. There is no audition – just arrive at rehearsal and start singing.
Songmakers is the foundation Choir for all students who wish to be part of the choral program here at St Peters. The choir focuses on the development of good vocal technique and tone whilst enjoying making music together. We sing a wide variety of different styles and genres of music from choral classics to multicultural music to pop songs.
Rehearsals are on Monday mornings at 7:00am in the PAC Theatrette. Songmakers will start in Week 3 – Monday 10 February. Please sign up on the PAC Noticeboard (near PAC Reception) or just arrive at the first rehearsal and start singing 😊
Songmakers has so many great musical opportunities to look forward to this year as well as camp and other fun activities.
Come and join us! If you are not certain, come and sing for 3 weeks. If it is not for you, then just politely let me know – but give it a try first.
Please come to see me in PAC Reception if you have any questions,
Mrs Christine Taylor Head of Choirs
Senior School
Welcome back, Senior School
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to the 2025 school year. To those families new to St Peters this year, a very warm welcome to our community. We are delighted to see our Senior School Students back on campus and already settling into their school routines. We would like to commend them for their positive approach to the start of the year and we hope that they will continue to strive for excellence in the coming months.
A reminder for parents and students that academic classes commence at 8:05am, and we encourage all students to arrive with adequate time to prepare themselves for the day. We have observed a noticeable improvement in regard to wearing of the uniform, but we ask that parents continue to assist and support us with our expectations, particularly as students travel to and from school.
We would like to invite all Senior School parents to attend the Parent Information evening which will be held on Wednesday evening, 12 February from 5:30 – 7:30pm in the PAC and a variety of other venues around the College. The evening is designed to provide parents with meaningful information relevant to each specific year group and pathway of study. It is our hope that the night will affirm the important role that parents play in supporting their students through the Senior years of schooling. More information will be provided to parents in the coming days, including a list of staff who will be presenting and the topics to be covered.
Another important date on our College Calendar is our annual Scholars Assembly. This is an opportunity for us to recognise the academic excellence that exists within our sub-school. The celebration will take place on Friday 7 February at 8:05am. Parents of students receiving awards will receive an invitation with further details.
Starting a new school year can be both exciting and overwhelming, however, I want to reassure you we have the support in place for our students that they require to succeed. Below are some simple tips shared with students on day 1 to help ensure they start the year off on a positive note:
Strengths – Play to them and find joy Recognise your unique abilities and talents. Whether you excel in academics, sports, arts, or relationships, focus on what you do well. Set aside time for activities that bring you happiness and a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate small successes and remind yourself of your potential when challenges arise. Be authentic and true to yourself.
Emotions – Look after yourself Understand and accept your feelings. It’s normal to feel excited, anxious, or overwhelmed at the start of a new school year. Practice self-care by prioritising sleep, eating well, and exercising. If emotions become too much, speak to someone you trust—whether it’s a friend, teacher, or school counsellor. Remember, managing emotions is key to staying focused and confident.
Awareness – Be present in the moment Learn from the past, have goals for the future but live in the present. Being present allows you to tackle tasks more effectively and enjoy your day-to-day experiences making the most of each opportunity.
Relationships – Connect and encourage Build positive connections with peers, teachers, and family. Be approachable, show empathy, and look for ways to support those around you. Strong relationships provide a sense of belonging and motivation to overcome challenges. Don’t hesitate to ask for or offer help when needed, it fosters a collaborative and encouraging environment.
Coping – Seek support when needed No one has to face everything alone. Acknowledge when something feels too difficult and reach out for guidance. This could be as simple as asking a classmate for help with homework or discussing a problem with a trusted teacher or counsellor. Knowing when and how to seek help is a strength, not a weakness.
Habits and Goals – It starts now! The beginning of the year is the perfect time to establish positive routines. Set realistic goals for your academic, personal, and extracurricular life. Break them into manageable steps and hold yourself accountable. A planner or digital calendar can keep you on track. Developing good habits early will set the tone for sustained success throughout the year.
