The College’s current Strategic Plan will be completed by the end of the year. Planning for our next Strategic Intent, to commence in 2021, is underway. The College Council and Senior Leadership is currently working on the Strategic Architecture for our next Strategic Intent. One of the key Strategic Pillars for our next Strategic Intent that is under close is examination is that of ‘Next Practice’.
‘Next Practice’ is a term that refers to emerging innovations that could open up new ways, approaches or programs of teaching and learning at the College. St Peters has a very long history of ‘Next Practice’ when it comes to teaching and learning. In fact, you could say it is part of our DNA. St Peters was the first school in Queensland to teach Human Relationships Education. In the late 70s we were among the first to introduce Middle Schooling. Ironbark was cutting edge ‘Next Practice’ when it was piloted in 1974. Langer Library, when it was opened, was ‘Next Practice’ because it was actually a place of teaching and learning, and not just a repository for books. The College was among the very first to have a computer. In fact, the University of Queensland used to use it for their work it was that ‘Next Practice’. You could even suggest that Co-education when St Peters began back in 1945 was ‘Next Practice’ because there were no other Independent Private Coeducational schools in Brisbane at the time – the others were all single gender schools. There are numerous other examples of St Peters leading the way with ‘Next Practice’. By placing ‘Next Practice’ firmly on the agenda as part of our next Strategic Intent, the College is renewing its commitment to our timeless mission of ‘Excellence in Christian Co-education’ and striving to remain faithful to the vision of the founding Headmaster, Mr Schneider who was committed to ‘a school where your sons and daughters will get the best possible training’.
I look forward to seeing the unfolding ‘Next Practices’ that emerge at St Peters in the coming years.
Deputy Head of College
Safety Issues | Driving on School Grounds
Recently we have witnessed some extreme near miss incidents involving vehicles and our students and staff on school grounds during peak times.
This is very concerning to the College.
For the safety of our school community, could all parents/caregivers please be reminded of the following:
Set down and pick up of students on school grounds is not permitted during peak times (without a permit)
Parents and visitors are asked to set down and pick up students outside the school grounds, unless utilizing Primary Years Kiss and Go
Peak times are: 7.00am to 8.15am and again from 2.30pm to 3.30pm
Students and Learner Drivers are not permitted to drive through or park on school grounds at any time
Permits can be applied for by completing a Student Set Down Pick Up Permission form found on Firefly:
As the flu season is upon us, please find attached Influenza Fact Sheet.
Please be aware of symptoms such as fever, sore throat, dry cough, headaches, muscle and joint pain, tiredness or extreme exhaustion. Anyone who experiences these symptoms should stay home and obtain medical advice as early medical intervention can assist in recovery. More information can be found at
Around the College
Luther House Decommissioning
A service to reflect
On Sunday 22 March, 2020, St Peters will be decommissioning Luther House. Built in 1947, Luther House has served the College well. To honour its legacy, we’ll be holding a special service in front of the building at 10:00am (following the St Peters Lutheran Church congregation service). All current staff, parents, students and Old Scholars are invited to attend. For more information, please email:
Students 4 Students - Suitcase Rummage
Wednesday 11 March
Rummage sale at the PAC Amphitheatre
Buy or Sell
Bring a suitcase to sell various items including:
Toys etc
Cash purchases only - no EFTPOS or student card
Entry deposit to be able to sell: $5
For more details, please contact Mrs Braby or Axielle D (S4S Captain)
Fundraising on behalf of Canteen.
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence And Harmony Day
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
Wear Orange Friday 20 March
This Friday 20 March the Senior School and Junior High will be wearing Orange (T Shirt/accessories with PE trousers or shorts) to support both National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) and Harmony Day, celebrating cultural diversity.
The NDA marks the 10th Anniversary of Australia's key anti-bullying event for schools. The theme for 2020 is Take Action Together.
We encourage students to wear Orange and raise awareness that any form of bullying is unacceptable and everyone should be treated equally.
