Image what would happen if I threw a pebble into a pond. It’s going to create a splash, and then a ripple. If you were to use that pebble in a sling-shot or to throw it at someone, you would hurt them.
The same stones can also be used to build walls – barriers between people, or perhaps more positively, retaining walls which help use land more effectively. They can be used to make beautiful mosaics that all can enjoy, they can be skipped across water in times of leisure, used as a garden mulch to retain water in the soil, make a path…the uses are endless.
But ultimately, it is the way we choose to use the ‘rocks and pebbles’ at our disposal that makes a difference in the ripples we create. How we can we use those gifts, those messages at our disposal to work with and positively influence those around us?
This is a message that Jesus preached in his time on earth. Sometimes when the time was appropriate, he would cause a stir, throw a great big rock into the pond of complacency to stir things up. But more often he spoke words of comfort and peace to those needing such a message. Jesus told us that he would be a rock, a refuge, a strong place in times of trouble.
And as I look around at the world today, I see disasters, I see divisions, I see fighting and people who can’t agree. I see people who are confused, troubled. I see faiths that have trouble finding common ground. What is the message that our world, that our school even, needs?
This is a question that we are forced to ask in our school… What message does Christ give us who are living in this world, in this school, Christians and non Christians alike? What is the core of the gospel message - what is the message that unites and opens dialogue and soothes the violent ripples?
It is summed up in a well known text – That by God’s ‘grace we have been saved, through faith’. God loves his creation, each one of us so much, that Jesus came into the world, to spread the word of God’s forgiveness, to die for the sins of the world. He came to bring peace, with God and with each other. He tells us that God can indeed be a refuge and strength for us.
FINAL REMINDER: Year 11 QCAA Exam block starts next week (15 – 19 March)
Year 11 QCAA students returning to classes in Week 9 for a Religion and Ethics Exam during P1 Monday 22 March. Normal classes resume P2 onwards. Students only attend their exams – Year 11 QCAA classes will be shut down for these days. Special Consideration rules and processes apply should a student miss an assessment due to illness. A copy of the exam schedule can be found here.
Throughout the week, we have been celebrating more academic achievements of our students across Junior High and Senior School. Students were awarded their certificates on Assemblies and Year Level meetings and challenged to reach for their academic goals again this semester. Congratulations to all our award recipients.
We are fast approaching a very busy assessment time for students across all Year Levels. Even the best study plans can become unravelled if students are not organised and on top of their assessment dates. Throughout Form class time, students have been working with their form teacher to complete their own personalised Assessment Recording sheet. These are available in the student diary as well as an online copy on Firefly.
Rachael Turnbull Head of 7-12 Curriculum - Students
Primary Years
Primary Years news
Prep Community Mornings
Building relationships with the parents of the children in our care is a very important part of the ‘welcome to St Peters Prep’ process. Over the course of the first few weeks of school, there was a real focus on establishing connections between the children and their families through face to face greetings in the morning and afternoon as well as communication via the diaries and emails.
The Prep team decided that a community morning for each Prep class would be valuable in connecting parents, sharing the Prep garden, which parents had donated plants and materials for, and modelling the way in which we teach phonics here in Prep.
The mornings were a huge success and supported extremely well by the parents. Following the interactive phonics lesson, parents engaged in a variety of activities to support their child’s learning. Ensuring common language and techniques used in this early stage of literacy learning at home and school is vital, and we are most grateful for the parents’ commitment to learn along with their little ones…thank you!
“This morning was one of the happiest times of my life as a mum”.
“It was such a lovely opportunity to see the children so engaged in their learning!”.
Assemblies and special events
We have been welcoming parents back on campus this year which has certainly added a sense of celebration to our events. However, please be aware of our regulations around this so that we continue to keep everyone safe.
Below are some reminders which ensure we can continue to welcome parents and other community members into the College:
If you are unwell, please stay at home.
Be aware of our requirements with numbers of parents able to come in on any given occasion – particularly where we are only permitted to have ONE parent for a particular event. It is important that this is adhered to for our compliance (this is for all Lower Primary Assemblies and other classroom events).
Always sign in at the nearest Administration area and wear the printout for the duration of the visit; and sign out on completion.
