Today, 20 February 2025, marks 80 years to the day that St Peters Lutheran College was founded, which we marked this morning with a whole of College Service in the Chapel forecourt.
On this day in 1945, St Peters opened its doors for the first time with Mr Schneider, the College’s founding Headmaster, welcoming 56 students—28 boys and 28 girls. Eighty years later, it is hard for us to imagine and comprehend the incredible sacrifices the founders of our great College made to make it a reality. So much of what is the richness of a St Peters education that we daily take for granted is the legacy of all those who have gone before us.
That St Peters even started is nothing short of a miracle. Way back in 1945, the Lutheran Church in Queensland was a small, minority church based in rural areas. Brisbane had only three parishes, and even in surrounding provincial areas such as Toowoomba and Bundaberg, the majority of members came from the surrounding farms. How could such a small church, with limited means, possibly support the establishment of a school?
On top of this, World War II still raged. The war impacted upon the Lutheran Church in Australia. There was strong anti-German feelings, more so in cities, where the small numbers of Lutherans enabled stereotypes of ‘Lutherans as Germans’ to flourish. The Lutheran Church was still perceived in the community as the ‘German Church’. Then there was the question of money—the Lutheran Church was not a church of means, nor did it have the ear of government.
However, despite the ongoing spectre of war, the hostility of anti-German sentiment, the financial difficulties, the smallness of a minority church, and the relative isolation of many of the rural congregations, these were no match for the welling up of enthusiasm for a Queensland Lutheran College. Our founders were determined to create new educational opportunities for their children and a means of nurturing them in the faith of their parents.
We owe our founders a huge debt of gratitude for their vision, hard work, commitment, perseverance, passion, sacrifice and, above all, for their faith in God that He would provide.
So today as we celebrate our foundation of 80 years ago let us as a community honour the past by resolving to remain true to the vision of St Peters first Headmaster, Mr Schneider who wrote not long after the College’s opening: "we are endeavouring to build up a school which breathes a Christian atmosphere and one which is a home of Christian culture—a school where your sons and daughters will get the best possible training, a school which should do much good to the church and the country". May we meet the opportunities and challenges of the present by reminding ourselves of the words of Pastor Gerhard Dohler, the founding Chairman of the College Council, and after whom the Dohler Building is named: "We must learn to lean entirely on our God. With Him nothing is impossible to us….. Therefore, let us go forth in God’s name". And may we boldly step into our future, by striving to bring about the hopes of the College’s third Headmaster Dr Carson Dron, who we will honour in a memorial service here tomorrow: "St Peters has a mission to be a good school, and if it can be a great school, but a school which has Christ as its raison d’etre".
Tim Kotzur Head of College
Family & Founders – Who do you think you are?
There is a show on SBS that you might have seen called 'Who do you think you are?' The blurb for the show says: What mysteries are hidden in old family photographs? Can mouldy old documents reveal secrets long forgotten by family members? What role does family history play in our daily lives? Can a person know who they really are?
When my parents retired, I helped them sort through boxes and boxes of family memorabilia: Photos, letters, cards, family books, family tree. And as I looked through them, I remembered the show and asked myself as I found out about the lives of my ancestors—do all of these tell me who I am?
Then, I thought about my niece Annie, who was adopted by my sister and brought to Australia from China. Annie will never know her parents, grandparents, or background—no record exists. What will family history mean to Annie as she grows up? Then, I realised that who we are is partly about our birth, our genes, and where we've come from. But even more, it is about our family now. Those we grow up with, live with, and spend time with.
In Ephesians, we hear that "God chose us to belong to Christ before the world was created. He loved us. So he decided long ago to adopt us as his children." The St Peters community is a part of this family of God, brought into hearing his word and living in his love. Just as we have our own family characteristics, we have been blessed with particular characteristics as part of God's family. Our Lutheran school values reflect this—service, love, quality appreciation, hope, justice, courage, humility, compassion, and forgiveness. These are characteristics that we all inherit as members of our school family. These are the characteristics God has shown us, and we can't help but reflect them back into the world. This is what helps us to begin to answer the question of who we are, and this is what we celebrate during St Peters Founders' Day.
Chaplain Kirstin Munchenberg Primary Years Chaplain
Important Notices
NAPLAN – Year 7 and 9 (Action required)
In Week 7, our Years 7 and 9 students will undertake NAPLAN testing online. NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment to help parents see how their child, compared with the rest of Australia’s children, is progressing in the fundamental skills of literacy and numeracy.
NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process. NAPLAN does not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. A child’s teacher will have the best insight into the child’s educational progress.
This week, students in Year 7 and Year 9 participated in cohort familiarisation testing. They are to be commended on their organisation and approach to this practice opportunity. If your student was absent from this session, we encourage you to visit the public demonstration site with them. This will help them become familiar with the types of questions they may encounter and the functionalities available in the NAPLAN tests.
The best preparation students can do for NAPLAN is to learn what they do in the classroom every day. On its own, NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for, and students are not expected to do so. Students participate in readiness or familiarisation activities as part of their day-to-day schooling.
Students in Junior High will be sitting NAPLAN between 12 and 14 March 2024.
Wednesday 12 March Writing 8:05am
Thursday 13 March Reading 8:05am; Conventions of language 10:10am
Friday 14 March Numeracy 8:05am
Equipment reminders:
NAPLAN administration has advised that all Windows devices will require a new Locked Down Browser (LDB) prior to sitting NAPLAN 2025. There is no change for Mac, iPad or Chromebook users. The new version of the Windows LDB (v5.9.2) is available for download via the Assessform website from today, Thursday 20 February. Upon installation, you will note the colour of the Window NAP 2025 will change to purple. This will enable schools to easily identify the latest version on student devices. (see image below)
The current version will be deactivated on 25 February. Students who do not have the updated Windows LDB will see an error message 'Failed to connect – Your application is out of date.' Students will be unable to participate in NAPLAN without this new browser.
As the College has a BYOD policy, the LDB must be installed at home. It can be accessed from NAPLAN Locked down browser. Devices must be compliant with minimum requirements outlined by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.
Headphones, earphones, or earbuds must be available for the spelling and numeracy tests. Bluetooth headphones are supported. Music streaming software (such as iTunes and Spotify) must be closed before the locked down browser is launched on the student device.
If you have any further questions or require more information, please email Trish Russell.
Trish Russell Head of Curriculum – Academic Staff
Student Safety at Pick Up and Drop Off
Unfortunately, we are still seeing significant traffic and parking issues in the streets around the Indooroopilly Campus. Please observe and adhere to all parking signage, instructions, and road rules. If we all do the right thing, we can assist in keeping the traffic moving around this suburb, which also allows our buses to arrive/depart on time. Please note:
No stopping or parking is permitted on yellow lines at any time.
Do not park or leave your vehicle in Loading Zones. This interrupts the flow of traffic through that zone.
Lambert Road Pedestrians — Do not walk across the driveway on Lambert Road. Please walk up the Shared Zone near Kiss n Go. Dashing across the driveway as vehicles turn in/out creates a serious hazard for both you and your children. It also prevents the movement of traffic along Lambert Road, creating a choking effect in the suburb.
Parking on footpaths is illegal.
Do not double park.
Be aware of Shared Zone markings in and around the College.
Arriving just 10–15 minutes later has a huge impact. All streets are usually completely clear just 20 minutes after the final bell.
Parents/carers must not enter the College grounds to drop off/pick up between 7:00am – 8:15am or 2:30pm – 3:30pm without written permission from the College (e.g. large music instruments).
Did you know?
Within the St Peters Security Team is the Administrator Physical Security and Personal Safety, Mr Kevin Cheatham. To monitor activities, Mr Cheatham will be visible at the Kiss and Go and other College locations. He has extensive professional qualifications and experience through his work as a Queensland Police Officer, Australian Federal Police Officer, Security Advisory, and Operations Management roles within government departments and his six years in Highway Patrol and Forensic Crash Investigations gives him a unique perspective on traffic management and the safety of our students and wider community. Please make Mr Cheatham feel welcome and assist him by following his advice.
Brisbane City Council has received an increase in the number of reports of illegal parking around our school. As a result, our school has been added to Council’s Safer Schools Program this term.
Brisbane City Council’s Parking Compliance Officers will be actively patrolling the streets surrounding our school over the coming term to encourage safer parking behaviours. These patrols will be conducted on foot and in highly visible Community Safety and Regulation vehicles that can identify alleged offences using Automatic Number Plate Recognition and GPS software. Please be kind—they have a job to do.
Safety around buses
We have had reports of students engaging in unsafe behaviours on and around our buses. It is imperative that students:
While on campus, remain behind the yellow barricades until buses come to a complete stop and doors open.
While on board, remain seated and use the seatbelts provided. It’s the law.
Upon disembarking, wait until the bus departs before crossing the road. Use marked pedestrian crossings where possible and walk (do not run) across roads.
