The 2023 St Peters Ladies Lunch is next Friday 24 March. We're looking forward to an afternoon of delicious food, great company and inspiring conversation with Rebecca Sparrow and Robin Bailey!
Harmony Week is a celebration held annually in March across Australia and is aimed at promoting diversity, respect and inclusiveness. This event is an excellent opportunity for parents to teach their children about different cultures, traditions and customs. The goal is to encourage everyone to appreciate and celebrate differences and promote a sense of community and belonging for everyone.
During Harmony Week, there are a number of events and activities held to bring people from different cultures together. These activities include multicultural food festivals, cultural performances, art exhibitions and workshops. Participating in these events helps children to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse communities that make up Australia.
As a parent, you can engage your children in discussions about multiculturalism and encouraging them to ask questions. Promoting a more harmonious and inclusive society can help children grow up with a greater appreciation for the richness and diversity of Australia's cultural landscape.
This Special Report hopes to instil positive values and create an opportunity to start a conversation with your child about understanding diversity and multiculturalism.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:
Lisa Delaney
Deputy Head of College
Working, weary one
Refreshing rest beckons you
Autumn leaves let go
I think starting a new job disrupts reality and creates space to see and think more clearly. This is my third week here at St Peters as the Director of Identity, Formation & Service. After seven years in my previous role, I am also rediscovering that all the new seeing and thinking in this new context takes significant cognitive and emotional bandwidth! In Week 8 of Term 1 it seems the accumulated busyness of the term is also catching up for everyone in our community?
In this context of a very full life, I’m thankful for Lent. It is helping me focus my attention on important dimensions of life which can get buried in the day-to-day realities of work and loved ones and whatever else is on the to-do list.
Cole Arthur Riley’s simple description of Lent says, “Lent honours the season of wilderness experienced by Christ and his ancestors. In Lent we make space for grief, and our own interior dissonance. And we commit ourselves to bearing witness to the suffering of the world… it is a season to choose a habit or desire to give up as a kind of sacrifice in solidarity with Christ and the suffering. But we can also consider taking up a practice for collective good…”.
As I reflect on the artist Banksy’s words, "If you get tired, learn to rest not to quit", I wonder if learning to rest requires both giving something up… and taking something up… I’m reminded of Jesus’ words in the Gospel according to Matthew. Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest… my burden is light". There’s an invitation here to give up my burdens and take up what God wants for me.
In listening to Jesus’ words, I’m hearing that learning to rest requires me to give up my never-ending focus on working and worrying, achieving, and producing. Learning to rest looks like making time to hear God’s voice reminding me that to be human is not only to do, but also just to be… to be present to beauty as Autumn slowly sneaks in, to be present to, and trust in God’s abundance, and to let go of striving to solve all the problems and complete all the jobs.
To return to the Haiku above, when we are weary, God invites us to rest in God’s love. Haiku traditionally draw our attention to something in nature. As we wander into Autumn, maybe the browning leaves will remind us that sometimes we need to let go, to give up and take up a new place in the world.
Do you need to learn to rest? How might Lent invite you to make space?
May God help us give up our burdens and take up learning to rest…
Stephanie Maher
Director – Identity, Formation & Service
P.S. Did you know a Banksy exhibition is opening in Brisbane this week? I wouldn’t say I’m a Banksy fanatic – but when I’ve encountered Banksy’s work I have been drawn into simple and deep challenges.
Families with children already at St Peters Lutheran College wishing to enrol a sibling in either Year 5 2025 or Year 7 in 2026 are reminded to submit an online application for your child if you haven’t already done so.
Due to high demand for College places, applications for siblings must be received by the end of Term 1 2023.
Robotics students participated in the 2023 FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Southern Cross Regional held at the WIN Sports & Entertainment Centres, Wollongong, over the weekend. Thirty-nine (39) teams from Australia and South-East Asia competed, and we were proud to be the only Queensland team.
This challenging competition involved playing in 11 qualifying matches, pushing our robot and team to the limit. Despite the tough competition, our team (#6063 Qld Pineapples) managed to win several matches; maintaining 5th position for most of the day on Saturday, adapting their strategies from match to match in order to score or defend against the opposition.
