2021 Founder’s Day – Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Christian Co-education
Tomorrow we celebrate Founder’s Day. It was 76 years ago that St Peters Lutheran College began educating fine young people.
One of the things that has been pivotal in shaping the St Peters community has been our motto ‘Plus Ultra’. A motto is a short phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals of an institution or community. Plus Ultra is a Latin phrase which means ‘further beyond’ or ‘ever higher’.
Plus Ultra has been central to the identity of our College since its beginning 76 years ago in 1945. In establishing St Peters we proudly took our motto from a sister Lutheran school, Immanuel College in Adelaide.
The ideals of Plus Ultra are embedded throughout St Peters but are particularly prominent in much of the early history of St Peters, when the foundations of our culture and ethos - what we take for granted today were being laid.
Plus Ultra was an approach and philosophy that the early students and staff of St Peters embraced and lived by, because despite the challenges they faced as a young school with few resources, they knew how important and foundational it was to the success of St Peters.
The St Peters students in those foundational years of the College lived and breathed the motto. In the 1959 edition of the Review in the Literary section of the magazine there is essay titled ‘Plus Ultra’ written by Brian Bahnisch a member of the Senior Class (Year 12). In the essay Brian writes, "If we aim for mediocrity, we can never hope to rise above it. We should aim for the best of which we know we are capable – and then raise our sights a little." Brian concludes his essay with, "we must have a vision. Setting our sights on some ultimate goal we must strive on, ever higher, overcoming the obstacles one by one. … There is pleasure to be gained but none so profound as that from striving on. Plus Ultra - ever higher! There is more beyond, much more."
Mr Bill Lohe, the College’s second Headmaster from 1955 to 1970, was a strong proponent of Plus Ultra in both word and deed. For Mr Lohe, Plus Ultra was both a daily mindset and an attitude to approach learning and school life. In his 1965 Annual Report Mr Lohe makes this very clear - "The school motto is actually a continuous reminder, exhorting and encouraging us, not to loaf and shirk, not to avoid our responsibilities, but rather always to strive to do better, to aim higher – that is the meaning of the motto Plus Ultra which you will find on your school badge. It is difficult to translate these words, but in essence they issue a daily challenge: Don’t be content with second best: be ambitious and resolute to do well – excel in all phases of school life and activity."
Plus Ultra is given practical expression today at St Peters through our focus on the ‘Quest for Personal Bests.' This focus on achieving Personal Bests is very much in keeping with what those Old Scholars and former Staff who have gone before us were focused on. Mr Lohe, in a letter he wrote in 1978, eight years after his retirement stated that, the idea (Plus Ultra) is as I see it not to make the other person the measure of one’s achievement, rather the individual is called upon to rise above themselves - the motto places no limit on rightful aspiration and endeavour.
As we celebrate Founder’s Day tomorrow I encourage all of our students to take a moment to look at the words ‘Plus Ultra’ on the College badge, and be reminded of all those fine young St Peters men and women who have gone before them over the past 76 years who have striven to exemplify our motto. As the school year unfolds I encourage them not to ‘be content with second best’ ….. and as they go about their learning accept the daily challenge that our motto places before them and ‘aim higher, ever higher, ever nobler, ever better in thought, in word and deed and finally in honour’.
Tim Kotzur
Head of College