Tomorrow, Friday, is the final day for our Year 12s. It marks the end of their formal educational journey at the College. For 27 of the Class of 2022 that journey began with us 13 years ago in Prep, with others joining as the years progressed. Whether our Year 12s have been with us for 13 years, five years, or for one year, I wish to acknowledge and thank each member of the class of 2022 for the contribution that they have made to St Peters.
As a Year Level they have been a talented group. They have excelled across a whole range of endeavours – in the classroom, in a variety of sports, in music and the visual arts. They have led the way with things like SPYGT and House Sporting Carnivals; and have enhanced the School Spirit amongst the student body through their initiatives such as Focus Round. The way that they have sung, played a musical instrument or painted canvases has helped to grow the outstanding reputation for the arts that St Peters enjoys. Their desire to make a difference was evident in the variety of service activities, various Social Justice initiatives and a myriad of Community Service events. Their diversity of achievements reflect the diversity that is St Peters. Across an array of endeavours they have left their mark on our great College.
St Peters, though 77 years old, is what it is today, not because of any single defining event or moment; rather it has come about because of what each individual brings to our community. There is a piece of each member of the Class of 2022 in St Peters. They will always be part of the St Peters story, just as St Peters will always be part of their story.
We wish the Class of 2022 God’s richest blessing as they begin the next phase of their life’s journey, and look forward to their continuing involvement in our community through SPOSA as ‘A Saint for Life’.
“May the feet of God walk with you, and his hand hold you tight. May the eye of God rest on you, and his ear hear your cry. May the smile of God be for you, and his breathe give you life. May the child of God grow in you, and his love bring you home.”
Tim Kotzur Head of College
A Blessing for the Year 12s
As our College community farewells the Year 12s this week, here is a blessing that will be used in their Valedictory Dinner. It is a non-traditional paradox blessing created by a Benedictine Nun, Sister Ruth Fox, as she farewelled students in her Catholic school. It is a prayer of blessing for our graduating class of 2022 as they continue their journey through life enfolded in God’s grace, using their gifts to forgive, serve and heal others:
May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart. May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace. May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and turn their pain into joy. And may God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that in God’s grace, you can do what others claim cannot be done. Amen.
Tim Jarick College Pastor
Important Notices
Cashless Canteen/Tuckshop facilities from 2023
From the commencement of 2023 all canteen/tuckshop facilities at the College will be cashless. Cash will no longer be accepted for transactions at Café 45, and the external Coffee Shop. The preferred method of payment is still MSA (My Student Account) with EFTPOS available in the coffee shop and in the main dining hall.
Around the College
Langer Library
As the term ends, there are some changes to the Langer Library’s opening hours. The library will close at 5.30pm on the following days:
Thursday 17, Monday 21 and 28, and Tuesday 29 November.
The Christmas tree is decorated, and the carols have commenced. Our Christmas celebrations are underway with many fun lunchtime activities. Holiday borrowing is underway. So, make a list and come in and grab some holiday reads. Again, this year, we have our giveaway book Christmas tree. All the books that make this tree are looking for a new home.
Don’t forget that our eBooks are available 24/7 over the holidays. Use Sora or Wheelers for some lovely eBook and audiobook selections. Follow the instructions to download and get started.
The library staff take this opportunity to wish the Year 12 cohort all the very best for the future. Know that we will miss you. We hope you enjoyed the daily life size book characters appearing on the route to your exams.
The Langer Library Staff
Plus Ultra | November 2022 OUT NOW!
Click here to read the latest edition of Plus Ultra.
Academic Matters
From the Academic Hub
Week 8 will bring the final Year 11 exam block for 2022. This set of examinations includes Unit 3 summative exams and presentations that will be used in the 2023 cohort’s ATAR calculations. These examinations, therefore, are compulsory for students to attend. During this week, classes will not occur with makeup examinations scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of Week 9 as well.
Week 8 also brings Year 10 students Cross Grade examinations. At the times noted, students studying these subjects will attend exams. During all other times, normal classes will be scheduled.
The 2022 cohort will be farewelled with a Presentation Morning, Guard of Honour and Valedictory Dinner this Friday 18 November. On Friday 16 December, QCAA students will be notified of the results of all their hard work via the QCAA Student Portal at 9am. On Tuesday 3 January, the IB candidates will find their results released on the candidate website at 5am. Best of luck, students!