We are thrilled to announce that our team received the Judge's Award for Imagery. This award recognises teams whose appearance of machine and team are integrated in an attractive theme, exceptional visuals of the integrated team/machine, a theme that is supportive of the FIRST Core Values, and an original theme that can be explained by a team spokesperson and is fitting to the objectives, character, and/or history of the team.
FRC is widely considered the most challenging international robotics competition for students, and our robot (weighing 56kg and over 2 metres tall with the arm fully extended), explored complex industrial design and coding technologies that challenge even university students. Team #6063 Qld Pineapples is comprised of students from Brisbane Grammar School, Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Grace College and St Peters Lutheran College. Our team included students from Years 6 – 11, including James (Year 11) and Jack (Year 9) travelling as part of the competition team to Wollongong.
Thank you to all students involved for giving up a few months of Saturdays to build such an impressive robot! We are so appreciative of Freebie Rentals for helping us with a van to get the robot to Wollongong. Please contact Freebie Rentals if your car gets damaged in an accident.
For more information on Robotics or other Digital activities at St Peters, please email
Last Saturday we welcomed over 3000 visitors to our Indooroopilly campus for Open Day. An event like this takes a great deal of organisation and team work. Thank you to everyone involved in organising and setting up Open Day and to the staff, students and parents who helped to showcase the wonderful programs and facilities on offer at our College.
Our Year 12 IBDP students will be undertaking their exam block in Week 9. This is important preparation as they continue towards their final exams in October.
Students will be briefed on exam block requirements this Friday.
Schools across Australia will become a sea of orange next week as together, we celebrate Harmony Day. Harmony Day is an important celebration that focuses on Australia’s diversity. We acknowledge the importance of creating a school environment that is safe and supportive, where diversity is valued, and where all members of the school community feel respected and included – from the traditional owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world.
As part of our Harmony Day celebrations, we will conclude the term with a Primary Years Assembly on Thursday 23 March to acknowledge the positive work of the students. This Assembly will be held in the Dron Auditorium commencing at 2:00pm. The Primary Years Assembly will also highlight Harmony Day activities from throughout the week together with installing our 2023 Primary Years Leaders. It will also include our first round of Head, Hands and Heart Ambassadorships for 2023. All welcome!
We look forward to reflecting on the valuable messages garnered from celebrating Harmony Day with our Primary Years students in the coming weeks.
To show our unity in support of the message 'Everyone Belongs’, children in the Primary Years are invited to wear an orange item of clothing on Friday 24 March. This might be an orange shirt (predominantly orange with minimal print appearing on the shirt), an orange hair tie, orange socks or the like. Please remember that children must continue to wear sun safe clothing, their normal school shoes for that day and their college hat.
This event is awareness raising, rather than fundraising, therefore no gold coin donations are called for.
Staff in the Primary Years are working to continually develop our parents and caregivers as partners in our Teaching and Learning Program. I am grateful to the teachers in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 who have generously opened their classrooms to share in this learning process with our families. With an overwhelmingly positive response, our photos reflect a morning of rich, rigorous, and engaging activities shared between our students and their parents and caregivers. What a delight to invite grandparents into the Lower Primary Library last Tuesday as they formed a Living Library for the students in Year 1 as they concluded their Where We are in Place and Time Unit of Inquiry.
As we head towards the end of a successful Term 1 in the Primary Years, I write to remind you that students in Lower Primary should not be dropped at the College before 8:00am as students will not be supervised before this time. Of course, the exception is those students who have before school cocurricular activities.
Similarly, students in Upper Primary should not be dropped off on the roundabout behind the back of the Chapel, nor in the Chapel Carpark.
Leaving students unsupervised or allowing students to alight from cars in areas that are not designated drop off zones place our students at risk. Student safety remains high priority at St Peters and our entire community plays an important role in keeping us all safe.
Lisa Challenor
Head of Primary Years
Schools can be very complex places with lots of rules and procedures to follow. This can be particularly challenging when you are new to the College. The best source of information for parents and students regarding most day-to-day school matters and regulations is the Junior High Handbook. The online version of this document is the most current and we advise parents not to print it as changes are occasionally made through the year. The document can be found on Firefly → Resources → Secondary Indooroopilly → Secondary Parent Information → Junior High Parent Information → Junior High Handbook
The College understands that occasionally students are absent during term time due to family commitments. The College procedure for Leave: Early Holiday and Late Arrival is clearly explained in the Junior High Handbook (available on Firefly) on page 13.
