Late last week, the College received the sad news of the passing of Dr Carson Dron, St Peters' third Headmaster, at age 85 after a long battle with illness.
Dr Dron was appointed Headmaster at just 31 years of age, assuming the role in October 1970. He served with dedication for 24 years until 1994, making him St Peters' longest-serving Head. Throughout his tenure, he led the College through a period of profound change and development.
Dr Dron embraced the best in contemporary educational thinking, and together with his boldness of vision and ability to treat obstacles simply as challenges to be met, the reputation and stature of St Peters in the local, state and national scene grew.
During his time, the College was at the forefront of innovation, pioneering the introduction of Computers and Computer Education in schools nationwide. He also introduced Social Education (Soc Ed), which included Human Relationship Education—an initiative ahead of its time in Queensland.
One of Dr Dron's most enduring legacies is our now iconic Ironbark Program, which continues to be a point of difference for St Peters. He also strengthened Pastoral Care within the Boarding Program by introducing the Pastoral Houses system. His tenure saw significant campus development, with the construction of Lohe House, the Schneider Building, the Technology Building, the Langer Library, the Gymnasium and the 50m Pool.
Dr Dron's influence extended beyond academics. Success in Sport was also a feature of his time, including three consecutive 1st XV Rugby Premierships in the 1970s. Under his leadership and influence, the strong musical traditions of St Peters, especially the Chorale, were developed and attracted national and international acclaim.
Everything Dr Dron did was framed by the consistent achievement of standards of excellence—Plus Ultra.
The St Peters community of the past, present, and future has much to be grateful for, including the legacy that Dr Dron created and left us with. It is a legacy that will live on in many ways in our College.
A Memorial Service for Dr Dron will be held in the College Chapel on Friday 21 February, at 10:30am.
Deputy Head of College
What Parents Want Survey | Closing Monday 24 March
Dear Parents
I invite you to take part in an important longitudinal survey: What Parents Want – a survey by Independent Schools Queensland. This survey explores the decision-making process parents undertake when choosing an independent school, including:
Cultural influences
Online and offline sources of information
The relative importance of various factors in school selection
We encourage parents of Prep, Year 7, and new students to complete the survey, but all parents are welcome to participate.
The survey takes approximately 15–20 minutes to complete.
Understanding why families choose independent schools—and specifically, why you chose St Peters—is invaluable. Your insights will help us continue to meet the needs of our community and provide our leadership team with a strong foundation to formulate future strategies.
St Peters is committed to listening to our community, and we appreciate your participation in this valuable survey. The survey closes on 24 March.
Yours sincerely
Lisa Delaney Deputy Head of College
Important Notices
Cafe 45 Online Ordering
Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Senior School – Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Academic Awards
Senior School Gold and Silver academic award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Friday 14 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Cocurricular Awards
Senior School Gold and Silver Cocurricular award recipients– if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Friday 14 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Student Prefects are to deliver the freshly dry-cleaned blazer to Mrs Burton at Senior School Reception before Friday 14 February.
If you received a Gold or Silver Cocurricular award and a Gold or Silver academic awards and/or Prefect Position, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Mrs Burton at Senior School Reception before Friday 14 February.
Junior High – Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Academic & Ironbark Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver academic/ Ironbark award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Cocurricular Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver Cocurricular award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
General Information
Blazers must be freshly dry-cleaned – this is a requirement from the embroidery company.
Blazers to be handed in to Shop 45 during normal trading hours (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 7:45am to 4:00pm).
Blazers can only be accepted if they are accompanied with the Pocket Award Authorisation form.
Blazers must be clearly marked with the CORRECT student’s name.
All blazers to be dropped off and collected from Shop 45.
Payment must be made at the time of collection.
Generation Pocket Embroidery
If you are an eligible recipient and would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
What's On
Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run | Registration Closes 14 February
On Sunday 9 March, St Peters is once again hosting our own local fun run to support the Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run and raise money for breast cancer. Since ‘5K Your Way’ began in 2021, our IB students have proudly organised this event, helping our community raise $55,000 over the past four years. In 2025, we aim to add even more to that total!
The official event has sold out, but you can still run with the St Peters community at Robertson Park, Indooroopilly. To secure your place, register using our special access link by 5:00pm on Friday 14 February:
Register for 5K Your Way: CLICK HERE Access Code: FINALACCESS2025
After 5:00pm on 14 February, registration will close. The only way to join our local run will be to donate to the St Peters Lutheran College team (DONATE HERE) and email Susannah Treschman ( so our IB student organising committee can track numbers. It's always a fantastic morning filled with pink outfits, prizes, and community spirit.
