Years 9 - 12 Chorale Camp; Years 5 - 7 Robot Sumo Competition | Mountain Creek State High School, 7am - 4pm; Years 5 - 12 AIC Chess; Years 7 - 12 QGSSSA Basketball, Football and Touch.
Saturday 4 May
Years 9 - 12 Chorale Camp; Years 2 - 6 Primary Girls Netball; Years 5 - 12 AIC Rugby & Football | 8:00am - 5:30pm; Year 8 Kaleidoscope rehearsals | 1:00 - 5:00pm.
Sunday 5 May
Years 9 - 12 Chorale Camp; Years 5 & 6 Upper Primary Strings Ensemble Rehearsal Day; Year 8 Kaleidoscope rehearsals | 1:00 - 5:00pm.
Monday 6 May
LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY Year 8 Kaleidoscope DAY CAMP | 9:00AM - 5:00pm.
Tuesday 7 May
Years 7 - 12 Parent Teacher Interviews | Dohler Building, 3:30 - 7:00pm; Primary Years Parent Support Group (PSG) Meeting | P&F Centre, 6:00 - 7:00pm.
Wednesday 8 May
Primary Years Mother's Day Breakfast | Stolz Oval, 7:15 - 8:15am; Lower Primary Mother's Day Stall | Belfield Hall, 10:45am - 12:45pm.
Thursday 9 May
Years 7 & 8 Junior High Songmakers Rehearsal (in lieu of Monday public holiday); Years 10 & 11 Women in Engineering UQ Workshops | UQ, 8:30am - 2:30pm; Years 7 - 12 QGSSSA Basketball, Football and Touch; Years 5 & 6 QYMA Primary Strings | 6:00 - 8:00pm.
Head of College
Dohler Classroom Refurbishment
As mentioned in an early edition of The Rock in Term 1, the classrooms in lower Dohler were being refurbished and repurposed into contemporary learning spaces over the course of Term 1. This project has now been completed and from the beginning of this term, students, particularly many of our Maths students, are enjoying the benefits of their new learning environments.
A significant feature of contemporary learning environments is the agility and flexibility of them. This means that the furniture within the spaces can be configured and reconfigured easily to facilitate a range of approaches to learning – from direct instruction master classes, to blended learning, to small group collaborative learning, to peer to peer instruction, and individual focused learning. The height of many of the desks and chairs are also adjustable, to reflect the different sizes that our young people come in. The furniture itself is ergonomically designed to assist with student concentration. The refurbished spaces have lots of writable surfaces – both horizontal (desk tops) and vertical (glass walls) to help make the students thinking visible to themselves, their peers and their teachers. One teacher has already commented to me that these multiple writable surfaces have helped them to check for their student’s understanding more easily, and this has enabled them to give feedback to their students earlier. There are also multiple projection points within the room, meaning that there are no bad seats in the room and students can, with ease, see what is being taught. The technology is also ubiquitous, with no cables or plug in points, making it easy for teachers and students alike to use.
When I have visited the classes in these new spaces it has been pleasing to see the high level of student engagement that these spaces promote. The lower Dohler project is the beginning of the College’s Strategic and Master Plan where it reinvests in and reimagines the campus, and transforms it into a ‘learning landscape’.
Tim Kotzur Head of College
Deputy Head of College
Extended Day Program
The Extended Day Program is an additional supervised service available for students in Junior High (Years 7 to 9).
The program is optional and recognises the busyness of modern family life and is an initiative to offer parents and students increased flexibility allowing them to make the most of the St Peters day.
A typical afternoon:
3.10pm : Afternoon tea in Café 45
3.30pm : Organised activities or co-curricular activity (sport training, music rehearsal etc)
4.30pm : Supervised study
6.00pm : Dinner in Café 45
6.30pm : Supervised study
8.00pm : Student pick up from Langer Library
The program cost is $42 a day covering the cost of dinner and supervised study and is offered Monday to Thursday. Bookings can be casual or on a permanent basis.
Confirmation email will be sent to you advising spot is secure.
Make payment via the parent portal.
Well, the Easter holidays are well and truly over, the chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies are on special or disappearing from the shops and we are back into the thick of a term’s work, demands and challenges. However, Easter is not just a one day event, one Sunday a year! We are still very much in the Easter season, which runs for seven Sundays, a reminder of the importance of this event. In fact, for Christians, every Sunday is a little Easter celebration, a celebration of the resurrection, a celebration of the life that God offers to all.
In our fast paced and ever-changing world, with its high demands on us, with its never-ending search for novelty, and with so many uncertainties, it is good to be interrupted by something stable, ongoing, old and yet ever new. This is Easter, God’s gift to you and me. It reminds us of the surprising workings of God, bringing death out of life, bringing new beginnings in the most unexpected places, giving hope in the midst of darkness and giving us a foundation for our lives.