Do not play on or beside roads.
Nicola Britton Community Liaison Officer
Cafe 45 Online Ordering
Junior High Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Junior High – Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Academic & Ironbark Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver academic/ Ironbark award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Cocurricular Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver Cocurricular award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
General Information
Blazers must be freshly dry-cleaned – this is a requirement from the embroidery company.
Blazers to be handed in to Shop 45 during normal trading hours (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 7:45am to 4:00pm).
Blazers can only be accepted if they are accompanied with the Pocket Award Authorisation form.
Blazers must be clearly marked with the CORRECT student’s name.
All blazers to be dropped off and collected from Shop 45.
Payment must be made at the time of collection.
Generation Pocket Embroidery
If you are an eligible recipient and would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Symposium 1 – Growing up Online | Monday 24 March (NEW DATE)
In today’s digital world, young people are more connected than ever—but with this connectivity comes risks. To help parents navigate the challenges of raising children in the online age, St Peters is proud to present Symposium 1: Growing Up Online, featuring Australia’s leading cyber safety expert, Susan McLean.
Event Details: Monday 24 March, 6:45pm – 8:15pm Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre Tickets: $5.00 per person (Proceeds donated to charity)
Susan, a former police officer and Australia’s foremost authority on cyber safety, will share expert insights on online risks, including cyberbullying, grooming, sextortion, problematic gaming, and exposure to harmful content. She will also provide practical strategies to help parents manage digital devices and keep their children safe online.
This adults-only session is a must for all parents and caregivers.
The St Peters Ladies Lunch is a highlight on the College events calendar and this year, we're excited to welcome Rachael Bermingham, Australian entrepreneur, author, mentor, and mum of three, as our guest speaker.
Guest Speaker
Rachael Bermingham is one of Australia’s top-selling self-published female authors, with over seven million books sold worldwide. She has co-authored ten bestsellers, including 'Savvy: Ingredients for Success' and the '4 Ingredients' series, building '4 Ingredients' into a multi-million-dollar brand before founding her own publishing company, Bermingham Books.
Passionate about connecting authors with readers, Rachael recently launched Bookglee, an online hub for writers to share their work, podcasts, courses, and events. She also leads one of Queensland’s largest beach conservation groups, championing the preservation of Sunshine Coast beaches.
Despite her success, Rachael remains refreshingly down-to-earth, balancing her business ventures with family life and philanthropy. Known for her positivity and energy, she continues to inspire aspiring authors and entrepreneurs alike.
Event Details
Date: Friday 28 March Time: 11:45am – 3:00pm Location: Hillstone, St Lucia Tickets: $160.00 per person or $1500.00 for a table of ten (includes two-course meal and three-hour drink package)
There will also be a silent auction during the event and a terrific range of raffle prizes on offer. Tickets are on sale now.
Langer Library was a hive of activity last week as we celebrated Queensland School Library Week and Library Lovers’ Day. This year’s theme was Window to the World, an exploration of how literature and multiple literacies nurture perspectives, global-mindedness and empathy. From scavenger hunts to book bingo, lunch-time screenings of 'Wonka' (complete with popcorn!) and our first Book Club gathering of the year, it was a wonderful way to celebrate the way in which school libraries positively influence and encourage a lifelong love of learning and reading.
The Community Focus Expo last Friday was the perfect setting for Library Lovers’ Day, where our three Year 11 facilitators promoted Langer Library’s Student Book Club. It was delightful to see so many students sharing their favourite reads, telling us why they love books and libraries, and signing up for our Book Club. New members are welcome to join us in Langer Library, Thursdays (Week A), starting at 1:00pm. Our next Book Club is in Week 5.
Until then, happy reading.
Christina Wheeler Langer Library Teacher Librarian
Arts Update
A busy start to the year!
Access Arts
Our popular Access Arts after-school clay hand-building, painting, and photography workshops have resumed this term, and all sessions are fully subscribed.
Community Focus Expo
Arts students enthusiastically promoted Arts workshops and courses at last week's Parent Information Evenings and Community Focus Expo. Thank you to Art students Ting, Zac, and Gabi for their assistance.
Art with our French Exchange Students
The French Exchange students enjoyed a brief presentation by Ms Seidel about Art in Australia, followed by a keyring and magnet workshop, which resulted in some very creative mementos to take home!
St Peters LEGO Club | Donations Needed!
Do you have LEGO bricks gathering dust or a collection that's ready for a new home? The St Peters LEGO Club is launching in Term 2, and we’d love your help!