The NDA gives schools the chance to take action and empower young people to be part of the solution when addressing bullying in their school community. It provides an opportunity to focus on bullying and the big changes we can make to create safer communities for everyone.
Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. Held every year on 21 March. The Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
A group photo of everyone wearing ORANGE will be taken at Morning tea at the Chapel Forecourt.
Thank you for your support
Everyone Belongs - the theme for 2020
On 21 March 2020 coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Harmony Day is about coming together to celebrate the cultural diversity of our College and spreading the message that 'everyone belongs’.
Look out for a whole of College installation to be created for Harmony Day.
Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect. Australians can choose to wear something orange during Harmony Day to show their support for cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia.
Sylvia Sanjurjo Multicultural Coordinator
Academic Matters
From the Academic Hub
Year 12 students are finishing a solid few weeks of assessments. Students are to be commended in the manner in which they have approached this busy time. Student’s organisation and time management can significantly reduce the amount of stress they feel leading into and during peak assessment periods.
REMINDER: Year 11 Exam block starts next week (16 - 20 March). Year 11 students returning to classes in Weeks 9 and 10 (23 March – 1 April). An exam schedule is available inFirefly under Senior School Curriculum and the relevant Year Level. Link provided below.
Students are asked to arrive plenty of time before the exam with their correct equipment. If students are staying more than 30 minutes prior to or after an exam, they are to sign in at Luther House. Students have been briefed on the expectations in Year Level Meeting. Wishing all our Year 11 student all the best with their exams.
Academic Integrity
Students across Junior High and Senior School are completing the Academic Integrity online course during Academic Care and Wellbeing time. The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) has developed this course to help students develop their knowledge of the importance of academic integrity, understanding what academic misconduct is and how to avoid it.
Rachael Turnbull Head of 7-12 Curriculum - Students
"Do I need a Mathematics tutor?"
This question often comes up in family discussions, for a range of reasons. If it does arise, the reasons behind the question would be the best guide to an appropriate response for individual circumstances.
Students who have experienced interruption to their learning due to illness, subject change or re-location, may need some extra assistance to get their learning back on track. Perhaps a renewed sense of purpose and determination to improve is linked to a need for extra support. Whatever the background, a first consideration might be the range of resources that are available at St Peters Lutheran College to support success in the learning journey.
Classroom teacher – as the need arises
Academic support – weekly tutorials
Private tutoring service
The Mathematics Department offer free voluntary tutorials across all year levels from Years 7 to 12. Students can check tutorial schedules on Firefly (Maths page) for times and locations and attend as needed.
Please note, students are expected to bring specific questions or areas of concerns. These sessions are student orientated and will not operate as a teacher lead class.
Dohler 1 (DO1)
Week A
Specialist/Methods | SHALL
Methods/General | DGALL
9 & 10 Maths | MKINN
Week B
Specialist/Methods | TFLET
Methods/General | DBRAN
9 & 10 Maths | MCUJE
Primary Years
Head of Primary Years
Leadership Day
Primary Years Leadership process has begun with gusto. The Year 6 students participated in two activities designed to inspire the students to be the best possible leaders of the Primary Years. In the first activity, Mr Kotzur, Mrs Carden and College Captains discussed their journey to leadership and what is expected of Student Leaders in the Primary Years. The following week, members of Character Builders completed an incursion with the Year 6 Cohort. This day was made of many leadership activities focussing on ‘step up, step back and encourage’. In coming weeks, some of the students who have applied for leadership roles will be given the opportunity to deliver a speech to the Upper Primary students or Mrs Carden, Mrs Sabri and Mr Glass. Once their speeches and interviews are completed, the leaders of the Primary Years 2020 will be announced.
This year we have been fortunate enough to secure the Governor, His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey to present the badges to our successful Year 6 Leaders. We have arranged this to be in the PAC on Tuesday 19 May. Further information will come out closer to the date.
Below are some student reflections from 6B about their experiences of Leadership Day.
