He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
I’ve heard it said that the contents of your fridge are a reflection of who you are. I hope not! That doesn’t bode well for those of us with past-their-use-by-date sauces and wilting and unloved vegetables in the crisper. But perhaps what is on our fridge, is closer to the truth of who we are and what we value? Though on reflection I’m not entirely sure I’m comfortable with that either. What does it say about a cluttered fridge front, or perhaps even more concerning, a completely bare one, void of any personality?! Thankfully, I think who we are goes much deeper than what is in or on our fridge.
Still, I do find fridge fronts interesting and often enjoy a look when visiting people’s homes. Is your fridge covered in reminders, receipts, takeaway menus, library due dates or to-do lists? Does it have polaroids of your favourite people pulling funny faces or inspirational quotes or hand-drawn pictures from your children or grandchildren? Or is it clean and free of clutter, exactly as it was when you purchased it?
My fridge is neither completely cluttered nor completely bare. It has photos of loved ones who’ve passed, an inspirational photography calendar, a few fun magnets, and a colourful postcard that says: "Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God." I’m a visual person, so appreciate anything that helps me, at a glance, remember something. And this postcard does just that. It helps me remember — not dates or times like my calendar does, not important people from my life as my photos do, but rather it helps me to remember how to be, each and every day. And, let’s face it, life is so busy and full, we often only have time and space to remember what we are meant to do and when, not how we are meant to be and why. This postcard is a visual reminder that as a Christian, I am called to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God.
This Bible verse is also the reason why on Saturday 10 May, I will be joining colleagues and students from St Peters, alongside many others from Lutheran communities across southeast Queensland to participate in the Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) event Walk My Way, raising money for children impacted by war. It is a chance to put our faith into action, and step up and step out, to secure safety, health and education for the most vulnerable children — to act justly.
But why should we, in beautiful Brisbane, sunny Queensland, lucky Australia, walk for children we’ve never met, and probably never will? Why should we choose to take up their cause and fight for their rights? As a Christian College in the Lutheran tradition, we are compelled by our faith, to look beyond our own needs, and notice and address the needs of others. 1 John 4:19 expresses it well: "We love because he first loved us”. Martin Luther also noted, “God does not need your good works, but your neighbour does.” We don’t do good things because there is a sense of us having to, to please God. Rather, our good works, or in this case, our good walks, flow from who we are — saved and redeemed, loved and forgiven, free to flourish.
We are compelled by the love of Christ, who died for all, to see those around us as God sees us (2 Corinthians 5:14-16) — with love and compassion, forgiveness and grace; as children of God. And so, when there are injustices in the world, we step out and we step up, to show that same love we’ve been given to those who need it most.
This year, Walk My Way aims to raise enough money to support 75,000 children with safety, education and health. Walk My Way is a great way to 'walk the talk', live out our faith, and stand in solidarity with children impacted by war. We’d love you to consider stepping out and stepping up on 10 May with our St Peters community, and the wider Lutheran community.
Keep an eye out in future newsletters for more information about how you can join either the Indooroopilly or the Springfield team for Walk My Way.
Renata Rankin Director of Identity, Formation, and Service
Important Notices
Health Alert
Dear Parents and Caregivers
There are Influenza A and B cases currently being reported in the school and local communities. Please see further information in the link below.
RAT tests for Influenza are available at local pharmacies if required.
Health Centre Nurses
Cafe 45 Online Ordering
Junior High Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Junior High – Award Blazer Pocket Embroidery
Academic & Ironbark Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver academic/ Ironbark award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
Cocurricular Awards
Junior High Gold and Silver Cocurricular award recipients – if you would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
General Information
Blazers must be freshly dry-cleaned – this is a requirement from the embroidery company.
Blazers to be handed in to Shop 45 during normal trading hours (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 7:45am to 4:00pm).
Blazers can only be accepted if they are accompanied with the Pocket Award Authorisation form.
Blazers must be clearly marked with the CORRECT student’s name.
All blazers to be dropped off and collected from Shop 45.
Payment must be made at the time of collection.
Generation Pocket Embroidery
If you are an eligible recipient and would like to have your pocket embroidered, please drop your freshly dry-cleaned blazer (dry cleaning tags still attached) to Shop 45 with Letter of Authorisation before Tuesday 25 February. Blazers delivered after this date will not be accepted.
The St Peters Ladies Lunch is a highlight on the College events calendar and this year, we're excited to welcome Rachael Bermingham, Australian entrepreneur, author, mentor, and mum of three, as our guest speaker.
Guest Speaker
Rachael Bermingham is one of Australia’s top-selling self-published female authors, with over seven million books sold worldwide. She has co-authored ten bestsellers, including 'Savvy: Ingredients for Success' and the '4 Ingredients' series, building '4 Ingredients' into a multi-million-dollar brand before founding her own publishing company, Bermingham Books.