In particular, I would like parents to be aware that any assessment missed while on leave may not be able to be made up and parents need to consider this before making travel arrangements. While assignments can be submitted before students leave, the rescheduling of exams is not generally possible and leave to take holidays does not qualify for Special Consideration. If the exam is the only time a particular criteria or concept is formally assessed, missing it will likely affect the student’s overall results. It is therefore highly recommended that you consult your child’s assessment calendar prior to applying for leave. All leave applications should be emailed to Please identify the Year level and Student Name in the subject line.
Once leave is approved you will receive confirmation by email. Your child’s teachers and Junior High attendance will also be automatically notified.
This process is difference to the general absence procedure as explained on page 12 of the Junior High Handbook.
At Year Level Assemblies this week students have been spoken to about the risks involved in spraying perfumes and deodorants in crowded locker areas. We ask that perfumes are not bought to school by students. We understand the desire to reapply deodorant after HPE or sports training but our preference is that non-aerosol deodorants are used and ask student to be mindful of others when using them.
Patricia Aishford
Head of Junior High
Congratulations to Year 10 student Ting J.
Her painting of her grandfather, titled ‘Together forever’, has been selected as a finalist in The Lester Prize Youth Awards 2023!
The award received 170 entries this year, and the pre-selection panel spent a long time deliberating to select the finalists. Ting is very excited about this achievement as it is an extremely competitive field. To view the artwork along with the other youth finalists’ works, please visit the website next week:
Please click on the link below to view the recording of the Girls in Sport Health Information Evening.
A big thank you again to our wonderful Events Department for all their work to put on this evening, this Netball Parent Support Group event would not have been possible without their support.
We have received wonderful feedback from the evening, if you were unable to attend, Mums and Dads, please take the time to sit with your daughters to watch the recording.
As the excitement builds for the commencement of the 2023 Girls Rowing season, many of our girls have been training hard for the recent NSW and QLD State Rowing Championships.
Congratulations to Eva H who has qualified for the 2023 Queensland Schools Pathway 8 and will be competing at the National Selection Regatta in April. Eva’s results are below.
QLD States
NSW States
Also performing amazingly well at the QLD State Championships, congratulations to Poppy Y, Poppy’s results are below.
Other St Peters rowers competing were Robyn M, Tiara R and Jess M, well done to you all, and we look forward to seeing you back on the water representing St Peters very soon.
It has been another busy week in Girls Sport!
Sign on for BSRA Girls Rowing and QGSSSA Rhythmic Gymnastics has now been finalised.
An early Sign on for our Winter Fixture Sports, Netball, Volleyball, Tennis and Hockey has been emailed to the students this week. Further details of trials/training will be advised next term.
The 2023 Senior Australian Rules season is now complete and what a fantastic season it has been. Well done to the girls and thank you to our Australian Rules Coordinator Peter Hicks and our team of coaches, Chris, Dean, Rohan, Sophie and Ella. The improvement is evident for all to see as is the joy of playing this great game, the girls (and parents) have loved it!
We look forward to the Junior Australian Rules Season (Years 7-9) in Term 4.
Four teams through to the BWPI Water Polo Grand Finals is amazing, well done to all involved last Saturday, it was a special day for St Peters Water Polo.
Well done to all the girls who participated in Round 1 of Basketball, Football & Touch last Friday afternoon, it was great to get the seasons started. Our first home games are scheduled for this Friday as we take on Moreton Bay College, with extra excitement for the Touch girls with the first of the 2023 Focus Rounds. Let’s get along and support our teams.
The first of the 2023 QGSSSA Cross Country meets is scheduled for next Tuesday 21 March, students have been emailed to sign on. Further details can be found on the St Peters App.
Good luck to all our girls competing this Friday/Saturday, go Saints!
Coordinator: Mr Peter Hicks –
Congratulations to the Senior Australian Rules Football girls who finished their season last Saturday morning. These girls, over the past five weeks, have played two games each Saturday morning with fantastic improvements and results coming from the second QGSSSA season of Australian Rules Football. It was particularly pleasing to see all three teams (Opens, Seniors and Year 10’s) each finish within the top three of their respective divisions. Results are below.