We didn’t win the amazing race, but we learned just as much as the fun we had. It was a good and cheerful race full of encouragement and letting others have a go. We have also been honest by telling one of the teachers the points we believed were fair to be rewarded. By Zoë
It was the one that needs trust in between your teammates. I enjoy doing the activities that we did with our teammates. The highlight was meeting new friends at the start because you get to have a conversation with someone you don’t know very well. I meet many new friends that I don’t know and some new peoples at this school this year. By Justin
Finally, we did big ups. A student stood up and complimented another person for their effort throughout the day. They could have demonstrated persistence, positivity, they might have encouraged their group to be better, faster or stronger or demonstrated true leadership. It could be any positive comment. By Andy
After that, we split into random groups and began the amazing race. My group started on the keep it up the challenge. There we learnt each other’s strengths weaknesses and how we could work together. After that, we made our way through the rest of the 6 activities. Unfortunately, we only completed, due to the time limit. Afterwards, we worked together to figure out the identities of eyes and complete the movie emoji sheet. We got 10/10. By Jacqueline
Harmony Tree Refurbishment Thanks
Our sincere gratitude goes to Anita P for the update of the Harmony Tree ornamentation. Anita was instrumental in supporting Mrs Izatt in the original concept and creation of the Harmony Tree which has become a popular and iconic landmark in the Lower Primary play area. However, because of its location it’s exposed to the elements and so it was time for a new version to be created. I’m sure that all who pass by the tree will agree, Anita has done a fabulous job in revamping the area. Thank you!
Further information will come out next week about the activities and celebrations that will take place for Harmony Day, the Primary Years community will officially celebrate the day on Friday 20 March. The enduring theme of 'Everyone Belongs' continues this year. All Primary students are encouraged to wear orange t-shirts to school on this day to support this great cause.
Basic Hygiene Tips
At the Lower Primary assembly last Friday, students were reminded to follow some basic hygiene tips to help prevent the spread of infection (colds and flu).
Wash your hands
Good hygiene is one of the best ways to help prevent a cold or flu from spreading. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
Hand sanitizer is available at all reception areas and tuckshop/cafe areas.
Don’t touch your face
Don’t touch your face with unwashed hands; it’s the easiest way for germs to enter your body
Cover coughs and sneezes
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Preferable with your elbow rather than your hand.
Bin your tissues
Throw disposable tissues in the bin immediately after using them.
Avoid sharing
Try not to share cups, water bottles, plates, cutlery and towels with other people, as this could spread germs.
Online Course: Parenting Anxious Kids
Parenting Anxious Kids is an online course for the parents and teachers of children who experience anxiety. Designed by author and award-winning parenting speaker Michael Grose and wellbeing expert Dr Jodi Richardson, the course provides parents and teachers with a detailed understanding of what anxiety is and how they can help a child manage and minimise it.
Year 2 sketches of Ross Roy - part of our UOI, also marking 75th birthday!
Junior High
Junior High
This week our Character Strength focus has been on Leadership – linking well to the formal appointment of our Junior High Leaders for 2020. In a recent Junior High Assembly, I identified a range of characteristics which I believe are representative of good leaders. These include being flexible, being able to communicate effectively, having courage, resilience, perseverance, and patience. Being reliable and responsible are also the key characteristics that we value in our student leaders.
To become a great leader, students need to learn from great leaders. We encourage our aspiring Student Leaders to look around them for positive role models in their family, in the school, in their sporting clubs, music or community groups. We ask them to take opportunities to get involved, because leadership skills have to be developed, both by trying and succeeding, and by trying and not succeeding. Every success or failure provides the opportunity for individuals to grow and learn - and that doesn’t happen by passively sitting on the sidelines. We encourage our students to put up their hand and to become involved in College life – to take advantage of the many opportunities at St Peters where they can step up and lead others. By doing this, their leadership skills will invariably grow and develop.
At our Junior High Assembly on Wednesday, fourteen Year 9 students were installed as the 2020 Leaders of Junior High. In a ceremony attended by parents, invited guests and the Junior High Captains of 2019, as well as all students from Years 7-9, ten of the students were installed as Student Representatives, while the following students were appointed to the positions of Captain/Vice-Captain:
Karina H.