Primary Years
Primary News
"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable." - Joseph Addison
Research shows children who feel good about themselves have the confidence to try new things. They are more likely to try their best. They feel proud of what they can do. Self esteem helps children cope with mistakes. As a result, self esteem helps children do better at school, at home, and with friends.
Here are some helpful hints for parents:
Help your child learn to do things. At every age, there are new things for children to learn. Even during babyhood, learning to hold a cup or take first steps sparks a sense of mastery and delight. As your child grows, things like learning to dress, read, or ride a bike are chances for self esteem to grow and develop.
When teaching children how to do things, show and help them at first. Then let them do what they can, even if they make mistakes. Be sure your child gets a chance to learn, try, and feel proud. Don't make new challenges too easy — or too hard.
Praise your child but do it wisely. Of course, it's good to praise children. Your praise is a way to show that you're proud, however some praise can have a tendency to backfire.
Here's how to do it right:
Don't overpraise. Praise that doesn't feel earned doesn't ring true. For example, telling a child he played a great game when he knows he didn't feels hollow and fake. It's better to say, "I know that wasn't your best game, but we all have off days. I'm proud of you for not giving up." Add a vote of confidence: "Tomorrow, you'll be back on your game."
Praise effort. Avoid focusing praise only on results (such as getting an A) or fixed qualities (such as being smart or athletic).
Be a good role model. When you put effort into everyday tasks (like making a meal, cleaning up the dishes, or washing the car), you're setting a good example. Your child learns to put effort into doing homework, cleaning up toys, or making the bed.
Modelling the right attitude counts too. When you do tasks cheerfully (or at least without grumbling or complaining), you teach your child to do the same. When you avoid rushing through tasks and take pride in a job well done, you teach your child to do that too.
Focus on strengths. Pay attention to what your child does well and enjoys. Make sure your child has chances to develop these strengths. Focus more on strengths than weaknesses if you want to help children feel good about themselves. This improves behaviour too.
Self-esteem grows when children get to see that what they do matters to others. Children can help at home, do a service project at school, or do a favour for a sibling. Helping and kind acts build self-esteem and other good feelings.
Mrs Lia Sabri Deputy Head Upper Primary
Stepping up in the Primary Years
The end of the school year can be a nervous time for students, especially for those who will be making a major transition, such as starting Junior High, Upper Primary and for those stepping up from Prep to Year 1. For these students, there are many curiosities and questions about academic rigour, physical spaces, play spaces and generally how their school day will run. We have been preparing all students for their upcoming transitions, especially those that are making major transitions.
The big walk over the oval for our Prep students can be an exciting (and sometimes daunting) experience. The new and larger space is a consideration for some, along with existing at school alongside different aged peers. Our Prep students have had many opportunities to incidentally visit the Lower Primary classroom spaces each week through their specialist’s lessons and assemblies. We also have been offering our students an oval play each week on the ‘big oval’ to start to become more familiar with this style of play.
Preparing our Year 4 students to move to Upper Primary began in Term 1. The students have engaged in Library lessons in our Upper Primary precinct with Mrs Wheeler and Mrs Andrews in the Woodrow Library throughout the year. Sport For Life on Friday afternoon have also been with our Upper Primary students. Our Year 4 students have had lunch play ‘Up the Hill’ and have had other opportunities to experience the Upper Primary precinct.
Our Year 6 students have already experienced a Junior High Welcome morning to further familiarise themselves with the structure and routine of life in Year 7. Having worked so closely with the students and teachers in Year 7 throughout their time in Year 6, the transition to Junior high is a comfortable and seamless move to Junior High.
Junior High
Ethics Olympiad Years 8 and 9
Our students from Years 8 & 9 did an incredible job on Friday at the Middle School Ethics Olympiad Queensland Competition Day. The competition has now grown to over 190 schools worldwide and the standard of competition has risen exponentially.
The Year 9 team (Lucia B, Ava B, Elim M and Elizabeth W) came fifth (beating some very highly ranked Ethics Schools), and received a honourable mention for their Ethical behaviour and discussion. Our Year 8 team (Evie D, Keer F, Erica M, Rachel T and Yuan Z) came up against some very impressive teams and did extremely well.