Passionate about connecting authors with readers, Rachael recently launched Bookglee, an online hub for writers to share their work, podcasts, courses, and events. She also leads one of Queensland’s largest beach conservation groups, championing the preservation of Sunshine Coast beaches.
Despite her success, Rachael remains refreshingly down-to-earth, balancing her business ventures with family life and philanthropy. Known for her positivity and energy, she continues to inspire aspiring authors and entrepreneurs alike.
Event Details
Date: Friday 28 March Time: 11:45am – 3:00pm Location: Hillstone, St Lucia Tickets: $160.00 per person or $1500.00 for a table of ten (includes two-course meal and three-hour drink package)
There will also be a silent auction during the event and a terrific range of raffle prizes on offer. Tickets are on sale now.
Symposium 1 – Growing up Online | Monday 24 March (NEW DATE)
In today’s digital world, young people are more connected than ever—but with this connectivity comes risks. To help parents navigate the challenges of raising children in the online age, St Peters is proud to present Symposium 1: Growing Up Online, featuring Australia’s leading cyber safety expert, Susan McLean.
Event Details: Monday 24 March, 6:45pm – 8:15pm Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre Tickets: $5.00 per person (Proceeds donated to charity)
Susan, a former police officer and Australia’s foremost authority on cyber safety, will share expert insights on online risks, including cyberbullying, grooming, sextortion, problematic gaming, and exposure to harmful content. She will also provide practical strategies to help parents manage digital devices and keep their children safe online.
This adults-only session is a must for all parents and caregivers.
The first four weeks of the academic school year have seen a great deal of activity as students have settled into their new classes and courses and are now well on the way to completing their first assessments.
Student learning is core business for St Peters, and fostering the learning process is of paramount importance. Closely allied with this is increasing student agency and encouraging young people to manage their own learning. All staff work with students to develop these skills as the students move from Year 7 to Year 12, and staff working at the Academic Hub are here to specifically assist students and parents and provide a path for individual success. Areas in which they assist are teaching and learning, academic progress, subject selection, subject changes, special provision (AARA), and assessment, so please direct any questions or concerns regarding any of these academic matters to the Academic Hub.
The Academic Hub is situated adjacent to Shop 45 and staff contact details are:
Year 12 students have begun meeting with their academic mentors to discuss their Units 1 and 2 results and progress towards achieving their post-school goals. These meetings are conducted on an individual basis and cover: progress towards achieving a QCE, progress towards ATAR eligibility, ATAR ‘guesstimate’ values (according to results achieved in Units 1 and 2), possible tertiary destinations, and entry requirements and pathways towards achieving student goals.
Please discuss the advice given to your child and keep in touch with the Academic Hub should you have any questions or concerns.
Access Arrangements Reasonable Adjustments (AARA - Special Provisions) - from illness and misadventure:
St Peters short term AARA procedures for Students in Years 7–12*
Students whose ability to attend or participate in an assessment is adversely affected by illness or an unexpected event may be eligible for illness and misadventure access arrangements and/or reasonable adjustments (AARA).
When individual students are impacted by short-term conditions or illness or misadventure, AARA may be implemented to provide opportunities for the students to complete assessments (assignments or examinations).
The College may approve:
A comparable assessment to enable a student to complete an examination at a later date
An extension to the due date of submission to enable a student to submit a non-examination at a later date.
Each AARA application will be considered on an individual basis, and decisions reached through consultation. In all instances, the College will consider the principles and practices for high quality assessment in making any education adjustments.
The following principles apply to short term conditions or illness and misadventure applications:
The illness may be a temporary condition such as influenza, or a deterioration or complication from an existing medical condition
Misadventure refers to an event that is: - unforeseen and beyond the student's control, such as personal circumstance or emergent cultural obligation, e.g. a close family member’s death/funeral - not of the student’s own choosing or that of their parents/carers
An adverse effect must be demonstrated; that is, the illness or misadventure has a negative effect on the student’s ability to demonstrate his or her ability to complete the assessment
An illness and misadventure application cannot be made for the same condition or circumstances for which AARA have been approved, unless it can be demonstrated that a significant deterioration or complication of the condition occurred that diminished the student’s performance in the examination
Equity and fairness for all students must be considered
It must be noted applications for AARA will not be considered for the following reasons:
Circumstances that are within a student’s control that could have been avoided
Circumstances that are of the student’s own choosing or that of their parents/carers
Events/reasons such as: - family holidays - attending parties - attending events or concerts - high workload
circumstances that do not have an adverse effect on the student’s participation in assessment
where students have not engaged in the learning of the course (AARA cannot compensate for learning that has not occurred or exempt a student from the learning or knowledge and skill requirements of a subject or course).
*The AARA process for Year 11 and 12 IB students will differ from that of QCAA students. Information regarding the IB AARA process will be communicated to families in next week's Rock Article.