Max M.
Rachel H.
Victor H.
We look forward to working with our Student Leadership team throughout 2020 as they represent the 750 Junior High students in a variety of capacities, assist in a number of key College events, and work closely with staff to make Junior High a supportive and caring environment.
It is apparent that a growing area of concern for teachers is the inappropriate and frequent use of social media communications during class time by a number of students. It is evident that even without having their mobile phones in class, students are accessing online chat programs to communicate with friends and peers during lessons. Skype is the most frequent platform for this online messaging. It is also reported that students are contacting, or being contacted by, their parents during the day using this method of communication. I urge parents to consider the implications of this in terms of interruptions to their child’s learning and the breach of school rules.
As vigilant as teachers try to be, unfortunately this behaviour is difficult to monitor and control. While teachers may have suspicions that some students are off-task when they are using their laptops in class (usually because they are staring intently at the bottom right quadrant of their screen with a smile on their faces), all the teacher sees on the screen when they approach the student is the legitimate work they have been asked to do. Students are very adept at swiftly swiping their screens and using keyboard shortcuts and other techniques to hide the online chat as soon as the teacher comes within their vicinity. Within seconds the chat session has recommenced.
While we constantly remind our students of the school rules and guidelines in relation to the appropriate use of technology, parents are urged to reinforce these expectations at home as well. The Junior High Parent Handbook and the 2020 Student Diary (pages 19A-25A) clearly outline these parameters. If you have any concerns or require support in monitoring your child’s online behaviour, please access the website of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner or contact our College’s eLearning staff and eSafety committee for further information. There are also a number of direct links on Firefly to support Parents.
IB Students offering Academic Support to JH Students
Last week the College’s International Baccalaureate students began a voluntary program to provide academic support to Junior High students by offering tutoring sessions in all subjects. Seventeen of the Years 11 and 12 IB volunteers have offered to give up their lunchtimes during the week to support our Junior High students with their classwork, homework and assignments.
The senior students are available on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 1.00pm - 1.25pm. The students are offering support in all academic subjects and are conducting the sessions in the Lower Dohler classrooms. We ask that parents encourage their children to attend one or more of these sessions each week if they feel they would benefit from additional support in any of their subjects. This initiative will also assist in developing positive relationships between students across both sub-schools.
Kelly Fox Acting Head of Junior High
Senior School
Senior School
At the Scholars Assembly held earlier in the year a significant number of Academic Awards were presented to Senior School students in recognition of outstanding achievements in QCAA, IB and VET courses of study.
A new initiative in recent years, is the presentation of Bronze Academic Awards. These have been presented at Year Level Meetings in recognition of those students who have improved their GPA by 0.5 between Semester 1 and Semester 2 2019. Students who receive a Bronze Academic Award should be justifiably proud of this achievement as it recognises improvement in academic performance, typically achieved through hard work and application.
‘Personal Best’ awards have also been presented to students who achieved their highest ever grade point average (GPA) at the end of the 2019 academic year. We continue to encourage our students to work to their fullest potential and set themselves goals which reflect ongoing academic improvement through the establishment of effective study habits and processes.
With students in Year 11 entering their first exam block next week and with the Year 12’s balancing their own assessment schedules at this time of term, please consider what role you can play in supporting your student at this busy and potentially stressful time. There are a number of simple measures that can assist families including:
Sharing the exam timetable. If the whole family is aware of the schedule they will be in a better place to support and encourage.
Ensuring adequate sleep and rest before exams (minimum 8hrs). Late nights and ‘cramming’ have proven to be counterproductive in preparing for examinations. Students have been encouraged to start their preparations 3 weeks prior to the exam block.
Maintaining balanced eating habits. The most important meal on the day of an exam will be breakfast. Students should remain hydrated will ample water intake and should avoid caffeine and energy drinks.
