As we navigate the academic year together, we would like to take a moment to emphasize the significance of keeping your personal information up to date.
Maintaining accurate and current records is crucial for several reasons:
Emergency Situations: In case of an emergency involving your child, having the most recent contact details, including phone numbers and addresses, ensures that we can reach you promptly. Timely communication is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of our students.
Health and Medical Records: Accurate health information is vital for our school's healthcare professionals to provide appropriate care in case of illness or injury. Updated contact details are crucial in reaching you for consent or additional information when needed. Medical information includes, but is not limited to medical conditions, medication and medication permissions, allergies, ongoing medical and general consents, and dietary requirements.
Communication Channels: We rely on various communication channels to keep you informed about important school events, academic progress, and other pertinent information. Keeping your email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information current ensures that you receive timely updates.
School Policies and Procedures: As school policies and procedures evolve, we need to keep you informed about any changes that may impact your child's education. Updated contact information ensures that you are aware of any modifications or new initiatives.
Parental Involvement: We value your involvement in your child's education. Having accurate contact information allows us to invite you to parent-teacher conferences, school events and other opportunities for parental engagement.
How to update your Personal Information:
To facilitate the update of your personal information, we have made the process simple and accessible. Please log in to the Community Portal using your MyStPeters parent ID and password:
Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated, as it contributes to the overall safety, well-being, and success of your child's educational journey.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to a continued partnership in your child's education.
Lisa Delaney Deputy Head of College
St Peters Lutheran Church
Indooroopilly Sunday Service
Every Sunday at 9:00am St Peters Chapel We’d love for you to join us!
One for All and All for One
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If they fall down, they can help each other up. But pity those who fall and have no one to help them up! Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4: 8-10,12)
In the business world, great achievements are generally the result of effective teams. The person who tries to stand alone will quickly lose strength and enthusiasm. Even Jesus, though he was God and could have done everything by himself, chose to gather a group of key followers to help him carry out his earthly ministry, to keep him company along the way but also so that they could learn from him and continue his work.
In everything we do at St Peters, we are reminded that none of our work is done in isolation. Through teamwork and common direction we are strengthened and encouraged in all that we do – we can bounce ideas off each other, get feedback and constructive criticism, advice and reassurance. But we are reminded that the work that we do is even stronger when God is woven through all that we do. In all the classes that happen here, in the meetings and in the sports teams, we remind ourselves that God is indeed that third, sometimes unseen strand - a member of our school, weaving his Spirit through our words and our actions.
We pray:
Lord God, Heavenly Father, we thank you that you have richly blessed our lives, our homes and our school. As you have gathered us together in the community of St Peters, remind us now of your guiding presence. Open our imaginations to the possibilities in our school in the coming months & years, and help forge us into a strong community under your loving care. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Chaplain Kirstin
What's On
Ladies Lunch - Friday 22 March 2024
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Thank you to our sponsors of our Ladies Lunch
Alex Jordan-McGrath, Map Creative, vbr Lawyers, All Sports Physiotherapy, The Pet Chalet, Fleming Financial Planners
Mater Chicks Fun Run
Great news! The St Peters community will participate in the Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run again in 2024. Mark the date Sunday 10 March in your diary. Registrations are now open via the link below. Remember to join the St Peters Lutheran College team when you register. It doesn’t matter if you choose to run in the official city event or the ‘Virtual Run Your Way’ event to run with our local community at Robertson Park, Indooroopilly, on the day, we would love your fundraising efforts to contribute towards our team total.
Thank you in advance for supporting this event and helping to raise money for breast cancer research. Whether you run in the city, run with us, or donate to the St Peters team, your support is greatly appreciated!
Queensland School Library Week and Library Lovers Week
Coming next week – it’s Queensland School Library Week and Library Lovers Week combined. From Monday 12 February, come and share your love of the library by joining in our celebrations. Each lunchtime commencing at 12:50pm, we will have a range of fun activities. Watch a movie, of course it will be based on a book, and...yes, there should be popcorn (you'll have to visit to find out). Alternatively, you might like to participate in a quiz, complete our scavenger hunt or take part in other activities.