School-approved absences:
Students may engage in a range of learning experiences or activities that exist outside of traditional school-based activities. These activities may involve absences from school coinciding with scheduled assessment periods, but they do not meet the requirements for AARA. Where appropriate, the College may approve student engagement in these experiences.
Examples of College-approved absences may include:
School excursions
School, district, regional, state, or national representation for school-supported sport
School, district, regional, state, or national representation for artistic endeavours
Student exchange programs
Audition or entrance exams (state, interstate, or international).
If the College approves an absence on the day an assessment is due, the following actions apply:
For examinations, a comparable examination will be completed
For non-examinations, students are required to submit/present the assessment on or before the due date.
If a student applies for AARA due to illness or an unexpected event or for a College-approved absence, the following process must be followed, or the application will not be processed:
the AARA application form must be accompanied by: - relevant medical or other documentation (evidence of the misadventure or acceptance in the College-approved activity) - evidence of assignment work completed up to the date of the illness or misadventure
if AARA is granted, the student will have a chance to improve on the submission; if no AARA is granted, the submitted response will be assessed
students must not assume the submission of an application means it has been granted. Either the relevant Curriculum Leader or teacher will notify the student of the outcome of the application.
any questions or concerns must be directed to the Head of 7–12 Curriculum – Students.
Late/Non-Submission of Assessment:
Students are to submit assessments, as indicated on the Task Sheet (either by submitting a hard copy and/or a digital copy of the response) by 3:30pm on the date indicated on the Task Sheet.
A response submitted after 3:30pm, unless there are extenuating circumstances, will be deemed to be late and treated as a Late Submission. The draft response will be marked.
If there is no draft response, the assessment will be deemed a non-submission.
Should a student fail to submit a piece of assessment by the due date, either as described in the Task Sheet or as arranged through the provisions of AARA, the relevant Curriculum Leader will be notified.
Notification of late or non-submission and the implications will be sent to the student’s parents or guardians by the classroom teacher. The Head of 7–12 Curriculum – Students will be involved if a submission is still not forthcoming.
In cases where a draft or partially completed work has been submitted by the student prior to the due date, the College will assess the draft. In such cases, the work will be assessed against the same standards/descriptors stated in the Task Sheet.
Where no draft or partially completed work has been submitted within the specified time frame, no grade will be awarded, and a Non-Response (NR) will be recorded on all assessment profiles. Students whose work is recorded as a Non-Response will not be eligible for academic awards in the current academic year.
I hope the information in this newsletter is valuable and outlines important processes, and I encourage all students and parents to seek advice if they are unsure.
Best wishes for the 2025 academic year.
Ross Boyle Head of 7–12 Curriculum – Students
Reminder to update Year 7 and 9 Windows devices, in preparation of NAPLAN
The new version of the Windows Locked Down Browser (v5.9.2) is available for download via the Assessform now.
Upon installation, you will note the colour of the Window NAP 2025 will change to purple (see image below).
The current version will be deactivated on 25 February. Students who do not have the updated Windows Locked Down Browser will see an error message – Failed to connect – Your application is out of date. Students will be unable to participate in NAPLAN without this new browser.
Trish Russell Head of Curriculum – Academic Staff
Primary Years
Primary Years News
Home Learning in the Primary Years is a valuable extension to the teaching and learning program and a wonderful way to engage parents as partners in the learning process. We value the opportunity for students to engage in playtime and downtime at the end of the school day and recognise the benefits towards personal wellbeing.
It is interesting to note that all contemporary research surrounding Home Learning (or homework in some contexts) does not always correlate with positive academic success for students in the primary years of schooling.
To further support our philosophical beliefs about Home Learning in the Primary Years at St Peters, and to maintain consistency across year levels, we have crafted Home Learning Guidelines and you can read more about these here.
Finding Firefly tricky to navigate? Did you know that you can find information pertaining to the Primary Years on one page? Bookmark the page found here for easy access.
A reminder to St Peters families that the College has a subscription to Dr Justin Coulson’s Happy Families website.
Owned and run by Dr Justin Coulson, one of Australia’s leading parenting experts, the membership offers a wealth of parenting education and resources.
You can access your resources at any time using the below URL (unique to our school) and password.
Dr Coulson suggests: Parents today parent more intensively than any other generation of parents. Here’s what I mean by that: A thousand years ago, the question parents were asking wasn’t, “Will my kids enjoy these homemade protein balls?” Instead, it was, “How do I find food to feed my family?” (Although, with the current cost of living crisis, maybe we’re asking that a little more again today.)
A couple of hundred years ago, the question wasn’t, “Will my 9-year-old like their Book Week costume?” It was, “Should I send my 9-year-old to work in the local coal mine?”