We’re seeking donations of preloved LEGO – or new sets if you prefer – to help our budding Brickstars develop their skills and bring their creative ideas to life. All types of LEGO, including DUPLO, are welcome and will be put to great use.
Donations can be dropped off at any sub-school reception and will be collected by LEGO Club leader, Annie George. If you have any questions, please email Annie at
Thank you for helping us build something amazing!
Academic Matters
Updates from the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme at St Peters
We are delighted to welcome back our Year 12 students for their final year of the IB Diploma Programme. Additionally, we are excited to welcome our new Year 11 IB learners as they begin their IB journey.
To start the year, new IB students participated in an Introduction to IB Day, where they explored key elements of the IB Learner Profile, delved into Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and began generating ideas for their Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) projects. These experiences lay a strong foundation for their IB studies and personal growth.
IB in Action: Strengthening Community and Service
In Week 3, our Year 11 students engaged in their first service-learning initiative, assisting with literacy support in the Lower Primary School. Opportunities like this not only reinforce the IB and St Peters values of community engagement and service learning but also strengthen the relationships within our St Peters community.
Additionally, our Year 12 IB students have been busy developing their own CAS projects, including fundraising for the Mater Chick in Pink Fun Run, which takes place on Sunday 9 March. This initiative supports those affected by breast cancer, and we are incredibly proud of the students’ dedication to supporting such a meaningful event.
How You Can Support
If you would like to support our IB students and contribute to this important cause, please visit the St Peters fundraising page via the following link: Your generosity will help make a real difference in the lives of many.
We look forward to another exciting year of learning, growth and service within our IB community. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Cassandra Magar Acting IB Diploma Programme Coordinator
Primary Years
We recently installed our Primary Years Student Leaders for 2025. During this assembly, our young people recited the pledge written for them by our 2024 leaders. These young people are well-prepared for their leadership journey this year, and over the next few weeks, I am delighted to share some of their thoughts with you.
"Being a leader is more than managing events and bossing people around; it’s about genuinely caring for your community and environment. I hope to see smiles on everyone’s faces when they walk onto school grounds. To maintain balance in my life, I either pick up a good book, play my instruments, or simply think about all of the good things in my life, and then try to make the bad things into good ones. The wonderful things and people in my life fuel me, and I encourage everyone else to do it too!" Amanda T
"To me, leadership is being a positive influence on others and a good role model to your peers and younger students, to make our school a better environment in which to learn. I hope to achieve to make our school a cleaner environment. At the moment, many areas in our school have a lot of rubbish and I hope we can do some sort of emu parade challenge. This will benefit the students, school and environment. Also, I hope to go down to Lower Primary often to interact with younger grades. This opportunity to be a Primary Years Co-Captain this year will be a fun opportunity." Angela K
"Leadership means guiding and inspiring others to do well and work hard to reach their goals. I balance my time by carefully considering all I do, for example having free time, spending time with people close to you, exercising but also saving time to work on what you need to do. As a Primary Years leader in 2025 I hope to inspire others, support others, listen to ideas, set a good example for future leaders and help improve the school so everyone can enjoy our amazing school." Kalyani W
"As a leader I would like to help guide people to do their best. There are a lot of opportunities with which to get involved at St Peters like Sport, Art, Music, and Academic clubs. I encourage everyone to try something new, while also keeping time for you to relax. Trying new things is a great chance for you to make new friends and find something you love. I personally find balance by incorporating Sport, clubs and friends into my everyday school life. As a sports leader, I would love to help everyone find something that they really enjoy." Zara W
Lisa Challenor Head of Primary Years
Junior High
Junior High News
Welcome to Week 4. Student assessment is beginning and 2025 is well and truly underway.
Junior High Academic and Ironbark Awards
We extend our warmest congratulations to all students who received awards at Tuesday's Junior High Academic and Ironbark Awards ceremony. It was inspiring to see so many students embodying our Plus Ultra mindset through their outstanding achievements.
Leadership Process
We are delighted by the remarkable number of students who have stepped forward to embrace leadership opportunities. The calibre of candidates is exceptional, and interviews will continue throughout this week. These students demonstrate their understanding that true leadership lies in service to others, embodying the principles of servant leadership that we value so highly at St Peters.
Uniform Expectations
At last week’s Junior High Assembly, I spoke with students about the significance of our College uniform and its role in building community and upholding tradition. Our uniform represents 80 years of proud St Peters history, and wearing it correctly demonstrates respect for this heritage.