The Senior Australian Rules season will be finished with a celebration afternoon next Tuesday, 21 March, please see an email from Mr Hicks for details regarding this event.
The Junior Australian Rules Football season (Years 7-9) will take place in Term 4, please email Mr Hicks if you have any questions about this season.
BWPI WATER POLO (continuation from Term 4)
Coordinator - Mrs Tracey Bruce –
Grand Finals are scheduled for this Saturday 18 March.
The Grand Finals draw will be on the App as soon as it is finalised.
Last Saturday was an exciting day for St Peters with Open Day and our amazing Water Polo players fighting to stay in the competition and an opportunity to play Grand Finals.
We had four teams playing in the knock out semi-finals and I can proudly say we have four teams into the Grand Final. Semi-final Polo saw a rise in the level of the game and the spectators got to witness some awesome skills and heart stopping moments.
The U15's defeated St Rita’s who were undefeated and had only conceded 17 goals this season. We won and we put 8 goals on them almost half of what they had conceded for the entire season. Watching the U15's both Coach Tenealle and the birthday boy Coach Rob were super excited by the way our girls played such a great team game. Anni's baulk baulk; made the goalie drop and the goal set the standard. Romi was on fire with her hot hand finding the back of the net on numerous occasions. Both goalies were tough. We play River City next week, our last game against them was in Round 7 (4 Feb) the game went to the wire and we lost 6-8.
The Open Team’s game was intense with the game going goal for goal. This game was a battle of the Walter Taylor Bridge with the two Indooroopilly schools, St Peters and Brigidine clashing. With a very vocal crowd we came home strong in the second half, Remaya in goals was outstanding. Congrats to Isla L and Chloe M for winning the awards this week. One particularly exciting moment in this game was when we got the Brigidine Goalie excluded and we scored a quick goal!! Ida was great in defence. It was also Coach Nacole's birthday and the girls really turned up to play for her. Next week we take on Somerville House. In Round 1 (22 Oct 2022) we last played Somerville and the score was 7-7 draw!
U13 D2 v Mermaids Blue, in our last game against Mermaids in Round 10 the score was 4-4. We started the game on fire going quickly to 3-0 up but in true Mermaid fashion they came back to draw the game. Our girls showed true Plus Ultra fighting spirit to come away with a two point win. Kelly G scored a rocket goal winning the team award for her efforts. Chloe R was great in goals and the support she was given by all the girls in this team was superb. Coach Lara was spoilt post-game with gifts and flowers. AHS Silver will be our opposition next weekend.
U16 D2 - with 3 from 3 win already enjoyed I walked back into Musgrave feeling nervous. However, this team was sensational with the way they moved the ball around. Both Goalies Rose J (first half) and Elspeth A (2nd half) owned the goals stopping many of Loreto's attempts. These girls showed determination and pride in their performances making Coach Jane, Mrs Champion, Mr Kotzur and myself happy to be wearing the maroon, white and yellow shirt. Amelia R scored a strong 5m and a late goal to seal the win!
A big special mention to Mrs Champion who ran between Water Polo and Open Day and to Mr Kotzur for finishing Open Day at 2:00pm and getting to Musgrave Park Pool for our U16, 2:30pm game.
Tracey Bruce
Water Polo Coordinator
Please see the St Peters App for training details.
ROUND 2 v MORETON BAY COLLEGE (H) – Friday 17 March
ROUND 3 v CLAYFIELD COLLEGE (A) – Friday 24 March
Mrs Anne-Marie Champion –
Mr Matt Allen-Ankins –
Date Claimer: Old Scholars Game – Friday 24 March, further details to follow
Basketball Round 2 v Moreton Bay College, Friday 17 March – Please CLICK HERE for the draw
Coordinator: Mr Nathan Edwards –
Football Round 2 v Moreton Bay College, Friday 17 March – Please CLICK HERE for the draw
Coordinator: Ms Anne-Marie George -
Touch FOCUS ROUND v Moreton Bay College, Friday 17 March – Please CLICK HERE for the draw
Coordinator: Mrs Kerry Schreiber –
Cross Country pre-season training continues, all details including St Peters 2023 Cross Country calendar can be found on the St Peters App.
