“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31)
“How are you? Did you have a good break?”
“Yes, thank you – and what about you?”
.. this has been the opening sentence for many, returning from the recent holidays (can you still remember?). And sometimes people stop and want to know more, if you feel rested, what you actually enjoyed doing, where have you been – if at all – away from home?
Entering a new term and semester, facing the class to teach, observing the calendar and feeling challenged by the long ‘To Do’ - list - it is good to be reminded, that:
God equipped us with our unique talents to do well what we are doing
We are called to serve in our specific role and may trust, that we are ‘good enough’, that we can enjoy special moments granted and pursue even if we sometimes may feel that we haven’t given it our best: tomorrow is another day that presents another opportunity!
Like 'recent highlights', photos that you have taken during the holidays that pop up unexpectedly on your phone, taking you back to those special moments and places, you may hear the quiet voice of God, inviting you to ‘come away’ and rest, to take a deep breath, to listen to the chirping bird in the tree or to feel the warmth of the sun; to take a moment to just be; to be allowed to see the ‘now’ in the broader picture that makes the stressors of the day less relevant.
To let go of the 'have to', the should, the ought.
Notice how you feel, putting down the weight of expectations, entrusting your worries and pressures to the one who invites you to carry it for you;
Practise this Sabbath exercise,
This holy desertion
So you may take it with you into the daily; to be and to enjoy the present moment, to do well in the promise that you are held in the presence of the One who is deeply committed to you.
Chaplain Silke
Important Notices
Continuing 2022 Enrolments and Departures
The College is currently receiving a high demand for places in a number of Year Levels for 2022. While it is College Policy for families to provide one term’s notice of student withdrawals, it would assist us with our planning for 2022 for families that are already aware they will be departing the College at the end of the 2021 school year, to provide notice in advance to the Enrolments Office.
Notification of student withdrawals should be emailed in writing to enrolments@stpeters.qld.edu.au, stating the student details, reason for withdrawal and where your child will be enrolled in 2022.
Formal notification will be required by Friday 17 September, 2021 in order to avoid the penalty of a term’s fees in lieu of such notice.
If your child is currently in Year 12, or continuing at St Peters in 2022, no further action is required.
We appreciate your assistance as we plan for 2022.
Julian Schubert Enrolments Registrar
2023 Sibling Enrolments
Families with children already at St Peters Lutheran College wishing to enrol a sibling for 2023 are reminded to submit an enrolment application for your child, if you haven’t already done so. Please note that due to a very high demand for places in some Year Levels, applications for siblings received after 31 July 2021 cannot be guaranteed a place, and will be placed on our waitlist.
The Child Protection Policy provides written processes about the appropriate conduct of staff and students that accord with legislation applying in Queensland about the care and protection of children. Further information can be found in the following documents located on Firefly:
Child Protection Policy
Child Protection Student Leaflet
Around the College
Langer Library
Monday 19 July was Junior High Literature Day 2021 at the Langer Library.
This annual event is always a highlight of Term 3 with students, teachers and staff looking forward to welcoming our guests’ speakers.
This year, award-winning authors, Tristan Bancks and Brian Falkner, presented across two venues (Langer Library and the PAC Theatrette), each author having four sessions which entailed addressing more than 360 students.
Their presentations were dynamic and engaging, with insights given into their writing styles, childhood experiences, the importance of emotions, music playlists, languages and emerging technologies which have all influence their writing.
The audience was in awe while soaking up practical writing advice from Brian and Tristan. We now have readers lining up to borrow their books including Two Wolves, The Fall, Detention, Brainjack, The Tomorrow Code and the Katipo Joe series.
What an extraordinary day!
Starting now, we continue with many weeks celebrating The Children Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book Week.
Cocurricular, 9A & 9B Form Class and Portrait Photos, Music Photos
Monday 9 August
The following co-curricular photos will be taken in front of Theile House:
Chapter One
Environment Committee
Ethics Olympiad
Future Problem Solving
Multicultural Committee
Social Justice Group
Theatre Sports
Tuesday 10 August
The following photos will be taken in Café 45:
Year 12 Boarder Photo
9A and 9B Form Class and Portrait Photos
Junior High Leaders
Family/Sibling Photo make up day (7:00am - 7:45am)
The following photos will be taken in front of Theile House:
Music Photos – schedule, including uniform requirements, will be sent from the Music Department (see section below)
How to Order
Cocurricular Photos: Personalised order forms will be distributed to students after the proofing process has been completed. This can take several weeks.