Cases explored included:
Is it important for friends to help each other even when it is hard to do so? (movie – Coach Carter)
Birth tourism
Should we avoid using nuclear energy? (movie: Silkwood)
Paralympic pay parity
What obligations do nations have to each other? Are these obligations affected by things like economic, political or military power?
Does borrowing someone’s Netflix account constitute stealing? Under what conditions, if any, is stealing morally permissible?
Who is responsible (movie Jaws) – If the police chief says he was just following orders, do you think that would clear him of guilt over the boy’s death?
Does intention matter when it comes to bullying? (movie: The Social Network)
The Arts
Year 11 Visual Art : Authentic Art Experience at Kin Kin
On Friday 21 October, Year 11 Visual Art students traveled by bus to Kin Kin to work with artist, Simone Eisler, at her artist studio. Students are making artwork for their summative Unit 3 ‘Art as Knowledge’.
Simone Eisler is a Brisbane/Sunshine Coast artist who has exhibited her work internationally in the Philippines, Indonesia, New York, Belgium, Paris, Berlin and within Australia. Her practice covers drawing, painting, video and sound art and she is well known for a wide range of public artworks.This opportunity provided students with diverse stimulus and rich experiences that contrast the rural and urban contexts experienced at St Peters Indooroopilly. Students were creative and innovative in their responses, exploring a variety of subjects and materials.
Moran Arts Foundation - Old Scholar finalist
Moran Arts Foundation has announced the 30 finalists in the 2022 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize (DMNPP), Australia’s richest portrait prize.
Congratulations to David Fenoglio (Old Scholar, 2003) who is a finalist!
“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” Stephen R. Convey
Primary Cocurricular Sport Term 4
The following sports will be on offer in Term 4
St Peters Cricket
BWPI Girls Waterpolo
Years 4-6 Girls Basketball
Term 4 Mini Squad and Group 1 Squad for SPW Swimming – Information regarding training at the 25m pool in Term 4 has been emailed to all Years 2– 6 parents/caregivers.
Saturday Learn to Swim Private Lessons – Information regarding Learn to Swim Lessons running at St Peters 25m Pool has been emailed to Prep – Year 6 parents/caregivers.
Years 4-6 Girls Basketball
Throughout Term 4 we will be offering weekly basketball coaching sessions for Years 4-6 Girls. All Years 4-6 girls are welcome to attend the sessions.
To sign on for the Term 4 Basketball Sessions please CLICK HERE
The focus of the Basketball sessions will be to develop fundamental skills and basic gameplay.
Years 4-6 Term 4 Cricket
Please Note that Term 4 Cricket is underway at the St Peters Cricket Nets. All cricketers are welcome to attend the training sessions.
Any new St Peters Cricketers will need to complete the following form. Please CLICK HERE to complete the form.
Should you have any question concerning Term 4 Cricket, please contact St Peters Cricket Coordinator, Mr Gary Munday (
Primary Years HPE
All Prep – Year 6 students will be involved in Swimming during Term 4, Weeks 3–9. Students are required to wear the St Peters swimmers, the St Peters rash shirt, St Peters cap (if required) and goggles. Students have also been asked to bring along fins (flippers). These are required to assist with drill work in developing the stroke of the students. A towel is also required.
Any student unable to participate in swimming will be required to bring a note. If they are unable to participate for multiple HPE lessons, they will require a doctor’s certificate. Students have also been reminded that they are to bring a water bottle and are required to wear their hat to and from lessons.
Please remind students to bring their swimming gear each week for their weekly HPE Lesson for the remainder of the year.
HPE Dates Term 3
HPE Swimming: Weeks 3–9
Primary Years Swimming Carnivals
Years 1-3 and Years 4-6 Inter House Swimming Carnival.
St Peters 25m Pool. Wednesday 23 November Please CLICK HERE to read the Primary Years Swimming Carnival Letter.
Girls Sport
Girls Sport Coordinator – Anne-Marie Champion
“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.” Randy Pausch
This week is always a sad one as we farewell our Year 12 students. As I have been sorting through photos, I have realised how lucky I am to work with such amazing girls in the field of Sport that has been such a big part of my and my family’s lives.
Together with our Sport House team, as the girls venture off in various directions, we thank them for everything they have done for the College and for Girls Sport, we have enjoyed watching them grow to the fine young ladies they are today. Good luck and remember to keep embracing the benefits of physical activity beyond school.
