2024 Academic Results
Class of 2024 Academic Results
St Peters Lutheran College proudly celebrates the outstanding academic achievements of the Class of 2024. These exceptional results reflect the dedication, perseverance, and focus of our students, supported by their families and guided by our committed teaching staff.
Highlights of the Class of 2024 Results
This year, St Peters is pleased to recognise 48 Scholars—students who achieved an ATAR or equivalent of 96.00 and above.
Key Statistics
- 5.47% received an ATAR of 99 and above
- 18.75% received an ATAR of 96 and above
- 43.75% received an ATAR of 90 and above
- 76.95% received an ATAR of 80 and above
- The median ATAR for the cohort was 87.20
(NB: These results include all students undertaking QCAA or IBDP courses who made their results available to St Peters)
Excellence Across Diverse Pathways
St Peters Indooroopilly offers Senior students a variety of academic pathways, including the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) subject options, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), and Vocational Education & Training (VET).
Of the 299 students in the 2024 Senior cohort:
- 56 students pursued the IBDP, with the highest score being 44 out of a maximum of 45. This represents the largest group of IBDP candidates in the College’s history.
- 95.3% of students earned a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
- 22.1% completed a VET Certificate or Diploma qualification.
Outstanding Subject Scores
In 2024, 13 students achieved a perfect score of 100 in an individual subject, while 13 students received a 99. Twenty-one students received a perfect score for the English or Literature external exam.
Recognising Individual Excellence
QCAA Dux and Proxime Accessits
Congratulations to our 2024 QCAA Dux Austin Liu, who achieved an ATAR 99.95. Austin was one of just 36 students in Queensland to achieve a Distinguished Academic Achievers Award from the QCAA. Austin will pursue a Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine at Monash University.
Well done to joint Proxime Accessits Max Hajkowicz and Alice Hynd, who both achieved an ATAR 99.80.
IB Dux and Proxime Accessit
Congratulations to our 2024 IB Dux, Michael Cheung, who achieved a score of 44. Michael plans to study for a Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and Bachelor of Commerce at the University of New South Wales.
A special mention also to our IB Proxime Accessit, Dominic FitzGerald, who scored 43.
A Team Effort
These achievements are a testament to the support of our parents and the expert guidance provided by our teaching staff. They have fostered a culture of excellence, empowering students to achieve their best.
As we celebrate the success of the Class of 2024, St Peters Lutheran College looks forward to continuing its tradition of academic distinction and supporting future students in reaching their full potential.
Congratulations, Class of 2024—you should be proud of yourselves!