We may hear the call Christ is risen! only on Easter Sunday, but it makes a difference for the whole year! It points you to the fact that even our dead ends, our most hopeless situations, our failures are never the end of the story. God is always at work to bring new beginnings, new life, new light. Even in Christchurch, even in Sri Lanka, in every dark place on earth and in your life and mine.
I pray that you may be able to draw on the Easter promise and be filled with joy, with hope, with life for every day of the year. Christ is risen!
Pastor Thomas
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… (1 Peter 1:3)
Important Notices
Travelling to School
Students are reminded that when in uniform they are representing the College and should always treat others with courtesy and respect. This particularly applies to students using public transport to and from school. The College supports Translink’s expectation that ‘school students give up their seats to adults who are standing’.
It is also our preference that students walking to school up Harts Road cross at the safety crossing as it is much safer than crossing at the roundabout.
If your child rides his/her bike to school I would ask that they dismount once entering Harts Road and walk their bike through the College ground to the bike rack.
Fake social media accounts
Please be aware of fake St Peters social media accounts. The latest one spotted is an Instagram account with the handle splc_official. This is NOT an offical St Peters account and we do not endorse anything posted to, or by, this account. Our offical St Peters account is splc.official. Please see below for a reminder of the official St Peters social media accounts.
A photograph for children of Old Scholars is scheduled to be taken on Tuesday 21 May at 1:40pm. Students are to gather outside Café 45 with their ID cards. Please encourage your children to attend.
Many thanks,
Rowena Lester Alumni Officer
Academic Matters
Who doesn’t love an imploding watermelon?
Flying rockets, crumbling cans and disappearing water were only a few of the exciting experiments explored by Year 4 as they exploded into their How the World Works unit.
This week they welcomed TV host Dr Rob and his Experimentary Science Workshop to help sate the innate scientific curiosity of children. The hands-on highlight was seeing forces at play as hundreds of rubber bands were placed around a watermelon until it imploded. Squeals and shrieks were heard as protective safety glasses and lab coats were sprayed with watermelon juice. What a treat!
Another fan favourite was a simple test of friction as the pages of two books were interlaced and then students tried to pull the two books apart. It was as if the books were cemented together as they could not be separated.
A huge thank you to Liz Holt and the Senior Science department for facilitating this marvellous incursion. Year 4 are looking forward to applying these scientific tips and tricks to our Rube Goldberg showcase at the end of Term 2.
Camera, lights…CAS!
With the year well underway, our IB students are immersed in their academic work, as well as their CAS endeavours. For many, their CAS involvement provides a refreshing break from their studies, as well as challenging them in new and unexpected ways.
For those who might not know, Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is one of the three essential elements that every student must complete as part of the Diploma Programme (DP). CAS is organised around the three strands of creativity, activity and service defined as:
Creativity — exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance.
Activity — physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
Service —collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need.
Our students are currently involved in a vast array of activities around the school and in their local communities, including baking, knitting, scuba diving, watercolour painting, Parkrun, origami, rock climbing, fundraising – even crocheting tiny octopi for premature babies! The opportunities are endless, and students reflect on their learning throughout the process. Any IB student would be more than happy to share what they are doing for CAS, so start a conversation today!
Year 11 IB students Olivia, Nicole and Anneliese help Junior School students prepare for their Tenner for Townsville fundraiser
Junior High and Senior Science
Congratulations to the Year 7 team who won the 'Practicality and Social Awareness Prize' at the recent Green Hearts Schools Future Brisbane Challenge. The prize the Year 7 teachers selected is ‘Street Science’ which is an exciting show that every student will have the opportunity to enjoy. Year 7 students have started a unit on machines and have been studying firsthand the construction of towers. Senior Chemistry students, and Mr Kotzur, have been exploring rates of reactions by studying the iodine clock reaction.
From the Academic Hub
Thank you to our teachers and families that attended the Parent Teacher Interviews on Wednesday evening. We know that when parents and the school work together in partnership, this creates the very best outcomes for our students. A reminder that the next Parent Teacher evening is next Tuesday 7 May between 3.30 – 7.00pm. A ‘Help Desk’ will be set up in the paved area outside the middle level of Dohler building for the duration of the interviews to assist with queries about times or locations.
Despite a disjointed start to the term due to public holidays, the students have settled back into their routines well. We hope that the reports provided valuable information to students and parents to assist in developing best practice for the coming terms. A thank you to our Year 11 team with the roll out of continuous reporting for the first time. We trust that the new process is user friendly and effective in providing timely and targeted feedback. We appreciate any feedback you may have in regard to the new Contiguous Reporting. Please email
The Senior School Study Skills Sessions began this week on Tuesday morning. It was a fantastic turn out of a near-full PAC Theatrette. The students we engaged and very committed to improving their Organisation and Time Management. Next week the session is GOAL SETTING and PLANNING.