Arrive at school with ample time before the start of their scheduled exam (at least 30 minutes). Allow for unforeseen events – ie: heavy traffic.
Parents and students should familiarise themselves with College policy and procedure regarding exams and assessment. It is important to note:
Students travelling to and from their exams must be in full school uniform, including hat and school bag. All normal school rules apply during exam block with regard to conduct and appearance.
Students only need to be at school during exam block during scheduled exams. There are no regular classes. The Senior Study Centre is open during exam block for private study, but students will be required to sign in and out of this facility through Senior School reception.
If a student misses an exam for unforeseen circumstances (eg: illness or accident), please contact Mrs Rachael Turnbull (Head of Curriculum - Students) and the relevant Year Level Coordinator who will assist you through the Special Consideration process and provide you with the appropriate documentation
For further recommendations for parents on how they can support their student through school term and the exam block, please CLICK HERE.
David Rushmore Head of Senior School
The Arts
Life drawing
Students are developing their drawing skills on Friday afternoons working with a model and an artist.
Last week they enjoyed tutoring with Rachel Apelt. This week the artist will be Artist Maureen Hansen.
The group is mixed year levels.
Hugo (Year 7) is making a commendable contribution as one of the Junior High members of the group!
St Peters Marching Band
Symphonic Winds and Drumline have combined to form the St Peters Lutheran College Marching Band, in preparation for our annual appearance in the Brisbane City ANZAC Day Parade. You will find the students rehearsing around the College each Wednesday afternoon from 4pm practising their steps and turns while playing their four marches (all from memory) – feel free to come and watch their progress. As we move closer to the holidays, the rehearsals will move to the college internal roads, ovals. Please note the schedule below for road closures.
Wednesday 11 March – College Rd from Indooroopilly Rd to Mayer Oval Parking. – 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Wednesday 18 March - College Rd from Indooroopilly Rd to Mayer Oval Parking. – 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Wednesday 25 March – College Rd from Indooroopilly Rd to Mayer Oval Parking. – 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Grantley Sutch Co-Director or Co-curricular Music Head of Bands
Primary Sport
“We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.” Aristotle Onassis
Primary Cocurricular Sport Term 1
The following sports are on offer in Term 1.
Boys Cricket
Girls Club (WDNA) Netball
Years 4-6 Run Club
Primary Inter-Lutheran Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to the Primary Inter-Lutheran Swimming Team that was selected to compete at the Inter-Lutheran Swimming Carnival held at St Peters 50m Pool on Wednesday. A very strong team was selected for the carnival as St Peters looks to defend the championship that they won last year. A full wrap of the carnival will feature in next week’s ROCK.
Boys Cricket
Years 5 and 6 boys will be playing in the AIC Cricket Competition. Training is on Wednesdays (3:30pm-5:00pm) at the Cricket nets and during Sport for Life time on Fridays. All information regarding Saturday morning games can be found on the St Peters App.
Girls Club Netball
St Peters will be entering teams in the Western Districts Netball Association (WDNA) again in 2020. The St Peters WDNA Netball is open to all girls in Years 3-6. This is an exciting prospect for the College and something that all girls are encouraged participate in. It would be great to have as many teams as possible playing in the competition. WDNA Training will be on Wednesday and Friday afternoons at Harts Road Netball Courts.
Years 4-6 Run Club
Years 4-6 Run Club has begun. It was great to see so many students keen to begin Cross Country training this week. Training is offered twice a week on Monday and Wednesday afternoons in Term 1 and Term 2. The sessions will be run by St Peters Running Coaches. All Run Club sessions will start and finish at the Lower Primary Undercroft. Training will run from 3:30pm – 4:15pm.
Monday and Wednesday afternoons 3:30pm – 4:15pm | Training starts and finishes at Lower Primary Undercroft
Primary Years HPE
All students will be involved in Swimming during Term 1. Students are required to wear the St Peters swimmers, the St Peters rash shirt, St Peters cap (if required) and goggles. Students have also been asked to bring along fins (flippers). These are required to assist with drill work in developing the stroke of the students. A towel is also required. Any student, for any reason unable to participate in swimming will be required to bring a note. If they are unable to participate for multiple HPE lessons they will require a doctor’s certificate. Students have also been reminded that they are to bring a water bottle and are required to wear their hat to and from lessons.