Now, more than ever before, today’s parents ask, “How can I be a ‘good’ parent?”
The word parenting entered the dictionary in 1918—it’s only been a touch over 100 years. But even then, the idea of parenting as something we do only began to be emphasised from around the late 1970s. Before that, you were a parent (noun), but you weren’t particularly focused on how you parented (verb).
I trust that you will find this website helpful as you continue to navigate parenting in the 2020s.
Lisa Challenor Head of Primary Years
Junior High
Junior High News
Half-Term Reflections
As we reach the halfway point of Term 1, I have been thoroughly impressed with how our Junior High students have embraced school life in 2025. Their energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to learning have set a positive tone for the year ahead.
Student Leadership Update
Our Year 9 Leaders delivered inspiring presentations at Wednesday's Junior High Assembly, sharing their vision for leadership within our community. The Endorsement process will take place over the coming days, giving our student and staff body the opportunity to support these aspiring leaders. I'd like to congratulate all applicants on their exceptional applications. The quality and thoughtfulness demonstrated reflects the calibre of students we have in Junior High.
Cyber Safety Parent Symposium
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Cyber Safety Parent Symposium with Susan McLean on 11 March. This promises to be a fantastic and informative evening where parents can gain valuable insights into navigating the digital landscape with teenagers. During the day, our Junior High students will also have the opportunity to hear directly from Susan, ensuring a consistent approach to cyber safety between home and school. To register for this event, please see the What's On section of this newsletter.
Swimming Carnival Spectator Opportunities
The QGSSSA and AIC Swimming Carnivals are fast approaching. Year 7 boys will attend Chandler Pool on 11 March as spectators to cheer on our St Peters swimmers. Junior High girls can sign up to spectate at the evening event on 5 March. Both carnivals promise to showcase exceptional swimming talent and school spirit.
Max Forbes Head of Junior High
Reminder to update Year 7 and 9 Windows devices, in preparation of NAPLAN
The new version of the Windows Locked Down Browser (v5.9.2) is available for download via the Assessform now.
Upon installation, you will note the colour of the Window NAP 2025 will change to purple (see image below).
The current version will be deactivated on 25 February. Students who do not have the updated Windows Locked Down Browser will see an error message – Failed to connect – Your application is out of date. Students will be unable to participate in NAPLAN without this new browser.
Trish Russell Head of Curriculum – Academic Staff
Senior School
Pathways to Medicine Information Evening
Join us for an insightful Pathways to Medicine information session featuring representatives from Bond University, Griffith University, James Cook University, University of the Sunshine Coast, and The University of Queensland. Discover the differences in university admission requirements, pre-requisites that may be required, along with upgrading pathway options. It’s a great opportunity to increase your awareness of the preparation required to gain entry into Medicine and have your questions answered.
Event Details
Join us at 6:00pm on Thursday 27 February, in the Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre.
Establishing Good Study Habits: A Pathway to Academic Success and Wellbeing
As students strive to achieve their personal best regarding their academics, developing effective study habits and homework routines is essential. Consistency, discipline, and a balanced approach to learning enhance academic outcomes and contribute to overall wellbeing. In my experience, students who integrate their studies with cocurricular activities, friendships, and family time create a sustainable foundation for success. However, establishing these habits can be a challenge, and understanding effective strategies can support those who struggle.
Good study habits foster discipline and routine, ensuring students manage their workload effectively without feeling overwhelmed. Structured study patterns enhance knowledge retention, improve concentration, and reduce last-minute cramming, which can be stressful and counterproductive. Sustainable academic success is about working smarter, not just harder. Students who allocate time wisely also nurture personal relationships, engage in physical activity, and participate in cocurricular opportunities that enrich their lives beyond the classroom.
Strategies for Effective Study Habits
1. Create a Study Schedule/Plan
A structured schedule helps manage time efficiently, balancing homework, revision, and relaxation. Breaking study time into manageable segments, such as 25–50-minute sessions followed by short breaks, enhances focus and prevents burnout.
2. Designate a Study Space
A quiet, well-lit, and clutter-free study space improves productivity. While some students prefer silence, others benefit from background music or white noise. The key is creating an environment that signals concentration and minimises distractions (including mobile phones – best kept in a separate room).
3. Set Realistic Goals
Setting specific, achievable goals keeps students motivated. Instead of vague aspirations like 'study more', students should aim for tasks such as 'complete three math problems' or 'write two paragraphs for an essay'. Breaking tasks into smaller, attainable objectives reduces procrastination and provides a sense of progress.
4. Avoid Multitasking
Multitasking reduces concentration and retention. Encouraging students to focus on one task at a time ensures they absorb material effectively and complete assignments with greater accuracy.
5. Use Active Learning Techniques
Active learning strategies, such as summarising information, creating flashcards, teaching concepts to a peer (or family member), or engaging in discussions, enhance comprehension and retention. Engaging with content dynamically makes learning more enjoyable and meaningful.