Social distancing continues to keep all members of the community safe and well. Please ensure you are always keeping the required distance from others on the College Campus.
We appreciate your full support.
Parent-Teacher Interviews End of Term 1
“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents” Jane D. Hull
At St Peters, we value the opportunity to connect with families as we understand the importance of home-school partnerships in supporting all our learners. We believe a collaborative working relationship is essential to promote positive educational and social outcomes for children. In fact, there is a growing body of research that is showing just how beneficial this relationship is. Most importantly, a child feels well supported at school when there is a strong partnership between their parents and their teachers, and we know our students learn best when they feel secure.
There are many ways for you to be involved in your child’s learning at school: discussions with your child, viewing their portfolio, reading the weekly year-level blog, reading the regular communication about goings-on in the Primary Years, emails from your child’s teacher, the school diary, and meetings with your child’s teacher. All of these are important ways for us to work together to support the children. There are also more formal interactions, such as scheduled Parent-Teacher Interviews and Three-Way Conferences.
In the Primary Years, the end of Term 1 is the time when we hold Parent-Teacher Interviews. This is an opportunity for you and your child’s teacher to share information about how your child has settled into the school year, discuss plans for appropriate learning goals as well as celebrate the achievements made thus far. Ultimately, these important interactions give teachers an opportunity to create the best environments and use the most effective strategies in their teaching, while providing you as parents with information on how to support your child academically at home.
This year, interviews will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 30 March, and Wednesday morning March 31. You will receive a letter shortly detailing how to book a time with your child’s teachers. Both class teachers and specialist teachers will be available at this time. To be able to secure your preferred time, we encourage you to ensure you can access our online systems. If you have any issues with this, please contact .
The booking system will be open from 6pm Monday 22 March until 9am Monday 29 March.
If you have any questions about this event please contact, your child’s teacher, Simone Mitchell (Head of P-6 Curriculum) or Pam Carden (Head of Primary Years).
Junior High
Junior High news
This week our Character Strength focus has been on Leadership – linking well to the formal appointment of our Junior High Leaders for 2021. In a recent Junior High Assembly, we identified a range of characteristics which we believe are representative of good leaders. These include being flexible, being able to communicate effectively, having courage, resilience, perseverance, and patience. Being reliable and responsible are also the key characteristics that we value in our student leaders.
To become a great leader – students need to learn from great leaders. We encourage our aspiring student leaders to look around them for positive role models in their family, in the school, in their sporting clubs, music or community groups. We ask them to take opportunities to get involved, because leadership skills have to be developed, both by trying and succeeding, and by trying and not succeeding. Every success or failure provides the opportunity for individuals to grow and learn - and that doesn’t happen by passively sitting on the sidelines. We encourage our students to put up their hand and to become involved in College life – to take advantage of the many opportunities at St Peters where they can step up and lead others. By doing this, their leadership skills will invariably grow and develop.
At our Junior High Assembly on Wednesday, sixteen Year 9 students were installed as the 2021 Leaders of Junior High. In a ceremony attended by parents, invited guests and the Junior High Captains of 2020, as well as Year 9 students, twelve of the students were installed as Student Representatives, while the following students were appointed to the positions of Captain/Vice-Captain:
Captains: Charlotte C-P and Jack W Vice-Captains: Lauren G and Fin B Representatives: Lara B, Sebastian B, Mathilde C, Josh C, Harrison C, Josh C, Xavier C, Charlize D, James H, Isabelle H, Alice H and Jacob Mc
We look forward to working with our Student Leadership team throughout 2021 as they represent the 792 Junior High students in a variety of capacities, assist in a number of key College events, and work closely with staff to make Junior High a supportive and caring environment.
It is apparent that a growing area of concern for teachers is the inappropriate and frequent use of social media communications during class time by a number of students. It is evident that even without having their mobile phones in class, students are accessing online chat programs to communicate with friends and peers during lessons. Skype is the most frequent platform for this online messaging. It is also reported that students are contacting or being contacted by their parents during the day using this method of communication. I urge parents to consider the implications of this in terms of interruptions to their child’s learning and the breach of school rules.