Following the Swimming Unit, students will begin a Cross Country Unit for the remainder of the Term.
HPE Dates Term 1
Swimming: Wednesday 29 January – Friday 13 March
Cross Country: Monday 16 March – Wednesday 1 April
Save the Date
Primary Years Inter House Cross Country: Tuesday 31 March (Details for the day to follow)
Girls Sport
The 2020 QGSSSA Track and Field Championships will take place ON THE STUDENT FREE DAY at the end of Term 3 – Thursday 17 September.
Firstly, to recap on last week’s QGSSSA Swimming Championships, congratulations to the following girls of their record breaking swims, some amazing results!
Open 200m Individual Medley – Ella R
16 Years 50m Freestyle Div C – Paris B
16 Years 50m Freestyle Div B – Mia C
16 Years 50m Freestyle Div A – Mollie O’C
17 Years 50m Freestyle Div C – Olivia C
16 Years 50m Breaststroke – Ella R
16 Years 50m Butterfly – Ella R
16 Years 100m Freestyle – Mollie O’C
16 Years 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Div A - Mia C, Paris B, Amelia C & Mollie O’C
17 Years 4 x 50m Medley Relay Div A - Mint L, Lea M, Stef McC & Madi B
16 Years 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Div A - Mia C, Paris B, Amelia C & Mollie O’C
Open Brockway Cup - Mollie O’C, Ella R, Paris B & Mia C
Congratulations to our St Peters Beach Volleyball Players who represented our College so brilliantly on Sunday 8 and Monday 9 March at the Queensland Schools Beach Volleyball Championships at Coolangatta.
St Peters Junior 4 Division 2 – Silver Medallists - Daisy M, Ava S, Juliet W, Isadora Ms, Charlotte C-P & Emmilia McL
St Peters Intermediate 4 Division 2 – Silver Medallists - Helena B, Lily C, Remaya B & Amelia VW
Congratulations to Charli G (and her partner Sophie) who from September 2019 - March 2020 competed at the Queensland Beach Volleyball Tour. With the points they accumulated over the course of the tour, they qualified to compete at the QLD Beach Volleyball Championships held at Coolangatta on Saturday 7 March.
Congratulations on winning a silver medal in the Open Women's Challenger Division.
Congratulations to our following Autumn Fixture Open Teams
Zoe P, Sophie B, Kayla G, Aldora T, Toby S, Gabby N, Alice J, Leila J, Charlotte B, Hayley Go SH, Anneliese D, Larika M & Martina R. Congratulations to our Basketball Captain: Zoe P and Vice Captain: Gabby N
Chloe W, Rachel B, Julianna G, Tahlia P, Thalia S, Maia T-W, Kate E, Maya B, Maggie P, Georgie H, Beck Q, Tess M, Ella R, Claudia L & Cassie H. Congratulations to our Football Captain: Maya B and Vice Captain: Kate E
Annabelle B, Kianga Bt, Stephanie B, Tazmyn B, Shaniqua E, Shanteal H, Ella H, Jaymie R, Ash S, Sophie T, Ebony T, Laylani V & Nina Z. Congratulations to our Touch Captains: Nina Z & Annabelle B and Vice Captains: Ash S & Kianga B
Our Senior Softball girls have had a great season so far. We have been unlucky with the wet weather, cancelling games and trainings but the girls have done an awesome job of getting the most out of the season. As the season draws to an end, our Open team are in equal second place, Senior A are on top of the table and Senior A2 & Senior B are doing their best in a tough Senior A competition.
Date Claimer Senior Softball Break-Up: Tuesday Morning 17 March | 6.30am – 7.30am | Staff Dining Room (back of Café 45) Ms Holman will advise what to bring.