6. Seek Help When Needed
Struggling with certain subjects is natural. Seeking help from teachers, attending tutorials, forming study groups with friends, or using online resources fosters a proactive approach to learning and prevents frustration.
Achieving Balance: Academics and Wellbeing
Success in school is not just about academics; it’s about balancing studies with other vital aspects of life. Students who dedicate time to hobbies, sports, socialising, and self-care are often more focused and productive when studying. A balanced approach promotes resilience and prevents burnout.
Engaging in Sports, Music, Drama, Debating, or community service develops teamwork, leadership, and time-management skills. These activities provide a mental break from studies and improve cognitive function, helping students return to academic tasks with renewed energy.
Friendships play a crucial role in emotional wellbeing. Spending time with friends offers opportunities for relaxation and shared experiences that alleviate stress. Schoolwork should not come at the cost of meaningful relationships.
Family provides invaluable support. Parents and caregivers can encourage healthy study habits by setting boundaries around screen time, promoting sleep routines, and fostering open dialogue about school-related stress. A supportive home environment significantly improves motivation and mental health.
Managing Stress and Avoiding Burnout
Academic stress is common but manageable through proper planning and self-care. Encouraging students to take breaks, engage in physical activity, eat well and get sufficient sleep helps maintain mental and physical wellbeing. Sustainability is key. Pushing too hard without rest can lead to burnout, making learning far less effective.
Striving for Personal Best
Ultimately, good study habits and homework routines aim to improve academic performance while fostering overall wellbeing. Every student’s journey is unique, and success looks different for everyone. By integrating structured study practices with cocurricular activities, maintaining strong relationships, and prioritising wellbeing, students set themselves up for long-term success in and beyond the classroom.
Academic achievement does not need to come at the cost of happiness and health. A balanced approach ensures students reach their potential while enjoying the learning process. Encouraging self-discipline, adaptability, and self-care empowers students to strive for their personal best in a fulfilling and sustainable way.
For students who may need assistance with developing strong study habits, support is available. Year 12 students have been assigned Academic Mentors who can provide guidance on study techniques, time management, and exam preparation. In Years 10 and 11, Form Class Teachers and Year Level Coordinators are also available to help students navigate their academic responsibilities and establish productive routines. Seeking support is a proactive step toward success, and students are encouraged to reach out when needed.
David Rushmore Head of Senior School
The Arts
St Peters Chorale Post Tour Concert
On Saturday, 15 February, the St Peters Chorale performed their Post-Tour Concert in St John’s Anglican Cathedral, Brisbane. The evening was a musical celebration of the Chorale’s highly successful 2024/2025 international tour to the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria. It included music by Australian and international composers showcased during their tour. The audience enthusiastically applauded the Chorale’s performances and concluded by giving these talented young choristers, their accompanist, Dr Phillip Gearing, and Director, Kathryn Morton a standing ovation.
One of the invited Australian composers, Sarah Hopkins, wrote after the concert:
WOW... What a glorious sound! It was very moving to hear the wonderful St Peters Chorale directed by Kathryn Morton, perform my music “Past Life Melodies” last night in the beautiful acoustics of St John's Cathedral in Brisbane. Huge Congratulations to this wonderful Choir and to everyone involved in the Concert last night. My heart is singing, filled with the resonance of all the beautiful music performed. Thank you!
One of the educators in the audience wrote:
Huge congratulations to Chorale and all the staff for continuing, flourishing, and furthering that school’s extraordinary contribution to choral music—not only in this country, but around the globe. Bravo all!
Congratulations to all the students in St Peters Chorale Tour Choir on an immensely successful tour, and thank you to the following staff for their outstanding contributions to the Chorale Tour: Kathryn Morton (Chorale Director), Phillip Gearing (Accompanist), Amanda Saffery (Music Administration & Tour Mum), James Taylor, Zachary Vella, and Matthew Christa (Chorale Tutors), Alison Milner (Tour Assistant), and Dr Mara Christa (Tour Doctor).
Christine Taylor Co-Director of Cocurricular Music | Head of Choirs | Tour Director
Primary Sport
"Success isn’t just about the outcome—it’s about effort, resilience, and the lessons you gain along the way."
Year 4–6 inter-house swimming carnival
The Year 4-6 Inter-House Swimming Carnival was a fantastic afternoon of racing, team spirit, and personal achievements in the pool. Congratulations to Mitchell House, who claimed victory with an impressive 630 points, followed by Cunningham (521) and Leichhardt (493).
A special shoutout to our Age Champions:
Year 4 – Alfie C & Cecilia C Year 5 – Jonathan L & Charlotte H Year 6 – Rafael R & Eva S
A huge well done to all students who took part in the Age Championship races and to those who gave their best in the 25m and 50m events. Your effort and enthusiasm were outstanding! The war cries were a particular highlight for Mrs Challenor!