We can't wait to see you at Robertson Park on Sunday 9 March for an 8:00am race start!
Susannah Treschman IBDP Core Coordinator
Community Focus Expo | Friday 14 February
Looking to get involved in something new this year? Come along to the Community Focus Expo at the Performing Arts Centre on Friday 14 February at lunchtime to explore the incredible range of Life-Wide Learning clubs, societies, groups, and service-learning opportunities available at the College.
This exciting event will run alongside some fantastic initiatives led by our Prefects, including the Valentine’s Day rose sale and a Pink Stumps Day promotion. Plus, don’t forget to bring a gold coin for your chance to win a chocolate or lolly prize, all in support of Bradman House’s Mater Chicks in Pink fundraiser.
Over in the Chapel forecourt, there will be fun activities to enjoy and a special cheque presentation by our Multicultural Committee, who are supporting Médecins Sans Frontières with a donation.
Grab your friends, get involved, and make the most of this fun-filled lunchtime event!
Sarah Delaney Head of Life-Wide Learning
St Peters Chorale Post-Tour Concert – Saturday 15 February, 7:00pm
Come and hear why the Chorale’s outstanding performances were received with standing ovations and high praise from the audiences, clergy and congregations during their very successful International Tour to the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria in December 2024/January 2025. On Saturday, 15 February at 7:00pm, St Peter Chorale will present their homecoming concert in St John’s Cathedral, Ann St. Brisbane.
During their three-week tour, the Chorale gave seventeen performances of choral classics and works by Australian composers in public concerts and worship services. Services and concerts in Bath Abbey and the cathedrals of Exeter, Truro, Wells, Bristol and Christ Church, Oxford were highlights in England. The Chorale also returned to Newport Cathedral, Wales for the fourth time to sing a fundraising concert in support of the community work of the Cathedral. Churches in Germany were packed with host families, tourists and friends and the hospitality and generosity of the Lutheran community of St Pauls Kirche, Würzburg and our sister school, St Laurentius Gymnasium in Neuendettelsau was tremendous. Chorale also had the honour of singing a very poignant service with the sisters of the Holy Blood Convent after touring the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. Performing a concert in the magnificent Salzburg Dom in Salzburg, Austria was the fitting finale for this very successful tour.
We invite the families and friends of St Peters Chorale to attend the Post Tour Concert which will be held on Saturday 15 February commencing at 7:00pm in St John’s Cathedral.
Tickets: Adults $15.00 / Students and Concession $10.00
Symposium 1 – Growing up Online | Monday 24 March (NEW DATE)
In today’s digital world, young people are more connected than ever—but with this connectivity comes risks. To help parents navigate the challenges of raising children in the online age, St Peters is proud to present Symposium 1: Growing Up Online, featuring Australia’s leading cyber safety expert, Susan McLean.
Event Details: Monday 24 March, 6:45pm – 8:15pm Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre Tickets: $5.00 per person (Proceeds donated to charity)
Susan, a former police officer and Australia’s foremost authority on cyber safety, will share expert insights on online risks, including cyberbullying, grooming, sextortion, problematic gaming, and exposure to harmful content. She will also provide practical strategies to help parents manage digital devices and keep their children safe online.
This adults-only session is a must for all parents and caregivers.
For over 40 years, St Peters students have been participating in the internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh Award, with 170 students currently working towards their Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award. This number is set to grow in the coming weeks as the Award is introduced to our Year 9 students.
To achieve their Award, students complete activities across three key areas: Physical Recreation, Skills, and Voluntary Service. The number of hours required varies by Award level, but at St Peters, students have a wealth of opportunities to choose from, including Music, Sport, Service Learning, and cocurricular activities. A key highlight of the program is the Adventurous Journey (AJ), which students often describe as the most memorable part of their Award experience. Thanks to our Ironbark Program, all Year 9 students complete their Bronze AJ as part of the four-day Ironbark hike. Those progressing to Silver take on canoeing expeditions, while Gold students plan and undertake multi-day hikes in nearby National Parks. These outdoor adventures create lasting memories, strengthen connections with Ironbark staff, and foster friendships across year levels.