As vigilant as teachers try to be, unfortunately this behaviour is difficult to monitor and control. While teachers may have suspicions that some students are off-task when they are using their laptops in class (usually because they are staring intently at the bottom right quadrant of their screen with a smile on their faces), all the teacher sees on the screen when they approach the student is the legitimate work they have been asked to do. Students are very adept at swiftly swiping their screens and using keyboard shortcuts and other techniques to hide the online chat as soon as the teacher comes within their vicinity. Within seconds the chat session has recommenced.
While we constantly remind our students of the school rules and guidelines in relation to the appropriate use of technology, parents are urged to reinforce these expectations at home as well. The Junior High Parent Handbook and the 2021 Student Diary (pages 21A-27A) clearly outline these parameters. If you have any concerns or require support in monitoring your child’s online behaviour, please access the website of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner or contact our College’s eLearning staff and eSafety committee for further information. There are also a number of direct links on Firefly to support Parents.
Last week the College’s International Baccalaureate students began a voluntary program to provide academic support to Junior High students by offering tutoring sessions in all subjects. Years 11 and 12 IB volunteers have offered to give up Thursday lunchtimes to support our Junior High students with their classwork, homework and assignments.
The students are offering support in all academic subjects and are conducting the sessions at the tables in Lower Dohler. We ask that parents encourage their children to attend one or more of these sessions each week if they feel they would benefit from additional support in any of their subjects. This initiative will also assist in developing positive relationships between students across both sub-schools.
Next Friday (19 March) Junior High will participate in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. We encourage students to support this day by wearing ‘orange’.
Students in Chisholm are permitted to wear their HPE shorts to and from school with their Chisholm House shirt, all other Junior High students are able to embellish their formal uniform with orange eg. orange socks, orange ribbons etc. Parents and students are encouraged to visit the website
If you haven’t already subscribed to Michael Grose’s Parenting Ideas website I would encourage you to do so. Michael publishes information sheets with great ideas to support parents with the difficult job of parenting.
We often put links to his ‘INSIGHTS’ articles on the Junior High Parent Information section of Firefly. Firefly → Resources → Secondary Indooroopilly → Secondary Parent Information → Junior High Parent Information
This week we’ve uploaded two ‘INSIGHTS’ articles:
Developing a resilience mindset
Strategies to deal with cyberbullying
Parents and students are also encouraged to familiarise themselves with the government website ACSC – Australian Cyber Security Centre . This tool allows the public to securely report instances of cybercrime – including cyber bullying.
Patricia Aishford Head of Junior High
Year 8 Science
Ms Licastro’ s Year 8 Science are currently studying body systems. Last week students investigated aspects of the circulatory and respiratory system and explored the relationship between heart rate, breathing rate and physical fitness. Pulse and respiration rate before and after physical activity were recorded, analysed and compared with others. Students dissected a lamb heart to identify and view first hand the structure of the heart.
Ms Sue Licastro
Year 9 Science
Some of the Year 9 classes are studying biology this term. The unit involves learning about the nervous system, diseases and immunity. The students dissect a sheep brain and the enrichment classes also dissected a pig’s eye. Half the Year 8 cohort are studying biology this term and dissect hearts and chicken wings. All items for these dissection are sourced from supermarkets, except the eyes which were from a specialty butcher and very difficult to source in large numbers.
Entertainment Books
Help our cause and get a year of unlimited offers & savings 😍 Start your Entertainment Membership today to support St Peters Lutheran College Junior High get a year of amazing 2-for-1 offers, savings AND a bonus $10 or $20 eGift Card. Click here to sign up today:
Senior School
Year 10 vaccination forms due now
Dear Year 10 Parents
Please return Meningococcal ACWY vaccination consent forms immediately to the Senior School Reception.
All consent forms are to be returned with a completed 'yes' or 'no' response. A record of returned forms is kept to ensure all forms are returned.
Thank you,
Mark Rigby School Nurse
The Arts
Life drawing
Life drawing is held on Friday afternoons from 3.30-5.15pm in CVC6.
Students are making great progress, working with Artist Maureen Hansen.
There are three places on offer for students who would like to give it a try for the remaining two weeks of Term 1 (Friday 12 and 19 March).