Rachael Turnbull Head of 7-12 Curriculum - Students
Primary Years
Head of Primary Years
Pre-Service Teachers in the Primary Years
As part of their professional service, teachers often volunteer to host trainee teachers in their classrooms. St Peters teaching staff support student teachers from a wide range of local, interstate and overseas universities. At first glance, the benefits of this relationship might appear one sided, as our preservice teachers gain professional insight and experience from some of St Peters outstanding classroom practitioners, as well as becoming a temporary part of our wonderful St Peters learning community.
Benefits of this association are, however, considerably more collaborative. Host teachers, school students and preservice teachers all reap the advantages of this relationship. When teachers host a preservice teacher, they reflect regularly on their daily practice as they are observed and questioned by the trainee teacher. This serves as a source of continuous professional development which highlights and encourages best quality practice for classrooms. Preservice teachers also bring to the table, fresh perspectives and a familiarity with latest research.
Trainee teachers begin their professional experience with many days of observation, note taking and questioning. This is followed by supported planning and teaching where the host teacher is ensuring the classroom program and operation continue at a high level. Towards the end of the experience, trainee teachers often take the class for a whole session or a whole day under the direction and supervision of their host teacher. While the host teacher is heavily involved in observing and guiding the trainee teacher, this situation also gives the opportunity for the class teacher to observe their school students in a unique way, providing more depth to their understanding of students.
At St Peters, we are fortunate to have staff and systems in place that support our host teachers and trainee teachers. In the Senior School, Mrs Merridy Brown provides extensive support to staff and preservice teachers and in the primary school this role is filled by Mrs Adele Amorsen. We look forward to many more years of productive relationships with universities and preservice teachers, that benefit our children and staff in unique and immeasurable ways.
Mrs Adele Amorsen Prep Teacher and Pre-Service Teacher Coordinator
Mothers' Day Breakfast
All mothers of students from Prep to Year 6 are invited to our Mothers’ Day breakfast in the Lower Primary Undercroft next Wednesday 8 May. Please refer to the invitation that was sent out to you earlier this week for details. We would love to have as many mums as possible join us for the morning.
The PYPSG has also arranged a stall to purchase small gifts for mums. Children from Prep to Year 4 will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for you, grandma, aunts, or any female they are close to, on this special day. If you wish your child to participate please send along money. Students should bring no more than $10 for their special gift for mum and a plastic bag to hide their gift from you! Gifts are very reasonably priced. Students will visit the stall with their class teacher throughout the school day.
Outdoor Education
Next Thursday and Friday our Year 4 students will experience their first College based outdoor education experience by attending Luther Heights Camp, Coolum. This will be followed by our Year 5 students heading to Noosa North Shore for three days to enjoy more independent and group challenges. Finally this term, our Year 6 students venture to the nation’s capital for a week.
Here at St Peters, we believe in the benefits of such a program and see that outdoor education can foster many skills and develop students in a way regular classroom cannot. Outdoor education serves many purposes, particularly when delivered in a planned and sequential manner over many Year levels. Outdoor education supports and reinforces our pastoral curriculum in the most practical of settings. Students working together in small, facilitated groups deal directly with concepts such as leadership (and equally importantly, followership), inclusivity, the value of working towards a common goal and the recognition of the unique attributes each individual can bring to the team.
Each student learns about their own strengths and weaknesses and how persistence in extending one’s often self-imposed limitations can bring success in the most challenging of situations – be they physical, emotional or social. This ability to bounce back from setbacks or challenges with confidence and optimism is a vital tool for any young person to grow and develop into resilient adolescents and finally adults.
Finally, on the most obvious level, outdoor education provides simple physical exercise, healthy living and an opportunity for staff and students to interact and build strong relationships away from the normal classroom environment.
My thanks go to the staff who work tirelessly throughout this time to ensure not only the safety of the students but also their enthusiasm and professionalism which is evident throughout the camping experiences.
Cross Country Carnivals
Congratulations to all students who participated in yesterday’s Cross Country events. It was fantastic to see the students so determined to finish the race and collect points for their House. As our staff repeatedly teach the students, it is fantastic to see our amazingly talented runners take out the top places on the day but it is the students who know they aren’t the greatest runners who show great grit and determination that is most admirable to see.
Congratulations to all participants, the staff for their organisation, the Year 6 leaders for instilling their enthusiasm and parents who supported the event.
Primary Years Parent Support Group Meeting next Tuesday evening 6.00pm at the P&F Centre. All welcome.
Pam Carden Head of Primary Years
Junior High
Junior High News
Welcome back! As we begin a new term it is important that we take time to reflect on our experiences during Term 1. The start of the year always presents challenges, particularly for those who have started at a new school. The students should be commended for the resilience shown throughout Term 1.
