Welcome to Term 4, which promises to be a busy and action-packed end of year.
Below are a few important Junior High date claimers to mark in your diaries:
Week 2
- Parent Teacher Interviews Yrs 9, 10 & 11– Tuesday 12 October (3.30pm-7pm)
Week 4
- Community Focus Day – Wednesday 27 October
- 'Day for Daniel’ – Friday 29 October (due to EKKA holiday – alternative date will be advised)
- EKKA Holiday – Friday 29 October
Week 6
- 9L/M departs for Ironbark – Tuesday 9 November
- Remembrance Day – Thursday 11 November
- Year 7 Immunisation Day (second visit) – Friday 12 November
Week 8
- Junior High Cocurricular Awards Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 23 November
- Junior High Welcome Morning (Year 7 2022) – Friday 26 November
- Carols Under the Stars – Sunday 28 November
Week 9
- Last day of school for Junior High – Tuesday 30 November
Outstanding Service Awards
This week at the Junior High Year Level Assemblies students were reminded to nominate for consideration for the Outstanding Service Awards for 2021. Earlier this year they were emailed an explanation of the award and with an application form attached. These awards recognise students who have actively demonstrated our Christian values of Respect, Care and Concern for others through their outstanding individual contributions and service to Junior High and/or the broader College community.
All students in Years 7-9 are eligible to be considered for these awards and they can self-nominate or a staff member can nominate them. Nominations might be based on the fact that the student has:
- A record of significant and sustained service during the year - such as volunteering for special events (e.g. Open Days, JH Welcome Day, Social Justice Week, Parent breakfasts, Kaleidoscope ushering etc.) either within Junior High or the College as a whole.
- A student who has initiated and led a particular service project or fund-raising initiative within the College.
The students who are nominated are usually recognised as being an inspiration and role model to others through his or her service to Junior High or the general College community.
All nominations will be considered on their individual merits by the Junior High Academic Care and Wellbeing Leadership group, consisting of Head of Junior High, Deputy Head of Junior High and the Year Level Coordinators.
Each year we select between three and eight recipients at each Year Level in Junior High. It is a very prestigious award with very high standards and expectations - and only a handful of the students who are nominated are successful in being selected. The successful Award recipients at each year level will be announced at the Junior High Awards Ceremony next month.
We realise there have not been as many opportunities this year but encourage students to apply if they think they think they have shown service and commitment to Junior High or the College this year. Applications are due at Junior High Reception by 3:45pm - Monday 1st November. Those students currently at Ironbark will also have the opportunity to complete forms. Information and an application form can be found on Firefly via the link below.
On Tuesday morning we farewelled 9 J & K as they left on their Ironbark adventure. A reminder that an Indooroopilly staff member usually travels to Ironbark each week so if you have any items that needs to be delivered for students currently at Ironbark, please drop them into Junior High Reception.
As you are aware, next Tuesday 12 October we will hold our Parent-Teacher Interview Evening in the Dohler classrooms for Years 9-11. These interviews are a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet with their student’s teachers and discuss progress, areas requiring attention and strategies for ongoing improvement. These evenings are an important and effective way of parents meeting numerous teachers in a short time. We acknowledge that not all families will be able to be catered for in the one evening and remind parents that they are also able to contact teachers at any time throughout the year via email or telephone should they have any questions or concerns. Please direct any queries to Academic Operations (A.Operations@stpeters.qld.edu.au)
A number of Junior High classes will have Pre-Service Teachers attached to them this term. Gaining work experience ‘in the field’ is a mandatory part of teacher training and involves a number of stages or blocks of time. Pre-Service Teachers work through stages from spending time purely observing classes up to ‘internships’ where they are given provisional teacher registration and are able to teach, assess and report on units of work. Throughout all of these stages Pre-Service Teachers are supervised, monitored and work closely with experienced teachers. Should you have any queries or concerns please contact the supervising teacher involved.
Shop 45 has sock garters available for purchase and all boys are asked to purchase a pair. Alternatively, they could make their own from elastic. This is the easiest way to ensure their socks remain up and tidy throughout the day.
The ‘Day for Daniel’ is a National Day of Action to raise awareness of child safety, protection and harm prevention. It is about educating children and adults about keeping kids safe through child safety and protection initiatives. It aims to help empower our children to ‘Recognise, React and Report’ if they feel something is not right. Day for Daniel is also an opportunity for Australians to make a statement that crimes against children are not acceptable in modern Australia.
The objectives of Day for Daniel are:
- To raise awareness about child safety and protection; and to promote a safer community for children.
- To educate children regarding their personal safety and empower them to ‘Recognise, React and Report’.
- To educate and equip individuals and communities with knowledge and skills to understand child safety and protection requirements and empower them to take action.
- To provide FREE safety and educational material.
- To honour the memory of Daniel Morcombe.
All students in Junior High will have the opportunity to wear red in recognition of the importance of child safety – this includes to and from school. This is not a free dress day but a ‘themed’ day. Examples of what students can wear includes:
- Red embellishments with their normal uniform such as ribbons, socks etc.
- HPE shorts or red shorts with a red shirt
- HPE shorts with Mitchell House Shirt
If students are unsure of what to wear they should check with their Year Level Coordinator.
There seems to be an increasingly large number of students who are ‘hanging around’ the College at the end of the school day, not being picked up until 5pm or waiting for training or an event to start after 5pm. In most cases it seems that parents have instructed their child to go to the library to make a start on their homework until they are picked up. Unfortunately, it seems that some students are instead using this as a time to meet up and socialise. I would take this opportunity to ask you to speak to your child about the expectations outlined below and would encourage you to contact the library on 3377 6273 from time to time ensure they are where they are supposed to be.
When school has finished, day students are to leave the school by 3.30pm unless involved in an official, adult-supervised activity.
After 3.30pm, day students who are still at school must go to one of the following:
- the Langer Library; or
- an organised cocurricular activity;
Students should not wait in the vicinity of the boarding houses, classroom passageways, locker areas, ovals or other isolated areas after 3.30pm. The College cannot accept responsibility for the care of day students during these ‘out of hours’ periods, if they are not attending one of the above activities.
Students waiting at the College after 5pm due to Sports practice or other activities are encouraged to use the College bus stop waiting area.
Students must also leave school in full school or training uniform. No students should be getting changed into free dress at the end of the day to leave school.
Patricia Aishford
Head of Junior High