Founder’s Day – Celebrating 50 Years of Langer Library
This Sunday 20 February, marks 77 years to the day since St Peters was founded. We will celebrate Founder’s Day as a community in a COVID-Safe way on Friday.
As I walk around the campus I am constantly reminded of the rich history of St Peters.
One of the most significant reminders of those that have gone before us is the Langer Library, or the Karl Langer Memorial Library, as it is officially known. The Langer Library turns 50 next month. Langer Library was officially opened on 26 March 1972 by Mr K Cairns, Minister for Housing, and dedicated by Pastor F H Schmidt, President of the Lutheran Church. The library is named in honour of Dr Karl Langer (1903-1969), architect and town planner, for his contribution to the architecture of the St Peters campus, the most famous of which is the Chapel. On the day of its opening, the Headmaster at the time, Carson Dron, drew attention to the fact that the Chapel and the Library faced each other across the Campus Heart, each a symbol of the two most important elements of St Peters – Learning and Faith, each complementing the other. The Library was an important part of Dr Langer’s Masterplan for the Campus Heart which reflects a classical Greek influence with the place of worship at one end (the Chapel) and the place of Learning (the Library) at the other. Filling out Dr Langer’s vision for the campus heart in the following years was a place of civic and community activities (Café 45) and a place of culture (the PAC). The Centre for Learning and Innovation and the revitalised Campus Heart, due for completion this year, will bring Dr Langer’s vision of 50 years ago for the heart of the campus to fruition.
Langer Library, when it was first established, stood as an important symbol and conveyed two important messages about St Peters and what we value about a St Peters Education.
First, the Library conveyed the centrality of student learning. Prior to Langer Library being built, school libraries were primarily regarded as places to store and borrow books, and perhaps a place for leisure reading. When Langer Library opened it was regarded as a teaching and learning centre. When Langer Library was being planned it was to provide learning spaces that ‘provided a wide range of materials to allow students to undertake their own research, to provide enrichment for classroom instruction, and to foster both an understanding of the breadth and depth of the subject being studied and an ability to work and study independently. At the opening it was noted that, The library, catering for both class and individual use, is the centre of the instructional programme of the (College).
Second, the newly constructed Library back in 1972 conveyed an important message about educational innovation at St Peters. The fact that the Library was to be a place of teaching and learning was innovative in itself. At the time it was described ‘as the most modern of its kind in Brisbane’…. and that as a library it was ‘no longer a place of books and shelves, it was regarded as a teaching and learning centre’. The technology that was placed in it was also innovative and cutting edge. Back in 1972 the audio-visual room housed film strips, 35 mm colour slides, reel tapes, cassette tapes and recordings. The room had facilities for making and duplicating reel and cassette tapes from radio broadcasts, other tapes or live by microphone. Later on, it was equipped with a video-tape recorder to tape programs and play them back in the room immediately above. None of this sounds innovative now, and indeed all this technology has long been superseded, but at the time it was cutting edge. As Langer Library showed 50 years ago, and as our new Centre for Learning and Innovation will reveal in just a few months time, innovation is part of the DNA of St Peters.
Langer Library is a visible reminder of the hard work, dedication, commitment, perseverance, sacrifice and prayer of so many people who have contributed so much to make St Peters the College and community it is today. To all those people who have gone before us, we owe them a great debt of gratitude, and it is on occasions like Founders Day that we need to remind ourselves that we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, and that we are only custodians for a short time of our wonderful school. From our youngest Preppie to our oldest Old Scholar each of us has a responsibility to help make St Peters a better place, a better learning community for those who come after us.
Wishing every one in our community a happy St Peters Founder’s Day.
Tim Kotzur Head of College
Deputy Head of College
COVID and Caring for the St Peters Community
Managing COVID at St Peters
St Peters is using a range of COVID-19 prevention and health measures to limit the risk of transmission. Please take the time to read our Managing COVID at St Peters document which can be found here. This document outlines the following:
When to stay at home
Positive COVID Cases - click here for daily updates regarding positive cases
Who is a close contact?
Caring for the St Peters Community
Please click here for the updated version of Caring for the St Peters Community.