9A & 9B: Personalised envelopes will be distributed to students one week before scheduled photo date. Ordering can be made online – please follow the instructions on the order form.
Please CLICK HERE for the cocurricular schedule and please see below for the Music schedule. Please check the APP, Firefly and Student Notices.
Thank you to St Peters P&F for supporting our Robotics Club with the approval of a grant to purchase devices. These devices will be used by students, and teams, when needing to code a robot, especially for those students from UP who use iPads, with Micromelons (not yet compatible with iPads).
Students will be able to take these devices when they go to competitions, as they are lightweight and robust.
Robotics students are excited to have such efficient and fun devices to use, and that they can now get straight into coding.
Our Secondary Debating Competition finished with the last round four debates for the Year 8 Debaters on Thursday 3 June. We have been fortunate to compete in the QDU competition again this year, after COVID cancelled this for 2020. With 14 teams competing in the four-round competition (Years 8–12), it was pleasing to see all our teams win at least one or two debates, with some very tough competition. Many of our students were first year debaters. Congratulations to our 10.1 Debating Team, coached by Mr Ben Kanowski (an Old Scholar), who have made it through to the finals. They were winners of their round-one debate last Wednesday 21 July. They will now compete in their next final debate next Wednesday 28 July at Churchie. We wish these students (Ria R, Ellie F, Max M, Rachel H and Sophie C) all the best for this final.
A big thank you to all the Coaches who gave their time and expertise to coach our teams again this year.
Mr Lath Stewart
Mrs Sue Dobrenov
Dr Michelle Gibson
Miss Brynlea Gibson (Old Scholar)
Mr Ben Kanowski (Old Scholar)
Mr Oliver Jayasinghe (Old Scholar)
Mrs Anita O’Donnell
Miss Sara Dobrenov (Old Scholar)
Mrs Susan Bingham
Miss Emily Jayasinghe (Old Scholar)
Ms Lucy Boland
Mr John Ma (Old Scholar)
The Year 7 round robin competition has begun with all four St Peters teams winning their first debate on Wednesday 9 June. Well done Year 7s, we look forward to hosting some fantastic debates ahead this term.
Year 7 Debate evenings (hosted at St Peters Lutheran College – Indooroopilly):
Round 2 – Thursday 29 July
Round 3 – Thursday 19 August
Round 4 – Wednesday 8 September
Included is a picture of our 11.1 team – Cherise M, Charlie H, Jiya B, Mihir Sand Caio F (coached by Dr Gibson), after their Round 2 win earlier this year. The team has debated together for many years and we look forward to seeing them back for their final Year 12 year of Debating.
Our 8.3 Debating Team (coached by Ms Lucy Boland) after winning their round 1 debate – Alice J, Charlton E, Pranay P, Indigo J and Leo H.
Mrs Allie Walsh Debating Coordinator
Primary Years
Primary Years news
Congratulations to the Lower Primary String students who completed violin exams at the end of Term 2 (pictured). These students took the opportunity to demonstrate both their technical and musical skills and challenge themselves in an exam setting. For many of these students this was their first instrumental exam, and we congratulate them all on their success.
For students in Years 3 and 5, Term 3 sees the excitement of our Outdoor Education Program with these students attending camp. The article below from Dr Judith Locke outlines simple things families can do to more fully prepare children for this camping experience. Please take a couple of minutes to read and perhaps take away some useful ideas if they resonate with you.
You Child and their School Camp – Dr Judith Locke
So your child’s year group is about to go to school camp and they (or you) are not feeling too confident about it. But before you pull the pin and write the letter excusing them, I’d urge you to think about whether you will deny your child important opportunities.
School camps are a significant rite of passage in a child’s school years. Getting out of the classroom and into nature provides important chances for them. They’ll develop different relationships with their teachers and peers and learn from the wonderful salt-of-the-earth people that run camps and outdoor experiences.
In my teaching days I saw many students who were shy in the classroom really blossom when camping. I also saw some bookish students gain new confidence when they attained physical accomplishments on camp.