During the December school holidays, a group of twelve students completed a three-day Silver Canoe expedition on Somerset Dam. This staff and students had a fantastic time improving their canoeing skills and camping together. At the same time, eleven students were undertaking their Gold multi-day hike in D’Aguilar National Park. These students experienced more challenging conditions with torrential rain at the start of the trip, but they supported each other and felt a strong sense of accomplishment at the end. Congratulations to all students who completed these AJs, and thank you to the staff who volunteered their time to help out: Mr Noble, Mr Sims, Mr Thiedecke, and Ms Le Sage as well as our wonderful Ironbark staff leading the trips Mr Gudze and Mr Clarke.
Finally, a special congratulations to the 56 students who received one or more of these Award levels in 2024. Students in Years 9–12 are encouraged to participate in this rewarding program, which enriches their holistic education and personal growth. To learn more, students can attend 'Dukes Drop-ins' every Wednesday lunch in DO7 or email
Susannah Treschman Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator
St Peters LEGO Club | Donations Needed!
Do you have LEGO bricks gathering dust or a collection that's ready for a new home? The St Peters LEGO Club is launching in Term 2, and we’d love your help!
We’re seeking donations of preloved LEGO – or new sets if you prefer – to help our budding Brickstars develop their skills and bring their creative ideas to life. All types of LEGO, including DUPLO, are welcome and will be put to great use.
Donations can be dropped off at any sub-school reception and will be collected by LEGO Club leader, Annie George. If you have any questions, please email Annie at
Thank you for helping us build something amazing!
Primary Years
NAPLAN – Year 3 and Year 5
NAPLAN is a nationwide measure that can be used to determine how well young Australians are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning and their productive and rewarding participation in the community.
NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process. NAPLAN does not replace teachers' extensive, ongoing assessments of each student’s performance. A child’s teacher will have the best insight into the child’s educational progress.
NAPLAN is held in March. Students in the Primary Years will sit NAPLAN between 12 and 14 March 2025.
Writing 8:30am, Wednesday 12 March
Reading 8:30am, Conventions of language 10:45 am, Thursday 13 March
Numeracy 8:30am, Friday 14 March
The best preparation students can have for NAPLAN is to learn what they do in the classroom every day. On its own, NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for, and students are not expected to do so. Students participate in readiness or familiarisation activities as part of their day-to-day schooling.
What you need to do to ensure your child is ready to undertake the tests:
Year 3 and Year 5
Headphones: Headphones must be available for the spelling and numeracy tests. We recommend overhead headphones. Bluetooth headphones are supported, but these cannot be used if they have internet functionality.
Year 5 only (BYOD)
Keyboard: A keyboard supported by your child’s iPad must be available to complete the writing test. Please ensure that students can use their headphones and keyboard at the same time.
Locked Down Browser: To participate in familiarisation tests and NAPLAN, a locked down browser must be installed on student devices. It was requested that this be completed by Friday 14 February in readiness for the practice test on 19 February.
As the College has a BYOD policy, this must be installed at home. It can be accessed from the NAPLAN Locked Down Browser. Previous locked-down browsers must be uninstalled before the current version is placed on the device.
Remove screen time limiters for the NAPLAN testing window
Leaving these installed may impact students’ ability to complete the tests.
A comprehensive list of device requirements can be accessed here.
As we reach the end of Week 3, it's wonderful to see our Junior High students settling into their routines and engaging positively with their learning.
Parent Information Evening
Thank you to the many parents who attended Tuesday's Parent Information Evening. The presentations provided valuable insights into your child's learning journey for 2025, and it was fantastic to have the opportunity to meet so many of you in person. All materials from the evening will be available on Firefly in the coming days for those who were unable to attend.
Year 7 Welcome BBQ
Wednesday morning's Year 7 Welcome BBQ was a wonderful community event. Thank you to all the parents who attended. These occasions help build strong partnerships between home and school, which are vital for our students' success.
Academic and Ironbark Awards
On Tuesday, 18 February our Academic and Ironbark Awards Presentation will take place in the PAC. Students receiving awards have been emailed with details and parents have been emailed inviting them to attend. Congratulations to all award recipients.
Uniform Expectations
At Wednesday's Junior High Assembly, I spoke with students about the significance of our College uniform and its role in building community and upholding tradition. Our uniform represents 80 years of proud St Peters history and wearing it correctly demonstrates respect for this heritage.