Do your best to attend as many of these sessions as you can, with Wednesday sessions being a priority.
With only a few weeks until the end of Term 1, and only one round remaining for Cricket, Volleyball and Australian Rules, it is more pertinent than ever to stress the importance of finishing well. With many great results over the past seven weeks in St Peters Boys Sport, we sometimes forget that it is easy to become complacent and start to focus on the next thing.
I encourage all St Peters boys to really work hard on finishing off Term 1 well. Whether it be on the sporting field, off the sporting field or most importantly in the classroom, please focus on finishing off well and without complacency. Stay focused and enthusiastic until the very end.
We often speak about and hear dialog surrounding commitment and honouring our commitment to the tasks at hand. This is so true within the sporting realm. A sign of good discipline is the ability to finish well. This also brings with it the satisfaction that you have completed the task (the game at hand, the season to the end) to the best of your ability. From this sense of satisfaction comes the feeling of success and accomplishment which I find is so very important leading into your next task (or sporting endeavour).
This Saturday sees our last round of AIC Term 1 Sport. For Round 7, St Peters will compete against Villanova College in Australian Rules, Cricket and Volleyball on Saturday. For Volleyball our junior teams (Years 7 to 9) will be competing home at St Peters and our senior teams (Years 10 to 12) are away at Villanova College.
We wish each St Peters team the best of luck and encourage them to lift and live up to our College motto of Plus Ultra.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App for both venue details and game times.
A reminder that training has commenced for all boys who wish to be part of the St Peters Cross Country program.
Not only are we wanting boys to compete competitively for St Peters in Cross Country but we are wanting all Years 7-12 boys who will be playing in Term 2 Sports (Rugby & Football) to strongly consider attending at least one (1) Cross Country session or Runners Club to enhance their overall fitness level as they start to prepare for Term 2 Sports.
Cross Country at St Peters has traditionally been well received and very competitive at both AIC and QGSSSA. Let’s work hard in 2023 to maintain this high standard and consolidate on past years participation and performances. Training times for Cross Country can be found on the St Peters App. Boys can also find more details about Cross Country from the weekly sport email sent to them.
Cross Country Camp
We are seeking expressions of interest for St Peters students attending the 2023 St Peters Cross Country Camp, a three (3) day and two (2) night camp from Saturday 29 April to Monday 1 May 2023.
Camp Details:
Venue: Alexandra Park Conference Centre, Sunshine Coast
Depart: Saturday 29 April, departure time TBC
Return: Monday 1 May at approximately 12:00pm
Cost: approx. $375.00 per athlete
Please complete the form below if you wish your daughter/son to attend the St Peters Cross Country Preparation Camp. Please understand that the St Peters Cross Country Preparation Camp will involve high level coaching with students expected to participate in all aspects of the camp.
Camp Registration - CLICK HERE
Over the past weeks several emails were sent to ALL boys in Years 7-12 regarding ‘Signing On’ for the Term 2 sports of Chess, Rugby and Football.
We strongly encourage all boys who intend to participate in a Term 2 Sport to please check their emails and sign on via the links provided.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
A reminder that all our boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and games.
AIC Volleyball
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements:
AIC Cricket
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements:
St Peters Student Spectators on Game Days
Any St Peters student attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal college hours is expected to be dressed in St Peters uniform.
If the sport specific information you are looking for cannot be found on the St Peters App, please contact the below sport specific coordinators directly,
Jeremy Lohe
Boys Sport Coordinator
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”
— E.E. CummingsThe following sports will be on offer in Term 2:
Please watch for emails detailing the above Term 2 sports.
Congratulations to the Primary Swimming Team! The Years 3–6 Team proudly represented St Peters at the Inter Lutheran Swimming Carnival last Thursday at the St Peters 50m pool. It is always a great day of competition and this year’s carnival was no different. Holding off strong challenges from Trinity and St Andrews, the St Peters Team was able to defend their title as Inter Lutheran Swimming Division 1 Champions! Well done to all members of the team.