But increasingly I hear teachers lament that many children go through their entire school life without attending a school camp. Unfortunately, these days, many children are more likely to miss out because their parent allows them to miss it. The reason? Sometimes the child would prefer to stay with their parent, particularly if the home situation is extremely cushy. Sometimes the child lacks the skills their peers have acquired, because their parents have done too much for them. Teachers tell me that some children don’t know how to dress themselves or scrape their plate of remaining food in Year 5, because their parent has overhelped them.
Children should want to get away with their friends and their reluctance might mean you are making things too easy and pleasant for them at home. If they are catastrophizing about being away from the gaming device or TV, that’s probably a sign that they are not outdoors enough to realise the joys outside. Or they are being allowed too much time on screens.
If they are extremely worried about being away from you for the night, it might mean that they are not developing sufficient independence. If so, you might need to deliberately set up some more situations where they aren’t in your company and praise them when they show such maturity.
But it is also important to consider your comfort in being away from your child for one or two nights. Teachers tell me some parents deliberately stay in a location close to the camp so they can keep an eye on their child, or ask the school if the child can just do day activities and then come to a warm bed and a parent hug that night.
The year level timing of school camps is not at all a random thing. Schools decide when children should be emotionally ready to be away from their parents for a night or two and when they will get the most from being outdoors. If your child seems not ready to go to a camp that their peers are capable of attending, then I have to say it means that you need to look at your home situation and work out what you need to do to get your child back on track.
Scheduled school activities aren’t things you can pick and choose from. Great educational minds have developed a curriculum that helps develop your child socially, emotionally and academically. Missing any school activity may come at some cost to your child.
Pyjama Day – Friday 23 July
The Primary Years students are invited to wear pyjamas bottoms (winter) with a College sports shirt and joggers for the day. Alternatively, they can wear a pyjama top (winter) with their College sports shorts and joggers.
It will be a gold coin donation on the day, or families can donate through the fundraising page here.
The Pyjama Foundation works to provide children in foster care the opportunity to change the direction of their lives with learning, life skills and confidence.
Lisa Challenor Head of Primary Years
Lower Primary Library Term 3 News
Since 1945, The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has celebrated CBCA Book Week in educational institutions, bookstores and libraries across the country. The theme for CBCA Book Week 2021 is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’.
During Term 3 Prep – Year 3 Library lessons, students will be reading CBCA shortlisted books aligned with their Units of Inquiry and responding to texts using print, art and technology.
There will be a number of competitions to celebrate Book Week which students are encouraged complete at home (details to follow), a Scholastic Book Fair for Lower Primary families to visit before and after school, author visits and a P-6 Book Week free dress where students and staff are encouraged to put together a homemade costume to come dressed as a favourite book character and donate a gold coin to support The Pyjama Foundation, supporting the literacy of children in foster care. Mrs Daley is an ambassador for The Pyjama Foundation and you can read more about their important work here.
Dates to Note
Authors Yvonne Mes (Prep – Year 1) and Jess Black (Years 2 – 3): Wednesday 18 August
CBCA Book Week: 21 – 27 August
Scholastic Book Fair: 26 – 31 August
Prep – Year 6 Book Week Dress Up Day: Thursday 26 August
Parents and caregivers are welcome to visit the Lower Primary Library before and after school and meet Mrs Megan Daley and our new Lower Primary Library Technician, Mrs Ana Malta. With extensive experience in school libraries and the kidlit community in Brisbane we welcome Mrs Malta to St Peters!
Megan Daley Lower Primary Teacher/Librarian
Senior School
Film, Television & New Media excursion
Last month, a group of St Peters Film, Television & New Media students were fortunate to visit the set of Amazon Prime’s The Wilds at Village Roadshow Studios. The students received extra special treatment when cast member Alex Fitzalan joined them throughout the set visit, while also hearing from the Showrunner Amy Harris, and Tracey Viera & Tracey Robertson from Hoodlum. A huge thank you to Hoodlum Productions for making this possible!
The Arts
Artist in Residence
Artist Joachim Froese spent three days at the College working with Senior Art students this week. He presented an informative and inspiring talk about his career and photographic practice.
An experienced Griffith College of Art lecturer, he worked with individual students to further develop their photography and photoshop techniques. He also assisted them in researching and reflecting upon their work for the IA3 assessment.
Joachim generously brought along some of his key works and explained how he goes about developing meaning. His website: http://www.joachimfroese.com/
This program was partly funded with the proceeds of the Soundscape Art auction held in March.