From this week, we are reinforcing uniform expectations across Junior High. Students are reminded that they are expected to:
Wear their formal hat to and from school
Be in the correct uniform for their daily activities
Change between formal and PE uniform at designated times
Obtain a uniform pass from their Year Level Coordinator if there are circumstances preventing correct uniform wear
To help students meet these expectations, those not in correct uniform without a pass from their Year Level Coordinator will be asked to participate in Thursday afternoon community service. This provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their responsibilities as members of our College community.
We appreciate your support in ensuring your child maintains these standards.
Max Forbes Head of Junior High
Year 8 Kaleidoscope 2025
Great news! More than 100 Year 8 students have applied to be in the cast of Kaleidoscope 2025—congratulations to all of those students! You are in the cast!
If you’ve already applied, there’s nothing more you need to do right now. Once applications close, we’ll be in touch with the next steps.
For those who haven’t applied yet but would like to take part, applications close on Monday 14 February.
Note: The photos below are from the 2024 Kaleidoscope production
Senior School
Senior School News
It has been another eventful week in the Senior School, filled with opportunities to engage, celebrate achievements, and strengthen our community.
Last night, we hosted our Senior School Parent Information Evening, where staff shared essential details about the academic year ahead. The evening began with an opportunity for parents to connect with their child’s Form Class teacher, reinforcing the importance of this key relationship in supporting student progress. This year’s event highlighted our commitment to academic care and student wellbeing. A reminder that all presentation slides from the evening will be available on the Senior School page of Firefly in the coming days.
On Friday, we gathered for the Scholars Assembly to honour our highest-achieving students from 2024. This formal occasion recognised students in the graduating class of 2024 who achieved an ATAR or ATAR equivalent of 96.00 and above, as well as students in Years 10 and 11 (2024) whose results reflected academic excellence. While it was inspiring to celebrate their hard work and dedication, the most rewarding aspect of the event was hearing about their future endeavours. The breadth of talent and ambition within our student body never ceases to amaze me, and I look forward to following their journeys beyond St Peters.
Friday night also saw us welcome many new families to our community through the New Parent Welcome Night. The overwhelming feedback from attendees was a deep appreciation for the warm and inclusive spirit of our College. To all our new families, I extend my sincerest welcome and look forward to the years ahead as we partner in your child’s educational journey.
Last Wednesday's Senior School Swimming Carnival was a fantastic display of House spirit and community engagement. The colour and energy throughout the day were incredible, with Year 12 students leading the way in both participation and enthusiasm. Their involvement set a wonderful example for the younger year levels, encouraging all students to contribute to their House. These events are an integral part of our College culture, fostering camaraderie, teamwork, and school pride. It was wonderful to see so many students involved, embracing the day with such positivity and enthusiasm.
Another key event this week is the College’s Community Focus Expo, which highlighted the many ways students can contribute beyond themselves and get involved. Service is a cornerstone of the Senior School experience, and through the Academic Care and Wellbeing Program, we encourage students to use their strengths to create meaningful change. The Service element of the Expo showcases the outstanding work of our student-led committees, including:
Students 4 Students Service Committee
Social Justice Service Committee
Multicultural Service Committee
Environmental Service Committee
These groups provide students with avenues to make a tangible difference, and we hope the Expo continues to inspire greater participation in these initiatives.
Finally, I want to commend all students on an excellent start to the year. It has been encouraging to see each cohort settle into their classes with focus and enthusiasm. Establishing strong weekly routines early in the term is key to reducing stress and maximising success. I have spoken with students about the importance of forming good habits now to ensure a productive and rewarding term ahead.
As we continue through the term, I would like to remind all students of the importance of wearing their hats to and from school. Taking pride in self and the community in which they represent is a key priority, and we ask for parent support in reinforcing this expectation.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to another fantastic week in the Senior School.
David Rushmore Head of Senior School
The Arts
Music Support Group - Committee Meetings
Friday 21 February, 7:00pm - MSG Meet and Greet in PAC forecourt.
Calling all new and existing St Peters music families! Please come along to the PAC Forecourt to meet other music families and staff. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you might have, and to hear about the MSG. If your child is looking to start learning an instrument, or is already in an ensemble, we would love to see you.
Please bring a plate of food to share. We will open the servery for drinks.
The 2025 Music Support Group Annual General Meeting will take place at 6:30pm on Tuesday 4 March in the Red Room, top floor of the PAC. A link will be provided closer to the time for those who cannot attend in person. All positions will be declared vacant. If you would like to nominate for the position of President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary, please email We can email nomination forms to you, or alternatively they can be completed on the night. The AGM will be followed by our general committee meeting at 7:00pm.
