The Child Protection Policy is reviewed and updated annually and has recently been approved by College Council. This policy outlines written procedures regarding the proper conduct expected from both staff and students, aligning with Queensland legislation concerning the care and protection of children. For more details, please refer to the following document:
Child Protection Policy Indooroopilly
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Jesus in Luke 11:9–10
It was a simple solution to my problem. All I needed to do was go over the road to my neighbour, knock on their door and ask for milk. I was preparing for a visitor who I had invited to my house for afternoon tea, but when I went to the fridge minutes before I was expecting them, I discovered the problem. The scant milk I knew I had was skanky. It had well and truly passed its use-by date. Shock, horror, I had no milk for tea or coffee to accompany the biscuits and cake I had specifically bought. Not only was I not able to offer lite, soy, almond, trim, and lactose-free milk options, but I could not even offer just ordinary milk! How could I be the perfect host? What was I to do? After wracking my brain, I knew the only solution was simply to go over to my neighbour, knock on their door, and ask for help. Somehow, though, in that moment of frenzied problem solving, I could not come at the idea. I was new to the street. I had not met my neighbour, so rocking over there and asking for help was out of the question, so my anxious mind led me to believe. I just could not come at it.
Why is asking for help such an awkward thing for us to do? What is so difficult about going to another human being, even if they are not well known, admitting we are in need, and spitting out those words, ‘Can you help?’ Maybe it’s hard to say these words because we are proud creatures, self-sufficient people, too used to running on ego and our own devices and energy. Admitting that we are in need is a vulnerable thing to do before another person. Asking for help is beyond the comfort zone of some of us who are introverts or wouldn’t dare to talk to someone we don’t know that well. But opening ourselves up to ask for help is the only option at times in our lives when no other human can help us. Asking for help and knocking on the door of God is what the spiritual life requires of us. Asking, seeking, and knocking is a metaphor Jesus uses for prayer.
In Luke, Chapter 11, in his section on Jesus’ teaching on prayer, we are given a promise. After being asked by his disciples, ‘Teach us to pray?’ Jesus gave his followers what we call the Lord’s Prayer or Our Father; then we have a short parable and, finally, a promise. The promise Jesus gives us is that if we ask, we will receive; if we seek, we will find; and if we knock, the door will be opened to us.
Is Jesus asking us to come to him with our shopping lists of desires, and he will grant every request like a magical genie? Is prayer activating the genie in the bottle? No, prayer is not a one-way conversation of demands from us to God. It is a two-way relationship of listening as much as talking. Just like any caring and authentic relationship, there is mutual conversation and communication. Prayer is more about changing us than changing God. It involves stillness and solitude, attentiveness and awareness. Seeking the God who is the creator of all and waiting to be found in the joys and struggles of our daily lives each moment. A prayerful life knows where to turn to ask for help. A praying life can be a struggle but also a great blessing when we experience the goodness and loving care of a God who provides for our every need. A God who promises to open the door and give us his graciousness despite our reticence.
Tim Jarick
College Pastor
Dear Parents
I invite you to take part in an important longitudinal survey: What Parents Want – a survey by Independent Schools Queensland. This survey explores the decision-making process parents undertake when choosing an independent school, including:
We encourage parents of Prep, Year 7, and new students to complete the survey, but all parents are welcome to participate.
The survey takes approximately 15–20 minutes to complete.
Click here to take the survey
Understanding why families choose independent schools—and specifically, why you chose St Peters—is invaluable. Your insights will help us continue to meet the needs of our community and provide our leadership team with a strong foundation to formulate future strategies.
St Peters is committed to listening to our community, and we appreciate your participation in this valuable survey. The survey closes on 24 March.
Yours sincerely
Lisa Delaney
Deputy Head of College
In today’s digital world, young people are more connected than ever—but with this connectivity comes risks. To help parents navigate the challenges of raising children in the online age, St Peters is proud to present Symposium 1: Growing Up Online, featuring Australia’s leading cyber safety expert, Susan McLean.