Kaleidoscope Auditions for Kaleidoscope 2021 – Frenemies
Kaleidoscope 2021 – Frenemies – is about to begin. More than 130 students will be in the cast this year, assisted by another 10 students in the Backstage Crew. Congratulations to the large percentage of students in the cast who chose to audition for a music or drama role or a place in the dance troupe. The standard of auditions was very high and is making the casting very challenging.
We look forward to the first rehearsal on Sunday 21 March.
Christine Taylor Producer of Year 8 Kaleidoscope
A Night at the PAC Incorporating Soundscape – Saturday 27 March
Saturday 27 March sees the return of the annual College event – A Night at the PAC. This evening is a collaborative event between the Music Department and Art Department and incorporates Soundscape. Our vision for this event is an extravaganza for the senses, sight and sound.
Art students are involved through the Soundscape component, with still artwork prepared by art classes being shown during the Concert #1, along with artworks that will be created live in both Concert #1 and Concert #2. These live paintings will also be offered for purchase through Silent Auction in both concerts.
4.00 – 5.30pm
Concert # 1 & Soundscape
Intermediate Percussion, Junior High Song Makers,Intermediate Stage Band, Wind Ensemble, Chamber Sinfonia, Sinfonia
Artworks created by art classes inspired by the music will be projected to enhance the ensemble performances. A live artwork will be created on stage and auctioned.
Servery open prior to the concert for hot food, snacks and drinks
5.30 – 7.00pm
Due to COVID restrictions, there will unfortunately be no live performances
Servery open for snacks and drinks/Bring your own picnic dinner
Please come along and join us for a great night of music and art. We look forward to seeing you there,
Christine Taylor, David Deacon and Grantley Sutch Co-Directors of Cocurricular Music
A Little Friday Night Music | Friday 19 March, 6.30pm
A Little Friday Night Music Friday 19 March 6.30pm
We hope you can join us for 'A Little Friday Night Music' this week. Featuring Bella Voce, Forte Voce, Concert Bands 1 and 2, Year 7 and Year 8 Percussion Ensembles and Junior Stage Band. It's going to be a wonderful way to end the week.
On Thursday 29 April, St Peters will be hosting their first Virtual Boarding Open Evening online. The College has a proud Boarding history and, during the Boarding Open Evening, Boarding Coordinators, Mr Stuart Delaney and Mrs Kim Holman, and the 2021 Head Boarder Boy and Girl will be providing insider knowledge about their home-away-from-home.
If you know of anyone looking for a Boarding school, or even if you’d just like to help us share the St Peters story, please spread the word. Anyone can register to attend this event—simply click:
St Peters Boarding has been providing excellence in Christian co-education for 76 years. Help us to continue that trend well into the future!
Thursday 29 April, 2021
7:00PM – 8:00PM
Online: Livestream link provided on registration
Adopt a Boarder Lunch
Our boarders kicked off another year of great matches with an Adopt a Boarder lunch organised by the lovely Mrs. Treschman. It was great to see so many smiling faces enjoying each other’s company and making big plans for the year ahead.
Primary Sport
“Don’t deprive yourself the opportunity for a good time. The beauty of life heavily depends on the quality of memories we have left behind.” Vincent Okeke
Primary Cocurricular Sport Term 1
***Please watch for emails concerning Term 1 Sport.
The following sports are on offer in Term 1.
Boys Preseason Football
Boys Preseason Rugby
Girls Club (WDNA) Netball
Years 4-6 Run Club
Boys and Girls Swimming
Congratulations to all members of the Primary Inter-Lutheran Swimming Team. The Primary Years team represented St Peters extremely well against strong competition at the St Peters 50m Pool on Tuesday in the Primary Inter-Lutheran Swimming Carnival. It was a great day of competition with St Peters swimmers racing hard throughout the carnival. When the points were tallied St Peters came away as Division 1 Champion School. This a wonderful achievement. Well Done to all swimmers on the team.
Carnival highlights:
9 yrs Boys winners
10 yrs Girls winners
11/12 yrs Boys winners
11/12 yrs Girls winners
Division 1 Champion School
Boys Cricket
Year 5 and Year 6 AIC Cricket Training concludes on Friday 12 March.