2025 MSG Committee Meeting dates
Term 1
4 March - AGM 6:30pm, committee meeting 7:00pm
25 March
Term 2
29 April
27 May
Term 3
15 July
12 August
2 September
Term 4
14 October
11 November - if required
25 November - date hold for MSG dinner (to be confirmed)
Thank you for your support of the Music Support Group. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Rowena Lester MSG President
Primary Sport
"It's not about winning or losing, it's about making the most of what you have and being the best version of yourself."
All information regarding Primary Sport and Cocurricular activities can be accessed via FIREFLY
At St Peters, our Primary Sport Standards form the foundation for all Sport in the Primary School. These standards drive consistency, skill development, and a love of Sport across every year level, ensuring all students have the opportunity to grow and thrive in a supportive environment. Aligned with the PYP Learner Profiles, they focus not only on athletic ability but also on building well-rounded, resilient athletes with strong character.
We encourage parents, teachers, and coaches to engage with these standards to support our students' growth. Parents are invited to discuss the standards with their children, using them as a tool to measure progress and set personal goals. Coaches will be holding students accountable, helping them strive towards these benchmarks and develop both their sporting skills and personal resilience.
By ensuring the whole Primary community is involved, we’re fostering a shared commitment to developing a lifelong passion for physical activity and Sport.
We encourage all families to download the St Peters App to stay informed with the latest updates. In the event of cancellations or changes to activities, clubs, or Sport due to weather or other circumstances, we will send push notifications through the app. This ensures you receive important information quickly and directly.
Download the app today to stay connected!
On Saturday, 8 February, St Peters’ primary Australian Rules team played their second game, facing off against St Patrick’s College in a challenging match. The boys demonstrated resilience, determination, and great sportsmanship despite the tough competition. See photos attached for some great moments from the game.
I am delighted to share that we have been invited to attend the upcoming Andrews Cup Metro Meet on Saturday, 22 February, at Moreton Bay College. Traditionally an event for our girls, this year we are thrilled to extend the opportunity to all boys and girls in Years 3-6.
This meet is a fantastic chance for students wishing to record times for Inter-Lutheran and AIC team selection. It is also a wonderful opportunity to represent the College in a competitive yet supportive environment. I would love to see as many students as possible joining us!
Who: Years 3–6 boys and girls who can confidently swim 25m and wish to be considered for the upcoming Inter-Lutheran Swim Championships in March.
Please complete by Tuesday, 18 February at 3:00pm.
Meet Information: Time trials only – no placings or disqualifications. Students can take part in any of the events.
Transport: There is no transport to this event, so students should meet Mr. Shields and the swim coaches at the venue. Parents are warmly invited to support!
Looking forward to seeing many of our swimmers in action!
If you would like to share your sporting success, no matter how big or small, I would love to hear about it. Please send the details to
Friday 14 February – Primary and Senior Swim Meet at 50m Pool
Friday 21 February – Years 4-6 Interhouse Swim Carnival at 25m Pool
Saturday 22 February – Andrews Cup Swimming at Moreton Bay College
Thursday 27 February – AIC Meet at Chandler
Monday 3 March – Inter Lutheran Swimming Championships at 50m Pool
Monday 3 March – Andrews Cup Touch at St Aidan’s Ambiwerra
Tuesday 11 March – AIC Swimming Championships
Tuesday 1 April – Prep – Year 6 Interhouse Cross Country Carnival at Mayer Oval
Ben Shields Primary HPE
Boys Sport
Boys Weekly Sport
Over the weekend, St Peters teams showcased their prowess across various disciplines. Our Australian Rules teams faced tough competition but emerged with our first win in St Peters history in an ‘A’ level competition, with our 8As recording a win vs St Patrick’s College.
On the Cricket pitches, our teams clinched victories with some impressive bowling displays with our First XI defending a 109 total to win by 7 runs and our Year 7A students recording an impressive batting display with two half centuries amongst our boys. In Volleyball, although facing tough competition, our players displayed resilience, with our Years 7-9 teams recording several wins at home. Meanwhile, our swimmers excelled at the first meet, with our senior students to be commended for their leadership in helping out with St Peters first AIC Meet.
St Peters athletes continue to demonstrate dedication and skill across the sporting spectrum, setting a high standard for the competition.