Event Details:
Monday 24 March, 6:45pm – 8:15pm
Dron Auditorium, St Peters Performing Arts Centre
Tickets: $5.00 per person (Proceeds donated to charity)
Susan, a former police officer and Australia’s foremost authority on cyber safety, will share expert insights on online risks, including cyberbullying, grooming, sextortion, problematic gaming, and exposure to harmful content. She will also provide practical strategies to help parents manage digital devices and keep their children safe online.
This adults-only session is a must for all parents and caregivers.
Registration now open:
Come join us for the first concert for the Music Department for 2025 — A Little Friday Night Music. Bella Voce Girls’ Choir, Forte Voce Boys Choir, the Junior Percussion Ensemble, Junior Stage Band, Concert Band 2, and Concert Band 1 are looking forward to performing for friends and family. The concert is free and there is no need to book tickets in advance. Please choose your seat when you arrive.
The Music Support Group will be opening the Servery from 5.45pm. They will be serving some hot food, snacks and drinks. Please support them and also take the opportunity to meet some other parents of the St Peters Music Program.
Please come along and join us for a great night of music. We look forward to seeing you there!
Christine Taylor, David Deacon, Grantley Sutch
Co-Directors of Cocurricular Music
Saturday, 29 March, sees the return of the annual College event—A Night at the PAC. This evening is a collaboration between the Music and Art departments and incorporates Soundscape. Our vision for this event is an extravaganza for the senses—sight and sound.
Art students are involved through the Soundscape component with still artwork prepared by art classes being shown during Concert #1, along with artworks that will be created live in both Concert #1 and Concert #2. These live paintings will also be offered for purchase through Silent Auction in both concerts.
This exciting event is a free evening for the St Peters community. It is not necessary to book a seat in advance.
Please come along and join us for a great night of music and art. We look forward to seeing you there.
Christine Taylor, David Deacon, Grantley Sutch
Co-Directors of Cocurricular Music
Thank you to all members of the St Peters community who joined us on Sunday for the 2025 Mater Chicks in Pink Fun Run. This was the fifth year of ‘5K Your Way’ with the local run being held for our community at Robertson Park. This was a rescheduled event from the official run being interrupted by the Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred. To their credit, the IB students organising the event decided they wanted to go ahead with this new date, and congratulations must go to them for being flexible and resilient in changing their original plans.
With the event set to conclude on Sunday, 23 March, St Peters is on track to be named Top Fundraising School for the third consecutive year—and for the fourth time in the past five years. This achievement reflects our strong commitment to service and giving, values we instil in our students. Looking back at our fundraising efforts over the past five years, the impact is remarkable. In 2021, we raised $13,724, followed by $15,050 in 2022, $18,857 in 2023, $14,000 in 2024, and so far in 2025, we have reached $14,212. This brings St Peters' total contribution to breast cancer research and treatment to an incredible $75,843. A huge congratulations to everyone in our community who has contributed to this outstanding effort!
Congratulations to this year's top three runners: 1st—Gemma d V (Year 8), 2nd—Noah J (Year 12), and 3rd—Julian M (Year 7). Best-dressed prizes went to Ned R (Year 7) and Harrison B. Finally, we had many outstanding fundraising contributions, and on the day, the top prize went to Emily B (Year 12).
Every year, this event is organised by a group of Year 12 IB students as part of a CAS Project, and this year, thanks go to: Chloe A, Sophia B, Grace D, Senushi D, Charlotta E, Lila K, Tumelo K, Vee K, Arabella N, Cara N, Molly R, Zara R, Mateo P, and Sophie P. Thanks also to Cross Country Coordinator, Mrs Schreiber, for leading the warm-up, Ms Magar for helping the IB students fund the event, Mr Cook for accompanying the Boarding students, Mr Cox for taking the amazing event photos, as well as Mr Nodwell, Ms Veitch, Miss Delaney, and Mr Kotzur for their support on the day. A special thank you goes to Mr Pianca and Bradman House for their fundraising efforts and for running the highly successful ‘Lob-a-Choc’ stall at the Community Focus Day.