If there is anything we can be doing to assist or support students, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Academic Care and Wellbeing Team as per the details below:
We look forward to working together to provide the best possible student experience in 2025.
Kind regards and best wishes,
David Rushmore Head of Senior School
The Arts
St Peters Cocurricular Music Department 2025
Welcome to the Cocurricular Music Department for 2025. We are looking forward to a wonderful year of music!
Instrumental Ensembles and most Choirs begin in Week 2
It will be terrific to have students making Music again together when most St Peters choral and all instrumental ensembles commence rehearsals for 2025 in Week 2. All St Peters students are welcome to be part of the music ensemble program. Come and join the music exploration and fun.
All students are encouraged to sing in the choral program. All are welcome! There are no auditions for entry to choral ensembles. To help us prepare for the first rehearsal, please add your name on the relevant choir list on the PAC Noticeboard. If you don’t have a chance, please just arrive at rehearsal ready to sing.
The two audition exceptions are St Peters most senior choir, St Peters Chorale (Years 9 – 12) and the treble choir, Vox Camerata (Years 8 – 12). Students who would like more information about these choirs should contact Head of Choirs, Mrs Christine Taylor, for more details via c.taylor@stpeters.qld.edu.au or 3377 6510 by Friday 31 January.
Choirs starting rehearsal in Week 2: St Peters Chorale, St Peters Chamber Chorale, Vox Camerata, Cantique, Forte Voce, Animato Voce and Poco Voce
Choirs starting rehearsal in Week 3: Saints & Singers, Junior High Songmakers and Bella Voce
For more information about the Choral program, please contact Mrs Christine Taylor (c.taylor@stpeters.qld.edu.au)
Bands and Strings
All students who play an appropriate instrument, and are currently learning either at College or externally, will be offered a place in one of our instrumental ensembles. Students do not need to be learning their instrument through the St Peters music tuition program.
To determine which ensemble is best for each students’ level of musical experience, all students are asked to complete a short audition. These auditions will be held at the end of Week 1.
If you have not yet signed up for an audition or for more information, please contact:
At St Peters, individual lessons are taught by highly qualified teachers who are experts in their field. We are looking forward to lessons starting again in Week 2 and having the music studios filled with the sounds of enthusiastic singing and playing as students have their first lessons for the year.
If you have already enrolled for music tuition, your teacher will be contacting you over the weekend or early in Week 2 to arrange your first lesson. If you would like to learn an instrument at St Peters and have not yet enrolled or re-enrolled for 2025, it is not too late! Please enrol at https://splcinstrumentaltuition2025.eventbrite.com.au or contact Music Reception 3377 6279 for more details.
Music Craft (Preliminary) Musicianship (AMEB Grades 1-6) Group Lessons Commence in Week 3
Studying music theory is a very helpful support to each students’ progress on their instrument and in curriculum music. Music Craft and Musicianship is taught in small group classes which are timetabled before and after school. Lesson times take into account the times of ensemble rehearsals wherever possible.
I would like to welcome you to the St Peters community for 2025! I hope this newsletter finds you well and filled with excitement for the upcoming Sports season. 2024 marked a successful year for the College with over three quarters of boys participating in an Associated Sport, 14 premierships, the growth of our Australian Rules, Rugby League and Chess program and cementing our dominance in Swimming and Tennis! As we gear up for the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to each one of you, both returning and new members to the College.
My name is Mr Dan Fraser, your Boys Sport Coordinator. I am excited and looking forward to a successful year of St Peters Boys Sport and assisting the young men of our College aspire to and reach their sporting goals in 2025 and beyond.
When choosing which Sports to play, it’s important to consider all your commitments and to be aware of what clashes may exist between Sports. Please review the ‘Boys Sport Overview’ document to plan your 2025, and feel free to reach out to myself or the relevant coordinators if you have any questions about any of the upcoming seasons. A list of coordinator contacts can be found here.