Important Notices
Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery – Senior School
Academic Awards
Senior School Gold and Silver Academic Award recipients– if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Mrs Burton at Senior School Reception before Friday 18 February. (Refer to email sent from Mrs Burton on 07/02/22.) Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Cocurricular Awards
Senior School Gold and Silver Cocurricular Award recipients– if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Friday 18 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Student Prefects are to deliver the freshly dry-cleaned blazer to Mrs Burton at Senior School Reception before Friday 18 February.
If you received a Gold or Silver Cocurricular Award and a Gold or Silver Academic Awards and/or Prefect Position, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Mrs Burton at Senior School Reception before Friday 18 February.
Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery – Junior High
Academic Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver Academic Award recipients – please collect your Letter of Authorisation from Junior High Reception (refer to email sent from Junior High 09/02/22) drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation by Tuesday 22 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Cocurricular Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver Cocurricular Award recipients– if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation (received with the Award in November) by Tuesday 22 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Please note:
Blazers must be freshly dry-cleaned – this is a requirement from the embroidery company.
Blazers to be handed in to Shop 45 during normal trading hours (Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 7.45am to 4.00pm).
Blazers can only be accepted if they are accompanied with the Pocket Award Authorisation form.
Blazers must be clearly marked with the CORRECT student’s name.
All blazers to be dropped off and collected from Shop 45.
Payment must be made a the time of collection.
Around the College
Super Swim Challenge
This month, St Peters swimmers, and our wonderful community, are raising awareness and much needed funds for the Starlight Foundation by participating in the Super Swim Challenge.
Teams, and participants, choose their distance and have 28 days to smash their goals. You can help our swimmers reach their ultimate goal by supporting them through sponsorship or donations here Their goal is to raise $10,000 and they have already reached over $2,000!
Well done to Nick N (Year 12), who has spearheaded this initiative, and all of our swimmers! Go Saints!
Langer Library
Did you know Valentine’s Day is also the date when libraries across Australia celebrate Library Lovers Day? Under this year’s motto, Show the Love, initiatives are popping up to showcase the valuable roles libraries play in our lives. At the Langer Library, the festivities are extended to a full week, as we are also celebrating Queensland School Library Week, a yearly event highlighting school libraries being at the Heart of Learning.
During Week 4, at lunch time, there are many events - a movie, quizzes, some scavenger hunts… and you are welcome to just chill out, meet friends, find your next best read and enjoy the space.
The decorations are out, including a display of St Peters teachers’ favourite books, a photo booth with balloons and ribbons, some popular Relationship titles… Love is in the air!
2022 Student Book Club
Our Years 7 to 12 Book Club starts next week, Thursday 24 February at 1pm at the Langer Library: Everyone welcome.
Tutoring on College grounds
Please be advised that the following applies to tutoring on campus:
Tutors who are employed by St Peters Lutheran College and have completed onboarding with People and Culture: On arrival on campus, these tutors are requested to sign in/out at the Langer Library, Theile House Study Centre or Boarding Receptions.
Tutors who are not employees or formally registered directly with St Peters Lutheran College: Due to workplace health and safety, child protection, and insurance restrictions, our College is unable to support (permit) access to facilities for private tutoring arrangements made between parents and external tutors.
Academic Matters
2023 Academic Scholarships
The 2023 Years 7 & 10 Academic Scholarships for both Indooroopilly and Springfield will be held this Saturday. The details of the day are below:
All students need to be at the Performing Arts Centre by 8.00am
Students will be able to be collected between 11.45am – 12.15pm
The students sitting the testing will have a morning tea which will comprise poppers and biscuits, however, if your child requires something different or has special dietary requirements we would ask that you provide what is required.
All students are required to bring the following to the test:
Two HB or 2B pencils
One eraser
Pencil sharpener
Two blue or black pens
A bottle of drinking water
Information for Parents/Guardians
Due to ongoing COVID requirements we need to adhere to our COVID plan for the testing day. This includes:
Parents are asked to drop your child off at the Performing Arts Centre and to not stay at the College;
Students are to wear a mask in line with Government directions unless exempt due to certain medical conditions or disabilities. The students will be able to remove their masks whilst undertaking the Scholarship test and when having morning tea;
Students should not attend the testing if they have any of these symptoms: fever, shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat or runny nose;
Should your child be coughing or sneezing consistently during the testing, a decision will be made by the school as to whether to remove the child from the testing:
Supervisors may be wearing masks during the testing; and
Hand sanitiser will be available to the students.