Due to the Brisbane City event being cancelled, Mater representative Georgia Campbell joined us for our run and gave all participants a gift from Mater, which was a lovely touch. Finally, thank you to our coffee van, The Rich Pour, for supporting this community event.
Final donations are welcome before the Sunday 23 March cut-off. CLICK HERE to donate to the St Peters team for 2025.
Congratulations to our community, and we can’t wait to see you again in 2026.
Susannah Treschman
Mater Chicks in Pink Coordinator
The upcoming school holidays provide the perfect opportunity for students to relax and enjoy a great book or two. Langer Library offers holiday borrowing for those students who have returned their overdue books. A reminder that overdue books may be extended if you haven’t finished reading them. Resources for assignments are also available for loan over the break, and passwords for our online databases are available on Langer Library’s Firefly page. Students are encouraged to borrow before and after school or during break times in Week 10.
Looking for your next great read? Why not check out the Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards Notables List, announced on 25 February? Langer Library has many of these critically acclaimed titles for you to enjoy. Come in and see our CBCA Book of the Year Notables collection, as well as ask for our advice on other great reads.
We have a large range of eBooks and audiobooks available for loan via the Langer Library catalogue, accessed via Firefly. See the eBooks/Audiobooks tab on the Langer Library homepage for instructions. The font style and page colour can also be changed on these eBooks to suit readers with dyslexia.
We wish you a blessed and peaceful Easter and a safe, relaxing break. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Until then, happy reading.
Christina Wheeler
Teacher Librarian
Schools across Australia will become a sea of orange this week as we celebrate Harmony Day together. Harmony Day is an important celebration that focuses on Australia’s diversity. We acknowledge the importance of creating a safe and supportive school environment where diversity is valued and where all members of the school community feel respected and included—from the traditional owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world.
As part of our Harmony Day celebrations, we will conclude the term with our Head, Hands, and Heart Assembly on Thursday, 27 March, to announce our first round of HHH Ambassadorships for 2025. This Assembly will be held in the Dron Auditorium, commencing at 2:00pm.
We look forward to reflecting on the valuable messages garnered from celebrating Harmony Day with our Primary Years students in the coming weeks.
To show our unity in support of the message 'Everyone Belongs’, children in the Primary Years are invited to wear an orange item of clothing on Friday, 21 March. This might be an orange shirt (predominantly orange with minimal print appearing on the shirt), an orange ribbon/hair tie, orange socks, or similar. Please remember that children must continue to wear sun-safe clothing, their normal school shoes for that day and their school hat.
Bookings for our Term 1 Parent-Teacher Interviews open on Monday, 24 March at 9:00am and will remain open until 3:00pm Monday, 31 March.
Parent-teacher interviews are a vital part of our reporting process. They provide a valuable opportunity for parents and teachers to strengthen partnerships in support of student learning. These conversations are key in fostering a shared understanding of each child’s progress and development.
During the End of Term 1 interviews, discussions will focus on:
These interviews are essential for collaboration and reinforcing the home-school partnership. If you are taking early leave in Term 1, please note that we are unable to reschedule interviews to a later date. We encourage you to make the most of this opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher and gain valuable insights into their learning experience.
Detailed information regarding Parent Teacher Interviews will be emailed this Friday, 21 March.
Please refer to the Primary Years Parent Information Page for all things Primary.
Lisa Challenor
Head of Primary Years
Welcome to Week 8. Junior High has returned to normality following the recent disruption caused by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Students have been diligently engaging with their studies, assessments, and the recent NAPLAN testing. I commend the students on their adaptability and continued hard work during this busy period.
A recent report titled 'Teen and Young Adult Perspectives on Generative AI', published by Harvard's Centre for Digital Thriving, highlights an important dialogue about how teenagers are integrating artificial intelligence into their daily lives. As we explore this topic as a College, it is continually inspiring to see the flexibility and ingenuity of our students as they navigate technologies that seemed unimaginable just a few years ago.