We have two key methods of communicating Sports information – The St Peters App and through emails from coordinators. Make sure that you and your parents download the St Peters App and subscribe to the Sports you are involved in (St Peters App Instructions) to ensure that you receive information relevant only to your chosen Sports. It’s particularly important to have the app to see upcoming draws and to ensure that you are aware of any cancellations of training sessions or fixtures.
In 2025, I would like to emphasise that when you sign up for a Sport, you are making a commitment to yourself, your team and your coach that you will attend and give your best effort at all training sessions and fixtures. It’s important to communicate any known absences with your relevant coordinator as early as possible, so that we can plan accordingly and ensure a smooth season. Whether it’s due to illness, a scheduling conflict, or any other reason, please keep us informed. If you are particularly concerned about training clashes with music rehearsals, please reach out to your coordinator as we will work closely with the Music Department to find solutions to keep you involved in both activities.
It is not too late to sign up for either Volleyball, Cricket, Swimming, Cross Country, Australian Rules Football and Rowing for this term. We encourage all students who have not signed up for a Term 1 Sport to contact the Sporting Coordinators listed below and they will be happy to assist you with respect to trials, trainings, and games.
Although the holidays provided a time for rest and relaxation, there were many sporting events for boys with Cricket Tour to New Zealand for Senior Boys and a domestic training camp to Yeppoon, Australian Volleyball Schools Cup at the Gold Coast and the Australian All Schools Athletics Championships at QSAC. A great spectacle for St Peters Sport!
Please also note that boys AIC Trial Round for Australian Rules, Volleyball and Cricket commences this weekend (Friday 31 January and Saturday 1 February). We will be playing a full round of games. With SQSRC Rowing training starting in Week 2 and regattas mid term.
Please refer to the St Peters App for details of times and venues for all AIC trial games this coming Friday and Saturday.
Hugo K (Year 11) for competing in the Asian Cup for Cricket, representing Japan. Hugo took 2 wickets against India and scored a 50 being the first time a Japanese player has scored a half-century against a tier-one nation.
We are pleased and proud to introduce our 2025 St Peters Boys Sport Captain, Liam B and Spirit Captain Zane S. We look forward to seeing and supporting these young men’s leadership across 2025 for all things boys Sport.
Australian Rules News
With 5 teams, including a Primary Years side, Australian Rules is on the grow at St Peters! Next week will feature the first game of the AIC Australian Rules season with trainings in full swing and a trial match on Friday afternoon (Seniors) and Saturday morning (Primary, 7:00am-9:00am).
I would like to welcome Mr Tyrell Barker to St Peters who will be coordinating Australian Rules. From next week communication for Australian Rules will be sent from Mr Barker, any questions in the meantime can be sent to Mr Barker T.Barker@stpeters.qld.edu.au
Year 10 Only: Due to a revision of AIC Australian Rules bylaws since 2024, students in Year 10 will either play for the Seniors, if born in 2009 due to the two year age band in Senior Football (16-18), while Year 10 students born in 2010 will play in a Year 9 team with students of a closer age. This decision has been made with player safety in mind.
*Seniors Only: Students will catch the 33 seater bus to Sherwood AFC on Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Bus will leave at 3:30pm and students to be collected from Sherwood at 5:00pm
Our Years 9-10* (Born in 2010) team is still looking for numbers so if you are interested in joining – CLICK HERE
cricket news
With trips to both New Zealand and Yeppoon our Cricket Program were treated to a comprehensive preseason with sightseeing and lifelong memories made. New Zealand Trip featured students winning two of their three games against Auckland based opposition, while enjoying a range of team bonding activities with high ropes and taking in the sights of Auckland and beyond. Yeppoon included games against Rockhampton Grammar and a trip to Great Keppel island, despite the rain our Junior boys will be well prepared for a great season. A fantastic tour and thank you to Mr Gary Munday, Andy Richards, Nathaniel Bartlett, Adrian Zafer and all Cricket coaches for their time in providing students with excellent opportunities.
Last week both our First XI and Year 10 boys also competed in the annual T20 competitions held at Padua and Marist respectively, with our First XI finishing 4th and our Year 10s just missing out on the final. A great start to the season!