Primary Years
Primary Years News
Social Distancing
I respectfully encourage you to be mindful of communications published by the College regarding parents onsite for the next few weeks. If for any reason, you do need to enter the College, please call through to either Lower Primary Administration or Upper Primary Administration so that we can manage your concerns before you need to enter the campus. It is vital that we limit the number of adults in the College, and it is concerning to see large numbers of parents congregating in and around the front gate (Lambert Road and Harts Road) and near the Grey Umbrellas in Lower Primary. I remind you that adults should not gather on College grounds, College gates, and outside classrooms. Our children are clever and capable, and there are several Primary Years staff on hand to support students as they make their way to and from the classrooms each morning and afternoon. A reminder that physical distancing of 1.5 metres is required by all adults, and mask wearing is compulsory.
Parent Information Evenings
Due to the current health advice, the Primary Years Parent Information Evenings have been moved to an online format. This will take the form of both pre-recorded presentations and an online Q&A session. These will occur at separate times. Pre-recorded presentations will be provided by your child’s classroom teachers, together with key messages from specialist teachers and staff in our Exceptional Learners Department and we trust you will find these informative. These will be available to view from 3pm on Friday 18 February.
In addition to these recorded messages, teachers will also be available to answer any questions you might have online via an open forum Teams meeting. Two sessions are available for class teachers to cater for families who have children in different year levels, please just attend one per child. Teams meetings will be held at the following times:
Session 1 Tuesday, 22 February between 5.15PM – 5.45PM (class teachers)
Session 2 Tuesday, 22 February between 6.00PM – 6.30PM (class teachers)
Session 3 Tuesday, 22 February between 5.30PM – 6.10PM (Specialist teachers and ELD staff)
Please note, Teams meetings are not compulsory and will remain an open forum for any of your questions or queries to be answered. A reminder that this will not be a time for an individual Parent/Teacher conversation, and I ask that you recognise these as open forums by remaining respectful and courteous. If you feel as though you need a more individual conversation, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant member of staff.
Lisa Challenor Head of Primary Years
Restorative Practices in the Early Years: Solve It Together
The restorative practice model is used in the early years to teach an approach to assist students in solving issues, using a gradual release of responsibility. Building positive relationships is ongoing throughout the Prep year. Learning how to interact socially and emotionally with their peers and solving problems is vital for the holistic development of the child. For young children to manage disappointments and challenges, consistent and explicit modelling of strategies is required.
Restorative conversations are excellent at repairing harm and provide opportunities for ‘stakeholders’ to verbalise the problem, address their feelings and plan for positive outcomes, with adult assistance.
By the end of their Prep year, the ‘Solve it Together’ strategy is hoped to become a tool of choice for children facing challenges, either as an individual or in a group. The teaching of problem-solving skills is integral for the children to become independent in using taught strategies to assist them in working through disputes.
You will be able to find further information about restorative practices from a leader in the field by the name of Margaret Thorsborne.
Michelle Cartwright Prep Coordinator
Junior High
Junior High News
Anticipation Gives Way To Reality
As we move through Week 2, the level of energy, driven by the anticipation of all that the new year had on offer, quickly gives way to the reality of homework and routines.
Adjusting to the increased workload each year can be difficult. The amount of homework issued and time required for study and assignment preparation varies throughout the term and from subject to subject. If you feel your child is doing ‘too much’ or ‘too little’ homework and needs some support in managing their time and routine please:
Spend some time with your child to look at how they are using their study/homework time to see if there are any obvious issues of distraction, time wasting, trouble getting started etc.
Encourage your child to seek out their Subject Teacher or Form Teacher during a lunch time to discuss how they are travelling.
If the concern is related to the amount of homework being given in a specific subject, making contact with the subject teacher is essential. Contact can be made via email, telephone, personal appointment or through the student diary. In cases where homework has been unable to be completed a quick note in your child’s diary will suffice.
Study Techniques
Study is different to homework. It usually involves students revising and learning material covered in class that will need to be recalled at a later time – usually during an exam. If your child finds it difficult to know ‘how’ to best approach studying, I recommend a visit to the following website After completing a brief questionnaire, students can discover which is their preferred learning style. Printable ‘Strategies’ sheets are available with great study techniques listed. These can be a starting point when encouraging your child to study.