Since last week, we have been reinforcing uniform expectations across Junior High. Students are reminded that they are expected to:
Wear their formal hat to and from school
Be in the correct uniform for their daily activities
Change between formal and PE uniform at designated times
Obtain a uniform pass from their Year Level Coordinator if there are circumstances preventing correct uniform wear
To help students meet these expectations, those not in the correct uniform without a pass from their Year Level Coordinator will be asked to participate in Thursday afternoon community service. This provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their responsibilities as members of our College community.
Max Forbes Head of Junior High
Senior School
Senior School News
Online Orders Only This Friday at Café 45
This Friday, the College will hold a memorial service to honour our former Head of College, Dr Carson Dron. We anticipate several hundred guests joining us for this significant occasion, with refreshments to follow in Café 45. As a result, Café 45 will not be open to students at lunchtime on Friday. To ensure students have access to lunch, we ask that they pre-order their meals online, with collection available from the SPOSA Café in the Centre for Learning Innovation (CLI). Additionally, a limited selection of snacks will be available for purchase from the PAC Servery during the lunch break. We appreciate your cooperation during this important event.
Managing Illness in Our Community
This week, we have seen a noticeable increase in illness among students, with several confirmed cases of Influenza. To help keep our community safe and well, we encourage students who are feeling unwell to remain at home until they have recovered. By taking this precaution, we can reduce the spread of illness and ensure a healthier environment for all. I appreciate your support in this matter.
Senior School Parent Information Night
A sincere thank you to the parents who attended our Senior School Parent Information Night last week. We hope you found the evening both informative and beneficial and that you had the opportunity to connect with key staff who will play an important role in supporting your child. Your feedback is always valued, and I welcome any thoughts—whether positive or constructive—on how we can continue to enhance these events. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any comments to share.
Presentation of Senior Jerseys
Earlier this week, our newest students at the College, in Prep and Year 7, presented our Class of 2025 with their Senior jerseys. It was wonderful to see student interactions, as clearly demonstrated in the photos below. This tradition not only marks an important milestone for our Senior students but also provides a great opportunity for students to form connections across year levels and Sub-Schools. We will continue to look for authentic opportunities for these cross-grade connections throughout the year.
David Rushmore Head of Senior School
Pathways to Medicine Information Evening
Join us for an insightful Pathways to Medicine information session featuring representatives from Bond University, Griffith University, James Cook University, University of the Sunshine Coast, and The University of Queensland. Discover the differences in university admission requirements, pre-requisites that may be required, along with upgrading pathway options. It’s a great opportunity to increase your awareness of the preparation required to gain entry into Medicine and have your questions answered.
Event Details
Join us at 6:00pm on Thursday 27 February, in the Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre.
5A showcased their passion for cricket in an exciting match against a strong Marist College Ashgrove side. Despite a tough start, they fought hard with the bat, reaching 65 runs in 21 overs, displaying resilience against quality bowling.
Taking the field, St Peters' elite bowling attack faced aggressive stroke play, but their determination shone through. Their fielding was outstanding, with multiple direct hits—an effort even the opposition praised. Marist finished at 5/127 off 24 overs, a testament to St Peters' fighting spirit.
Standout performances came from Archie (1/6), Tom (1/6), Emmett (1/8), and Charlie (1/12), with a brilliant twin relay run out by Archie and Max. Klaus also impressed with a diving stop at leg slip.
Well done, 5A. Term 1 Cricket is set to be an exciting season!
Introducing Our Primary Sport Standards
At St Peters, our Primary Sport Standards form the foundation for all Sport in the Primary School. These standards drive consistency, skill development, and a love of sport across every year level, ensuring all students have the opportunity to grow and thrive in a supportive environment. Aligned with the PYP Learner Profiles, they focus not only on athletic ability but also on building well-rounded, resilient athletes with strong character.
We encourage parents, teachers, and coaches to engage with these standards to support our students' growth. Parents are invited to discuss the standards with their children, using them as a tool to measure progress and set personal goals. Coaches will be holding students accountable, helping them strive towards these benchmarks and develop both their sporting skills and personal resilience.
By ensuring the whole Primary community is involved, we’re fostering a shared commitment to developing a lifelong passion for physical activity and sport.
Our primary swimmers put on a fantastic performance at the recent Northern Eagles District Swimming Trials, showcasing skill, determination, and sportsmanship. Congratulations to all who competed and to those who have progressed to Met West—what an achievement!
A special highlight of the day was having Olympic champion Mollie O’Callaghan on deck, inspiring and supporting our swimmers. Her presence made the event even more memorable for the girls. Well done, team—your hard work is paying off!