Our Year 7 students are still looking for numbers so if your son is interested in Cricket: – CLICK HERE
swimming carnival
Senior High Carnival – Wednesday 5 February, Week 2
Junior High Carnival – Thursday 6 February, Week 2
Important notes:
Carnival runs from Period 3 to 7
Students wear House shirts to and from school, and get changed into togs under uniform at morning tea
MUST HAVE – Full piece togs, hat, towel, sunscreen
BYO lunch and water bottle
Canteen available for snacks
ID Card/Eftpos for canteen 11:30am – 1:30pm
Bring cash for Service Learning Fundraiser Stall
Athletic Development
The St Peter's Athletic Development Program supports students' physical growth and athletic performance, with sessions available before and after school in the Weights Room at the Indooroopilly Campus. Juniors (Years 7–9) focus on mastering fundamental movement patterns, while Seniors (Years 10–12) build on these skills with tailored programs for all levels. Regardless of gym experience, we cater for all levels and encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Girls are encouraged to attend Athletic Development sessions all year round (pre-season, in-season and post-season) to complement their involvement in their chosen Sports programs. The training schedule will be uploaded to the St Peters App shortly. Coordinator: Leigh Smith - l.smith1@stpeters.qld.edu.au
Run Club
Run Club is a great way to improve your fitness in an inclusive environment! Run club is open to all members of our community, and available on Monday and Friday mornings - Meet at Internal Bus Stop, Indooroopilly Campus 6:30am – 7:30am. Make sure you’re subscribed to ‘Cross Country’ on the St Peters App to access the training schedule and to receive any notifications of Run Club cancellations. Coordinator: Kerry Schreiber k.schreiber@stpeters.qld.edu.au
Please see the Northern Eagles calendar currently available on the St Peters App. Information regarding Term 1 district nominations have been shared via email to all students. Students need to be part of a St Peters “A Team” standard or play club at a high level to be nominated. A final decision on nominations will be at the discretion of the Sport Department. Further nomination information will be emailed to students at the start of each term.
To help St Peters celebrate the sporting achievements of students who have competed in a State or National teams please complete the Microsoft forms – CLICK HERE
With hundreds of athletes competing in dozens of Sports, this will help us ensure your students achievements are not left unnoticed and can be considered for College celebrations.
To help St Peters celebrate the sporting achievements of students who have competed in a State or National teams please complete the Microsoft forms –CLICK HERE
With hundreds of athletes competing in dozens of Sports, this will help us ensure your students achievements are not left unnoticed and can be considered for College celebrations.
this week in sport
AIC Australian Rules, Cricket, Volleyball and Swimming are the current IN-SEASON BOYS AIC SPORTS this term and training is currently well underway.
For details of times and venues for this weekend’s Trial Roundplease check the information on the St Peters App.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App. for both venue details and time of games for the Trial Round of St Peters AIC Boys Sport
Please CLICK HERE for AUSTRALIAN RULES game day schedule
Please CLICK HERE for VOLLEYBALL game day schedule
For our St Peters sporting programs to positively develop and grow, it is paramount that our students attend training sessions for their chosen Sport, so they can improve and refine Sport-specific skills and build cohesion amongst their team-mates.
If students are unable to attend some training sessions, it is vital that their absence is communicated to their coaches firstly, and also the respective coordinator/s.
Please also CLICK HERE to access the AIC Sporting Calendar for 2025.
Matchday expectations
A reminder that all St Peters boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and at AIC games. All uniforms can be purchased from Shop45 or via School locker, please refer to website for opening hours. For matchdays enclosed footwear must be worn to games, no slides or crocs are to be worn at St Peters or associated AIC schools. They are not part of the school uniform and are a risk for Workplace health and safety.