Year 7 & 8 Camp Date Claimers
We are excited to announce the dates for our Year 7 ‘Fun & Friendship’ Camp which needed to be rescheduled due to current restrictions. The new dates are Monday 13 – Wednesday 15 June (Term 2, Week 9) – Luther Heights Coolum
Organisation for the Year 8 camp is also under way scheduled for Tuesday 12 July – Friday 15 July (Term 3, Week 1) – QCCC Mapleton.
Camping programs are a compulsory part our of Pastoral Care offerings at the College as they develop student connectedness, resilience and self-confidence. Please contact Mr Nicholas Trethan (Year 7 Coordinator) or Mrs Belinda Byrne (Year 8 Coordinator) if you need to discuss matters relating to your child’s attendance.
Parenting Ideas Website
As a College we highly recommend the Parenting Ideas website. The site publishes information sheets with great ideas to support parents with the challenging job of parenting. We also endeavour to put links to key ‘INSIGHTS’ articles on our Junior High PARENTING RESOURCES page on Firefly.
Helping kids settle back into school
Managing school stress during the pandemic
Riding the COVID wave
When school has finished, day students are to leave the school by 3.30pm unless involved in an official, adult-supervised activity.
After 3.30pm, day students who are still at school must go to one of the following:
the Langer Library; 3377 6273
an organised cocurricular activity
Students should not wait in the vicinity of the boarding houses, classroom passageways, locker areas, ovals or other unsupervised areas after 3.30pm. The College cannot accept responsibility for the care of day students during these ‘out of hours’ periods, if they are not attending one of the above activities.
Students waiting at the College after 5.00pm due to sports practice or other activities are encouraged to use the College bus stop waiting area.
Students must also leave school in full school or training uniform. No students should be getting changed into free dress at the end of the day to leave school.
Mrs Patricia Aishford Head of Junior High
Senior School
Senior School News
College Captains
On Friday evening last week, the Prefect Team engaged in leadership training and team work activities, culminating in meetings with Mr Kotzur as they endorsed candidates for College Captain. This important and final step of the process resulted in the Prefects endorsing Meg H and Jacob D as College Captains, and Cherise M and Charlie H as College Vice-Captains. The Prefect Team were encouraged by Mr Kotzur to remember the foundations of our College were the result of the community working as a team, and a strong legacy can be achieved when people work together using their gifts and talents. We congratulate our new College Captains, and are grateful for the contributions that they will make to our community into the future.
Parent Information Sessions
Senior School Parent Information videos were released last week. We encourage parents to use the following links to engage with relevant information for each of the year levels. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the relevant staff member.
St Peters’ Career Centre is located on the top floor of Theile House. All students are encouraged to visit to browse through the resources to explore their post-school options. Appointments can be made to meet one-on-one with the Careers Counsellor, Jacquelene Estevao.
Throughout Term 1, numerous virtual, and in-person, presentations offered by Queensland and interstate universities will occur in the Careers Centre.
Thursday 17 Feb | 12:50pm : UQ (Pathways to Medicine)
Students are encouraged to attend these sessions to explore all their options where entry processes, courses thresholds and pathways will be clarified.
Red Earth Immersion 2022
Today at Senior School Assembly, saw the launch of the Red Earth Immersion 2022.
This amazing once in a lifetime trip is ideally aimed at Years 10 and 11 students who loved Ironbark and have a keen interest in social justice, their country and learning about First Nations people.
Please feel free to email Ms Ingrid Rucinski or ‘come along’ to the Parents Evening via Zoom where we will go through everything in a bit more detail and you can ask some questions. Parents Evening is on Thursday 28 February at 6pm via Zoom.
Primary Sport
“I think to regret is useless in life. It belongs in the past.” Marlon Brando
Primary Cocurricular Sport Term 1
***Please watch for emails concerning Term 1 Sport.
The following sports are on offer in Term 1.
Boys and Girls Swimming
Boys Cricket
Girls Club (WDNA) Netball
Years 4-6 Run Club
Boys and Girls Swimming
The Primary Swimming Squad (Years 4-6 boys and girls) will have training on Wednesday morning (6:45am - 7:45am) at the St Peters 25m Pool. All confident swimmers are welcome to come to Primary Swimming training and compete at the lead up meets. A team will be selected to compete at the Inter-Lutheran and AIC Boys Swimming Carnival. Training is on Wednesday mornings, 6:45am – 7:45am (25m Pool) starting on Wednesday 9 February and concluding on Wednesday 9 March. A reminder that this is swimming training and all students must be able to comfortably complete and race lengths of the 25m pool. Information concerning the training has been emailed to all parents.