During the holidays, parents will have received their child’s mid-semester reports via Firefly and the Community Portal. We encourage parents to spend time with their children reflecting on results. As a sub-school we have encouraged students to work to their full potential and achieve results that reflect their ability. If students have been able to do this then they should be very proud of their efforts and achievements. If not, why not? Did the student establish effective study habits and routines? Are there clear boundaries in place regarding the use of technology at night? Are they getting enough sleep? Did the student spend enough time on homework and assignments? Did the student seek guidance from teachers in a timely manner? Did the student engage in class work and discussion? By understanding the ‘blockers’ to reaching goals, students are more likely to overcome these and experience success in the future.
Perhaps a better indication of a student’s work ethic and application in class comes from the teacher’s observations on participation and effort, homework and behaviour. It should be the aim of every student to receive high scores on each of these outcomes which are also outlined in the reports.
During Academic Care and Wellbeing sessions, students will also be reflecting on their experiences and results in Term 1 in order to evaluate their achievements and refine their goals for Term 2.
The Term 2 ASSESSEMENT CALENDAR is available on Firefly and students and parents are encouraged to refer to it regularly to assist with preparation and organisation.
As you are aware, Parent-Teacher interviews occur this week. These interviews are a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teachers and discuss progress, areas requiring attention and strategies for ongoing improvement. While these evenings are an important and effective way of parents meeting numerous teachers in a short time, we would also like to remind parents of other modes of communication which are available throughout the year.
Should you have any ongoing concerns with a student’s progress in a particular subject, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant teacher to open the lines of communication. Email is often the best form of communication as teachers are busy attending classes throughout the day. Emailing a teacher will enable them to respond more easily within a reasonable time. If for some reason they don’t respond to your email please contact them via phone as occasionally emails will go through to their ‘Junk email’ folder where it may go unnoticed. A teacher may follow up with a phone call or suggest some suitable times to meet if that is more convenient. We recommend that the Form Class teacher be copied in on any correspondence regarding your child.
Form Class teachers endeavour to work with their form class to create a unique level of support - which means if you have any concerns relating to your student’s attitude, social skills, resilience, organisation or other pastoral care related issues, the student’s Form Class teacher is the best person to contact. The Year Level Coordinators are also available to support and assist students and parents.
Each week a wonderful group of parents meet at the P&F Centre and run the ‘Community Hub’ for St Peters Parents and Friends. Parents are welcome to attend whenever they can and enjoy a cuppa.
To give the group a focus, they also spend time making goods for ‘K4BN’ Knitting for Brisbane’s Needy. This group also supports the Year 8 Kaleidoscope with costume creation and the Year 9 Christian Studies classes with their Service Learning Projects. Some classes are getting involved and are making beanies and scarves which are donated to charities and hospitals. The K4BN group works on making toiletry bags to donate to various local charities, including Brisbane’s bi-annual ‘Homeless Connect Day’.
Junior High students are traditionally wonderful supporters of our Community Focus Days at the College and are always eager to get involved in supporting others. Junior High is pleased to continue their support of this group throughout 2019. The ‘Homeless Connect Donation Box’ which students can contribute to throughout the year is at Junior High Reception and some Form Classes also have their own. Items donated will be passed onto K4BN for distribution. Items suitable to donate include:
Organisation for Year 8 camp is under way and information will be coming out to parents via Firefly in coming weeks. Camping programs are a compulsory part our of Pastoral Care offerings at the College as they develop student connectedness, resilience and self-confidence. Camp is held at QCCC Mapleton and this year it will be held on:
Monday 15 July – Friday 19 July (Week 1 of Term 3)
Please contact Mrs Byrne (Year 8 Coordinator) if you need to discuss your child’s attendance.
Trish Allen Head of Junior High
Mother's Day breakfast
To all Junior High Mums and Female Caregivers
You are invited to come and celebrate Mother's Day by sharing breakfast with your Junior High student at our annual Mother's Day breakfast to be held on Friday 10 May commencing at 6.45am in front of the Grandstand Café.
For catering purposes, breakfast will need to be ordered and paid for prior to Friday 3 May. To order breakfast, please click on the link below.
LOCATION St Peters Lutheran College - in front of Grandstand Café
We hope to see you there
Junior High Tutoring
Day | Time
Tuesday | 3:20 - 4:00pm
Week A: DO1
Week B: N1
Wednesday lunch
SOSE / English | Year 7
Thursday lunch
SOSE / English | Year 8
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday lunch
Friday lunch
Senior School
Senior School update
This week, students across the Senior School were able to participate in the first Study Skills Workshop on Tuesday morning. These workshops are aimed to align with the Form Class support already provided but, provide further time for deeper support for those who feel they need it. This week's topic of 'Organisation and Time Management' was run by Mr Rushmore (Head of Senior School) and Mrs Turnbull (Head of Curriculum - Students) and was well received with 100 students starting to plan the rest of their year, term and week. In doing so, we focussed on the importance of planning to make sure students have balance in their lives. While study is no doubt an important part of what students do, there also needs to be adequate sleep, good eating habits, time for exercise, time with friends and time to themselves. As optional sessions, it is great to see so many students conscientiously looking to improve and going out of their way to achieve this. Well done! Next week's session is on 'Goal Setting and Planning' and will be starting at 7.30am in the PAC Theatrette. All students are welcome to attend.