Joachim is also a featured artist in the Art textbook ‘Creative Inquiry’ Cambridge.
Primary Sport
“For the world is movement, and you cannot be stationary in your attitude toward something that is moving.” Henri Cartier-Bresson
Primary Year Track and Field Inter-House Carnivals
Please note the upcoming dates early in Term 3:
Years 4 – 6 Inter House Track and Field Carnival (Conclusion of events) Friday 23 July | Mayer Oval
Completion of Rotation 2 events
Rotation 3 events
200m Events
100m Finals
Form Class Relays (Years 5 and 6)
Primary Cocurricular Sport Term 3
The following sports are on offer in Term 3.
Boys AIC Basketball – Term 3 training has commenced
Boys AIC Tennis – Term 3 training has commenced
Years 4-6 Primary Years Track and Field – Term 3 training will commence on Wednesday 28 July
Girls Club (WDNA) Netball – Term 3 training continues each Wednesday afternoon throughout Term 3
Boys AIC Basketball
Years 5 and 6 AIC Basketball training will commence on Wednesday 14 July at the St Peters Outside Gym Courts. Training will continue each Wednesday afternoon in Term 3, concluding on Wednesday 8 September. All Basketball games will be played after school on Friday afternoons during Term 3. Round 1 will be held on Friday 23 July. A bus will transport teams to and from AWAY games.
Boys AIC Tennis
Years 5 and 6 AIC Tennis training will be run each Friday afternoon in Term 3. Training has commenced and will conclude on Friday 10 September. Only boys on the Years 5 and 6 Tennis teams will be able to attend the training sessions. All AIC Games will be played on Saturday mornings commencing on Saturday 24 July with Round 1 against Padua. The final round of the season will be on Saturday 11 September.
Primary Years Boys and Girls Track & Field Training
Following the Years 4-6 Track and Field Carnival last Friday, a Years 4-6 Track and Field team will be selected. The selected students will be invited to attend Primary Years athletics training during Term 3. The training sessions will be run on Monday and Wednesday afternoons beginning on Wednesday 28 July. An email will be sent home to parents concerning the Track and Field training sessions once the Primary Years Track and Field team has been selected.
Girls Club Netball
We are at the midway mark of the 2021 WDNA Netball Season. Term 3 WDNA Training will continue each Wednesday afternoon throughout Term 3. The WDNA Day Season will continue each Saturday morning with Division Finals being played in late Term 3. It has been great to see the St Peters girls playing each Saturday morning in the WDNA competition and improving each week.
Hip Hop Dance: Monday 16 August – Wednesday 15 September
Hip Hop Dance Spectacular – Wednesday 15 September
Girls Sport
Girls Sport Coordinator Mrs Anne-Marie Champion
Thank you to the many St Peters families who supported their daughters’ involvement in sport over the weekend following the COVID Safe guidelines in place. We will continue to keep you informed with restrictions as they stand at the time. We really appreciate the support shown by our families to allow us to continue to provide the girls an amazing sporting experience.
Congratulations - Girls Sport Term 3 Open Teams & Captains
Open Team: Kayla N, Mia B-W, Sian Z, Milly T, Renee C, Kiara C, Olivia R, Millie W, Chloe D & Larika M
Netball Captains: Larika M & Olivia R and Vice-Captains: Milly T & Tilly C
Open Team: Chloe B, Laylani V, Ophelia T, Hilal D, Leila J, Claudia L, Jess P, Charli G, Paige F & Kianga B
Volleyball Captains: Claudia L & Jess P and Vice-Captains: Paige F & Luana A-A
Open Team: Jemma G, Hayley J, Emma P-K, Mia H-M & Rachael M
Tennis Captains: Hayley J & Jemma G
Open Team: Ella-Jaye H-L, Zoe T, Niamh d- J, Maisy W, Lauren H, Jane R, Ella T, Oona B, Melinda H, Sophia J, Sammi N, Lily R, Amelie P, Tayden T & Lina B
Hockey Captains: Jane R & Lauren H and Vice-Captains: Sammi N & Melinda H
Open Team: Rachael W & Michelle W
Rhythmic Gym Captain: Michelle W and Vice-Captain: Jessica L
Open 1st VIII Crew: Ella H, Milena C, Giselle G, Alice J, Jessica G, Zoe M, Isabelle C, Lily M & Gabby K
Rowing Captains: Lily M & Ella H and Vice-Captain: Giselle G
WINTER FIXTURES – Netball, Volleyball, Hockey & Tennis
Congratulations to all girls on the way they represented St Peters last Tuesday and Saturday in the first round of QGSSSA Winter Fixtures. It’s always great to get the first game played so our teams & coaches can move forward with their training plans for the season. It was a successful round against opponents Clayfield College which was pleasing to see.