Boys Cricket
Years 4 - 6 boys will be playing in the AIC Cricket Competition. Training will be on Wednesday afternoon (3:30pm – 5:00pm) and Friday afternoon (1:55pm – 3:00pm).
Girls Club Netball
St Peters will be entering teams in the Western Districts Netball Association (WDNA) again in 2022. The St Peters WDNA Netball is open to all girls in Years 3-6. Sign-on information has been sent to parents. This is an exciting prospect for the College and something that all girls are encouraged participate in. It would be great to have as many teams as possible playing in the competition. WDNA Netball Training is on Wednesday's (3:30pm-5:00pm) at Harts Road Courts.
Years 4-6 Run Club
Years 4-6 Run Club will start later in Term 1 on Monday 28 February. Training will be offered once a week on Monday afternoons in Term 1 and this will increase to twice a week in Term 2. The sessions will be run by St Peters Running Coaches. Information regarding the sessions has been emailed to parents.
18 February – Boys AIC Years 5-12 Meet (Centenary Aquatic Centre)
23 February – Met West Swimming Trials (Chandler)
24 February – Boys AIC Years 5-12 Meet (Chandler)
4 March – Boys AIC Years 5-12 Meet (St Peters 50m Pool)
8 March – Boys AIC Years 5-12 Championships (Chandler)
10 March – Primary (Years 4-6) Inter Lutheran Swimming Carnival (St Peters 50m pool)
All students will be involved in Swimming during Term 1. Students are required to wear the St Peters swimmers, the St Peters rash shirt, St Peters cap (if required) and goggles. Students have also been asked to bring along fins (flippers). These are required to assist with drill work in developing the stroke of the students. A towel is also required. Any student, for any reason unable to participate in swimming will be required to bring a note. If they are unable to participate for multiple HPE lessons they will require a doctor’s certificate. Students have also been reminded that they are to bring a water bottle and are required to wear their hat to and from lessons.
Following the Swimming Unit, students will begin a Cross Country Unit for the remainder of the Term.
HPE Dates Term 1
Swimming: Monday 7 February – Friday 11 March
Cross Country: Monday 14 March – Wednesday 30 March
Over the past weeks I have had the privilege to observe and witness the brilliance of our St Peters sporting teams at training and on the competitive sporting field. I could not help but notice the positive energy, physical prowess, enthusiasm and excitement of our students whilst participating and competing for St Peters. It is truly wonderful to see our students back on the sporting field and supported so enthusiastically by our community.
For me, all these events highlight and showcase the sense of pride and belonging of all our St Peters' students as they live up to our Plus Ultra motto. These events offered all of us (staff, students and parents alike) many moments whereby we can all come together collectively and enjoy each other’s company in a competitive yet supportive environment.
This Week in Sport – AIC Round 3
This week in AIC Sport, St Peters compete against St Edmund’s College in Australian Rules, Volleyball and Cricket. Some teams will compete against Ambrose Treacy College in supplementary games.
Round 3 will see our Years 10 to 12 teams playing away at St Edmund’s and Ambrose Treacy venues. Our Years 7 to 9 teams are at home at St Peters venues. Please ensure you check the St Peters App for both venue details and time of games for Round 3 of St Peters AIC Boys Sport.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC Sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
AIC Swimming
Tomorrow, Friday 18 February, our boys will swim at an AIC Invitational Swimming Meet at Centenary Aquatic Centre, Spring Hill. As they will be competing against all other AIC Colleges in the pool this Friday, it is a good opportunity for our swimmers to get in some race practice before the upcoming AIC Championships on Tuesday 8 March at Chandler Aquatic Centre, Nathan.
Grey Swimming Shirt
The grey AIC Swimming Team Shirts are now available to buy online. Please visit St Peters payments (on the St Peters website) and follow the pathway QUICK LINKS | PAYMENTS | ACTIVITIES – INDOOROOPILLY | St PETERS SWIM TEAM SHIRT 2022. The shirts cost $17 each. Once you have paid for the shirt, please bring the receipt into Sports House and pick up your Swimming Shirt.