Come on in! We are celebrating School Libraries. Our heart, our stories. Enjoy the fun!
Monday 12 February – Friday 16 February 12:50am - 1:30pm
Academic Matters
Diploma Programme
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, a Senior pathway option in Years 11 and 12, enters its 18th year at St Peters Lutheran College in 2024.
We invite students in Years 7-10, who may want to know more about the programme, to come and meet some IBDP students next week. Find out more about this globally offered curriculum and the opportunities that await you.
Where: DO4
When: Wednesday 14 February at lunchtime
We look forward to meeting you.
Standardised Tests - Junior High
Students in Junior participate in two categories of standardised tests.
ACER PAT testing
During the school year, students in Years 7-9 will participate in ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) PAT standardised tests during class time. The College uses the results from these tests to support student’s academic development by:
measuring student progress,
benchmarking student performance against national measures,
informing class groupings, and
as a tool to inform teaching and learning practices.
These tests are aligned with the Australian Curriculum and designed to provide an assessment of student learning by measuring the knowledge and skills that students have acquired in a particular subject area. Unlike NAPLAN, the ACER PAT assessments have instant results available to teachers. There is no student/parent report.
The PAT testing process is explained to students by teachers and should not be seen as a stressful pass or fail assessment. Students will be encouraged to view the tests as a tool for teachers, a point in time opportunity to get a snapshot of how students are doing in a particular subject. It's also important for students to remember that the tests are one factor in the overall evaluation of their academic performance.
Families can support their child in this process by emphasising with them that results from the test will be balanced against their everyday class work and achievements. Children of the same age and in the same year of school can be at very different points and the data will be used by teachers to help support them in their learning and academic development at the College.
NAPLAN is a nationwide measure that can be used to determine how well young Australians are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning, and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.
NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process. NAPLAN does not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. A child’s teacher will have the best insight into the child’s educational progress.
NAPLAN is now held in March. Students in Junior High will be sitting NAPLAN between 13 and 15 March 2024.
Writing 8:05am Wednesday 13 March
Reading 8:05am; Conventions of language 10:10am Thursday 14 March
Numeracy 8:05am Friday 15 March
The best preparation students can do for NAPLAN is to learn what they do in the classroom every day. On its own, NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for, and students are not expected to do so. Students participate in readiness or familiarisation activities as part of their day-to-day schooling.
What you need to do to ensure your child is ready to undertake the tests:
Locked Down Browser
In order to participate in familiarisation tests and NAPLAN, a locked down browser needs to be installed on student devices by Friday 16 February.
As the College has a BYOD policy this must be installed at home. It can be accessed from NAPLAN Locked down browser. Previous locked down browsers must be uninstalled before the current version is placed on the device.
Headphones, earphones or earbuds must be available for the spelling and numeracy tests. Bluetooth headphones are supported. Music streaming software (such as iTunes and Spotify) must be closed before the locked down browser is launched on the student device.
Remove screen time limiters for the NAPLAN testing window
Leaving these installed may impact students’ ability to complete the tests.
A comprehensive list of device requirements can be accessed here.
If you have any further questions or require more information, please email Trish Russell.
Trish Russell Head of Curriculum – Academic Staff
Primary Years
Let's Hear from Our 2024 Student Leaders...
Tomorrow, at a special Upper Primary Assembly, we will install our Primary Years Leaders for 2024. During this assembly our young people will together, recite the pledge written for them by our 2023 leaders.
These young people are well-prepared for their leadership journey this year, and over the next few weeks I am delighted to share some of their thoughts with you.
Thoma B Leadership is bravery, being able to step out of your comfort zone so you can be flexible and helpful to anyone at any time. It means that you lead by example and that people can look up to you as a role-model.
Amelia Q I think that leadership is about leaving behind a legacy. To me, this means that you have helped make a long-term change for the better. I also think that leadership is not about being a boss but leading from behind. This means that you are letting people make their own decisions, but when they get a bit lost, you are there to help them get back on the right path. It’s also about letting other people have a voice and letting them share their ideas and make comments. I think that leadership is about the community, not just one person.