Year 10’s also spent time throughout the week receiving feedback and going through their 'Natural Abilities' data. Natural Abilities testing is an important aspect to our Year 10 program. This test and the resulting data is not for ‘pigeon holing’ students. Rather, these tests provide specific information in which firstly students and parents can reflect on student skills and attributes for future planning. In the coming terms, Year 10 students will begin selecting subjects to study in their Senior course. This is not always an easy decision for families and this data can assist to make decisions that best suit the student. Furthermore, the link between the test results and the concepts covered in 'The Rite Journey' classes last term where the focus was on 'Who am I?' was evident. It was great to sit in on some of these sessions and see the way students engaged with the ideas being shared. A big thank you to our Careers Counsellor, Mrs Jacqui Estevao who administers this (and many other) initiative.
A reminder that students in the Senior School should now be wearing the winter uniform. All expectations of this uniform are spelled out in the front of the student diaries. Should there be any further questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Joel Butler Deputy Head of Senior School
The Arts
Drama News
VAPar DRAMA auditions
In the next few weeks Mr Nick Trethan and Ms Kerri Mecklem will be announcing the play, audition and rehearsal times. Any student in Years 9 -12 can audition for a role as an actor or backstage crew member. For those new to the VAPar (Visual and Performing Arts) Festival, this is an event celebrating the Performing Arts and will be staged on Saturday 17 August.
Co-curricular Theatresports
Students are working hard towards being selected for the Youth Theatresports 2019 Competition with drama teachers selecting two teams to represent St Peters. This selection is based upon attendance of Theatresports training, willingness to listen, taking risks in role, actively working positively in a team and on-going development of improvisational skills.
Dates for the Youth Theatresports Competition where St Peters will be competing are:
Thursday 16 May | Stuartholme 7pm
Monday 27 May | BBC 7pm
We would love to have St Peters’ students coming to support these teams. The competition takes approximately 2 hours and is thoroughly entertaining and very uplifting to see the encouragement given by rival teams to clever moments of improvisation.
Ms K Mecklem Drama
Access Arts | Term 2, 2019: Stories in 3D
Attention Junior High and Senior School!
Meditate with clay, problem solve and collaborate. Tuesday afternoons Weeks 4 - 8 from 3.30 - 5.00pm in the Chandler Visual Art Centre.
On Thursday 25 April, St Peters Symphonic Winds and Drumline were honoured and privileged to be involved once again in the ANZAC Day Parade through Brisbane City. The students represented their school with great professionalism, dedication and commitment, marching behind banner holders, Ben K and Rupert H and lead by student Drum Major Charlie H. This performance was the culmination of months of rehearsal, memorisation and marching practice through the school grounds.
Thank you to Mr Jacobson for preparing the Drumline to lead the Marching Band, Mr Pradella in assisting the students to memorise their music and march with precision and dignity, Ms Saffery for making sure the students presented in immaculate uniform and Mr Gilfedder for documenting the occasion with his wonderful photographic skills. Thanks also to Mr Nodwell for his support and use of the College ovals and Ms Townson for co-ordinating the delicious snacks provided by a very supportive parent body.
A special mention to Mr Grant Mason for his wealth of experience, knowledge and support of the St Peters Marching Band. Most importantly a sincere thank you to all the members of Symphonic Winds and Drumline for their tireless efforts in preparing for such an important occasion. This year St Peters provided the largest and most professional group of some 70 musicians. It was a great honour to once again be invited to march in the parade and a privilege to have Mr Tim Kotzur march alongside with us.
One of the highlights of the day was a personal congratulation to the students and staff from the Governor of Queensland Paul de Jersey.
Please follow the St Peters Lutheran College Bands – Facebook page for more photos.
Grantley Sutch Co-Director of Cocurricular Music Head of Bands
Primary Sports Bulletin
“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” Eden Phillpotts
The following sports are on offer in Primary Years in Term 2.
Girls Club (WDNA) Netball
Years 4-6 Run Club
Years 4-6 AIC Boys Rugby
Years 4-6 AIC Boys Football
Girls Club Netball
WDNA Training will continue throughout Term 2 on St Peters Harts Road Courts; Wednesday afternoon (3:30 – 5:00pm) and Friday afternoon (3:30 - 4:30pm).
Following the WDNA Grading Rounds at the end of Term 1 all teams have now been placed in permanent divisions for the WDNA Season. Some teams have changed divisions since grading and this has meant their weekly game time has also changed.