We look forward to hosting our first Senior fixtures this weekend against St Patrick’s College for Cricket and Volleyball respectively. Looking forward to seeing all the 'Saints go marching in' to support the boys, be it at Mayer Oval or sitting in the mezzanine for Volleyball! Let’s bring the noise and showcase our St Peters spirit!
Congratulations to our First Teams
Leading into Round 1 of AIC we announced our St Peters Senior Australian Rules, 1st XI Cricket, and our 1st VI Volleyball Team on Thursday night. It was a combined gathering where we were able to acknowledge and congratulate the selected members of each respective team.
Australian Rules – Senior Team First Match day squad
Seamus C
Sterling C
Ryan D
Liam F
Tom G
Tom G
Daniel H
Theo H
Elijah K
James W
Matt K
Harry M
Sam K
Lucas R
Matthew W
Zane S
Harley K
Callum B
Hayden S
Leo B
Matt J
Addison S
Luca V
Cricket – First XI
Lars S (c)
Isaac K
Charlie C
Hugo K
Beau G (wk)
Lachlan F
Hugh B
Oli G
Harrison B
Jack L
Yash K
Volleyball – First VI Squad
Luke K
Toby F
Elijah K (11)
Kurtis B
Ben B
Jeremy C
Julius L
Tom D
Seb T
Luc H
Elijah K (12)
Mr Tim Kotzur, coordinators and coaches attended to address and present the players with their playing shirts and baggy caps. It filled me with great honour to see the young men take pride in their uniform and to ‘play for the crest’ with many students being teammates for several years and discussions of brotherhood were many. The unity that these young men showed was a testament to their character and was transmitted to the sporting arena last weekend with each of our first team recording comprehensive wins to get the AIC season off to a strong start!
We do encourage all students and parents to support to our Cricketers, Volleyballers, Australian Rules players and St Peters Swimmers over the course of their respective sporting seasons. A large part of our St Peters sporting program is also community engagement. Sport at St Peters is a great environment to connect and socialise with other students and parents.
Please refer to the St Peters App for details of times and venues for all AIC Round 2 games this coming Friday and Saturday.
AIC Ecumenical Service
The AIC sporting year was launched on Thursday 6 February, with the annual AIC Ecumenical Service being hosted by Villanova College. The Ecumenical Service celebrates the Christian bond that exists between all member Colleges and gives student and staff representatives from each school an opportunity to come together as a community before competition commences this weekend. It was wonderful to again welcome Ambrose Treacy to the event as a guest member of the Association. During the service, a student representative shared to the gathering a symbol from their respective school.
After the Ecumenical Service, students from all eight member colleges and AIC Guest College- Ambrose Treacy, participated in a student forum that included a presentation from Mr. Malcolm Watts- CEO of the Brisbane Bullets. Malcolm’s engaging presentation highlighted that student’s journeys through life can take many different paths, with Malcolm outlining his own journey to now being the CEO of one of the biggest national sporting teams in Brisbane.
Inter-house Swimming carnival
Last week our Junior High and Senior School rocked their House colours at the annual Inter-House Swimming Carnival. It was a day of tremendous school spirit, jam packed with colour, creativity and competition! Our Sports House staff could not run these days without the amazing support from our staff, who endured the heat to ensure the days ran smoothly and were a great success – thank you. Special mention to our well-oiled Sports House team and Health and Physical Education department. As well as Mr Bradley Chapman our House Coordinator for all his behind the scenes work in ensuring an enjoyable and effective carnival.
Please see below the 2024 Standings:
captains report
2025 Boys Sport Captain, Liam B (Year 12) and 2025 Boys Sport Spirit Captain, Zane S (Year 12)
The Inter-House Swimming Carnival was held on Wednesday and Thursday and was a fantastic couple of days. Bradman took the lead by the end of the first day, however, Chisholm swooped in and claimed the trophy by winning on aggregate points.
Meanwhile, the AIC celebrated its annual Ecumenical Service, marking the start of the competition season while reinforcing shared Christian values. Following the service, students attended a forum featuring Malcolm Watts, CEO of the Brisbane Bullets, who shared insights on life's diverse paths, with special thanks to Villanova College for hosting.
Heading into Week 3, our boys take on Marist College Ashgrove in the second round of Term 1. Special mention to our Cricket teams who are playing their annual Pink Stumps Day. This round is a fundraising event that supports breast cancer awareness and places breast care nurses in communities.
This year we would like to reintroduce the 'If You Play You Stay' rule. We strongly encourage all students to stay and support other teams after their games, especially during focus rounds when the whole cohort rallies around a specific Sport.