Boys Football
Preseason AIC Football (Soccer) kicks off on Wednesday 17 March with a full Years 4-6 Team trials. All boys who are interested in playing Term 2 AIC Football should attend the afternoon. Trials on 17/3 will run 3:30pm – 5:00pm on Lower Primary (Stolz) Oval. An email regarding the trials has been sent to all Years 4-6 parents.
Boys Rugby
Preseason AIC Rugby kicks off on Friday 12 March with a full Years 4-6 Team trials. All boys who are interested in playing Term 2 AIC Rugby should attend the afternoon. Trials on 12/3, 19/3 and 26/3 will run 3:30pm – 5:00pm on Mayer Oval. An email regarding the trials has been sent to all Years 4-6 parents.
Girls Club Netball
St Peters will be entering teams in the Western Districts Netball Association (WDNA) again in 2021. The St Peters WDNA Netball is open to all girls in Years 3-6. The WDNA Season gets underway on Saturday 13 March. It will be great to see the St Peters girls in the Maroon and White at the WDNA courts again in 2021.
Years 4-6 Run Club
Years 4-6 Run Club will start on Monday 22 February. Training will be offered once a week on Monday afternoons in Term 1 and this will increase to twice a week in Term 2. The sessions will be run by St Peters Running Coaches. Information regarding the sessions has been emailed to parents.
All students will be involved in Swimming during Term 1. Students are required to wear the St Peters swimmers, the St Peters rash shirt, St Peters cap (if required) and goggles. Students have also been asked to bring along fins (flippers). These are required to assist with drill work in developing the stroke of the students. A towel is also required. Any student, for any reason unable to participate in swimming will be required to bring a note. If they are unable to participate for multiple HPE lessons they will require a doctor’s certificate. Students have also been reminded that they are to bring a water bottle and are required to wear their hat to and from lessons.
Following the Swimming Unit, students will begin a Cross Country Unit for the remainder of the Term.
HPE Dates Term 1
Swimming: Wednesday 27 January – Friday 12 March
Cross Country: Monday 15 March – Monday 26 March
Boys Sport
Luke Donatini Boys Sport Coordinator 3377 6234 |
With only a few weeks until the end of Term 1, and only one round of Term 1 sport remaining for Cricket, Volleyball and Open AFL, it is more pertinent than ever to stress the importance of finishing well. With may great results over the past seven weeks in Boys’ sport, we forget sometimes that it is easily to become complacent and start to focus on the next thing.
I would encourage all St Peters boys to really work hard on finishing off Term 1 well. Whether it be on the sporting field, off the sporting field or most importantly in the classroom, please focus on finishing off well and without complacency. Stay focused and enthusiastic until the very end.
We often speak about and hear dialog surrounding commitment and honouring our commitment to the tasks at hand. This is so truly within the sporting realm. A sign of good discipline is the ability to finish well. This also brings with it the satisfaction that you have completed the task (the game at hand, the season to the end) to the best of your ability. From this sense of satisfaction comes the feeling of success and accomplishment which I find is so very important leading into your next task (or sporting endeavour).
This Week in Sport
This Saturday sees our last round of AIC Term 1 Sport. For Round 7, St Peters will compete against Iona College in Opens AFL (Friday afternoon), and in Cricket and Volleyball on Saturday. Our Senior teams, Years 10 to 12, will be competing home at St Peters and our Junior teams, Years 7 to 9, are away at Iona College venues.
For some teams, Round 7 is an important one as they will be playing for an AIC Premiership. We wish each St Peters team the best of luck and encourage them to lift and live up to our College’s motto of Plus Ultra.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App for both venue details and time of games.
Success at Qld Schools Cup Beach Volleyball Championships
On Sunday 7 and Monday 8 March, St Peters was represented by three boys’ teams and three girls’ teams at the Queensland Schools Cup Beach Volleyball Championships, Coolangatta.
Congratulations to Kye VB and Bradley S for taking out Bronze (3rd Place) in the Intermediate Division 1 Pairs. A sensational result indeed – Well Done!