Thank you to our wonderful parents and staff for their support in making this event such a success. Well done, everyone!
Andrews Cup metro meet at moreton bay college
On Saturday 22 February, 56 students from Indooroopilly and Springfield competed at the Andrews Cup Metro Meet at Moreton Bay College. Boys and girls from Years 3–6 showcased their skills in the pool, giving their all in a highly competitive and spirited event.
A huge thank you to our parents for their support and encouragement on the day. Well done to all swimmers for their fantastic efforts!
Sport for life in full swing
Our Years 4–6 Sport for Life program is in full force, with students embracing the opportunity to explore a wide range of activities. From Swimming, Rugby, and Football to Tennis, Basketball, Netball, and our Wellbeing Walk, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
It’s fantastic to see students staying active, developing their skills, and making the most of this diverse program.
All information regarding Primary Sport and Cocurricular activities can be accessed via Firefly
At St Peters, our Primary Sport Standards form the foundation for all sport in the Primary School. These standards drive consistency, skill development, and a love of sport across every year level, ensuring all students have the opportunity to grow and thrive in a supportive environment. Aligned with the PYP Learner Profiles, they focus not only on athletic ability but also on building well-rounded, resilient athletes with strong character.
We encourage parents, teachers, and coaches to engage with these standards to support our students' growth. Parents are invited to discuss the standards with their children, using them as a tool to measure progress and set personal goals. Coaches will be holding students accountable, helping them strive towards these benchmarks and develop both their sporting skills and personal resilience.
By ensuring the whole Primary community is involved, we’re fostering a shared commitment to developing a lifelong passion for physical activity and sport.
We encourage all families to download the St Peters App to stay informed with the latest updates. In the event of cancellations or changes to activities, clubs, or sport due to weather or other circumstances, we will send push notifications through the app. This ensures you receive important information quickly and directly.
Download the app today to stay connected!
Best luck to Gwen in Year 5 who competes in the national club inline hockey championships in Bendigo this week. We look forward to hearing about how she gets on.
If you would like to share your sporting success, no matter how big or small, I would love to hear about it. Please send the details to b.shields@stpeters.qld.edu.au
Monday 3 March – Inter-Lutheran Swimming Championships at 50m Pool
Monday 3 March – Andrews Cup Touch at St Aidan’s Ambiwerra
Tuesday 11 March – AIC Swimming Championships
Tuesday 1 April – Prep–Y6 Interhouse Cross Country Carnival at Mayer Oval
Term 2
Tuesday 29 April – Northern Eagles Cross Country
Tuesday 29 April – Andrews Cup Cross Country Metro Meet
Monday 12 May – Inter-Lutheran Cross Country Carnival at Redeemer Lutheran College
Thursday 15 May – Andrews Cup Netball Metro Meet
Monday 19 May – Primary Sport Photos
Ben Shields Primary Sport Coordinator
Boys Sport
Boys Weekly Sport
It’s an exciting weekend ahead with Open Day showcasing everything St Peters Sport has to offer! Senior Volleyball and Cricket will be playing at home, so expect increased traffic—Volleyball players should arrive one hour before their match. Be sure to visit the Gym at 12:15pm for the First VI Volleyball clash and head to Mayer Oval for the Cricket Focus Round.
We’re heading into a busy period with eight sports in action from Week 6, including Term 1 competitions and pre-season training for Rugby, Football, Cross Country, and Chess in Week 7. Students should communicate with coaches about availability and maintain a balance between Sport and academics. Sports House is always open to support students with their commitments.
A great turnout was had at last week’s AIC Invitational Swim Meet held at St Peters with over 60 boys in attendance and several Personal Bests recorded across age groups and strokes. A great reward for the boys' efforts.
Tonight’s AIC Invitational Swimming Meet (Thursday 27 February) will be held at Sleeman Sports Complex, Chandler. The AIC Swimming Championships will be held at Chandler on Tuesday 11 March.
All members of the AIC Swim Team must be wearing the grey St Peters training shirt to Friday afternoon meets and the AIC Swimming Championships.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App for both venue details and schedule of the AIC Swimming Championships in Week 7.
Australian Rules
Congratulations to all our Australian Rules teams for an outstanding performance last weekend, securing a clean sweep across the board! Your commitment, teamwork, and effort were truly commendable. Our Year 8 players, who will return to action this weekend after their bye—we look forward to seeing them back on the field.
Thank you to all players for your dedication and strong performances each week. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Mr Barker at t.barker@stpeters.qld.edu.au Let’s keep the momentum going!