St Peters 1 12 Div 2 10:10am
St Peters 2 12 Div 4 10:10am
St Peters 3 12 Div 5 10:10am
St Peters 4 12 Div 4 10:10am
St Peters 5 11 Div 2 9:05am
St Peters 6 11 Div 4 10:10am
St Peters 7 11 Div 5 9:05am
St Peters 8 10 Div 1 9:05am
St Peters 9 10 Div 3 9:05am
St Peters 10 10 Div 3 9:05am
St Peters 11 10 Div 4 8:00am
St Peters 12 9 Div 2 8:00am
St Peters 13 9 Div 3 8:00am
Please check game times and court allocations using the following pathway. To access the court allocations for weekly games, please follow the steps below.
Western District Netball Association Website
Go to the COMPETITIONS tab at the top of the page
Selecting the correct age and division from the GRADE drop down menu
Years 4-6 Run Club
Years 4-6 Run Club will be offered twice a week on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The sessions will be run by St Peters Running Coaches. Students are to meet at the Lower Primary Undercroft at 3:20pm on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Training will conclude at 4:15pm on both days and students will be bought back to the Lower Primary Undercroft where they are to be picked up by parents.
Years 4-6 AIC Boys Rugby Season
The boys AIC Rugby Season will be played throughout Term 2. Years 4-6 boys are all invited to participate in the upcoming season. Training will be on Mayer Oval on Wednesday afternoon 3:30 – 5:00pm and Friday morning, 6:30 – 7:45am. These training sessions will begin on Wednesday 24 April. It will be great to see the Years 4-6 boys getting involved in St Peters Rugby. Saturday AIC games will start on Saturday 4 May.
Years 4-6 AIC Boys Football Season
The AIC Football Season is coming up in Term 2. Years 4-6 boys are invited to participate in the AIC Season. Training throughout Term 2 will be on Stolz Oval on Wednesday afternoon 3:30 – 5:00pm and Friday mornings 6:45 – 7:45am. Term 2 training will begin on Wednesday 24 April with team selections taking place in week 1 of Term 2.
Years 4-6 AIC Boys Chess
Chess is a Term 2 sport played on Friday afternoons/evenings against the other AIC Schools on a home and away basis - with the school providing transport to and from the games. Games are 20 mins per player with two matches being played each week.
Junior A and B Chess teams are made up of four students per team who are in Years 5 and 6. If your son is interested in playing Chess for St Peters, training is on a Tuesday afternoon from 4:00 - 5:30pm in BB2 (next to the Senior Library) with our qualified Chess coaches. If your son is interested in playing Term 2 AIC Chess, please contact Mr Gil Bygraves
Training will start and finish at the Lower Primary Undercroft. The training sessions will take place on Indooroopilly High Ovals and Robertson Park.
Term 2 AIC Rugby Training
Wednesday afternoon 3:30 – 5:00pm | Mayer Oval
Friday morning 6:30 – 7:45am | Mayer Oval
Term 2 AIC Football (Soccer) Training
Wednesday afternoon 3:30 – 5:00pm | Stolz Oval
Friday morning 6:45 – 7:45am | Stolz Oval
Primary Years HPE
Cross Country: Tuesday 23 April – Friday 3 May
Field Games: Monday 6 May – Friday 24 May
Athletics: Monday 27 May – Friday 21 June
Girls Sport
Cross Country
Coordinators: Kerry Schreiber and Kelli Rodman
Thank you to all girls who have run in our recent QG Cross Country warm up meets and competed last week at the districts XC competition held at Fig Tree Pocket. The girls who competed shown fantastic tenacity and as a result we had some outstanding results. Well done to all the girls and we look forward to your continued success in the final three weeks of the 2019 season.
This Thursday 2 May is our final and compulsory Rivermount Cross Country Warm Up Meet (this meet is very important because it uses the course girls will be running at the QG Championships). It is extremely important that all girls put this afternoon aside to attend this meet and decide to miss any other commitments they may have that afternoon. Buses will leave the St Peters bus stop at 2.40pm and leave Yatala at approximately 5.30pm to return to school. Any girl who cannot attend this meet but wishes to be considered for the QG team needs to see one of the Girls Sport Coordinators as soon as possible. The 2019 QGSSSA Cross Country team will be selected based on times run at this final meet as well as training and previous competitions.
Again in 2019 we are also taking teams to the Queensland All Schools Cross Country Championships on Saturday 4 May. All parents of the girls who are in our XC squad were sent information regarding this competition via emails on Monday. Good luck to all the girls who have signed up and will be competing.
Finally, the big day of competition for the 2018 QGSSSA Cross Country season is Saturday 11 May. For those new to Cross Country, buses will leave the St Peters bus stop early on Saturday morning to take girls down to Yatala. It is very important that girls travel to the event as part of the team. Parents can take girls home after their race or buses will return to school by 1pm that day. The QGSSSA Cross Country Championships are always a fun filled morning where every member of the team supports each other in running 3km. Last year we came 3rd and with some fantastic runners amongst all our age groups we hope to secure this placing. Please support our runners by being part of 2019 QG Cross Country, we look forward to seeing the girls run.
The full 2019 Cross Country season calendar is on the St Peters App.