All members of the AIC Swim Teams must be wearing a St Peters Swimming Shirt to Friday afternoon meets and the AIC Swimming Championships.
AIC Cross Country Training and Runners Club
Training for Cross Country has commenced. We encourage all students who are interested in running Cross Country for St Peters or are just keen to get their fitness up for other sports to get involved and participate. We have experienced coaches who are enthusiastic and happy to assist all runners of every ability level. Training times for Cross Country can be found on the St Peters App. Boys can also find more details about Cross Country from the weekly sport email sent to them.
Dress Standards at St Peters AIC Sporting Training and Games
A reminder that all our boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and games.
AIC Volleyball
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – All St Peters AIC Volleyballers are to be wearing their St Peters sports uniform to volleyball training.
At Games – All St Peters AIC Volleyballers must be wearing their numbered volleyball shirt and maroon PE/Sports Shorts.
NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games. WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games.
AIC Cricket
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their first training session of the week. The second training session you are to wear your ‘sports uniform’.
At Games – All St Peters Cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing their ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play.
St Peters Student Spectators on Gamedays
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they be dressed in St Peters apparel whilst attending these events.
Term 2 AIC Rugby, AIC Football, AIC Chess, AIC Cross Country Sign On
All boys in Years 7 to 12 have now been emailed sign on details for all AIC term 2 Boys Sport. We ask all boys who wish to participate in one or more of the above-mentioned sports please sign on no later than Friday 25 February.
If the sport specific information you are looking for cannot be found on the St Peters App, please contact the below sport specific coordinators directly,
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream” C.S. Lewis
To follow on from a tradition we introduced to Girls Sport in 2021, Mr Kotzur and Mrs Delaney joined us to present the Open uniforms to our 2022 QGSSSA Open Softball & Open Australian Rules teams. It was great to have parents attend the presentation as we celebrate the great achievement for the girls, and an opportunity to come together as the season begins. This presentation was even more special as we celebrated the Inaugural St Peters Open Australian Rules team, so exciting!
When presenting the girls their uniforms, Mr Kotzur and Mrs Delaney spoke about the honour of representing St Peters at the highest level and the role models they are to our younger students. They also spoke about our motto, Plus Ultra and striving for ever higher to give their all to inspire others in their respective sports.
We thank Mr Kotzur and Mrs Delaney for joining us and inspiring our girls.
Stephanie B, Amelia R, Lauren G, Charlotte A, Maddie S, Remaya B, Ophelia T, Charlize D & Skye B
Congratulations to our Softball Captain, Stephanie B, and Vice-Captains, Remaya B & Imogen J.
Delta P, Ava T, Tayden T, Elizabeth M, Kayla N, Sophie T, Matilda S, Madeline V, Xaire C, Niamh B, Tilly C, Emily G, Charlotte B, Emily M, Alex F, Zoe M & Audrey B
Congratulations to our Australian Rules Captains: Ava T & Delta P
Sporting Behaviour
As we enter a busy time in Girls Sport at St Peters, with the QGSSSA Swimming Championships and the start of the Autumn fixtures just around the corner, it is a timely reminder to reflect as a community on our conduct. Sporting behaviour is the term used to reflect sportsmanship, as it pertains to ethical behaviour, fair play, and respect for the sport, the participants, and the spectators. As participants, we need to appreciate the good sportsmanship and skills of opponents, always display good temper and grace, and give congratulations, thanks and support as appropriate.
As parents and spectators, we are reminded that children learn best by example. Never use profane language or harass coaches or officials and teach your children that honest effort is as important as victory.
Please recognise the value and importance of coordinators and coaches and support their decisions.
Wet Weather
With wet weather predicted for this week, please keep an eye on the St Peters App for cancellations. We will endeavour to do this by 1.30pm for afternoon training sessions and 5.30am for morning training sessions. Students will also receive an email.
Please note, students can only play ONE of the Autumn Fixture sports but they can do both Cross Country & Swimming, along with one Autumn Fixture Sport.
Please see the St Peters App for training details, trials are continuing in training times with some teams selected & other teams getting close to finalising selections.