This also serves as a valuable reminder for parents to regularly engage in open, honest, and transparent conversations with their children about their use of AI. Maintaining this dialogue is essential to staying connected with our children's experiences and guiding them effectively through this rapidly evolving digital landscape. Should you have any concerns or queries about your child's use of AI or its role in their learning, please contact your child's teachers directly.
To read the full report, CLICK HERE.
As you may be aware, our student diaries previously experienced issues with their front covers. We are pleased to inform you that a shipment of new diaries has arrived and will be distributed to students in the coming days.
Following a necessary rescheduling due to Alfred, the AIC Swimming Championships will proceed this Friday, 21 March. We look forward to cheering on our Junior High athletes and celebrating their achievements. Thank you to all the boys who volunteered to attend as spectators.
The House Leadership selection process is progressing well, with House Patrons currently conducting interviews among a highly capable group of candidates. We look forward to formally announcing and installing our new House Leaders at the Junior High Assembly next week.
Max Forbes
Head of Junior High
As we approach the final weeks of Term 1, our Senior School students are immersed in their academic and cocurricular commitments, demonstrating engagement and a strong sense of community.
Year 10 students are entering their assessment period, culminating their learning from the year so far. These assessments will provide valuable insight into their progress, with students receiving a progress report at the end of the term. Engagement grades will be reviewed, and further support will be offered in Term 2 to ensure students continue to thrive.
Cocurricular activities remain in full swing, with students enthusiastically participating despite an unexpected challenge from Alfred! Additionally, students will begin the Career Development Program, which extends well into Term 2. This program includes both compulsory and exploratory activities designed to help students explore future pathways. It has been wonderful to see Year 10 students settling in and showcasing their diverse personalities as they navigate this exciting stage of their schooling.
Mrs Rachael Turnbull
Year 10 Coordinator
Year 11 QCAA students are preparing for their first exam block in Week 9. Instructions for these exams have been clearly communicated during Year Level Meetings, and students have been provided with a timetable, which will also be available on Firefly once exam rooms are confirmed.
For our Year 11 IB students, regular classes will continue through Week 9, though many have a demanding assessment schedule across Weeks 8 and 9. Last Friday, students attended a study and assessment preparation session with Mrs Magar, equipping them with strategies to manage their workload effectively.
A crucial requirement for all Year 11 students, both QCAA and IB, is the completion of the Academic Integrity course, a necessary component of the QCE. Despite class time being allocated for its completion, some students still need to finalise this. Mr Boyle addressed the cohort, reminding them of the importance of completing the course by the end of Term 1.
Building Connections and Looking After Wellbeing
Throughout the term, Year 11 students have actively engaged in a variety of activities with their Form classes, ranging from study skills and organisation sessions to meaningful acts of kindness. These initiatives have strengthened peer connections and reinforced the importance of personal and academic wellbeing. Individual students requiring additional support have been guided by their Form Class Teachers, Year Level Coordinators, and the counselling team.
As we near the end of term, it is essential that students maintain effective routines, prioritise self-care, and keep their goals in sight. The camaraderie and kindness displayed by this cohort, particularly through their random acts of kindness, have been inspiring. It is a privilege to work alongside such a dedicated and compassionate group of students, and we look forward to seeing them continue to grow and succeed in the months ahead.
Mrs Amanda Huxham
Year 11 Coordinator
Week 8 has brought an intense academic focus for our Year 12 students. IB students are completing exams throughout the week, while ATAR students are managing a mix of exams and assignments over the final three weeks of term. This includes Languages and Literature assessments this week, Psychology and Geography IA2s next week, and English IA1 in the final week of term. We acknowledge that this can be a particularly stressful period for some students and remind them that support is available through chill-out or counselling if needed.
Beyond academics, our Year 12s have been highly engaged in cocurricular activities throughout the term. Many have also shown strong school spirit by supporting events such as the swimming carnivals. Their motto for the year, 'COME ALIVE', is truly reflected in their enthusiasm and participation.
The Formal is a major milestone event on the horizon, with preparations well underway. The vehicle timetable and table allocations will be confirmed by the end of this week, ensuring all students are ready for this special occasion.