Autumn Sports - Basketball, Football, Touch
Coordinator: Miss Alex Wilson
Well done to all teams in their Round games v St Margaret’s held last Friday. In Basketball we had some fantastic results.
Coordinator: Mr Ben Innes
Coordinator: Miss Annie George
This Friday 3 May our games are v MBC at home venues: See the St Peters App for all draws.
We wish all our teams the very best of luck and hope you are enjoying your Autumn Fixtures season. Thank you to our coordinators and coaches for the work they are doing with our teams.
Coordinator: Mr Peter Hicks
Rowing has started for the 2019 season. There are still spots available if you would like to join one of our crews. Rowing is a great sport, full of team camaraderie and spirit. We would like to see as many crews on the water as possible in each age group this year. Please see Mr Hicks in Sports House if you have any questions.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Coordinator: Mrs Phoebe Anderson
The 2019 Rhythmic Gymnastics season is underway with the first RG training held on Wednesday afternoon. Training will take place every Wednesday afternoon in term time until the QGSSSA competition in August. Girls are asked to wear their HPE uniform for training and be prompt to all sessions to enable group warm ups.
For those new to Rhythmic Gymnastics at St Peters, training is conducted in several time slots on a Wednesday afternoon. When teams have been finalised in the coming weeks a team will be assigned to one of these time slots based on the girls’ availability. There are also a number of Saturday afternoon sessions throughout the season. The 2019 RG Calendar will be placed on the St Peters App in the coming weeks.
Winter Fixtures
Netball Trials
Mrs Anne-Marie Champion
Development sessions commence this week both at Indooroopilly and Springfield campuses. These development skills are run by Tracey Bruce our highly qualified opens and mentor coach and is a great opportunity to hone on some preseason individualised skills.
All training trial and preseason sessions are on the St Peters App.
Run Club
Join the St Peters running community by coming along to ‘Run Club’ a fun way to improve fitness for all sports, meet new people and start training for our QGSSSA Cross Country season. Run Club is every Friday, meet at the St Peters bus stop at 6.15am.
We hope you have a great week in sport,
Kelli Rodman and Kerry Schreiber
Boys Sport
Chess, Football and Rugby
Last weekend’s trial round of Term 2 sport encompassed plenty of action across the College grounds, with Chess as well as Senior Rugby and Football games being played at St Edmunds College and Junior Rugby and Football played at home. It was a successful day across all three sports with a good spread of wins throughout our ranks against SEC. It is very important that we take this confidence into our training and games this week as well as to our first round of the season. For Round 1 of the of the AIC season, we meet with the Marist College this weekend. For any difficulties managing training schedules, or to resolve any clashing commitments, please see Mr Grose in Sports House who can develop a plan to support all boys in their sporting pursuits.
For this weekend’s games against Marist College, Chess will play on the afternoon of Friday 23 April at Home and Rugby and Football to be played on Saturday 28 April at various venues. Parents, please note that due to host school requirements and the supplementary draw, it is important to know that each week game times and venues may differ from the week before. It is therefore imperative that players check and confirm correct start times, venues and opponents each weekend. All relevant details can be found on the St Peters App.
This Friday the AIC Chess season begins against Ashgrove at home. If you are playing on Friday you will need to be at the in full formal uniform – blazer included but, no hat. Games against Ashgrove should begin at 4:00pm with the event over around 6:00pm (maybe a little earlier depending on when they arrive). It is important to note that even if your second match finishes early, it is expected that all boys stay to the conclusion of the chess competition including the speeches at the end of the evening.
Teams are selected based on our coaches’ input and there may be some movement within each group each week. (Open, Senior [10-12], Intermediate [7-9] and Junior [5-6]).
A change for this year is we are arranging games for boys who are not selected each week – these will always be home games and will allow the boys to participate in games under AIC conditions in order to improve. These games will also start at 4:00pm and finish between 5:30pm and 6:00pm at Theile House. Attendance at these internal games as well as training is mandatory as part of the commitment to AIC Chess.
Rugby is now an IN-SEASON sport with trainings occurring twice a week for most age groups. Commitment to these trainings are vital for all rugby players as we head into Round 1. There were some pleasing results on the weekend with two last minute victories. It was great to see these teams fight for their teammates until the end. I would like to acknowledge those players who scored those great game winning tries; Reggie B for the 1st XV and Barney R for the 9 A’s. These two boys received player-of-the-round gifts for their performances.
On Tuesday afternoon of this week, our 1st XV team played their first round for the AIC season against Marist College Ashgrove. The first half saw our boys showing their grit and determination and against a bigger opposition, our mobile group were able to hold Marist College to a three try lead going into the half time break. Unfortunately, our boys tired in the second half and our opposition were able to pull away further to close out game one of the season for our 1st XV team. All of our other teams play on Saturday with our Years 9-12 being here at SPLC and our Years 5–8 being played at Marist College.