Trial game round v Somerville House – Friday 4 March
Round 1 v Ipswich Girls Grammar School – Friday 11 March
The second official QGSSSA Swim Meet is on this Friday 18 February. This meet is hosted by St Margaret’s & Clayfield College at the Valley Pool (please see the St Peters App for the Program of Events).
Transport will be provided leaving the St Peters Bus Stop at 3.30pm and the estimated finish time of the meet is 6.30pm, the bus will return to the St Peters Bus Stop arriving @ approx. 7.00pm.
REMINDER - it is a requirement to wear St Peters togs when representing the College at a Swim Meet.
Another compulsory part of the St Peters Swimming uniform is the grey St Peters Swimming Shirt. This shirt must be worn to and from Swim Meets and the QGSSSA Championships (with HPE shorts) and also when not swimming at the meets (e.g. waiting in the stands). Grey shirts can be purchase for $17 via the St Peters Portal and once you have a receipt, you can collect the shirt from Sport House.
Trainings will continue weekly on Monday & Wednesday mornings until the QGSSSA Swim Championships on Wednesday 2 March – further details can be found on the St Peters App.
Please also note the extra school sessions on offer, Monday & Thursday afternoons, concluding Monday 28 February.
Trials are completed, and we are super excited for the first of the Gala Days this Saturday 19 February, Springfield Central Sporting Complex - 44 Sports Star Drive, Springfield Central.
All teams will play two games each week.
The Season Draw can be found on the St Peters App.
A very tough day in the pool for our teams. Nothing like hitting the water and playing a game at match pace to shock the girls back into Water Polo mode. Here is the low down from around the pools.
At Stuartholme:
Our Opens (U18B) went one up early with Ruby R scoring a great goal. Then a long ball from Maizy to Milly and a quick pass to Sian saw us score again. BGGS in the third quarter put two quick goals on us. Milly, Emmie, Sian and Ruby D-G also put great shots into the back of the net. We went into last quarter 6-6, Emmie and Ruby R were amazing in defense giving us more scoring opportunities. Ida scored an awesome goal and Sian showed class at centre forward to turn the defender and score a couple of great shots. Amazing Maizy in goals once again turned up and stopped shots and delivered great passing in attack.
U14B made my day winning 5 - 4 in our last game of the day! They were concentrating on setting up mushroom structure in attack, spacing out and passing good delivery balls. This game was tough and close, and we played a very smart last minute holding the ball and controlling the game. Amelia had a Zooper Dooper performance. With only one sub the girls played excellently.
At Musgrave:
U17C team fought hard but went down by six goals. Mia S had a great game and was awarded the team prize.
At St Margaret’s:
Our U15C team went down in a very close contest with the top team BGGS. This game was extremely physical, and our girls showed great maturity to keep calm and rise above it. Special mention to Zoe for showing great St Peters values. This team is an awesome group of talented ladies who will take away lots of learnings from this game. Steph F won the Zooper Dooper Award for taking on instructions from the coach and playing great.
At Somerville House:
Our U16C team has been moved into the 16B competition after smashing the C competition in the first half of the season. The pace of the B division game will take a little getting used but we look forward to seeing this team rise to the occasion. Congrats to Brienna G for being the Zooper Dooper Performer of the day!
U13B were up but let AHS get a couple of quick goals in the last quarter to draw the game. Sophia M was outstanding in defense and was award the Zooper Dooper Award for her efforts. The girls did some fantastic things in both attack and defense. Thanks to Ellie for coaching the girls for Sophie this week!
U14C went into the last quarter with the scores even and ended up going down by nine goals. Lack of match conditioning saw us fade in the last seven minutes, but I am sure we can turn it around next week. Emily T had a great game and was awarded the prize.
U12B Team minus a couple of swimmers (swimming carnival) came up against a red-hot Mermaid’s Blue Team. The score line was large, but the girls never gave up and did some fantastic stuff in tough conditions. The Zooper Dooper prize went to Ava and a special mention to Charlotte for scoring!
At Marist College:
U13C team had their first loss going down 6-12. With girls away at a Swimming event and the Division now graded (we are in Division 1), it was a hard game. We did awesome scoring six goals. Coach Nacole can’t wait to get the girls training as she said there is a couple of things she wants to work on, she said next time we will get them!!!
Please Note: The season now concludes with Round 13 on Saturday 12 March.
Cross Country pre-season training continues this week, there are many training sessions to choose from – all details are on the St Peters App.