Also, a special mention to Jai D and Thomas R for their 4th placing in the Intermediate Division 1 Pairs and Ricky G and Matt C for finishing off 3rd in their Pool and 11th overall in the Senior Division 1 Pairs.
A massive thank you to the coaches and the parents who took time out to both coach and manage these St Peters teams. Your commitment over the past weeks have not gone unnoticed – Thank you!
2021 AIC Cross Country & Runners Club
Earlier this week we emailed each boy from Years 7 to 12 about signing on for Cross Country. We do strongly encourage any boy who is looking at participating in a Term 2 Sport (Rugby and Football) or a Term 3 Sport (Basketball and Tennis) to get along to at least one Cross Country / Runners Club session. This is a fantastic way to improve their overall fitness and will stand them in good preparation for their up and coming team sporting season.
Cross Country at St Peters has traditionally been well received and very competitive at both AIC and QGSSSA. Let’s work hard in 2021 to maintain this high standard and consolidate on past years participation and performances. Training times for Cross Country can be found on the St Peters App. Boys can also find more details about Cross Country from the weekly sport email sent to them.
Term 2 AIC Sports – Sign On for Chess, Rugby, Football and Cross Country
ALL boys in Years 7 to 12 are strongly encouraged to ‘Signing On’ for the Term 2 sports of Chess, Rugby, Football and Chess. All students are requested to check their St Peters Student Email account and sign on via the links within the Sign On emails sent out to them.
Term 2 Pre-Season Training
As of next week, all year levels from 7 to 12 should be well into pre-season training. Please ensure that you check both the St Peters App and/or make contact with the relevant sports coordinator in relation to Term 2 Pre-Season Training. Sporting Coordinators email contact details are outlined below.
Wet Weather and Cancellations
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Dress Standards at St Peters AIC Sporting Training and Games
A reminder that all our boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and games.
AIC Volleyball
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements:
At Training – All St Peters AIC Volleyballers are to be where their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training.
At Games – All St Peters AIC Volleyballers must be wearing their numbered volleyball shirt and maroon PE/Sports Shorts.
NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games. WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games.
AIC Cricket
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements:
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their first training session of the week. The second training session you are to wear your ‘Sports Uniform’.
At Games – All St Peters Cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing their ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play.
St Peters Student Spectators on Gamedays
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal college hours, it is expected that they be dressed in St Peters apparel whilst attending these events.
If the sport specific information you are looking for cannot be found on the St Peters App, please contact the below sport specific coordinators directly,
“Don’t deprive yourself the opportunity for a good time. The beauty of life heavily depends on the quality of memories we have left behind.” Vincent Okeke
Firstly, to recap on last week’s QGSSSA Swimming Championships, congratulations to all the girls, this win was the biggest winning margin we have ever seen in the QGSSSA Competition – AMAZING!
Congratulations also to the following girls for their record-breaking swims, some amazing results!
17 Years 50m freestyle – Division A – Mollie O’C 25.84 17 Years 50m Butterfly – Ella R 27.82 17 Years 100m Freestyle – Mollie O’C 55.41 15 Years 4x50m Freestyle Relay Division B – Terangimarie M, Poppy B, Emmilia McL & Sienna O – 1.56.26
It is with great pleasure that we announce our 2021 Girls Sport Captains, we look forward to a great year of Girls Sport with our captains leading the way.
Congratulations CLAUDIA L & ASHLEIGH S
Congratulations also to the girls that have been selected in our 2021 Open Teams, this is the pinnacle of Girls Sport at St Peters and we are very proud of you all.