Training times can be found on the St Peters App. If any parents or boys have any further questions please feel free to contact one of the Coordinators listed above.
Football is also now an IN-SEASON sport and players should know when their team’s two training sessions are held. It was pleasing to see keen football players arrive on time and with an enthusiastic approach to their football games last Saturday. I look forward to seeing strong attendance at trainings and games continue this week, as well as the remainder of the season.
Saturday saw six aggregate wins against St Edmund’s College, including the 10As winning 5-0 and the 7Bs winning their first ever AIC Football game! This week we play against our traditional rivals, Marist College Ashgrove. We celebrate 1st XI Old Scholars on Saturday, and encourage any players, past or present to be at Harts Rd Oval at 12:30pm on Saturday to watch the 1st XI in action.
At this stage we are looking for more Year 7 AIC Football players to supplement current teams. If you are interested in playing this season, it is not too late – simply email Mr Edwards and Mr Grose and let us know that you will be at the next training session, easy! Training times can be found on the St Peters App.
AIC Cross Country is in full swing and this Wednesday the squad ventured out to Curlew Park to compete over the championships course. Last Friday we also had a group of boys run at the districts carnival. There was some solid performance s and congratulations to all the boys that have made it through to the Met West Trials which are Tuesday 7 May. With only two weeks remaining in the season we are excited to watch the boys run and wish them all the best as they enter the final stages of the season. Next week we will be sending more information to all the parents in relation to the final team selections and the XC breakfast scheduled for Friday Morning 10 May in the P&F Centre.
Congratulations to the St Peters Rowing Boys who attended and competed in their first regatta for the season at Coomera last Saturday. For a number of the 20+ strong team this was their first regatta experience.
There were some excellent results from the boys that attended including, some of the outstanding results include:
1st Place - Year 9 Boys Single Scull: Oscar N
1st Place - Year 8 Double Scull: Adam S & Dominic B
1st Place - Year 8 Quad Scull (Adam S, Dominic B, Hugo B, Thomas B, Cox: Joe F
2nd Place - Year 8 Boys Single Scull: Adam S
2nd Place - Open Boys Single Scull: Oliver G
3rd Place - Open Boys Coxed Quad Scull: Freddie P, Mitchell B, Oscar N, Oliver G, Cox: Joe F
3rd Place - Open Boys Coxed Eight: Zander M, Freddie P, Mitchell B, Angus H, Angus M, Sam H, Oscar N, Oliver G, Cox: Archie C
The boys have been training hard at their new home of Toowong Rowing club and are looking forward to the next regatta in a fortnight time.
Good luck to all boys and girls for this weekend’s round of activities.
Yours in sport,
Darren Grose Boys Sport Coordinator
Amnesty Students Conference 2019
On Friday Mrs Calder took students from Years 10 & 11 to the Amnesty International Student Conference at BBC. They heard from guest speakers, including a refugee, Robi Alam from the Rohingya Community. The students participated in workshops on conversations, social media and letter writing. The picture of the two girls holding the yellow paper is the social media campaign they came up with for women’s rights (particularly in Saudi Arabia). One of the Amnesty volunteers was past student Manasa Pappu (2010)!
P&F Community Fun Day
Only 3 sleeps to go unitl the P&F Community Fun Day!
When - Sunday 26 May | 10am-1pm
Where – Mayer Oval, St Peters Lutheran College, Indooroopilly Campus
* Tickets are all inclusive with access to all attractions and the colour fun run laps – mum and dad can even purchase a ticket to participate or just come along and watch the fun.
Tickets will also be available for purchase on the day from the Registration Tent on Mayer Oval.
What’s happening on the day?
Collect your pre-paid St Peters Community Fun Day wristband from the Registration Tent or purchase your wristband (open from 9:30am)
Attractions open 10am – 12pm
Dunk Tank, Bungee Run, Velcro Wall, 30m Obstacle Course, Roar—rapid fire football field, the Wipe Out Challenge and Novelty Games.
Live Music from The Undercurrents and Student buskers!
The Undercurrents playing from 10am – 11am and 12pm – 1pm
Student Buskers playing from 11am – 12pm
Colour Fun Run from 12:15pm around Mayer Oval.
Do the lap once or many times for more colour!
We will have delicious food stalls including:
The Curious Caravan Coffee,
Sausage Sizzle – Hosted by Robotics Parent Support Group,
Drinks stall – Hosted by St Peters Congregation,
Pinkis Retro Ice Cream Van and
The Blackcard Food Stall baked treats
Important Information
Bring a change of clothes or towels and sunglasses for those participating in the colour run.
During the colour run, please stay within the designated running area. The attractions will be closed to avoid colour transfer.
Parking – best entrances for parking are via Lohe St and Harts Road. College Drive will be closed at the Indooroopilly Road entrance up to Founders Way.
If parking on the street, please be considerate of our neighbours and comply with parking rules.
Many thanks in advance for your support. We look forward to a fantastic day!