Round 2 this Saturday sees us take on our local rivals St Aidan’s. Please watch for communication from your respective sport coordinators and keep an eye on the St Peters App for the weekly draw. Please ensure you arrive on time and in the correct uniform to prepare for your games. Good luck to all teams.
It was a great start to the 2021 QGSSSA Netball season with pleasing results against Clayfield College. Fixtures commenced on the first day back of Term 3 for our Senior A & Senior B teams due to the Year 12 formal. Both teams came away with convincing victories and the bus ride home was enjoyed by all!
Saturday was a beautiful day for the remainder of the Netball fixtures with three more games against Clayfield, five games again BGGS No 2 teams & our Senior A (2) team travelling to Ipswich to take on IGGS. The girls certainly took advantage of the home court and played some excellent Netball to win 7 from the 9 remaining games, the standout of the day was an impressive win by the 9A team. An excellent start to the season and we look forward to seeing all teams take the court in close to a full round of fixtures this Saturday against St Aidan’s and our Senior A (2) take on the BGGS (2) team at UQ. Best of luck to all teams and we are excited to see our 2021 7A & Open teams hit the court for the first time this season.
Player of the Round, the ‘ON COURT WIZZARD’
7B – Claire C
7C – Emma G
8A – Amelia R
8C – Zoe B
9A – Ella McC
8/9 C – Lucy A
10C – Sophe K
Senior A – Ash S
Senior B – Luci G
Senior C (1) – Sophie W
Senior C (2) – Aaliyah C
Round 2 Draw v St Aidan’s: Saturday 24 July – Please CLICK HERE for the draw
Last Saturday the Junior A team played their first game against a spirited Moreton Bay outfit. There was the usual early season rust in combination with a lot of the team playing their first ever game of Hockey. Great gains were made in the second half as positions and roles were starting to make sense to the girls. Eventually the team lost 4-0 but there is a lot of promise within the group and I am excited to see how they develop over the season.
Round 2 Draw v St Aidan’s: Saturday 24 July – Please CLICK HERE for the draw
It was a strong performance across the board for the St Peters QGSSSA Volleyball teams for Round 1 against Clayfield College. Matches began first day back for our Open and Senior A teams, with the new look Open team playing some consistent Volleyball to come out on top 25-16, 25-21, 25-17 which was a great way for them to kick off the season proper. Similarly, the Senior A team had a strong showing also reigning supreme in a 3-0 victory.
Friday night featured the 7B and 7C teams playing some round robin matches against each other to gain some valuable match experience as they wait for some of the larger QGSSSA schools to provide them with a competitive QGSSSA match. There were lots of smiles and plenty of good three touch plays on display with the girls looking to implement what they had been practicing earlier in the week. Matches concluded on Saturday where our girls dominated proceedings against Clayfield winning three of the four matches, with the 7A, 9A and 10A teams all victorious.
For the 8A team it was a hard-fought match against a talented Clayfield side, however the lingering effects of the weeklong Year 8 camp held the girls back from playing their best – look out St Aidan’s next week! With Clayfield unable to field teams in every division, Saturday also featured some in-house fixtures which were very competitively fought with the combined Senior B/C team defeating the 10B team 2-1, and the 9B team pipping the 8B team, also 2 sets to 1.
Special congratulations to the 7A team, winning team of the week, and the following players who were awarded MVP for their games - Zoe A, Felicity W, Helena B, Rosie C, Savannah N and Myla M.
Round 2 Draw v St Aidan’s: Saturday 24 July – Please CLICK HERE for the draw
The QG Tennis season is underway with our Senior A and Junior B teams playing Clayfield College. Congratulations to the Junior B team for taking a win this week. It was great to see all girls on court applying the skills they have learnt during pre-season training, and we look forward to seeing all teams in action for Round 2.