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements
At Training – All St Peters AIC volleyballers are to wear their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training
At Games – All St Peters AIC volleyballers must be wearing:
St Peters numbered Volleyball shirt (NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games)
St Peters maroon PE/Sports Shorts
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their training session
At Games – All St Peters cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing:
St Peters ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Cricket Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Australian Rules
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC Australian Rules footballers must wear their PE Uniform to training (Year 7 and Year 9) and Seniors can wear their black opens warm up shirt. Students are to be wearing boots and have a mouth guard
At Games – Students must have mouth guards
Joggers MUST be worn at all times before/after games – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they are dressed in St Peters Formal Uniform. Should a student not be wearing the correct attire when attending a sporting event/game, they may be asked to leave the venue.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Daniel Fraser Boys Sport Coordinator
Girls Sport
I would like to warmly welcome new and returning members of our College community to the St Peters Girls’ Sport Program! I hope you enjoyed some quality time with your friends and families over the holidays and feel ready to engage in the vast sporting opportunities on offer in 2025.
When choosing which Sports to play, it’s important to consider all your commitments and to be aware of what clashes may exist between Sports. Please review the Girls Sport Overview to plan your 2025.
In 2025, I would like to emphasise that when you sign up for a Sport, you are making a commitment to yourself, your team and your coach that you will attend and give your best effort at all training sessions and fixtures. It’s important to communicate any known absences with your relevant coordinator as early as possible, so that we can plan accordingly and ensure a smooth season. Whether it’s due to illness, a scheduling conflict, or any other reason, please keep us informed. If you are particularly concerned about training clashes with music rehearsals, please reach out to your coordinator as we will work closely with the Music Department to find solutions to keep you involved in both activities.
I encourage you to get involved in Sport as it offers many benefits including improved friendships, confidence, mental wellbeing and physical health, as well as an opportunity to learn valuable life skills like teamwork and resilience in an enjoyable setting. There are sporting opportunities for everyone at St Peters, and I hope to see you all actively involved in Sport in 2025!
If you have any questions regarding the Girls’ Sports Programs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the relevant coordinator.
We have two key methods of communicating Sports information – The St Peters App and through emails from coordinators. Make sure that students and parents download the St Peters App and subscribe to the Sports you are involved in to ensure that you receive information relevant only to your chosen Sports. It’s particularly important to have the app to see upcoming draws and to ensure that you are aware of any cancellations of training sessions or fixtures.
The following information is available on the App:
Senior High Carnival – Wednesday 5 February, Week 2
Junior High Carnival – Thursday 6 February, Week 2
Important notes:
Carnival runs from Period 3 to 7
Students wear house shirts to and from school, and get changed into togs under uniform at morning tea
MUST HAVE – Full piece togs, hat, towel, sunscreen
BYO lunch and water bottle
Canteen available for snacks
ID Card/Eftpos for canteen 11:30am – 1:30pm
Bring cash for Service Learning Fundraiser Stall
Athletic Development
The St Peters Athletic Development Program supports students' physical growth and athletic performance, with sessions available before and after school in the Weights Room at the Indooroopilly Campus. Juniors (Years 7–9) focus on mastering fundamental movement patterns, while Seniors (Years 10–12) build on these skills with tailored programs for all levels. Regardless of gym experience, we cater for all levels and encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Girls are encouraged to attend Athletic Development sessions all year round (pre-season, in-season and post-season) to complement their involvement in their chosen Sports programs. The training schedule will be uploaded to the St Peters App shortly. Coordinator: Leigh Smith - l.smith1@stpeters.qld.edu.au
Run Club
Run Club is a great way to improve your fitness in an inclusive environment! Run club is open to all members of our community, and available on Monday and Friday mornings - Meet at Internal Bus Stop, Indooroopilly Campus 6:30am – 7:30am. Make sure you’re subscribed to ‘Cross Country’ on the St Peters App to access the training schedule and to receive any notifications of Run Club cancellations. Coordinator: Kerry Schreiber k.schreiber@stpeters.qld.edu.au
Please see the Northern Eagles calendar currently available on the St Peters App. Information regarding Term 1 district nominations have been shared via email to all students. Students need to be part of a St Peters “A Team” standard or play club at a high level to be nominated. A final decision on nominations will be at the discretion of the Sport Department. Further nomination information will be emailed to students at the start of each term.