St Peters App - SPORT
We encourage all families to download the St Peters App to stay informed with the latest Sport updates. In the event of cancellations or changes to activities, clubs, or Sport due to weather or other circumstances, we will send push notifications through the app. This ensures you receive important information quickly and directly.
Download the St Peters App today to stay connected!
Congratulations to Eva (Year 6) on becoming the Queensland Champion in the 50m Backstroke at the Queensland Sprint Championships! A fantastic achievement! Additionally, St Peters Western claimed the Premier Club title, bringing home the trophy. Well done to all involved!
If you would like to share your sporting success, no matter how big or small, I would love to hear about it. Please send the details to
Friday 21 February – Years 4–6 Interhouse Swim Carnival at 25m Pool
Saturday 22 February – Andrews Cup Swimming at Moreton Bay College
Thursday 27 February – AIC Meet at Chandler
Monday 3 March – Inter-Lutheran Swimming Championships at 50m Pool
Monday 3 March – Andrews Cup Touch at St Aidan’s Ambiwerra
Tuesday 11 March – AIC Swimming Championships
Tuesday 1 April – Prep–Year 6 Interhouse Cross Country Carnival at Mayer Oval
Boys Sport
Australian Rules news
Our Year 7 and Years 9-10* (Born in 2010) team is still looking for numbers, if you are interested in joining– CLICK HERE.
Cricket news
Last weekend, St Peters celebrated the success of its fifth Pink Stumps day, raising over $5000.00 in collaboration with Marist College to support the McGrath Foundation and provide fundraising towards the essential work of cancer care nurses. I would like to thank Mr Gary Munday for his coordination of the Pink Stumps Day, providing a platform for our boys to showcase their talents against a spirited Marist side, with wins in the 9A and 10B and games going down to the final overs with the 7A, 10A and 1st XI there was quality cricket from Marist to Mayer.
An incredible achievement, complimenting a terrific day with Mr Kotzur and Mrs Lisa Delaney at the First Team presentation at Marist, while Ms Sarah Delaney assisted with our junior teams at St Peters.
If you would like to continue to support the nurses and fundraise, please follow the link.
Rugby Union news
Training has started this week for all Junior and Senior Rugby teams. Please see training schedule.
Confidence in Contact Rugby Sessions Begin This Sunday - Click here to register
The highly anticipated Confidence in Contact sessions kick off this Sunday, providing a valuable opportunity for our young Rugby players to enhance their skills in a safe and structured environment. A special thanks to the Rugby Parent Support Group for making these sessions possible for our Rugby community.
Open to all male students from Years 4 to 9, the program is especially beneficial for those new to rugby or contact sports. The sessions are designed to build confidence and technical ability in tackling, ball carrying, and safe contact techniques.
Run by experienced coaches from Next Gen Rugby, who have worked with schoolboy teams and Premier Grade club levels across Brisbane, these sessions will progressively develop players’ skills each week. The first session will focus on:
Foundation body shape for effective ball carrying
Safe falling techniques when tackled
Building confidence in making safe and effective tackles
Ensuring players are comfortable and in control during contact is key to both performance and safety. The structured drills will provide multiple repetitions in a controlled setting, allowing participants to refine their technique at their own pace.
Sessions will take place from 8:00am to 10:00am at St Peters Indooroopilly on the following dates:
Sunday 23 February
Sunday 2 March
Sunday 9 March
Sunday 16 March
Sunday 23 March
Players must wear Rugby training or playing gear, including a mouthguard and boots, and bring their own water bottle. If attending, please complete the attendance link provided to assist coaches in planning effective sessions.
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to build confidence and skills in a safe and supportive environment!
Rowing news
Boys Program Underway – A Great Start!
The boys’ Rowing has officially kicked off, and we couldn’t be prouder of the performance and spirit shown by our athletes so far! Their hard work and determination are already yielding great results, and we’re excited to see what’s to come as the season progresses. A reminder to train smart and stay hydrated! Keep up the excellent effort, gentlemen – you’re setting a high standard for the rest of the year!
Rowing AGM – 3 March
A quick reminder that the Rowing Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 3 March. All parents who are interested in volunteering for roles on the Parent Support Committee are required to attend this meeting in person. Parent support and involvement is crucial to the continued success of the program, so we encourage everyone who can contribute to join us and help shape the success of rowing at St Peters this season.
We’re excited for a fantastic season ahead, filled with competition, camaraderie, and plenty of success. Let’s keep pushing forward, together! Go St Peters!
