Connections at Home
Cooking, exercise classes, trivia, pet appreciation, drama club and more—whoever said At Home Learning meant being alone didn’t know our St Peters community! Over the last month, staff and students from all year-levels have banded together after school hours to participate in a range of Zoom Extra-Curricular Activities. While many of these activities have wrapped up (with students now back on campus), the glowing reports are still rolling in. We caught up with Mrs Maynard to find out more about the innovative initiative that ensured St Peters maintained connections at home.
Mental Health At Home
Mental health awareness is important at the best of times. In the midst of COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, it’s even more crucial that we take measures to ensure good mental health, especially given our teachers and students have started At Home Learning this week. This article presents a few top tips for maintaining good mental health while online learning. Read on to find out more.
Teacher 'Guess Who'
Elite-level athletes are common at St Peters, but more so in the student body, or so we thought! Before the Term 1 Break, we met up with one of our new members of staff to find out a little more about them and their elite sporting career. Can you pick who it is?
St Peters and COVID-19
COVID-19 has caused a lot of uncertainty everywhere but, at St Peters, it's encouraged our College community to band together. Read how St Peters is keeping Care, Dignity & Respect at the forefront during the Coronavirus.
Update on Proposed College Masterplan
St Peters Lutheran College has developed a draft masterplan that sets out our vision to...