Sam W To me, leadership means the ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal or vision. It involves setting a positive example, making informed decisions and effectively communicating and collaborating with team members. It also includes leading from the back and giving other people a chance to step up and be a leader.
Anna B Leadership means to me to be responsible, respectful, and listen to others’ ideas. Also, Leaders help others and includes them in whatever they are doing.
Jacob Z To me, leadership is about supporting peers and helping them be the best they can be. It is about us sharing our knowledge amongst ourselves to enrich us in every way possible. To me, as 2024 leaders, we should all be trying our best and working as a group with our peers and not making them work for us.
Ollie K To me leadership means encouraging others to do their best, respecting others, listening to other people’s ideas but also suggesting them, and stepping back to let others lead. I hope to encourage everyone in the Primary Years to get involved, give things a go, do their best and have fun.
Dhretii M Being a leader means trust, helpfulness, confidence and kindness. To be a leader you have to actually want to make a difference. You have to lead by example and be a role model to those around. People must look at you and say, ‘Wow, I want to be just like them.’ That is a leader.
Cristiano B Leadership means helping people to believe in themselves. It also means encouraging people to go out of their comfort zones and try new things. As a leader you are meant to lead but not all the time. For me you should let others take risks. Everyone is a leader they just need to show that they can be one.
NAPLAN – Year 3 and Year 5
NAPLAN is a nationwide measure that can be used to determine how well young Australians are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning, and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.
NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process. NAPLAN does not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. A child’s teacher will have the best insight into the child’s educational progress.
NAPLAN is now held in March. Students in the Primary Years will be sitting NAPLAN between 13 March and 15 March 2024.
Writing 8:30am Wednesday 13 March
Reading 8:30am; Conventions of language 10:45am Thursday 14 March
Numeracy 8:30am Friday 15 March
The best preparation students can do for NAPLAN is to learn what they do in the classroom every day. On its own, NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for, and students are not expected to do so. Students participate in readiness or familiarisation activities as part of their day-to-day schooling.
What you need to do to ensure your child is ready to undertake the tests:
Year 3 and Year 5
Headphones must be available for the spelling and numeracy tests. We recommend overhead headphones. Bluetooth headphones are supported but these cannot be used if they have internet functionality.
Year 5 only (BYOD)
A keyboard supported by your child’s iPad must be available to complete the writing test.
Locked Down Browser
In order to participate in familiarisation tests and NAPLAN, a locked down browser needs to be installed on student devices by Friday 16 February.
As the College has a BYOD policy this must be installed at home. It can be accessed from NAPLAN Locked down browser. Previous locked down browsers must be uninstalled before the current version is placed on the device.
Remove screen time limiters for the NAPLAN testing window
Leaving these installed may impact students’ ability to complete the tests.
A comprehensive list of device requirements can be accessed here.
If you have any further questions or require more information, please email Simone Mitchell.
Lisa Challenor Head of Primary Years
Junior High
At the Junior High Parent Information evening held this week, an overview of the various means of communication within the College was provided. These include emails, phone calls, our weekly The Rock newsletter, the College app, Firefly and the student diary. A reminder that to assist you to make contact with the most appropriate person in relation to a particular matter, we recommend that you:
Know the name of your child’s Form Teacher (for most Pastoral Care matters), their various Subject Teachers (for Academic matters) and the Year Level Coordinator. Know how to contact them (email addresses or phone contact details) in relation to most issues, questions or concerns relating to your child.
Contact Junior High Reception (3377 6503) if you require assistance in locating particular information or who to contact about various matters in regard to your child.
REMINDERS – Traffic and Student Pickup/Collection Areas
Another of the points raised at the Junior High Parent Information Evening this week was a reminder that the St Peters campus is a pedestrian precinct and the safety of our students and all who live and work on the campus, is a priority concern. Therefore, we minimise the amount of vehicular traffic on the internal campus roads.
Please be aware that unless a special pass has been applied for and granted, parents are asked not to drop off or pick up their children within College grounds at peak times. These times are identified as being between 7:00am - 8:15am and 2:30pm - 3:30 pm. Please DO NOT park at the internal bus stop waiting for your child or use it as a ‘drop and go’ zone during these peak times.