I must take this opportunity to thank our 2022 Girls Sport Captains, Captains Milly T and Kayla N, and Sport Spirit Captains, Emily G and Sammi N, who I have loved working with this year. They have done an incredible job leading the way to improve our culture which is exciting for the future. We saw the continuation of the ‘Focus Rounds’, where students were encouraged to come and support our Open teams, these were an amazing success and another opportunity for our students from both campuses to come together as one.
Well done Milly, Kayla, Sammi & Emily! You have set an example for our future Girls Sport Captains to follow and we thank you and wish you well. I am certainly going to miss our regular meetings.
2022 AFLW Premiership Cup comes to St Peters
For the first time, the AFLW Premiership Cup, Australian Football women's most prestigious piece of silverware will travel to South Australia, Queensland and Victoria and visit local communities, football clubs, schools and NAB AFL Auskick centres. The journey commenced in Adelaide last Friday and arrived in Queensland on Tuesday. From Brisbane the cup will travel to Cairns before heading to Victoria for the final leg of the Tour.
Today it was St Peters' turn to have a firsthand look at this amazing piece of silverware. St Peters was selected as the school the cup would visit in Brisbane to recognise Old Scholar & current Brisbane Lions player Greta Bodey.
There was lots of eager students (and staff) gathered around to have a photo with the cup, this was especially exciting for our very keen Junior Australian Rules girls.
The Brisbane Lions will take on the Adelaide Crows this Friday 18 November, 6.40pm at Metricon Stadium. GO LIONS!
The fourth and final rescheduled Gala Day No 1 is on this Saturday morning. This inaugural Junior Australian Rules group of girls have embraced this wonderful opportunity to learn this great game in its first year in the QGSSSA. The girls have done an incredible job, the improvement from Week 1 is pleasing and exciting for the future.
Thank you to the parents who have been a wonderful support each week and special thanks to all our coaches.
Gala Day No 4 Results
Year 7 Round 5 – St Margaret’s 3.2.20 d St Peters 2.5.17 Round 6 – Brisbane State High 11.8.74 d St Peters 0.1.01
Year 8 Round 5 – St Peters 5.13.43 d St Margaret’s 1 0.1.1 Round 6 – St Peters 11.8.74 d Ipswich Girls Grammar 0.2.02
Year 9 Round 5 – St Aidan’s 5.3.33 d St Peters 4.5.29 Round 6 – St Peters 3.4.22 d Moreton Bay College 2.3.15
Congratulations to our 2022 Junior Australian Rules Awards Winners:
Year 7: MVP - Amy S; Coaches Award - Ruby T Year 8: MVP - Stella S; Coaches Award - Remi C Year 9: MVP - Grace D; Coaches Award - Isabelle G
Good luck girls for the final Gala Day this Saturday!
Please CLICK HERE for the RESCHEDULED Gala Day No 1 Draw, it can also be found on the St Peters App.
PLEASE NOTE – QGSSSA Senior Australian Rules & Softball are played in Term 1, girls cannot participate in both sports, they must choose one.
St Peters play in the QGSSSA Softball Competition which is played in Term 1 next year.
2023 Game Days are scheduled for Saturday February 4, 11, 18 & 25 with a WWD held on Saturday 4 March.
Trials for our 2022 Open/Senior Softball teams are now complete, well done to all girls involved. Our coaches are working hard to finalise the teams which will be named early next year.
U12 D2 were dominant and strong. This little team was super excited that our Water Polo Captains were cheering them on today. There is no better way to learn school spirit than by seeing your Years 11 and 12 peers pool side and leading by example. This team is full of swim fit future stars. However, Lucy S shone the brightest today receiving the award for the ‘Player with the best game Craft’.
U13 D2 team was depleted due to clashes of Netball Rep trials, Australian Rules and sickness. With only one sub they moved the ball around well giving them lots of attempts at goal. Emma played a smart game and Georgia was physically strong. The team award went to Jessie M with her numerous saves in front of the goals.
U13 D4 This game was extremely tight. With our 12’s playing the game before at All Hallows a mad dash over to Stuartholme to get the girls to the pool before half time paid off when we levelled the score 3-3. Unfortunately BGGS scored two quick goals late in the game. Eve, in goals, was fantastic, even the opposition coach commented on what a great game she played (he is a Premier League Goalie) so this compliment was extra special. A couple of thing’s need working on; 1: not going for the ball with two hands, and 2: getting back in defence. Greer’s fitness showed as she was strong in both attack and defence winning the Crafty Team Award.