QGSSSA SWIMMING: Sarah A, Lucy C, Mia C, Mila C, Isabelle C, Brianna F, Jess G, Ailin L, Stef McC, Mollie O’C, Lara O, Ella R, Leilani R & Sophie R Congratulations to our Swimming Captains: Stef McC & Sophie R and Vice-Captains: Ely P & Ella R
QGSSSA BASKETBALL: Kayla G, Toby S, Sophie B, Aldora T, Sonia McG, Alice J, Gabby N, Leila J & Ella M Development Players - Charlotte B, Sophie D & Millie B Congratulations to our Basketball Captains: Gabby N & Alice J and Vice-Captains: Charlotte B & Sonia McG
Mia C, Thalia S, Julianna G, Claudia L, Leticia ML, Cassie H, Georgie H, Gabby S, Bec Q, Kate E, Rachel B, Ellie S-S, Sophie M, Kaylee B, Jess Mac & Sophie A Congratulations to our Football Captain: Kate E and Vice-Captain: Lauren S
Kianga B, Stephanie B, Renee C, Shaniqua E, Shanteal H, Ella H, Jess H, Laylani V, Madeline vdM, Jess T, Sophie T & Ash S Congratulations to our Touch Captain: Kianga B and Vice-Captain: Steph B
Steph B, Remaya B, Hilal D, Isabelle P, Matilda P, Ash S, Maddie S, Ellie S-S, Rachel W & Kate E Congratulations to our Softball Captain: Matilda P and Vice-Captain: Steph B
Mila C, Ruby G-D, Ella H, Clarinda H, Anna K, Claudia L, Zoe M, Lucy P, Sophie R, Madi S, Jamie S-S, Abi W & Meg W Congratulations to our Water Polo Captains: Claudia L & Anna K and Vice Captains: Milly T & Zoe M
Well done to our St Peters Beach Volleyball Players who represented our College so amazingly well last Sunday and Monday at the Queensland Schools Beach Volleyball Championships at Coolangatta. With three girls teams competing and two teams coming away with medals, gold & bronze, this was an outstanding result.
Intermediate Division 2 Pairs – Bronze Medallists | Congratulations Remaya B & Helena B
Year 9 Division 2 Quads – Gold Medallists | Congratulations Daisy M, Ava S, Emmilia McL, Charlotte C-P & Juliet W
A massive thank you to Mr Donatini for his work in giving our students this opportunity, thanks also to the coaches and parents who took time out to both coach and manage these St Peters teams. Your commitment over the past weeks has been very much appreciated – Thank you!
With the wet weather continuing for many days next week, please keep an eye on the St Peters App for cancellations. We will endeavour to do this by 1.30pm for afternoon training sessions/fixtures and 5.30am for morning training sessions, however this is not always possible with storms around. Students will also receive an email.
When attending/watching other weekend sporting fixtures (eg Boys Volleyball or Cricket), girls are asked to ensure they are wearing their St Peters Formal uniform or if they are coming from playing their own St Peters sport (eg Softball), their St Peters playing uniform is allowed. (PE Uniform or casual clothing is not allowed)
This weekend is the final round games of the season, have fun on Saturday girls and let's end the season playing our best and enjoying the game. Please see below details of the Awards Presentation next Monday.
Cross Country pre-season continues this week and as we prepare for the first QGSSSA Cross Country meet of the season. There are many training sessions to choose from – please check the St Peters App for further details.
Do your best to attend as many of these sessions as you can, with Wednesday sessions being a priority.
Run Club is on again this week! Join our Running Community on Friday mornings - meet at 6.30am at the St Peters Bus Stop.
Girls have been sent an email with all the details and how to sign on for the bus.
Easter holiday Robotics and Drone Program
Two day holiday Robotics and Drone Program
WHEN: Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 April (during Easter School Holidays) WHERE: Mayer Oval, St Peters Lutheran College WHO: Years 5-7
Did you know you can access the SPOSA Bulletin on the St Peters App? Follow the following steps to set up your notifications and stay up to date with news from the St Peters Old Scholars Association.
In the St Peters App, select the following: Settings – Subscriptions – General – Old Scholars
Once this has been set up, the SPOSA Bulletin will appear in your Newsletters tab. Please let the SPOSA Office ( know if you have any queries at all.
Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run
On Sunday 7 March 140 members of the St Peters community descended on Robertson Park for our first virtual ‘Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run’. A celebration of both International Women’s Day and a fundraising event, raising money for breast cancer research.
As part of their IB Diploma, a group of Year 12 students, helped to organise this community event as part of their CAS (creativity, activity and service) project. This real-world application of skills learnt at school was a wonderful learning opportunity for these students and they did an outstanding job. Thank you to: Alex D, Julie B, Kaylee B, Anisia C, Mia C, Ben D, Jake H, Matthew K, Nandi K, Ryan L, Brendan M, Leticia M-L, Alice T and Charmaine Y for all their help.