Senior Jerseys have been a highlight of Year 12 life, with students proudly wearing them—even in the midst of 34-degree heat! A second round of orders is scheduled for early June, providing another opportunity for students to secure theirs.
Another exciting initiative is 'Lunch with Mr Kotzur', where Year 12 students meet in small form class groups to share their experiences and provide feedback. 12A had their session last week, with 12B scheduled for this week. The remaining form classes will continue their meetings, with the program expected to conclude by the end of Term 2.
As Term 1 draws to a close, we commend our Year 12 students for their dedication, school spirit, and leadership. Their efforts, both academically and within the broader school community, set a strong example for their peers. We look forward to seeing them continue to shine as the year progresses.
Ms Bronwyn Jamieson
Year 12 Coordinator
"Step out of your comfort zone and try something new – every challenge is an opportunity to grow and discover your strength!"
Girls in Years 4–6 are invited to take part in the Brigidine Cross Country Meet on Monday 24 March at Robertson Park, Indooroopilly. This informal event is a great opportunity to build connections with a local school and enjoy some friendly racing—no times will be recorded.
Register here: Link
For more information, contact Ben Shields at
Our annual Inter-house Cross Country Carnivals are fast approaching, with all students from Prep–Year 6 set to hit the course on Tuesday 1 April.
Prep–Year 3: 11:00am–12:15pm
Years 4–6: 1:00pm–2:50pm
Years 4–6 students have the option to compete in either the 1km House Point Participation Run or the 2km Age Championship Race. Parents are warmly invited to spectate from the Mayer Oval grandstand and cheer on our runners!
Good luck to our St Peters AIC Swim Team as they compete in the AIC Swimming Championships tomorrow, Friday 21 March, at Brisbane Aquatic Centre, Chandler. Events kick off at 4:15pm, with our team departing school at 2:00pm.
Parents and supporters are encouraged to come along and cheer on the team. Go Saints!
St Peters Learn to Swim will be running holiday intensive sessions for all current and new St Peters swimmers. For any new swimmers, please email and to book an assessment for learn to swim.
The holiday intensive program aims to fast-track your child’s swimming progression.
The program offers four 30-minute swimming lessons from Monday, 7 April to Thursday, 10 April at a cost of $100.00 per swimmer plus booking fees. The session time for each level will remain the same each day during the holiday period.
Private sessions are also available as part of the holiday intensive program. The fee for a private session is $50.00 per lesson, plus booking fees.
Learn to Swim fees are payable in advance for the holiday intensive program via Eventbrite and are non-refundable.
Please follow the instructions below to book lessons:
For any new swimmers, please email and to book an assessment for Learn to Swim.
We are excited to announce that bookings for Term 2 St Peters Learn to Swim will open on Sunday 23 March at 9:30am. These sessions are available to all current and new St Peters swimmers and will be held at the St Peters Indooroopilly 25m Pool.
Program Details:
Dates: Saturday 26 April to Saturday 14 June (8 weeks)
Location: St Peters Lutheran College, Indooroopilly 25m Pool
Session Fees:
Group Sessions: $200.00 + booking fees
Private Sessions: $50.00 + booking fees (limited to Level 0–Mini Squad unless advised by a coach)
New Swimmers Registration: $25.00 + booking fee (includes a named cap)
New Swimmers:
If your child is new to the program, please email and to schedule an assessment before booking.
How to Book:
With Term 2 Sport just around the corner, I invite you to complete the following sign-up process to help finalise our numbers for each respective Sport.
Friday Night Fixtures
Wednesday afternoon Meets
Saturday Fixtures
Saturday Fixtures
Saturday Fixtures
At St Peters, our Primary Sport Standards form the foundation for all Sport in the Primary School. These standards drive consistency, skill development, and a love of Sport across every year level, ensuring all students have the opportunity to grow and thrive in a supportive environment. Aligned with the PYP Learner Profiles, they focus not only on athletic ability but also on building well-rounded, resilient athletes with strong character.