U15 D3 lost 3–5; the Crafty Player of the team went to Emily R. Emily was awarded the prize due to her strong game in both attack and defence. Anni H was also clever. Romi scored a powerful goal from about seven metres out. Coaches, Rob and Tenealle, were disappointed with the teams pass placement and execution throughout the game. The poor passing lead to soft turnovers. However, to only lose by two goals it shows that all team members fought hard for the whole game.
U16 D2 Set up the win early scoring some quick goals. It was great to have Amelia, Maddie and Elspeth back from Ironbark but with girls coming back it also means we have lost Charlotte and Alex for the last couple of games of the first season. Beth was defensively strong in Centre Back. Chloe E scored a couple of exciting fast break goals and was awarded the Crafty Team Award. Due to having a bye last week Coach Jane gave the Skittles Award to Elspeth who played in goals in the second half. This team was full of encouragement for each other, and you could see the girls enjoying playing for each other. Zoe scored an absolute cracker of a goal. Special mention to Gabbi for her great goal. Lila K also scored a great goal and passed some great balls into Grace D who was powerful in Centre Forward. A great team performance although coach Jane was a little concerned about losing intensity in the second half.
U18 D3 Lost 6–10; Lila G-D had a hot hand scoring some great goals. Steph F had an awesome game as Goalie. I didn’t get to watch this match but from all accounts it was a little messy with patches of brilliance. Lila was awarded the Crafty Award for her performance.
Opens This low scoring game was closely contested. We went into the halftime break 2-0 up. With Mr Kotzur and Mrs Champion cheering, the girls toughed it out to win by one (3-2). Amazing Remaya B our Goalie was awarded the team prize.
Please CLICK HERE for the Round 5 Draw, it can also be found on the St Peters App.
Preseason training for the 2023 Open Basketball team is now complete for 2022, the final session concluded on Monday, it was great to see many new faces and the girls training hard in preparation for the 2023 season.
Training/trials will commence back in Week 2 of Term 1 on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings, please watch the St Peters App for further details.
Preseason training for the 2023 Open Football team is now complete. Well done to the many girls that attended the sessions offered in Term 4 this year.
Training/trials will commence back in Week 2 of Term 1 next year, please watch the St Peters App for further details.
The weights room will remain open over the holidays for all students on a St Peters Athletic Development program.
It is strongly recommended that those currently completing an Athletic Development program continue to do so. For those students interested in joining the Athletic Development program, it is an opportune time to do so as the gym will be considerably quieter over the holidays.
The holidays schedule will be released next week but please contact Mr Smith if you have any questions or you are interested in commencing.
Coordinator: Mr Peter Dawson –
Swimming sessions have commenced at the 50m pool for any girl playing Water Polo or wishing to do pre-season QGSSSA swim training. These sessions will be held on:
Monday afternoons 50m pool: 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Thursday afternoons 50m pool: 3:30pm – 4:15pm
There is no need for girls to sign on for these sessions, simply turn up to the pool for the sessions you can make.
Boys Sport
“What makes something special is not just what you have to gain, but what you feel there is to lose.” Andre Agassi
St Peters Semester 2 Sport Awards Presentation
This week was a special week for may of our students who have participated in sport this year. On the evening of Tuesday 15 November, we celebrated our Semester 2 Sports Awards where we recognised the wonderful achievements and sporting prowess of so many St Peters students. It was a terrific night of celebrations and a great opportunity to sit back and reflect on the 2022 year of sport at St Peters.
Congratulations to all the award winners and thank you for the sensational contribution you all have made to enhancing and supporting our College’s sporting programs.
Shining Bright On the World Swimming Stage
2022 has been a wonderfully successful year for St Peters swimmer Josh S (Year 12) who has achieved some amazing results on the world stage whilst also staying committed to his studies and well grounded.
After being selected and named in 2021 into the Australian World Junior Swimming Team, Josh competed at the 2022 Australian Swimming Championships in Adelaide in May where he won Bronze in the 800m Freestyle and placed a credible fifth place in the 400m Freestyle and fifth in the 1500m Freestyle.