Next Friday also features our Boys Focus Round on Friday 7 March against Villanova College at 4:45pm. There will be a supporter bus provided for Years 11 and 12 students who wish to attend with the first 30 students completing the survey reserving their seat on the bus. If you are planning to attend the Focus Round either by private transport or supporter bus, please CLICK HERE to register your attendance.
Get ready for an exciting Cricket Focus Round as St Peters takes on Padua College! Both teams recorded Round 1 victories and are looking to make it two wins—setting the stage for a thrilling contest.
Session 1 runs from 9:30am to 1:00pm, with Session 2 starting at 1:45pm. Whether you're touring for Open Day or just keen to support, please make your way to Mayer Oval to watch our boys bat and bowl. Let’s create a great atmosphere and cheer on St Peters as they take on a strong Padua side. See you there!
It was a tough weekend against Iona, but our team’s showed resilience and determination. We’ll take the lessons learned and come back stronger next week!
A reminder about uniform expectations—slides are not to be worn before or after games. Please ensure you are wearing the correct footwear. Students have been issued warnings and will be followed up by Sports House for continual breach of uniform policy.
This weekend, our 9D team will play at home against Villanova in the supplementary draw alongside our Senior Boys. With Open Day this weekend, St Peters will be bustling so please ensure you arrive one hour before your match. Come along and cheer on our Senior Volleyball Teams as they represent the College with pride! See you there!
The 2025 St Peters Football season is officially underway, with trials for all boys teams (Years 4–12) beginning next week. Players should check the training schedule below and the app to ensure they are prepared for their sessions. We encourage all students to bring their best effort as we look to form competitive teams across all year levels.
A huge thank you to all the boys, parents and coaches who attended our St Peters Football Information Night on Wednesday. It was fantastic to launch the season and provide an overview of our program, expectations, and goals for the year ahead. Your enthusiasm and commitment to the sport set the foundation for another exciting season!
Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce the annual Old Scholars Match, scheduled for Thursday 27 March at 4:15pm on Harts Rd. This highly anticipated fixture is a great opportunity for our current players to take on past students in a competitive and spirited match. We encourage the school community to come along and support what is always a fantastic display of football and sportsmanship.
Stay tuned for more updates as the season progresses, and best of luck to all players in trials next week!
Training has started this week for all Junior and Senior Rugby teams. Please see training schedule.
Our Year 7 and Year 9 teams are still looking for numbers so if you are interested in joining — CLICK HERE
Confidence in Contact Rugby Sessions have begun — CLICK HEREto register
The highly anticipated Confidence in Contact sessions kick off this Sunday, providing a valuable opportunity for our young Rugby players to enhance their skills in a safe and structured environment. A special thanks to the Rugby Parent Support Group for making these sessions possible for our Rugby community.
Open to all male students from Years 4–9, the program is especially beneficial for those new to Rugby or contact sports. The sessions are designed to build confidence and technical ability in tackling, ball carrying, and safe contact techniques.
Run by experienced coaches from Next Gen Rugby, who have worked with schoolboy teams and Premier Grade club levels across Brisbane, these sessions will progressively develop players’ skills each week. The first session will focus on:
Foundation body shape for effective ball carrying
Safe falling techniques when tackled
Building confidence in making safe and effective tackles
Ensuring players are comfortable and in control during contact is key to both performance and safety. The structured drills will provide multiple repetitions in a controlled setting, allowing participants to refine their technique at their own pace.
Sessions will take place from 8:00am to 10:00am at St Peters Indooroopilly on the following dates:
Sunday 2 March
Sunday 9 March
Sunday 16 March
Sunday 23 March
Players must wear Rugby training or playing gear, including a mouthguard and boots, and bring their own water bottle. If attending, please complete the attendance link provided to assist coaches in planning effective sessions.
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to build confidence and skills in a safe and supportive environment!
Chess training kicks off in Week 7 on Wednesday, 12 March. Students who have signed up will receive more information via email next week. We look forward to another great season of strategic gameplay and skill development. Stay tuned for updates
Cross Country training has begun, and sign-up links have been sent out! If you're in Years 7–12 and interested in joining the 2025 Cross Country team, please read the below from Cross Country Coordinator, Mrs Schreiber. The program is designed to support your participation in both Cross Country and your weekend AIC sport (e.g. Chess, Football, or Rugby).
Training Schedule: The full schedule is available on the St Peters app. Wednesday afternoons are the priority team training session, but sessions run daily to help balance your Term 1 sporting commitments. Please ensure you prioritise your current Term 1 Sports.
Meets & Championships: Meets take place on Wednesday afternoons from mid-Term 2, meaning they won’t clash with your AIC fixtures—you can do both!
With Term 2 Sport just around the corner, I invite you to complete the following sign-up process to help finalise our numbers for your respective sport.
Please complete by end of Week 4, Friday 1 February.
Season information including training schedules for Chess, Cross Country and Rugby can be found on the St Peters app, with more information to be sent out from respective coordinators shortly.