Australian rules
Our Year 7 and Years 9-10* (Born in 2010) team is still looking for numbers so if you are interested in joining – CLICK HERE
Congratulations to our 8A Australian Rules team for recording St Peters first win in the Australian Rules A competition! We look forward to seeing all teams succeed on the field in 2025
On Saturday 15 February the fifth Pink Stumps event will be hosted by Marist College in conjunction with St Peters College with games at both Colleges on this very special Day.
Our Pink Stumps Day event will help fund more McGrath Cancer Care Nurses so they can then provide vital physical, psychological, and emotional support to more people navigating breast cancer. It’s so important to get as many people as we can on board, because sadly, breast cancer leaves no community untouched. This year, 20,458 women and 217 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia. Each one deserves the best quality of care, with support from a McGrath Breast Care Nurse.
All home and away matches will feature the iconic pink stumps and hats. The parents and families of the boys are please asked to show your support by wearing Pink on the day. The P&F building will be open day with free tea, coffee and snacks, and if at school please pop in and show you support for the McGrath Foundation that help so many families in so many ways and all Sports welcome.
If you would like to support the nurses and our day please follow the link.
With Several wins across the board for our Junior Teams it was a great start to the season for our opening games hosted by St Peters. Our Year 9s were undefeated and a combined two teams lost across all Junior High teams, a fantastic effort.
Volleyball BBQ Roster – Round 2 Saturday 15 February We are also looking for one or two parents to help coordinate the Junior BBQ (years 7-9) There are three or four BBQs in the season and include helping with set up and co-ordinating food. If you are interested in helping, please email us at Without your help and time, the Volleyball support group will find it difficult to run the fundraising BBQs and support your children in their volleyball pursuits! If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.
Cross Country Training has started and sign up links have been sent out! For any students in Years 7-12 interested in Signing up for Cross Country in 2025 please see below the messages from Mrs Schreiber, Cross Country Coordinator to support having you participate in Cross Country, as well as your weekend AIC Sport i.e. Chess, Football and/or Rugby. - Training Schedule can be found on the app with Wednesday afternoons being the priority session for team training. However there are sessions offered every day to balance your Term 1 sporting schedule. Please prioritise your current Term 1 Sporting commitments.
Meets/Championship (see attached Calendar) Meets are on Wednesday afternoons and begin in Mid Term 2, meaning it will not clash with your AIC fixtures – you can do both!
With Term 2 Sport just around the corner, I invite you to complete the following sign-up process to help finalise our numbers for your respective Sport.
Please complete by end of Week 4, Friday 1 February.
Season information including training schedules for Chess, Cross Country and Rugby can be found on the St Peters app, with more information to be sent out from respective coordinators shortly.
Athletic Development
The St Peters Athletic Development Program supports students' physical growth and athletic performance, with sessions available before and after school in the Weights Room at the Indooroopilly Campus. Juniors (Years 7-9) focus on mastering fundamental movement patterns, while Seniors (Years 10-12) build on these skills with tailored programs for all levels. Regardless of gym experience, we cater for all levels and encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Boys are encouraged to attend Athletic Development
To help St Peters celebrate the sporting achievements of students who have competed in a State or National teams please complete the Microsoft forms – CLICK HERE
With hundreds of athletes competing in dozens of Sports, this will help us ensure your students achievements are not left unnoticed and can be considered for College celebrations.
this week in sport
AIC Australian Rules, Cricket, Volleyball and Swimming are the current IN-SEASON BOYS AIC SPORTS this term and training is currently well underway.
For details of times and venues for this weekend’s Round 2 fixtures vs Marist College please check the information on the St Peters App.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App. for both venue details and time of games for the Trial Round of St Peters AIC Boys Sport.
Please CLICK HERE for AUSTRALIAN RULES game day schedule
Please CLICK HERE for VOLLEYBALL game day schedule
For our St Peters sporting programs to positively develop and grow, it is paramount that our students attend training sessions for their chosen Sport, so they can improve and refine Sport-specific skills and build cohesion amongst their team-mates.
If students are unable to attend some training sessions, it is vital that their absence is communicated to their coaches firstly, and also the respective coordinator/s.
Please also CLICK HERE to access the AIC Sporting Calendar for 2025.
Matchday expectations
A reminder that all St Peters boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and at AIC games. All uniforms can be purchased from Shop45 or via School locker, please refer to website for opening hours. For matchdays enclosed footwear must be worn to games, no slides or crocs are to be worn at St Peters or associated AIC schools. They are not part of the school uniform and are a risk for Workplace health and safety.