These great performances secured his further selection into the 2022 Australian Junior Dolphins Swimming Team to compete at the 2022 Junior Pan Pacific Championships in Honolulu, Hawaii in August. It was at these Junior Pan Pacific Championships in August of 2022 where Josh (whilst swimming for Australia) performed amazingly and found some sensational form and confidence.
At the conclusion of the four days of competition, Josh completed his international swimming campaign with a stunning four Gold Medal haul. Securing two record breaking performances (400m freestyle & 4 x 200m freestyle), he also recorded the highest points (28 points) scored by a male competitor across their individual events at the 2022 Junior Pan Pacific Swimming Championships. This being of Australia’s best performances at a Junior Pan Pacific Championships.
Josh S swims a 3:48.36 in the 400m Freestyle to break a 12-year record at the Junior Pan Pacific Championships. The first time a swimmer has gone under 3:50 in this event. (Photo courtesy Jon Reiter and Swim Swam)
We, at St Peters, are extremely proud of Josh and what he has been able to achieve in his Senior year at St Peters both in and out of the pool. He has been a wonderful role model and leader whilst being a St Peters Boarder for the past six years. We are confident that Josh will continue to achieve more amazing success and we wish him well in all his goals and endeavours to wear the green and gold for Australia in the years to come. A true Plus Ultra effort indeed!
2023 Term 1 AIC Sports – Pre-Season Training
Our 2023 Term 1 Boys Sports pre-season training and preparations are now up and running.
All boys currently in Year 6 to 11 have been emailed information regarding ‘sign on’ and training days and times. We do ask that if a boy is interested in participating and have not yet signed on, please do so as soon as possible.
Training times /schedules are posted up on the St Peters App. We request that both students and parents please check the St Peters App for days and times of their respective sport training.
We do ask all boys to keep checking their emails for more important information pertaining to 2023 Term 1 sport.
Dress Standards at St Peters AIC Sports Training Sessions
An important reminder to all students about our College’s expectation surrounding correct dress standards at St Peters AIC training sessions:
All students training for Volleyball, Australian Rules and Cricket must be dressed in the correct St Peters Sports/PE uniform (including socks – if football socks are required, these are to be St Peters Football Socks).
Cold Weather – only the St Peters track top and track pants are to be worn if warm clothing is required.
Footwear – joggers/football boots are to be worn at all times by those students participating at any St Peters training session. No open footwear (eg. Slides or thongs etc) are to be worn at any time.
For further information about what is happening with 2022 Term 1 pre-season sports, please contact one of the below St Peters Coordinators:
With regards to wet weather and any unforeseen or potential cancellations of AIC sports, please ensure that you keep an eye out for notifications and alerts via the St Peters App.
Please CLICK HERE for the HCA Summer Holiday Clinic flyer
Carols Under the Stars
The St Peters P&F are proud to provide a variety of jumping castles and rides at this year's Carols Under the Stars. We encourage families to pre-purchase a wristband for each child to access all the rides before the day on Eventbrite. These can be collected from School Receptions from Wednesday 23 November.
Wristbands will also be available for purchase on the day from the Info Tent on Stolz Oval for $20pp.
Rides will operate from 4:00pm-6:00pm.
Note: Students performing in the Carols are eligible for a discounted price on ride wristbands (access restricted to after rehearsal 5:00pm-6:00pm) – please get the code from your Director of Music.
Old Scholars who are current parents | Wine and Cheese evening
Tennis Support Group at Carols Under the Stars
Did you know it’s just under two weeks to go until the St Peters Carols under the Stars? There will be rides and games running before Carols on Stoltz Oval, and the Tennis Support Group will be setting up Pickleball courts on the Tennis Courts at Stoltz Oval. Entry will be free to the courts, so anyone can come along and have a turn. Please ensure you wear non- marking sandshoes if you will be walking on the tennis courts.
The Pickleball courts will operate 4:00-5:30pm and we will need some volunteers to help out. If you can spare 30 mins on the day, please sign up at the link here. The Carols start after the games and rides have finished so you won’t miss any of the music by helping out.
In addition, we would like to notify you all of the Tennis Support Group committee for the year ahead. We are always keen to have more hands on deck, so if you would like to get involved, please contact Lija Marshall at
President - Tiff Kirkwood Vice President - Lija Marshall Treasurer - Tamara Hamilton Secretary - Sophie Lyons and Row Lester
We look forward to seeing you at Carols on 27 November!