Congratulation to our 16B, 17A and Opens teams who had great wins last weekend. Whilst our other teams had some tough games, it was great to see the girls giving their best and finishing their games with a smile.
This weekend is the final round games of the season, have fun on Saturday girls and let's end the season playing our best and enjoying the game.
Date Claimer BWPI Water Polo Break-Up: Sunday 29 March | 50m Pool | further details to follow.
All girls interested in Athletic development in the Gym with Mr Hacking, please contact him to arrange a meeting.
Congratulations to Caitlin L (Year 12) who has been selected into the 2020 Queensland Schools Pathway team to complete at the 2020 Australian Junior Rowing Team trials in Sydney between 21 – 25 April. We wish Caitlin all the very best in her final preparations for the Australian National Championships as well as the Junior Australian Rowing Team Trials.
Learn To Row – Girls
The Rowing program is excited to invite any girl (Years 8-12) that is wanting to compete for the College in Rowing this season to complete the Learn to Row course. The 8-12 girls compete in the Brisbane School Girls Rowing Association (BSRA) with Regattas in Term 3, preseason training is completed throughout Term 2. The Learn to Row course is being held at the Indooroopilly Campus Health and Wellbeing Centre, downstairs in the Cardio/Ergometer room, between 6.30-7.30am each Tuesday and Wednesday Morning between Weeks 7-10. If any girl or parent wishes to find out more information or sign up for this program please contact Peter Hicks (Head of Rowing) via There are a number of spots available across all year levels in the Rowing program this year, so please sign.
Have a great week in Sport!
Anne-Marie Champion Girls Sport Coordinator
Boys Sport
Boys Sport at St Peters last weekend was definitely ‘alive and well’ with students competing across multiple venues and multiple sports. On Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday I was fortunate enough to be present at and witness various Cricket matches, Volleyball games, Queensland Track & Field Championships and also the Queensland Schools Beach Volleyball Championships where St Peters boys were all competing at. Can I say how proud I am of our students in general! Their overall sportsmanship, their attitude and their eagerness to participate with enthusiasm has truly impressed me in my first six weeks in the role of Boys Sports Coordinator.
Though on occasions the score board has not favoured us, it has not dampened our spirit and zest to positively compete. I am truly confident that we will continue to develop and positively progress over the coming weeks and months of 2020 as we maintain focus on building confidence in our ability, faith in our team mates, working together on skill acquisition and ultimately remembering to enjoy our sport and have fun. I am equally confident that our College spirit will too get stronger and stronger because of the above mentioned.
Congratulations to our St Peters Beach Volleyball Players who represented our College so brilliantly on Sunday 8 and Monday 9 March at the Queensland Schools Beach Volleyball Championships at Coolangatta.
St Peters Junior Division 2 Boys 4’s Team – Silver
St Peters Intermediate Division 1 Boys 2’s Team - Bronze
This Week in Sport
This weekend we head into Round 6 against St Laurence’s College in Years 8/9 AFL, Cricket and Volleyball. Our St Peters Senior Teams (Years 10 - 12) will be competing at ‘away’ at St Laurance’s College venues. Our Junior Teams (Years 7 - 9) will play at St Peters ‘home’ venues.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App for both venue details and time of games.
St Peters Student Spectators on Gamedays
Should your son wish to attend any St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal college hours, it is expected that he is dressed in St Peters apparel whilst attending these events.
2020 AIC Cross Country & Runners Club
Not only are we wanting boys to compete competitively for St Peters in Cross Country but we are wanting all Years 7 - 12 boys who will be playing in Term 2 Sports (Rugby & Football) to strongly consider attending at least one Cross Country session or Runners Club so to enhance their overall fitness level as they start to prepare for Term 2 Sports.
Cross Country at St Peters has traditionally been well received and very competitive at both AIC and QGSSA. Let’s work hard in 2020 to maintain this high standard and consolidate on past years participation and performances.
AIC Volleyball
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – All St Peters AIC Volleyballers are to be where their St Peters Sports Uniform to Volleyball training.