Student Achievements
We would like to acknowledge student sporting achievements throughout the year. If your daughter has competed at a national or international level, please click here to share the details with us.
Next week’s newsletter will recognise the outstanding sporting achievements that occurred over the holidays.
Katie Veitch Girls’ Sport Coordinator
Digital Sign-ons
Digitals Sign-on
For those Year 5-12 students interested in our growing Robotics and eSports activities, I encourage you to explore the Digital Firefly pages Digital at St Peters — St Peters. This contains overviews of programs, sign-up links and contact details. Most of our programs will begin in Week 3, except for FIRST Robotics competition which began on 5 January and will continue at lunchtimes, afterschool and Saturdays in MS07. Feel free to drop by to see their progress. Parents can also speak with the Digital Parent Support Group members at the New Parent Welcome Event on Friday 7 February.
FRC Season Kick-off
On 5 January, our FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team, #9574 Rock Bots, kicked off their competitive season. Each year, a new game challenge is released in early January. This year’s theme is the ocean and our game is called REEFSCAPE; this game animation highlights the challenge our 50kg+ robot will face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWbxcjlY9JY. The Rock Bots have already had seven build days, making excellent progress. Our team is divided into sub-teams which include; designers, coders, builders, drivers, management, strategy and electronics. Together with mentors and coaches, the Rock Bots are preparing for our international competition in Sydney in March called the Southern Cross Regional. We will be ready!
FTC Robotics National Finals
In the first week of School holidays, two of our FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) teams trekked to Macquarie University, Sydney for the National Finals. After earning their place at the competition, our teams #11505 Flaming Galahs and #11506 Flaming Tacos represented the school and state admirably during the weekend’s competition which brought together the best 42 teams from across Australia.
Friday was a travel and prep day for us. We arrived early in the day, checked in early and had quality time working on the robots and doing judge practice. This practice paid off on Saturday morning when our teams faced a 10-minute judge interview session. Both teams interviewed exceptionally well, impressing the judges with their season progress in coding, CAD, sponsorship, volunteering and outreach. In the robot game, teams played in six qualification matches, leading to the alliance selection finals. Both out teams won matches, faced mechanical challenges and solved problems on the fly.
We had a successful weekend with both teams performing well, even with torrential rain, oppressive heat and some mechanical issues at times. At one point the Flaming Tacos were in 9th place out of 42. Particularly well done to the Flaming Galahs for receiving the second place for the Control Award:
The Control Award celebrates a team that uses sensors and software to increase the robot’s functionality in the field. This award is given to the team that demonstrates innovative thinking to solve game challenges such as autonomous operation, improving mechanical systems with intelligent control, or using sensors to achieve better results. The control component should work consistently in the field. The team’s engineering portfolio must contain a summary of the software, sensors, and mechanical control, but would not include copies of the code itself.
Both teams have already identified goals for the 2025 off-season and we look forward to supporting them to achieve these goals. Goals for 2025 include: increase robot reliability, connect with additional industry professionals, achieve higher rank at National Finals and supporting the rookie team #25827 Flaming Marshmallows.
Simon Canfield Digital (Robotics) Coordinator FTC National Steering Committee Member
The P&F Needs You! Monday 3 February 2025
The Hub is a group of parents dedicated to community and service. We run the Second Hand Uniform Shop and the Expat Collective and meet every Thursday7:45am - 11:30am in the P&F Centre during term time. All parents and friends of St Peters are welcome to drop in to buy second hand uniforms, donate old uniforms or just stop by for chat. All funds raised by the sale of uniform donations go towards purchasing much needed goods for those in need in our local community.
Call for donations: PRIMARY FORMAL DRESSES. These can be dropped to any of the school receptions, or to the P&F centre on Thursday mornings.
From the SPOSA Office
Save the date – SPOSA 2025
Happy New Year from SPOSA! This year St Peters celebrates 80 years of excellence in co-education, and we would love to see our Old Scholars at the following events, so make sure to save the date. We look forward to welcoming you back to the College.