However, if you are taking your child to a pre-arranged appointment off-campus, outside of the above times and have notified Junior High Attendance, the internal bus stop is the recommended collection zone. It is close to the Junior High Reception where your child will need to sign out before being collected.
The Academic and Ironbark Awards Ceremony for the 2023 Years 7, 8 and 9 cohorts will be held next Tuesday, 13 February 2024 commencing at 8:15am in the Dron Auditorium (Performing Arts Centre). At this Ceremony, we will celebrate the success of our students in in their academic pursuits during 2023 and also recognise the Year 9 students who demonstrated leadership and commitment while at Ironbark. Parents of the students who will be receiving either an Academic or an Ironbark award have been notified by email. The event will also be live-streamed for those parents who are unable to attend in person. The livestream link will be provided to parents prior to the event.
Kelly Fox Acting Head of Junior High
The Arts
St Peters Music Support Group 2024
The Music Department warmly encourages parents involved in the Music Program to join the Music Support Group (MSG) and to be involved in any way that they can - attending monthly meetings, assisting in the servery, occasionally pouring a cup of coffee at a concert or being on the mailing list to be kept informed of MSG activities. Membership of the MSG is a valuable way in which parents can support their student’s musical endeavours whilst meeting other parents of students involved in the Music Program. To express interest in being involved in the MSG, please email -
The next meeting for the Music Support Group will be held in the Performing Arts Centre in the 'Red' Music Classroom on Tuesday 13 February, commencing at 7:00pm. All Music parents are invited to attend the meeting in person or online - Click here to join online.
The MSG’s Annual General Meeting is also coming up on Tuesday 12 March, commencing at 6:30pm with a meeting to follow at 7:00pm. All committee positions will be open for nominations. These are: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Minutes Secretary, Choirs Rep, Strings Rep, Bands Rep and Primary Music Rep. If you’re interested in attending (in person or online) or nominating for a role on the MSG Committee this year, please get in touch and we can send you more information.
Christine Taylor Head of Choirs
Primary Sport
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” – Babe Ruth, former professional baseball player
aic swimming Meet – friday 9 February
On Friday, we will be hosting the second AIC boys swimming meet at the 50m pool. Boys in Years 5-6 who wish to participate in this event do not need to register; they can simply come down to the pool. The meet is scheduled to take place from 3:30pm-6:00pm.
Northern Eagles District Swimming
On Monday 4 February we had splashes of success at the Northern Eagles District Trials! With stellar swims and infectious fun, pupils showcased not only their skills but also a true love for the sport. Congratulations to all participants for a fantastic day of friendly competition and camaraderie.
AIC Cricket
Congratulations to our 5B, 5A and 6A Cricket teams who are up and running after Round 1 fixtures against Ambrose Treacy College. I would like to ask that if any player cannot make a game for any reason, you give our Cricket Coordinator, Mr Gary Munday, as much notice as possible to ensure we field full teams. We wish the teams the very best this weekend.
Next week, (Week 4), activities start at Indooroopilly for our Primary Years students. Please ensure you read the information for each club very carefully as times and locations do vary. All relevant information can be found on Firefly.
Training for our Years 5-6 girls will start on Friday 9 February and will run for three weeks. This will help to prepare our girls to take part in the Andrews Cup Primary Girls Touch Competition. The competition will be played on Monday 26 February. All information can be found here.
Ben Shields Primary HPE & Sport Coordinator
Girls Sport
We wish to congratulate Macy B and Olivia G for their outstanding results, finishing top 3 in their respective age groups at the 2024 Australian Open Water Championships held in Busselton, WA last week.