Carnival Results
This will be the final week of AIC Cricket Training and Games. On Saturday 18 March, St Peters will play Round 7 of the AIC Cricket Season against Villanova College. Venue and game times can be found on the St Peters APP.
Congratulations to all members of the St Peters Cricket Teams on a fine season against the other AIC schools. It is very pleasing to see such competitive results throughout the season.
Boys AIC Cricket Training will conclude on Friday 17 March.
It has been great to see the St Peters Netball players at training preparing for the Term 2 and Term 3 WDNA Netball Season. In the coming weeks, coaches will be finalising the St Peters Teams and working on gameplay. The WDNA Season (Saturday morning games) commences in early Term 2 and will continue throughout Term 2 and 3 before the finals are played in September. I encourage all girls to practice their passing, catching, and shooting skills at home. Consistent practice is very beneficial to a player’s skill level and confidence when playing games.
Years 4-6 Run Club is underway! Each Monday afternoon interested Years 4–6 runners are welcome to join Primary Run Club and build their running endurance. Training will be offered once a week in Term 1 and this will increase to twice a week in Term 2. The sessions will be run by St Peters Running Coaches.
Runners are to meet coaches at the Lower Primary Undercroft at 3:25pm. Run Club will run from 3:30pm – 4:30pm. Sessions will conclude at Lower Primary Undercroft.
AIC Cricket
AIC Cricket Training concludes on Friday 17 March.
Primary Girls WDNA Netball
Primary Years 4-6 Run Club
With the Term 1 Swimming unit concluded, Primary HPE will focus on Running Technique and Running Endurance. The unit will be built around game play, running drills and some running sessions that will improve students' cardiovascular health.
HPE Dates Term 1
The 2023 St Peters Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run was held on the weekend at Robertson Park. This is the third time we have held a St Peters virtual fun run and the number of participants continues to grow each year. We were lucky that the rain held off and with a change of course this year, it was wonderful to see runners of all ages and fitness taking part. Thank you to all who came and braved the muggy weather.
St Peters first started taking students to the Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run in 2017 with twelve Year 11 students under the guidance of Mrs Turnbull and Mrs Bermingham. In 2018, Mrs Gagen and a larger group of students set their minds to winning the top fundraising school and did this raising over $17,000. Mrs Bermingham continued the Mater Chicks in Pink tradition until she left the College. Since 2021, due to numbers being restricted at the main event, St Peters has hosted its own virtual run, winning the top fundraising school again in 2021 raising over $12,000 and coming runner up in 2022 raising over $15,000.
This year, the St Peters team returned to the front of the pack, raising $18,857 for breast cancer research, placing the College fifth on the overall event fundraising leaderboard for teams and first in schools. Considering more than 20,000 women in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, we know these fundraising efforts will make a big difference to people’s lives.
This year’s event was once again organised by a group of dedicated IB students as part of their Service CAS Project, an important component of the IB Diploma Program. Thank you to our 2023 CAS organising committee: Mrs Midgley, Will V, Zara L.R, David T, Pranav K, Ashley P, Maja A, Giulia P.R, Aayra U, Zachary S, Alex M, Lucas L, Zach S, Joy F, Rachel H, Isla M, Pritisha S, Lily C, Olivia A and Aaron L. Special mention also goes to three QCAA students who put their hand up to help the committee: Florence M.M, Sophie K, and Chloe M. Well done on the difference you have all helped make in our wider community.
We would also like to acknowledge our award winners, including: Matthew T, Henry M and Alex M who placed first, second and third in the race, Jane Smith and her daughter Zara, who were our top fundraisers raising $1,780 and Holly H who was our runner up fundraiser with $622 raised. Special mention must also go to staff members, who are not eligible to win the awards, Mrs Murphy for raising $2,237 and Mrs Hill for raising $1,324. Finally, Holly H, Seron B and Georgia B were our best dressed award winners with their fabulously detailed outfits.
Thank you to everyone who was part of our team again this year, whether you raised money, raced virtually or came out in support on Sunday. A special mention must also go to the staff involved in organising the event, Mrs Midgley, Mrs Schreiber and Mrs Treschman. Finally, thank you to Mr Cox for coming and taking the wonderful photos to celebrate the event and to Mr Kotzur for all his support and cheering. We look forward to hosting you all again in 2024.
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