A Mighty Fortress is Our God
As I write this article on Friday, we await Cyclone Alfred to cross the coast tomorrow morning. We live very close to the waterfront, and the predictions say it will be five to ten kilometres north of us. To be honest, we are a little anxious, yet we trust God to look after us. He has always been faithful to us.
On Friday night we experienced high winds and rain. This was only the opening act for Saturday night. It was very intense. We had relentless 100km winds and near horizontal rain.
Many Christian songs include reference to storms, and this is used metaphorically to depict the trials and tribulations people face. The hymn 'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God' by Martin Luther is a powerful declaration of God's protection. It does not explicitly mention storms, however, some of its verses can be applied to the theme of facing life's storms with faith. Here are a few relevant lines: "A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing." Luther speaks of God as a strong refuge, protecting His people even in life’s overwhelming circumstances.
Scripture frequently portrays people encountering storms while in boats, emphasising both the power of nature and God's deliverance.
The prophet Jonah (1:4) experienced a tempest: "Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up."
Additionally, the apostle Paul endured a dramatic shipwreck. In Acts (27:13–28:10), he faced “a wind of hurricane force, called the Northeaster” near Crete. In 2 Corinthians (11:25), he also recounts, “Three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea.”
Similarly, Jesus' disciples encountered a ferocious storm on the Lake of Galilee, fearing for their lives. Yet, Jesus came to them walking on the water and calmed the storm with a word Mark (6:45–52). This moment echoes the Old Testament book of Job, drawing a connection between Yahweh’s power over creation and Jesus’ divine authority and deity.
I am also reminded of the story of John Wesley crossing the Atlantic on board a sailing ship bound for America. On 25 January 1736, he observed a striking contrast between two groups of passengers during a fierce storm. As the violent squall tore through the ship, the English passengers cried out in fear, while a group of German Protestant Moravians remained calm, singing hymns with unwavering faith. Wesley was deeply moved by their humility and trust in God. When he asked if they were afraid, one replied, “No; our women and children are not afraid to die.” This experience profoundly impacted Wesley. It challenged his own trust in God.
On Friday and Saturday, I unconsciously sang these lyrics from Reuben Morgan's song “Still.” They were very comforting words as the storm approached:
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still, know You are God
Listen to the full song here
In life's severest storms, we are reminded that God is our stronghold and strength. Just as He calmed the seas for the disciples and delivered His people through tempests, He remains sovereign over every trial we face. He is our true and faithful shelter in every storm.
Grace and Peace.
Peter Schmidhauser
Junior High Chaplain