Term 3 – The Opportunity to Aim Ever Higher
Welcome to Term 3. A particularly warm welcome to those new students and their families joining St Peters this term. We hope that you settle in and feel part of our community very soon.
The events of recent weeks reminds us that we will need to continue to live with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for some time yet. Our fellow Australians in Greater Sydney remain in our prayers as they experience an outbreak of the virus, and return to a period of lockdown. The outbreak in Greater Sydney is a reminder that we cannot become complacent and we need to continue to practice effective preventative measures in order to help reduce the possibility of an outbreak in our own communities. To this end, I ask all in our community to continue to work together to help keep everyone safe and well. In particular, a reminder about the importance of good personal hygiene practices, appropriate social distancing measures, mask wearing and remaining at home if you are unwell. These personal actions are vital to the collective health of our community. Please refer to the emailed document titled ‘Caring for our Community’ sent to all families earlier in the week for further details. I have no doubt that the uncertainty and challenges of the pandemic has taken a toll on many people, and I ask that you continue to look out for and support each other. I am deeply grateful to all in the St Peters community for the way that you have worked with the College over the past 18 months.
Student end of Semester Reports were made available over the break. They provide a snapshot of where your child is at in their learning journey. If I you haven’t already done so, it is important that parents have conversations with their child/ren as to their progress. Comments and feedback around effort, attitude, classwork and homework are as important (if not more so) than grades. The start of the second Semester provides students with the opportunity to take stock, and establish their learning goals for the second half of the year. Establishing good study and homework routines are crucial to the achievement of those learning goals. Consistent, focused effort in class is another key element if our young people are to achieve their goals.
As we embark on a new Semester I would encourage our students to exhibit a ‘Plus Ultra’ attitude in all that they do, but most especially in their learning. Plus Ultra is, of course, the College’s motto and is Latin for ‘ever higher’. Plus Ultra is given practical expression at St Peters through our focus on the ‘Quest for Personal Bests’. This focus on achieving personal bests is very much in keeping with what those Old Scholars and former Staff who have gone before us were focused on. Mr Bill Lohe, the College’s second Headmaster, in a letter in 1978 (eight years after his retirement), stated that – ‘the idea (Plus Ultra) is as I see it not to make the other person the measure of one’s achievement, rather the individual is called upon to rise above themselves - the motto places no limit on rightful aspiration and endeavour’.
To the fine young men and women of St Peters as you commence Term 3 set your aspirations high, and engage in purposeful endeavour with studies and co-curricular activities so as to enable you to achieve your ‘Plus Ultra’, your personal best.
Tim Kotzur
Head of College