1st Place - Olivia G (Year 8) 1:05:28, Girls 14 Years 5km Open Water
3rd Place - Macy B (Year 11) 1:41:38, Girls 17 Years 7.5km Open Water
Autumn Fixtures – Basketball, Football & Touch Football
Pre-Season Dates & Old Scholar Games
Trial - All teams vs Somerville House, Friday 1 March at Home (T1 Week 6)
Opens vs Old Scholars, Monday 25 March at Home (T1 Week 10)
Trial - Opens vs BSHS, Wednesday 14 February at Home (T1 Week 4)
Opens vs Old Scholars, Wednesday 21 February at Home (T1 Week 5)
Trial - All teams vs Somerville House, Friday 1 March at Home (T1 Week 6)
Touch Football
Trial – All teams vs BGGS, Thursday 22 February Away at Rangakarra (T1 Week 5)
Trial - All teams vs Somerville House, Friday 1 March at Home (T1 Week 6)
Round 1 showcased the Open Team's strength with a 3-0 victory against Somerville House. Despite a close practice match against MBC, the Open Team faced a loss. The Senior A's secured a comfortable win against Somerville House but faced defeat from Brisbane State High School in two practice games. The Senior B's displayed a commendable effort but fell short against BGGS.
Cross Country pre-season training has commenced! All members of the St Peters community are welcome to join the Community Run Club on Friday mornings – meet at 6:30am at the St Peters Bus Stop.
We would like to wish our Australian Rules footballers all the best for their first round of QGSSSA competition this Saturday.
If you would like to come and support our Australian Rules footballers, you can find the draw and venue information on the St Peters app. Our Open team will be playing at Springfield Central Sporting Complex, and the Senior A, Senior B i and Senior B ii teams will play at SomerFields, Rocklea.
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to lead the St Peters Australian Rules Football program in 2024.
Australian Rules Football Captain: April F
Australian Rules Football Vice Captain: Indy C
Australian Rules Football Vice Captain: Mackenzie H
Finally, congratulations to the following students on their selection in the 2024 Australian Rules Football Open Team.
“The pain of effort is temporary, the pain of defeat is not”
Since joining the St Peters community at the start of 2024, the question I am most frequently asked is “What is the sporting culture like at St Peters?” Be it from colleagues and coaches at neighbouring Brisbane schools, parents at the New Parents Welcome or new boarding students looking to get involved in as many sports as possible. Each time I have replied with the same one word, Pride. Pride in participating and wearing the school crest, pride in their performance and always aspiring to be the best athletes they can be and pride in their personal bests with the boys demonstrating an insatiable hunger for personal success at each training session or games.
For someone who lives by the ethos of “if you are going to do something, you do it right” I have been thoroughly impressed with the level of dedication shown between the many Australian Rules, Cricket, Volleyball and Swimming sessions I have attended. Effort is very much a non-negotiable and with the mentality being shown by both students and the preparation behind the scenes from both coaches and coordinators, there is no better place to be then out on the fields, the courts or by the pool to watch our students and staff do what they do best. Go Saints!
Congratulations to our First Teams
Leading into Round 1 of AIC we announced our St Peters 1st XVIII Australian Rules, 1st XI Cricket, and our 1st VI Volleyball Team on Thursday night. It was a combined gathering where we were able to acknowledge and congratulate the selected members of each respective team.
Australian Rules – First XVIII Squad
Finn B (C)
Sam C
Luke C
Brayden C
Charles D
Oliver D
Xavier D
Oliver D
Tom G
Will G
Dan H
Tom J (vC)
Elijah K
Tom P
Hayden R
Rohan S
Harry S
Lachie S
Zane S
Addison S
Sam T
Alex T
Taj W
Nikolai W
Cricket – First XI
Jamie N
Liam B
Noah J (C)
Lars S
Hugo K
Isaac K
Ashish N
Jacob T
Jacob M
Austin C
Sritam V
Volleyball – First VI Squad
Harry B
Brayden C
Christian C
Thomas D
Kristian F
Timothy F
Toby F
Elijah K (vC)
Luke K
Jack M
Sebastian T
Isaac W (C)
Mr Tim Kotzur and Mrs Sarah Delaney attended to address and present the players with their playing shirts and baggy caps. It filled me with great honour to see the young men take pride in their uniform and to ‘play for the crest’ with many students being teammates for several years and discussions of brotherhood were many. The unity that these young men showed was a testament to their character and was transmitted to the sporting arena last weekend with each of our first team recording comprehensive wins to get the AIC season off to a strong start!