Cross Country Training has started and sign up links have been sent out! For any students in Years 7–12 interested in Signing up for Cross Country in 2025 please see below the messages from Mrs Schreiber, Cross Country Coordinator to support having you participate in Cross Country, as well as your weekend AIC Sport i.e. Chess, Football and/or Rugby. - Training Schedule can be found on the app with Wednesday afternoons being the priority session for team training. However there are sessions offered every day to balance your Term 1 sporting schedule. Please prioritise your current Term 1 Sporting commitments.
Meets/Championship (Calendar) Meets are on Wednesday afternoons and begin in Mid Term 2, meaning it will not clash with your AIC fixtures – you can do both!
With Term 2 Sport just around the corner, I invite you to complete the following sign-up process to help finalise our numbers for your respective Sport.
Please complete by end of week 4, Friday 1 February.
Season information including training schedules for Chess, Cross Country Football, Rugby can be found on the St Peters app, with more information to be sent out from respective coordinators shortly.
Athletic Development
The St Peters Athletic Development Program supports students' physical growth and athletic performance, with sessions available before and after school in the Weights Room at the Indooroopilly Campus. Juniors (Years 7-9) focus on mastering fundamental movement patterns, while Seniors (Years 10-12) build on these skills with tailored programs for all levels. Regardless of gym experience, we cater for all levels and encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Boys are encouraged to attend Athletic Development
To help St Peters celebrate the sporting achievements of students who have competed in a State or National teams please complete the Microsoft forms – CLICK HERE
With hundreds of athletes competing in dozens of Sports, this will help us ensure your students achievements are not left unnoticed and can be considered for College celebrations.
this week in sport
AIC Australian Rules, Cricket, Volleyball and Swimming are the current IN-SEASON BOYS AIC SPORTS this term and training is currently well underway.
For details of times and venues for this weekend’s Round 3 fixtures against Iona College please check the information on the St Peters App.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App. for both venue details and time of games for the Trial Round of St Peters AIC Boys Sport.
Please CLICK HERE for AUSTRALIAN RULES game day schedule
Please CLICK HERE for VOLLEYBALL game day schedule
For our St Peters sporting programs to positively develop and grow, it is paramount that our students attend training sessions for their chosen Sport, so they can improve and refine Sport-specific skills and build cohesion amongst their team-mates.
If students are unable to attend some training sessions, it is vital that their absence is communicated to their coaches firstly, and also the respective coordinator/s.
Please also CLICK HERE to access the AIC Sporting Calendar for 2025.
Matchday expectations
A reminder that all St Peters boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and at AIC games. All uniforms can be purchased from Shop45 or via School locker, please refer to website for opening hours. For matchdays enclosed footwear must be worn to games, no slides or crocs are to be worn at St Peters or associated AIC schools. They are not part of the school uniform and are a risk for Workplace health and safety.
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements
At Training – All St Peters AIC volleyballers are to wear their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training
At Games – All St Peters AIC volleyballers must be wearing:
St Peters numbered Volleyball shirt (NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games)
St Peters maroon PE/Sports Shorts
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their training session
At Games – All St Peters cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing:
St Peters ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Cricket Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Australian Rules
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC Australian Rules footballers must wear their PE Uniform to training (Year 7 and Year 9) and Seniors can wear their black opens warm up shirt. Students are to be wearing boots and have a mouth guard
At Games – Students must have mouth guards
Joggers MUST be worn at all times before/after games – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they are dressed in St Peters Formal Uniform. Should a student not be wearing the correct attire when attending a sporting event/game, they may be asked to leave the venue.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
FOCUS ROUND: This Saturday 22 February, we’re directing our focus to Water Polo as we support our girls at their fixtures. Be sure to check the App for the latest draw and make it out to a game or two to cheer on our water polo teams! At time of publishing, the Opens are scheduled to play at 1:50pm at the Valley Pool.
With about three weeks to go until the QGSSSA Swimming Championships, I would like to encourage all swimmers to squeeze in as many training sessions and meets as possible between now and QG (Wednesday 5 March, Week 6).
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
PLAYERS WANTED: We have a few spots remaining in our Division 1 team. If you are interested in joining QGSSSA Cricket or would like to know more, please contact Mr Gary Munday via email.
A historic milestone for St Peters Sport! Yesterday, our first-ever St Peters girls’ cricket teams took to Mayer and Stolz Ovals for their debut home matches in the QGSSSA competition—and what a way to start! Both our Open and Division 1 teams secured thrilling victories, cheered on by family and fellow students who lined the boundary and filled the stands in support of this special moment.