We encourage parents, teachers, and coaches to engage with these standards to support our students' growth. Parents are invited to discuss the standards with their children, using them as a tool to measure progress and set personal goals. Coaches will be holding students accountable, helping them strive towards these benchmarks and develop both their sporting skills and personal resilience.
By ensuring the whole Primary community is involved, we’re fostering a shared commitment to developing a lifelong passion for physical activity and Sport.
We encourage all families to download the St Peters App to stay informed with the latest updates. In the event of cancellations or changes to activities, clubs, or Sport due to weather or other circumstances, we will send push notifications through the app. This ensures you receive important information quickly and directly.
Download the app today to stay connected!
Please see the Northern Eagles calendar currently available on the St Peters App. Information regarding Term 1 District nominations has been shared via email with all students. Students need to be part of a St Peters 'A Team' standard or play club at a high level to be nominated. A final decision on nominations will be at the discretion of the Sports Department. Further nomination information will be emailed to students at the start of each term. For more information click here.
If you would like to share your sporting success, no matter how big or small, I would love to hear about it. Please send the details to
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC Sports, please ensure you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game-day changes as the week progresses.
Term 2
Ben Shields
Primary HPE & Sport Coordinator
Due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred the AIC Swimming Championships have been rescheduled to 21 March with a revised evening schedule from 3:30pm – 7:30pm.
Training has continued Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 3:30pm – 4:20pm this week in preparation for the event. AIC Team list can be found outside Sports house AIC Competitors and Reserves will meet at the 50m Pool on Friday at 1PM for a team meeting before a 2:00pm departure to Brisbane Aquatic Centre for a 3:30pm Warm Up. Parents/Spectators: All parents attending the carnival will be required to show a ticket for the event - accessed at no cost. AIC Swimming Championship Tickets (Spectators)- 11 March 2025
It is expected that all students attend these final sessions and the AIC Swimming Championships wearing correct St Peters Uniform. This includes:
Byron B (Year 10) who achieved second in the Australian National Downhill Mountain Bike Championships in the U17 age group at Mt.Buller. This adds to the success Byron had in New Zealand recently placing in the top 3 for each of his events. Well done Byron!
With several wash outs against St Edmund’s College and fixtures changes due to ground availability the cricket community came together to provide our boys an opportunity to play as many games as possible. Special thanks to the Cricket Support Group for their assistance in providing our First XI team the opportunity to play their match at Souths Cricket Club. Our Firsts, 10A and 7A all recorded wins this weekend. With the final game of the season against St Laurence College we wish all our teams well!
Best of luck to the 10B side who are competing for their respective premiership. With a win against St Laurence College they will finish first! Go Saints
The St Peters Volleyball teams will be painting their home courts orange for their games against St Laurence's College House on Saturday 22 March August from 7:30am.
This is an important day for our Volleyball community where we show support and raise awareness for blood cancer. Today, more than 53 Australians will be told that they have blood cancer and tomorrow — another 53 families will be devastated by the same news.
The Volleyball Parent Support Group (VPSG) will be running a BBQ and bake sale; all proceeds will be donated to the Leukaemia Foundation to send a powerful message of hope and direct support to those facing blood cancer today.
The VPSG will be accepting donations of baked goods from 7:00am on Saturday morning if you would like to contribute.
So far, the St Peters Volleyball Community has already raised $24,322.00 for the Leukemia Foundation.
Spectators are encouraged to show their support by wearing orange, student spectators are encouraged to wear a ‘Touch of Orange’ along with their formal uniform. This can include ribbons, socks, face paint, sweat bands etc.
The 2025 St Peters Football season is officially underway, with trials for all boys teams (Years 4–12) resuming next week after Mayer, Stolz and Harts are all safe for training to resume
Players should check the training schedule below and on the app to ensure they are prepared for their sessions. We encourage all students to bring their best effort as we look to form competitive teams across all year levels.
Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce the annual Old Scholars Match, scheduled for Thursday 27 March 2025, at 4:15pm on Harts Road. This highly anticipated fixture is a great opportunity for our current players to take on past students in a competitive and spirited match. We encourage the school community to come along and support what is always a fantastic display of football and sportsmanship.