We do encourage all students and parents to support to our Cricketers, Volleyballers, Australian Rules players and St Peters Swimmers over the course of their respective sporting seasons. A large part of our St Peters sporting program is also community engagement. Sport at St Peters is a great environment to connect and socialise with other students and parents.
Please refer to the St Peters App for details of times and venues for all AIC Round 2 games this coming Friday and Saturday.
AIC Ecumenical Service
The AIC sporting year was launched on Thursday 1 February, with the annual AIC Ecumenical Service being hosted by St Peters. The Ecumenical Service celebrates the Christian bond that exists between all member Colleges and gives student and staff representatives from each school an opportunity to come together as a community before competition commences this weekend. It was wonderful to again welcome Ambrose Treacy to the event as a guest member of the Association.
During the service, a student representative shared to the gathering a symbol from their respective school that highlighted the theme of 'Grow Together'. Wonderful stories were shared of the growth that occurs everyday in the AIC community. College Captain Jack W presented the Senior tie and the relevance it held to him personally, how this aspect of the uniform symbolises how the cohort grows together and represents the college with pride donning the Seniors tie.
As part of the liturgy, host school St Peters gifted to each school a white rose bush- symbolic of the Luther Rose. The rose bush will be taken back to each College and planted, acting as a living symbol of growth in each community and as a reminder of each school’s commitment to our Association.
After the Ecumenical Service, special guest Karni Liddell presented to the students on her life journey and the challenges she has faced and overcome. The presentation was inspirational for all, and the messages learnt will be taken back to each school by attendees.
Countless dedicated athletes converged on the Western Australian coastal town of Busselton to compete at and contest the 2024 National Open Water Swim Championships from 24-27 January. St Peters had six boys compete at the championships and recorded fantastic results!
Congratulations to all the above mentioned for their fantastic performances and representing St Peters so proudly.
Samuel T 1st for Boys 18 Years 10k 2nd for Boys 18 Years 5k
William T 1st for Boys 14 Years 5k
Callum B 3rd for Boys 19 Years 10k 1st for Boys 19 Years 5k
Riley M 2nd for Boys 15 Years 5k
Noah A Placed 16th Boys 17 Years 5k
Joel R Placed 12th Boys 15 Years 5k
This week in AIC Sport, St Peters compete against St Laurence’s College in Australian Rules, Cricket and Volleyball.
Round 2 will see our Years 10-12 teams playing at away once more against St Laurence’s. Our Years 5-9 teams are predominantly at St Peters sporting venues. Please ensure you check the St Peters App for both venue details and time of games for Round 2 of St Peters AIC Boys Sport.
For our St Peters sporting programs to positively develop and grow, it is paramount that our students attend training sessions for their chosen sport, so they can improve and refine sport-specific skills and build cohesion amongst their teammates.
If students are unable to attend some training sessions, it is vital that their absence is communicated to their coaches firstly, and also the respective coordinator/s ideally by the last training session before match day.
Should the sport specific information you are looking for cannot be found on the St Peters App, please contact the below sport specific coordinators.
After the success of our first swim meet last Friday, this coming Friday 9 February our boys will again swim at an AIC Invitational Swimming Meet at St Peters 50m Pool. St Peters will host an invitational swim meet for both QGSSSA and AIC for Years 5-12 students. Please see the below flyer for further information.
This is another great opportunity for our swimmers to get in some race practice before the up-and-coming AIC Championships, Tuesday 5 March at Brisbane Aquatic Centre.
Cross Country and Rowing
Also, this term, we will see the commencement of both St Peters Cross Country and St Peters Rowing training for our boys. St Peters Cross Country training is open to all boys from Years 7-12 whilst St Peters Rowing will cater for boys in Years 8-12. Cross Country training started last week and our Run club extends an invitation to all runners, experienced and new who are interested in improving their fitness, meeting new friends or competing for St Peters in AIC and QGSSA. All members of the St Peters community are welcome to join the Community Run Club on Friday mornings – meet at 6:30am at the St Peters Bus Stop.
