Important Information | College Closure | Cyclone Alfred
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Premier’s Announcement
The Premier of Queensland, David Crisafulli has provided the State with an update regarding Cyclone Alfred.
The Premier has declared all schools in South-East Queensland will be closed on Thursday and Friday.
The College will be closely monitoring the situation and will continue to follow all government directives and advice.
Safety & Wellbeing Priority
The safety and wellbeing of all in our community, staff, students and families is always our priority. Along with government advice and directives, the safety and wellbeing of our community has informed the decisions the College has made to date and will shape our decisions in the coming days.
College Closure
In line with the Queensland Government directive, the College will also close for Thursday and Friday. There will be no staff or students onsite, except for Boarding students and staff who live on campus. Separate communications have been sent to Boarding Families.
At the conclusion of the school day, the campus will be closed until further notice. The Langer Library will be closed from 5:00pm and OSHC will close at 6:00pm today.
The College will remain closed until it has been deemed safe to return. Please do not come onto campus until you have been advised that it is safe to do so.
All QGSSSA, AIC and other sporting competitions scheduled for Friday and the weekend have been cancelled. The St Peters Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run and Band Camp scheduled for this weekend have also been postponed.
Student Learning
There will be no formal classes or online learning provided on Thursday or Friday, and there is no requirement from the College for students to continue with their schoolwork. The safety and wellbeing of all in our community, including our staff is the priority in the coming days.
Students, depending on their family circumstances are free to continue with their own schoolwork and study at home, but there is no formal expectation from the College that they will do so. Due dates for assessment tasks for students will be adjusted accordingly and communicated directly with students as soon as possible. To provide some guidance and reassurance, no assessment, examination or assignment, will be due until after Tuesday 11 March. Anything already scheduled between now and 11 March will be adjusted. Through previous experiences such as the pandemic, our teachers are skilled and experienced at making adjustments to the learning program so as to ensure full course coverage and continuity of student learning when school resumes.
The College will endeavor to keep you updated, but it is important to note that this may not occur until after the cyclone passes. As communicated earlier in the week, to ensure you receive updates from the College, please verify that your contact information is up to date in our school system by [clicking here]. If you have not already done so, we also recommend downloading the St Peters App.
As there is the possibility that our internal communication systems may be impacted by the cyclone, families should closely monitor the College’s social media channels for updates.
Families should also monitor news outlets and government websites for broader information about the cyclone.
Arrangements for Next Week
Decisions regarding school next week will be communicated to you at the earliest possible opportunity and will be shaped and determined by the impact of the cyclone, which will not be known until sometime after it crosses the coast.
I would ask that you keep the safety, protection and wellbeing of all in our community, and everyone in SE Queensland, including emergency personnel and frontline workers in your prayers and thoughts in the coming days. Please stay safe,
Tim Kotzur
Head of College