Not only did we all have a very enjoyable morning, wearing our pink and running or walking the 5km course, it was a wonderful celebration of our community with students, members of staff and St Peters families joining in. To watch our Year 12 CAS students run the event, have Year 12 leaders run with younger students, have everyone cheer each other on forming a guard of honour for the last competitors, to see the groups of people stand around and enjoy a Sunday morning together – thank you to everyone who came.
Congratulations to our race place getters:
Charlie H (Year 11)
Josh S (Year 11)
Ella K (Year 9) /Ella H (Year 12)
Thank you to Kim Knox of Impi Sportswear who sponsored the event, giving every participant a free pair of socks and awarding the place getters with a voucher. This extremely generous donation to the event was much appreciated by all.
Most importantly the St Peters team raised a grand total of $13,682 for breast cancer research, making us the third most successful fundraising team for the event and the top fundraising school. This is testament to the support and generosity of our community. A huge thank you to everyone involved in this team fundraising effort, you really have made a difference.
Special mention must go to the following students who raised over $200: Vinesh N, Beth S, Audrey W, Rachel W, Eleena J, Freya R, Ella H, Jessica F, Josh M, Chloe G, Lily R, Imogen J, Jiya B, Bronte G. Staff members also raised over $200 include: Ros Midgley, Jane Mcgrath, Miriam Bryan and Susannah Treschman. There were members of our wider community who also raised this – thank you!
Final thanks must go to Mrs Kerry Schreiber for organising the course and race logistics and our chief on course support team of Ms Renata Franco, Mrs Jenni Gagen and Delah C (Year 10).
Congratulations St Peters, thank you for such an amazing community effort.
St Peters 1st XI vs Old Scholars Football match
P&F News
Support Group Meetings
Junior High Parent Support Group Meeting | Video
The Term 1 Junior High Parent Support Group Video Update is available here. The next meeting/video is scheduled for Term 2 on Wednesday 18 August.
Netball Parent Support Group AGM - Thursday 11 March at 6:30pm at the P&F Centre
Rugby Support Group Meeting - Tuesday 16 March at 5.15pm at the Gymnasium
Term 2 P&F Meeting - Wednesday 21 April @ 6pm - Save the date
P&F Meetings provide an opportunity for parents and friends to get engaged and stay connected with what's going on around the College.
We have a number of guest speakers who will be providing updates and insights on College life and events/activities. For the Term 2 Meeting these include:
Tim Kotzur - Head of College Report and an update on the College's Master Plan;
Community News - MP Michael Berkman & Councillor James McKay - the status of the planned primary school at Indooroopilly State High School;
Updates from the Rugby, Football and Music Support Group's;
Upcoming events/activities at the College.
From 6pm - 6.30pm there will be an opportunity for socialising and networking with beverages and nibbles provided. The meeting will commence at 6.30pm.
Find Your Future Program - TRADIES WANTED
If you a tradesperson, or if getting a trade was the platform that launched your career, we would love to hear from you. The P&F Find Your Future Program provides an opportunity for students to better understand carer pathways. We are very keen to promote trades careers. Please contact Rob Barber (President - P&F (Indooroopilly Campus)) or 0458 254 488
Upcoming Events
Community Hub
Second-hand Uniform shop
The second-hand uniform shop is open every Thursday during Term from 7:45am until 11:30am in the P&F Centre.
Community Hub is organising a stationery collection during Term 1. This is a good opportunity to donate any leftover stationery items from your back to school orders.
All donations will be given to our various partner charities including Knitting4Brisbane’s Needy, Let’s Give, Care Kits for Kids and L’il Bug Love.
Stationery items must be new and can include: Lead pencils, Colouring pencils, Crayons, Sharpeners, Erasers, Pens, Notebooks, Scissors, Calculators, Scrapbooks, Pencil cases etc.
Donations can be taken to any school reception and placed in the tubs provided.
Sponsors and Supporters
Thank you to our 2022 Football supporter
Thank you to our Football sponsor - Tabrizi Home Builders.