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements
At Training – All St Peters AIC volleyballers are to wear their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training
At Games – All St Peters AIC volleyballers must be wearing:
St Peters numbered Volleyball shirt (NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games)
St Peters maroon PE/Sports Shorts
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their training session
At Games – All St Peters cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing:
St Peters ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Cricket Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Australian Rules
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC Australian Rules footballers must wear their PE Uniform to training (Year 7 and Year 9) and Seniors can wear their black opens warm up shirt. Students are to be wearing boots and have a mouth guard
At Games – Students must have mouth guards
Joggers MUST be worn at all times before/after games – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they are dressed in St Peters Formal Uniform. Should a student not be wearing the correct attire when attending a sporting event/game, they may be asked to leave the venue.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
We wish our Senior Australian Rules Football teams the best of luck this weekend as they commence their QGSSSA season. Well done to Indy C and Abby G on their appointments as Captain and Vice-Captain respectively.
Congratulations to the following girls on their selection in the 2025 Open QGSSSA Australian Rules Football Team. We hope that you can build on the success of last year’s team who won the inaugural 2024 QGSSSA Open Premiership.
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
Starting this Thursday, St Peters will field four girls touch football teams in club fixtures at BMTA! We hope that the girls find this to be a valuable experience and thank our Touch Football Coordinator Miss Laura Buckby for her tireless work driving this program forward.
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
Student Achievements
Congratulations to Bronte G (Year 11) who has been selected in the Papua New Guinea Pepes National team to compete at the Pacific-Aus Sports Netball Series held in Brisbane from 17–22 February. Good luck Bronte!
Share your achievements
We would like to acknowledge student sporting achievements throughout the year. If your daughter has competed at a national or international level, please click here to share the details with us.
Please see the Northern Eagles calendar currently available on the St Peters App. Information regarding Term 1 district nominations have been shared via email to all students. Students need to be part of a St Peters 'A Team' or play club at a high level to be nominated. A final decision on nominations will be at the discretion of the Sport Department. Further nomination information will be emailed to students at the start of each term.
Inter-house Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to Chisholm, who edged out Bradman to take the win with 2639 points! Bradman followed closely behind in second, just 100 points back, while Gould rounded out the top three with 2391 points.
Well done to all our students for diving into the competition, wearing their house colours with pride, and bringing fantastic energy to the pool deck!A special thank you to our Sports staff for running the two events, Mr Bradley Chapman for coordinating with the House Patrons, and our House Captains for keeping the house spirit alive.
What a fantastic two days of racing and rivalry! Next up is our Inter-House Cross Country Carnival in Week 10.
From the SPOSA Office
Founders' Day – Thursday 20 February
Eighty years ago, on 20 February 1945, St Peters Lutheran College opened its doors amidst a time of global adversity. This remarkable achievement was the result of nine months of intense deliberation, tireless fundraising, and the hard work of countless volunteers who shared the vision of St Peters Founder and Pastor Gerhard Dohler. With just 56 pioneering boarders—28 girls and 28 boys—the College embarked on a journey of growth, excellence in co-education, and a strong sense of community. As we commemorate this milestone, we invite you to join us in celebrating 80 years of shaping the future and inspiring future generations. The program for the morning is as follows:
St Peters Founders’ Day: Thursday 20 February
8:05am – 8:50am: Assembly | Chapel Forecourt 9:00am – 9:30am: Visit to Ross Roy 10:00am – 12:00pm: Morning tea | P&F Centre
For catering purposes, we ask that you please RSVP by Tuesday 18 February to confirm your attendance.
SPOSA Wine and Cheese Evening – Friday 21 February
2025 marks a special milestone—80 years of St Peters! As both an Old Scholar and a current parent, you are part of a unique legacy, and we’d love you to join us for a Wine & Cheese evening hosted by SPOSA.
Date: Friday 21 February Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Venue: SPOSA Café, Centre for Learning & Innovation
Connect with fellow Old Scholars who, like you, now have children at St Peters. Enjoy an evening of great conversation, delicious wine and canapes, and a chance to hear from our Head of College, Tim Kotzur, and SPOSA President, Llewellyn Jones. This is more than just a social event—it’s a celebration of our shared history and the incredible community that makes St Peters so special.
Please click the link below to register your attendance help us plan catering requirements.