Round 2 Draw v St Aidan’s: Saturday 24 July – Please CLICK HERE for the draw
We wish the Rowing Girls all the best in their first Brisbane School Girls Rowing Association (BSRA) Regatta of the year this Saturday at Wyaralong Dam. The girls have been preparing for the season since the start of Term 2, including a Rowing Camp in the first week of the June/July holidays. Good luck girls!
In preparation for this regatta, last Sunday a small group of Year 10 students competed at the South East Queensland State Schools Championships at Wyaralong Dam. This regatta saw the Year 10 1st crew, consisting of Olivia A, Bridget D, Robyn M, Niamh S & Brianna D, achieve a silver medal, only two second behind first place in the Year 10 school girls quad scull event. The Year 10 2nd crew, consisting of Mandelah C, Lilly K, Kate M & Lara F, achieved sixth place in this same race. These are extremely promising results for these two crews they both raced against many of the BSRA competitors that they will be competing against this weekend in this race.
This week at Rhythmic Gymnastics the girls worked so hard on their routines. It was impressive to watch.👏😊 Morale was certainly at training and all groups performed exceptionally well!
Remember! There are only two more training sessions until QGSSSA competition day - Friday 6 August. Full attendance is so important at this stage from here on in.
Please note: Full dress rehearsal is now Wednesday 4 August. Full details of how the afternoon will run will be sent prior to the date.
Last night we also saw Brisbane being announced as the host for the 2032 Olympics! It was great to share the excitement with the girls and coaches last night!
* Don’t forget* You must email me if you are unable to attend training on Wednesday afternoons - n.maynard@stpeters.qld.edu.au
As always, great job with training this week girls! Keep practising and keep smiling🤸♀️👍😊
Well done to all students who have been attending training over the past few weeks. It has been fantastic to see the numbers continuing to grow. It is important for students to remember that consistency is the key both in being consistent with how we train and consistent with how often we perform. There are more sessions available this season across all events. Please check the St Peters App for the latest training schedule. If you have any questions about when and where to train, please see either Mr Donatini, Mr Nodwell or Mr Lohe. Remember – in 2021, we want ‘Exceptional!’
Boys Sport
Luke Donatini Boys Sport Coordinator 3377 6234 | l.donatini@stpeters.qld.edu.au
After a successful trial round of Boys Sport last Saturday against St Edmunds’s College, St Peters are ready and eager to commence the competitive season for AIC Basketball and Tennis.
Round 1 of AIC Basketball and Tennis will see our College verse Padua College with our Senior teams playing at ‘home’ venues and our Junior teams playing ‘away’ at Padua College venues.
It is important to remind all players, coaches, officials and spectators that all must be wearing a face mask at all times unless ‘in the field of play’ competing, coaching or officiating. It is also vitally important that everyone (except players) checks in on arrival at their respective sporting venue.
For more information pertaining to game times and venues of all boy’s sport fixtures for this coming weekend, please check the St Peters App.
Congratulations On Recent Success
We would like to acknowledge some recent success of boys who have achieved selection into various Queensland representative sporting teams.
Wayne M (Year 12) – QUEENSLAND REDS U18
Kadin P (Year 11) – QUEENSLAND REDS U18
Also, special mention to the below boys who have made selection into the Australian Junior Swimming Team
Kai T (Year 12)
Tom N (Year 12)
Robbie T (Year 11)
Josh S (Year 11)
St Peters Track & Field is also now well and truly underway and we are experiencing really good participation numbers at training. We are really excited for the 2021 Track & Field season ahead.
This week St Peters had more than 90 students compete that the Northern Eagles District Track & Field Trials on Wednesday and Thursday. We are confident that our athletes are preparing well and in good shape to do some special things in 2021. We wish them continued success and encourage any students wanting to get involved to do so with great enthusiasm.
For further information about training and upcoming Track & Field meets, please refer to the St Peters App.
The below named Coordinators have already been communicating via email with all boys who have sign on and who have been attending training. We do ask that all boys please open and read these informational emails which pertain to their chosen sport for Term 3.
Our AIC Term 3 Boys Sport Coordinators for 2021 are:
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App.
SPOSA news
Reunion weekend is not far away and we will be kicking off in style with a Cocktail Party in the Chapel Forecourt. All Old Scholars grab your friends, old and new, and come along and celebrate with us.