At Games – All St Peters AIC Volleyballers must be wearing either the old style numbered volleyball shirt or the ‘new’ style numbered volleyball shirt. NO sports/PE shirts are to be worn at AIC games. WHITE SOCKS ONLY are to be worn at AIC Volleyball Games.
AIC Cricket
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
At Training – all AIC cricketers must wear their ‘Program Shirt’ to their first training session of the week. The second training session you are to where your ‘Sports Uniform’.
At Games – All St Peters Cricketers are to arrive to their game wearing their ‘Program Shirt’ and then get changed into your playing whites just before the start of play.
1st X1 vs Old Scholars Football - Sat 28 March, 2020
Parent Symposium 2 – Michael Carr-Gregg
Raising Happy & Resilient Young People
The teenage years are a testing time for the child-parent relationship. We all want the best for our children, but learning how to balance secondary school workloads, friends and exterior commitments can sometimes cloud what’s really important—our children’s happiness and resilience. In the second St Peters Life Symposium for 2020, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, will teach parents what they need to know when it comes to raising happy and resilient young people.
Dr Carr-Gregg is one of Australia’s highest profile psychologists, author, broadcaster and specialist in parenting, children, adolescents and mental health. He is the Commonwealth Government representative on the Board of the Australian Children’s Television Foundation, the Consultant Psychologist to the Australian Boarding Schools Association and was one of the founding members of the National Coalition Against Bullying in 2003.
Dr Carr-Gregg’s knowledge stems from a lifetime of research and work with various youth-centred organisations. He completed his PhD at the University of NSW on adolescents with cancer and, in 1985, founded Canteen—the world’s first national teenage cancer patients support group. He is a true expert in his field, having penned 17 books on adolescents, mental health and wellbeing and is currently working on his 18th. His participation in the second St Peters Life Symposium for 2020 promises to provide a wealth of information to help parents manage the teenage years.
Registrations will fill up fast, so reserve your spot now.
St Peters P&F Biggest Morning Tea and Kokedama Workshop
The Robotics Parent Support Group is a group of parents/caregivers that proactively support the St Peters Robotics program. The group gets actively involved in Robotics sessions, fundraisers, competitions, College Open Day, etc, supporting our students and staff. We meet once per term for our committee meetings and are actively involved with the Robotics program throughout the year.
The following week we have our Robotics PSG Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 17 March, 7.00pm - 8.00pm in MSO7.
Parent support at these meetings is incredibly important and a really enjoyable part of supporting our children with this exciting co-curricular program. It is also a great way to get involved with the St Peters community.
For more information or to register your interest in the Robotics PSG, please email the Robotics PSG President at
St Peters Lutheran College Robotics Parent Support Group Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020
The Annual General Meeting of the Robotics Parent Support Group is to be held in MSO7 (or adjacent room) on Tuesday 17 March at 7.00pm. All are welcome.
In accordance with the constitution, all positions will be declared vacant at the meeting. President
Upper Primary Representative
Junior High Representative
Senior School Representative
Special Projects Coordinator
Robotics Polo Shirt Coordinator
Nomination forms can be requested by email from Nominations will be accepted prior to the AGM via email, or at the AGM (hard copies of the nomination forms will also be available at the meeting).
Kind regards,
Darren Draper President, Robotics Parent Support Group
St Peters Signature Series Concert # 1 – Mondo Rock!
The St Peters Signature Series Concerts are back in 2020, and we have an incredible one to start us off. Mondo Rock will be performing at St Peters Lutheran College Indooroopilly on Saturday 21 March commencing at 7.00pm. Mondo Rock will be supported by The Undercurrents (a SPOSA band) and the St Peters Rock Bands.
About Mondo Rock
The band (comprised of Ross Wilson, Eric McCusker, James Black, Paul Christie and Kerry Jacobson) have had an outstanding career spanning five decades. Few have come close to delivering the catalogue of Australian classics that Mondo Rock boast, and they've achieved four top 10 albums, nine top 40 singles (including three top 10 hits) and six studio albums.