Please also CLICK HERE to access the AIC Sporting Calendar for 2024.
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they are dressed in St Peters Formal Uniform. Should a student not be wearing the correct attire when attending a sporting event/game, they may be asked to leave the venue.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Daniel Fraser Boys Sport Coordinator
2024 New Parent Welcome Reflection
What a fantastic turnout we had for our 2024 New Parent Welcome on Friday, 2 February! Over 320 parents attended the event and it was wonderful to see new and familiar faces come together, connecting with each other and meeting College staff and members of the St Peters P&F and Parent Support Groups.
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with one parent expressing, "It was lovely to meet new parents, gain some additional information and feel so welcomed. Being new to the school and with such wonderful events, a warm welcome and the strong sense of community, just reinforces our decision that we chose the ideal school for our son."
We encourage all families to get involved in their child/ren's education journey here at St Peters. Let's continue to grow our vibrant community together!
Ross Thomson Director of Community Engagement
Message from P&F
It was so wonderful to meet and engage with so many families at the New Parent Welcome on Friday night. There was a real vibrancy in the air, new connections being made and lots of people signing up for our Parent Support Groups.
One hour once. Either once a term or once a semester. Small contributions from everyone make the world of difference not only for your children but also for parents/guardians/carers. There are many small ways you can get involved.
P&F, PSG’s, Expat Collective, Community Hub, College organised events, Year Level Parent Liaison organised events, attending your child’s sports games.
You will hopefully all be connected in with your individual year levels through your Parent Liaisons. If you are not yet connected via WhatsApp or Facebook, please get in touch with us.
You can find contact information for the Parent Liaisons and various Parent Support Groups on Firefly:
I was also able to get to the first SPOSA (St Peters Old Scholars Association) meeting and most of the Parent Support Group meetings on Monday night and connect with the incredible staff and volunteers who do such valuable work around our Sports Team. We are always looking for new parent involvement and it’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with your College Community.
Your P&F is here to support you on your journey through your school years. I look forward to representing all our families and to continue connecting with you all.
List your business with the St Peters Business Directory
If you're a business owner you now have the opportunity to showcase your business to the community through the St Peters Business Directory. This directory serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking for businesses in the area, and listing your business in the directory can help increase visibility and attract potential customers.
Take a look at some of the fantastic businesses we already feature:
Named 'Agent of the Year' for four consecutive years, Alex Jordan achieves such accolades with his distinctive ability to maximise the perceived value of the property. Leading a team of specialists, Alex draws on insight into each facet of the selling process. In 21+ years in the real estate market, he's honed acumen in construction, zoning and design, and how each contributes to a property's optimal appeal. To see their website CLICK HERE.
For over 100 years, Eaton Services Group have been providing professional cleaning and facility services to industries such as education, commercial, industrial and aged care/health. Eaton's offer an extensive range of services, site specific solutions, and flexible scheduling so you can spend more time focussing on your core business. To see their website CLICK HERE.
Kenmore Mower and Power Equipment offers 36 years experience in sales, service and repairs of outdoor equipment in Brisbane. As an authorised dealer for Stihl, Briggs & Stratton, Victa, Rover, Masport, Cox, Ferris, RedMax, Hustler, Hansa, Bushranger and Atom and an extensive range of spare parts and accessories, we cater to the needs of the home gardner and contractors alike. To see their website CLICK HERE.
Merchant Warrior is a leading Australian payment processor enabling innovative and secure payment solutions, for increased customer processing volumes and reduced fraudulent transactions. Our organisation prides itself on establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship with each of our clients. To view their website CLICK HERE.
The Pet Chalet offers first class dog and cat boarding for those special furry family members! The stunning bush surrounds foster a peaceful and calm atmosphere conducive to a relaxed holiday for your pets. At The Pet Chalet your fur babies are part of the family. To view their website CLICK HERE.
To list your business in the St Peters Business Directory please contact the Director of Community Engagement:
So, if you're a business owner be sure to take advantage of this valuable resource and list your business in the St Peters Business Directory. Click HERE to see other businesses already listed.