Stay tuned for more updates as the season progresses, and best of luck to all players in trials next week!
With Rugby season just around the corner we are still looking for students in Years 7 – 9 to join our program. If your son is interested in playing for the school please register their interest below
Saturday Fixtures
Trial games against Cannon Hill Anglican College will be held on Mayer Oval next week on Wednesday afternoon 26 March for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 and First XV teams. With he Rugby Support Group will be providing food from the Canteen too so come on down and support the boys!
Cross Country Training has started and sign up links have been sent out! For any students in Years 7 – 12 interested in Signing up for Cross Country in 2025 please see below the messages from Mrs Schreiber, Cross Country Coordinator to support having you participate in Cross Country, as well as your weekend AIC Sport i.e. Chess, Football and/or Rugby. Training Schedule can be found on the app with Wednesday afternoons being the priority session for team training. However there are sessions offered every day to balance your Term 1 Sporting schedule. Please prioritise your current Term 1 Sporting commitments.
Meets/Championship (see attached Calendar) Meets are on Wednesday afternoons and begin in Mid Term 2, meaning it will not clash with your AIC fixtures – you can do both!
Mrs Kerry Schreiber is Coordinator, please direct any emails to Mrs Schreiber,
The St Peters Athletic Development Program supports students' physical growth and athletic performance, with sessions available before and after school in the Weights Room at the Indooroopilly Campus. Juniors (Years 7 – 9) focus on mastering fundamental movement patterns, while Seniors (Years 10 – 12) build on these skills with tailored programs for all levels. Regardless of gym experience, we cater for all levels and encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Boys are encouraged to attend Athletic Development.
To help St Peters celebrate the Sporting achievements of students who have competed in a State or National teams please complete the Microsoft forms – CLICK HERE
With hundreds of athletes competing in dozens of Sports, this will help us ensure your students achievements are not left unnoticed and can be considered for College celebrations.
AIC Australian Rules, Cricket, Volleyball and Swimming are the current IN-SEASON BOYS AIC SPORTS this Term and training is currently well underway.
For details of times and venues for this weekend’s Round 7 fixtures vs St Laurence’s College please check the information on the St Peters App.
Please ensure you check the St Peters App. for both venue details and time of games:
Please CLICK HERE for AUSTRALIAN RULES game day schedule
Please CLICK HERE for VOLLEYBALL game day schedule
Please CLICK HERE for CRICKET game day schedule
For our St Peters Sporting programs to positively develop and grow, it is paramount that our students attend training sessions for their chosen Sport, so they can improve and refine Sport-specific skills and build cohesion amongst their teammates.
If students are unable to attend some training sessions, it is vital that their absence is communicated to their coaches firstly, and also the respective coordinator/s.
St Peters AIC Australian Rules Coordinator
Mr Tyrell Barker
St Peters AIC Cricket Coordinator
Mr Gary Munday
St Peters AIC Volleyball Coordinator
Miss Laura Buckby
St Peters AIC Swimming Coordinator
Mr Daniel Fraser
St Peters AIC Cross Country Coordinators
Mrs Kerry Schreiber (Head Coach) –
St Peters Rowing Coordinator
Mr Lachlan Allen
Please also CLICK HERE to access the AIC Sporting Calendar for 2025.
A reminder that all St Peters boys do need to be dressed correctly at both AIC training and at AIC games. All uniforms can be purchased from Shop45 or via School locker, please refer to website for opening hours. For matchdays enclosed footwear must be worn to games, no slides or crocs are to be worn at St Peters or associated AIC schools. They are not part of the school uniform and are a risk for Workplace health and safety.
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
Correct Training and Playing Uniform Requirements –
Should any St Peters student be attending a St Peters sporting event/game outside of normal College hours, it is expected that they are dressed in St Peters Formal Uniform. Should a student not be wearing the correct attire when attending a sporting event/game, they may be asked to leave the venue.