Do your best to attend as many of these sessions as you can, with Wednesday sessions being a priority.
Community Run Club is off & running also - Join our Running Community on Friday mornings - meet at 6.30am at the St Peters Bus Stop.
DATE CLAIMER: QGSSSA Cross Country Championships – Saturday 14 May
New Parent Welcome | Friday 18 March
Due to COVID restrictions at the beginning of the term we were forced to postpone the 2022 New Parents Welcome. I wish to advise that this function will now be held on Friday 18 March, 2022. The function will be held in the Chapel Forecourt between 7.00pm – 9.00pm and is an adult-only function.
You will have an opportunity to meet the Head of College, President of the Parents & Friends, the Senior Leadership Team and other staff members, as well as representatives of the Parents & Friends and the various Parent Support Groups, in a casual setting.
I hope you can join us at this important event on the 2022 calendar. Register here. Registrations close Friday 4 March.
If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Ross Thomson Director of Community Engagement
Ladies Lunch - Save the date!
Save the date!
Find balance at the ever-popular annual St Peters Ladies Lunch. Join us and our host Rebecca Sparrow and guest speaker Shivani Gupta for a day of delicious food, great company and inspirational conversation.
The SPOSA office is always looking for volunteers to assist with organising the archives. If you are a current parent who is an Old Scholar or, a current Duke of Edinburgh student looking for volunteering opportunities, we would love to see you. The office is open until 4pm three days a week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). Drop in before school pickup and see if you recognise any of the memorabilia from your year - maybe you recognise someone in one of the many photos to be filed.
The class of 1981 are hosting their 40 + 1 year Reunion on Saturday 26 February. With over 50 RSVPs it looks to be a fun event. If you know of anyone in this peer year please get in touch for further details.
P&F News
P&F Support Groups
Community Hub & Second Hand Uniforms | Open every Thursday during Term (7:45am – 11:30am) | P&F Centre
All parents and friends of St Peters are welcome to come to the P&F Centre to buy second hand uniforms, donate old uniforms or just stop by for a coffee and chat.
Community Grants Program
Round 1 P&F Community Grant applications are now open. More information and the application form is available on Firefly here.
P&F Events
The P&F Committee are once again looking forward to engaging with the college community to host the following events in 2022.
Welcome to New Parents
Friday 18 March
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Chapel Forecourt
Biggest Morning Tea & Kokedama Workshop
Friday 20 May
8:30am – 10:30am
P&F Centre
Sip & Scarf Workshop
Thursday 2 June
6.00pm – 8.30pm
Chandler Arts Building
Sip & Sculpt Workshop
Tuesday 26 July
6.00pm – 8.30pm
Chandler Arts Building
Trivia Night hosted by P&F and SPOSA
Saturday 30 July
7:00pm – 10:00pm
Spring Fashion Parade Luncheon
Friday 14 October
11:45am – 3:00pm
Hillstone, St Lucia
P&F Meetings
2022 P&F College Forum Dates
Venue: Performing Arts Centre, Theatrette | Time: 6:00pm Drinks & Nibbles – 6:30pm Presentations.
Term 1: Monday 7 February – postponed
Term 2: Monday 9 May
Term 3: Monday 22 August
Term 4: Monday 14 November
Sub-School Parent Support Group Meetings
The three Sub-Schools (Primary Years, Junior High and Senior School) hold a Parent Support Group Meeting each term to which parents & caregivers are invited to attend. This is an opportunity for parents to engage with the respective sub-school leadership teams.
Primary Years Parent Support Group Meeting | Tuesday 1 March via Email & Firefly
The Term 1 Primary Years Parent Support Group Meeting has been rescheduled as a Video presentation. If you have any topics or questions you would like answered in the video, please send them through to by Friday 25 February.
Junior High Parent Support group Meeting | Wed 23 February via Email & Firefly
The Term 1 Junior High Parent Support Group Meeting has been rescheduled as a Video presentation. If you have any topics or questions you would like answered in the video, please send them through to by Friday 18 February.
Clean Up Australia Day - Sunday 6 March
Sponsors and Supporters
Thank you to our 2022 Ladies Lunch supporters
Thank you to our Silver sponsors:
Thank you to our 2022 Football supporter
Thank you to our Football sponsor - Tabrizi Home Builders.