Athletic Development
The St Peters Athletic Development Program supports students' physical growth and athletic performance, with sessions available before and after school in the Weights Room at the Indooroopilly Campus. Juniors (Years 7–9) focus on mastering fundamental movement patterns, while Seniors (Years 10–12) build on these skills with tailored programs for all levels. Regardless of gym experience, we cater for all levels and encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Boys are encouraged to attend Athletic Development.
To help St Peters celebrate the sporting achievements of students who have competed in a State or National teams please complete the Microsoft form – CLICK HERE
With hundreds of athletes competing in dozens of sports, this will help us ensure your students achievements are not left unnoticed and can be considered for College celebrations.
This Week in Sport
AIC Australian Rules, Cricket, Volleyball, and Swimming are the current in-season AIC Boys Sports this term and training and fixtures are well underway.
For details of times and venues for this weekend’s Round 4 fixtures please check the information on the St Peters app.
Please ensure you check the St Peters app for both venue details and time of games for the Trial Round of St Peters AIC Boys Sport.
Please CLICK HERE for Australian Rules game day schedule Please CLICK HERE for Cricket game day schedule Please CLICK HERE for Volleyball game day schedule
For our St Peters sporting programs to positively develop and grow, it is paramount that our students attend training sessions for their chosen Sport, so they can improve and refine sport-specific skills and build cohesion amongst their team-mates.
If students are unable to attend some training sessions, it is vital that their absence is communicated to their coaches firstly, and also the respective coordinator/s.
Please also CLICK HERE to access the AIC Sporting Calendar for 2025.
Matchday expectations
A reminder that all St Peters boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and at AIC games. All uniforms can be purchased from Shop45 or via School locker, please refer to website for opening hours. For matchdays enclosed footwear must be worn to games, no slides or crocs are to be worn at St Peters or associated AIC schools. They are not part of the school uniform and are a risk for Workplace health and safety.
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements
At Training – All St Peters AIC volleyballers are to wear their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training
At Games – All St Peters AIC volleyballers must be wearing:
St Peters numbered Volleyball shirt (NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games)
St Peters maroon PE/Sports Shorts
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their training session
At Games – All St Peters cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing:
St Peters ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play
WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Cricket Games
Joggers MUST be worn at all times – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Australian Rules
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC Australian Rules footballers must wear their PE Uniform to training (Year 7 and Year 9) and Seniors can wear their black opens warm up shirt. Students are to be wearing boots and have a mouth guard
At Games – Students must have mouth guards
Joggers MUST be worn at all times before/after games – No slides or thongs are to be worn at any time
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they are dressed in St Peters Formal Uniform. Should a student not be wearing the correct attire when attending a sporting event/game, they may be asked to leave the venue.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
I would like to wish the 2025 QGSSSA Swim team the very best of luck as they attempt to win the Mollie Gould Aggregate Cup for a remarkable 12th time in-a-row. We are hoping to extend the longest winning streak of any school in the history of QGSSSA Swimming.
I’d like to thank all of the students who have signed up to come and support our team as spectators and look forward to seeing you cheer, sing and dance in the stands at Chandler. I would like to encourage all students to come along to our Guard of Honour to send off our QGSSSA team in style (details below).
Guard of Honour for QGSSSA Swim Team Wednesday 5 March at 12:40pm (start of lunch) Campus Heart
Finally, to book Non-Student Spectator Tickets, watch the Livestream or access the Competition Schedule, Official Programme and Seating Map, please visit the QGSSSA website.
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
Players Wanted: We have a few spots remaining in our Division 1 team. If you are interested in joining QGSSSA Cricket or would like to know more, please contact Mr Gary Munday via email.
Pink Stumps: We hope that you can join us for our first QGSSSA Cricket Pink Stumps Day on Monday March 17th when our Open and Div 1 teams play St Aidan’s on Mayer and Stolz Oval.
Pre-season training continues for our Autumn Sports – Basketball, Football and Touch Football.
Upcoming dates:
Trial Fixtures vs BGGS (Home) | Friday 28 February (Touch Football Only)
Trial Fixtures vs Somerville House | Friday 7 February - Touch Football (Away) - Football (Home) - Basketball (Home) - Round 1 vs BSHS (Away) | Friday 14 February (Basketball, Football & Touch Football)
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
Please see the St Peters App for the latest Draw information.
Student Achievements
We would like to acknowledge student sporting achievements throughout the year. If your daughter has competed at a national or international level, please click here to share the details with us.
Please see the Northern Eagles calendar currently available on the St Peters App. Information regarding Term 1 District nominations have been shared via email to all students. Students need to be part of a St Peters 'A Team' standard or play club at a high level to be nominated. A final decision on nominations will be at the discretion of the Sports Department. Further nomination information will be emailed to students at the start of each term.