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App. We will endeavour to keep everyone updated on both training cancellations and game day changes as the week progresses.
Daniel Fraser
Boys Sport Coordinator
12 in a row!
In the hours leading up to the QGSSSA Championships, coaches Dean and Cam delivered messages to the team about fighting to the finish—to fight your hardest in the last 12 metres—for all of the girls before you who have contributed to Championship wins in the past 12 years. The girls embraced the challenge and fought to the end.
In a nail-biting finish, it came down to the last relays of the night for St Peters to move into the lead and win the Mollie Gould Aggregate Cup for the 12th consecutive year. Congratulations to all members of the QGSSSA Swim Team who contributed to this incredible achievement. It was an exhilarating and challenging evening and will be one of the most memorable QG wins for all involved.
A big thank you to all our coaches and staff who supported our girls during the season and at the QGSSSA Swimming Championships.
Mollie Gould Aggregate Cup
A special mention must go to our 13 Years, 16 Years and Open teams for winning their age group pennants.
St Peters girls also achieved 18 1st places in the following events:
Swimming Captains Report
On 12 March, St Peters secured its 12th consecutive victory at the QGSSSA Swimming Championships, a milestone that speaks to our team's strength, dedication, and resilience. As captains, we are beyond honoured to be part of this incredible achievement, especially one that came with its fair share of challenges. Every single girl stepped up, delivering outstanding performances and doing what was needed to bring home the win! In addition to claiming the overall point score title, we secured the 13 Years, 16 Years, and 17 Years & Over age pennants, further proving the depth and talent of the St Peters Swimming program. Having been part of this team for the past three years, I can confidently say this was the most exhilarating QG yet! With fierce competition from other schools pushing us to our limits, we proved once again that no challenge is too great. St Peters will always rise, fight, and come out on top. A huge congratulations to all the girls who competed. 12 AND COUNTING!!!
Indi C and Macy B (Year 12)
Coordinator: Miss Hannah LeSage
BJMC Water Polo – Bronze Medal Match Weekend
This Saturday 22 March, we have three St Peters teams heading into the Bronze Medal match. The teams playing in the bronze medal match are listed below, along with the game times:
The following teams won their games last Saturday 11 March, and are straight through to the Grand Final next weekend:
Best of luck to all our teams competing this weekend! Go Saints!
Please Note: Draws are subject to change, please refer to the St Peters App for the latest information.
Cross Country Coordinator: Mrs Kerry Schreiber
You are invited to the first QGSSSA Cross Country Meet of the season!
Please see flyer for more information.
Round 1 Update: Please note that Round 1 against BSHS has been rescheduled to Friday 6 June.
Girls Sport Coordinator
Save the date and join us for the ALWS Walk My Way on Saturday, 10 May!
This year, the Ministry Team and the Social Justice Committee at St Peters will once again support the Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) Walk My Way in Brisbane on Saturday, 10 May, starting and finishing at QUT Gardens Point Campus. You can choose to walk 3km or walk/run 12.5km along the beautiful Brisbane River and Southbank.
While it is not an official supervised College event, it is an important community event. Members of Lutheran churches, schools, and community groups come together to walk around the Brisbane River in a sea of blue, raising awareness and support for some of the most vulnerable children around the world.
This year, as ALWS celebrates 75 years of service, it hopes to raise enough funds to provide 75,000 children with food, safety, and education. This is a huge goal, but one that we can work (and walk!) towards together. Funds raised through this event will support vulnerable children impacted by poverty and war in Ukraine, Somalia, South Sudan, Kenya, Burundi, Bangladesh, and Nepal.
Closer to the day, we will organise a meeting point at QUT Gardens Point campus to say hello to any of our St Peters community joining us.
Read more about the event here: Brisbane Walk My Way Event Info
Register to join our team, or donate here: Brisbane - ALWS75 | St Peters Lutheran College Indooroopilly
It will be a wonderful day and a great way to show our support and solidarity with vulnerable children worldwide.
If you have any questions about the event, please email me:
We’d love to see you there!
Renata Rankin
Director of Identity, Formation and Service
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