The Open team delivered a dominant performance, bowling first and dismissing their opposition for just 22 runs. Leading the charge was captain Charlotte A (Year 12), whose outstanding figures of 5/4 from three overs included a remarkable four-wicket maiden! The team wasted no time chasing down the target, securing the win without losing a wicket.
Meanwhile, over on Stolz Oval, our Division 1 girls fought hard in a nail-biting finish. After restricting their opponents to 1/60, they faced a final-ball scenario—needing four runs for victory. Showing impressive grit and determination, the two batters ran out the four runs to finish on 4/61 and record a miraculous win in their first outing at home.
This unforgettable afternoon marked the beginning of girls’ cricket at St Peters, and we can’t wait to see these teams inspire the future female cricketers at the College!
Our Senior teams are off to a flying start, winning all five fixtures on Day one of the 2025 QGSSSA Senior Australian Rules Football competition. We wish teams the best of luck for their games this weekend on Day 2.
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
Coordinator: Miss Laura Buckby
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
Pre-season training continues for our Autumn Sports – Basketball, Football and Touch Football.
Upcoming dates:
Trial Fixtures vs BGGS (Home) Friday 28 February [Touch Football Only]
Trial Fixtures vs Somerville House Friday 7 February Touch Football (Away) Football (Home) Basketball (Home)
Round 1 vs BSHS (Away) Friday 14 February [Basketball, Football & Touch Football]
Student Achievements
We would like to acknowledge student sporting achievements throughout the year. If your daughter has competed at a national or international level, please click here to share the details with us.
Please see the Northern Eagles calendar currently available on the St Peters App. Information regarding Term 1 district nominations have been shared via email to all students. Students need to be part of a St Peters 'A Team' standard or play club at a high level to be nominated. A final decision on nominations will be at the discretion of the Sport Department. Further nomination information will be emailed to students at the start of each term.
Old Scholars Game
SPOSA Week Football Showdown | Monday afternoon saw a fantastic clash between the St Peters Open Girls and Old Scholars in the annual SPOSA Week Football match. With a strong turnout from our Old Scholars and a game played in great spirit, it was a thrilling contest from start to finish.
This year, the Old Scholars reclaimed the Fady Ibrahim Cup with a 3-1 victory! A huge thank you to our Old Scholars who gave up their afternoon to take part:
Class of 2024 – Rose Jolly, Emmy McLeod, Lila Falchetti, April Fischer, Halle Perkins, Isla Muir
Class of 2023 – Gabby Spence, Annabel Woods
Class of 2021 – Georgie Hine, Kate Edwards, Sophie Allen, Hilal Durmaz
Class of 2020 – Tahlia Piccirillo
Congratulations to both teams on a competitive and entertaining match. Until next year!
Katie Veitch Girls Sport Coordinator
P&F Meeting – Monday 24 February
The next P&F Meeting is at 6:30pm on Monday 24 February in the P&F Centre. All welcome.
Every St Peters caregiver is automatically a member of the P&F whose aim is to build a friendly, vibrant, and engaged community as well as working together with the College to support many great initiatives. We invite all interested parents, carers and friends to attend.
On Thursday 27 February and Thursday 6 March, all Boys Formal Shorts will be available for just $5.00 each!
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is run by our Community Hub volunteers from 7:30am – 11:00am every Thursday (term time) at the P&F Centre.
From the SPOSA Office
Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Senior School – Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Academic Awards
Senior School Gold and Silver academic award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Friday 14 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Cocurricular Awards
Senior School Gold and Silver Cocurricular award recipients– if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Friday 14 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Student Prefects are to deliver the freshly dry-cleaned blazer to Mrs Burton at Senior School Reception before Friday 14 February.
If you received a Gold or Silver Cocurricular award and a Gold or Silver academic awards and/or Prefect Position, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Mrs Burton at Senior School Reception before Friday 14 February.
Junior High – Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Academic & Ironbark Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver academic/ Ironbark award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Cocurricular Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver Cocurricular award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
General Information
Blazers must be freshly dry-cleaned – this is a requirement from the embroidery company.
Blazers to be handed in to Shop 45 during normal trading hours (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 7:45am to 4:00pm).
Blazers can only be accepted if they are accompanied with the Pocket Award Authorisation form.
Blazers must be clearly marked with the CORRECT student’s name.
All blazers to be dropped off and collected from Shop 45.
Payment must be made at the time of collection.
Generation Pocket Embroidery
If you are an eligible recipient and would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.